2days till birthday
I sit in my study drawing different costume ideas I sigh and throw another paper ball to the floor "this.is.too.pointless!" I say banging my head against the desk with every words I whine "my love why are you crying" I hear sebastian walk in "uggggh!" I answer he walks to me and picks me with ease i feel like I have no energy he puts me down I sink to the floor whining he sighs and bends down "what's wrong?" He says "I can't figure out a costume for Halloween" I say "why would you need a costume" he says my ears perk up and I sit up "Why? WHY?! Because I wanna go trick or treating" I say he laughs and helps me up "you're not going to go trick or treating ceil won't alow it" he says I sigh and put me fore head on his chest he brings me closer "why do t you just go as you're self" he says "my whole life I've been a cat and gone as a cat I wanna be something else" I say I look up at him "what about you "I say "what" he asks "what are you going to be" I ask "I don't dress up for Halloween you've known me forever and have I ever" he says I look away "oh I go it" I say and run to my desk I take fake cat ear out and put them on his head they look perfect "you could be a cat for Halloween" I say he takes them off "I don't dress up my love." He says and puts them in my desk "well you're. No fun" I say and turn around and cross me arms "I can be fun at times" he says "oh yeah sure" I say he wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my neck "s-sebastian." I say I fee blush form on my cheeks his tounge softly licks my neck leaving little marks he sits me on the edge of my desk he kisses me passionately I kiss him back he bites me lip asking for enterence I accept our tounges play he slowly unzips the back on my dress with ease then a knock on my door "um miss y/n the mistress is looking for you." I hear mayren Inpull away from sebastian "i-have to go" I say he zips up the back of me dress "next time my love "he says I kiss him again and walk out
"Oh y/n there you are I was looking for you!" She says "oh s-sorry I was um busy" I say "oh well I want to let you know hat my b day gift for you is amazing" she says "is that all" I say "oh um no I also wondering when are y u and sebastian going to have a child." She's say "LIZZE" I say "one sebastian is a Demon. He can't have kids demons are spawned not made and two even if he were a demon and a neko like that's going to happen and any way Sebastian and I rant going to because he's afraid hell hurt me." I say she laughs "just asking" "also what are you going to be tomarrow" I say "oh yes Halloween well I already decorated the mansion um I guess I'll be a vampire what about you?" She says " I don't know" I say Lyon could be a devil" she says "oh! Thank you Lizzie." I say she stares at something what?" I say "what that on you neck" she says "huh?" I ask and tough it oh no SEbastain ! "Oh um nothing probably just some dirt let me go wash it off" I say and walk off my fists clench and go too ceils study I'm about to know when I here voices "you know it's going to happen master ceil" I hear a man "she's can't it's not going to happen" ceil says "miss y/n is going to die and we can't stop it" he says I cover my mouth ceil sighs "yes I know as much as I don't want to loose my sister I know" "master I'm not going to let anything happen to y/n" sebastian says "sebastian I know you love her but" "No young master I'm not going to have it we are not going to loose her" he says I feel tears stream down my face "SEBASTIN AS MUCH AS YOU LOVE Y/N THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN..........and there's nothing we can do about it" ceil yells then calms down I cry and run of
Mr gulic and I walk out and leave ceil alone "would you like me to escort you out sir" I ask "oh no thank you but I must ask you and the misstress y/n are um equanted correct" he says "yes sir we are." I says he tips his hat and walks off
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