The week had finally finished, and it was now Saturday morning. Reagan and Ashton had packed the car for a day at the beach. They both loved the city of LA, but sometimes it was great to get away and just relax by the water for a while.
"It's nice to have a weekend off, so I can spend it with my girl," Ashton smiled over at Reagan as locked his hand with hers and drove down the highway.
"It's gonna be a good day," Reagan smiled back before turning the radio up a little louder and pulling her sunglasses onto her face.
Of course there was traffic getting to Santa Monica, but soon they were finally hauling their stuff from the car onto the sand, setting up a perfect spot to spend the day. There was plenty of people on the pier, and the beach was kind of busy, but Ashton and Reagan found a spot that wasn't too busy.
Ashton had brought some chairs and an umbrella while Reagan brought a blanket and some snacks.
"It's a nice day for the beach," Ashton smiled pulling off his shirt and dropping it on one of the chairs before laying down next to Reagan who was already laying out soaking up the sun.
"Mhm," Reagan hummed while nodding her head.
Ashton grabbed his phone and earbuds from his pocket. He plugged his earbuds in, and put one in his ear before tapping Reagan and handing her the other one. She always loved when he did that, and it made him smile that she loved to listen to music with him.
It had been an hour and Reagan was enthralled by a new book she had gotten. Ashton had watched her eyes move back and forth between sentences and pages, amazed of how fast of a reader she was.
She was mid-chapter when Ashton decided to wander down to the water, not wanting to stop her during a good part of a book. The water was warm, as it had been hotter than it had been the last few weeks. Ashton forgot how much he loved the beach, as he had been busy with work. Of course he didn't really want to get out much either when he was having problems with Reagan a few months back. He was glad to be outdoors again.
Reagan looked up from her book, seeing Ashton standing in the ocean pushing his hair up in his man bun. Reagan loved when he did that. She put her bookmark in her book and shoved it into her bag. She made her way down to the water towards Ashton and jumped on his back which he had turned to her.
"Hi," she giggled in his ear, latching her arms around his shoulders as he grabbed her thighs.
Ashton laughed too before falling backwards and emerging them both underwater.
"Ashton!" Reagan yelled with a laugh at the end as she pushed her wet hair out of her face.
"Sorry," Ashton smirked.
"Better be," Reagan said before jumping on Ashton, pushing him under again.
Both of them were tired after swimming and dunking each other, and they went back up to lay down.
"Want a water or something?" Reagan asked as she pulled her ice tea out of the cooler.
"Yeah a water is good," Ashton nodded checking his phone.
"Here's your water, but I also got you something else," Reagan smiled nervously as she held one hand behind her back, and the other to pass Ashton his water.
He took a sip and raised his eyebrow, "You did?"
Ashton had no clue what it was as he watched Reagan pulled a clear bottle from behind her back. He took it in his hands and chuckled.
"A message in a bottle?"
"It felt fitting for the theme of the day," Reagan laughed and pushed her hair out of her face.
Ashton smirked, "It is actually."
He laughed but opened the top and slid out the piece of paper. He unrolled the little sheet of paper, and taped on it was his old key to her apartment. But scribbled under the key in bright blue sharpie ink said, "Move in?"
Ashton glanced up at Reagan and she didn't even give him time to say a word before she started explaining.
"I mean you don't have to right now or anything. We just fixed things and i'm sure you're comfortable with your mom, but I just wanted you to know the option is open whenever you're ready," Reagan said licking her lips, and only holding eye contact for a short second before casting her eyes at her hands.
Ashton leaned over and pushed a kiss to Reagan's lips, relaxing her. She didn't even realize how tense she was.
"You always ramble before I can say anything," he chuckled pulling back slowly.
"Sorry," Reagan said with an airy laugh.
"But I would love to. Just need to talk to my mom about it, and make sure Harry and Lauren will be okay," Ashton said slinging his arm around Reagan, placing a kiss on her cheek.
"They could always come over if they needed to, or stuff. Whatever makes you happy," Reagan smiled.
"Yes, i'll move in," Ashton smiled kissing Reagan again.
He pulled back and leaned his head against hers. Ashton was happy. He felt like this was a big step for them, a step they were ready for. It let Ashton know that Reagan was serious about wanting to stick around in his life. Things for them were going to become serious, but better. Ashton was ready to start a chapter in his life that had Reagan involved in it every day.
It was now hot at the beach, like really hot. Ashton and Reagan were both tired from running around in the water and sweating from laying out. They decided to call it a day and head home.
"I had a lot of fun," Reagan smiled at Ashton in the car.
"I did too," Ashton smiled over. Reagan's hair was a lighter color, and her cheeks now a bit rosy due to the sun. She even had a few freckles around her nose that came out because of their time outside.
The traffic back was worse than leaving, but finally they pulled up at Reagan's house. Ashton helped Reagan pull everything upstairs to her apartment, and he couldn't help but wander back and crash on her bed. It was a long day and he was tired.
Soon Reagan had collapsed on the bed next to him, "A nap sounds great."
"It does," Ashton nodded.
"I'm glad you'll be here with me eventually," Reagan smiled nodding at Ashton's keys he had put on her nightstand. She could even see the key she gave him added back onto his key ring.
"I was thinking maybe next weekend I can haul stuff over here? I mean it'll just be some of my clothes and stuff. We don't need my tv or my bed or anything big," Ashton said rolling on his side and facing her.
"I'd like that," Reagan smiled making Ashton smile back at her.
This story is almost over, i might cry
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