Disclaimer it is not multiple parts it is multiple scenarios of going to comic con and seeing Sebastian. No drabbles are related.
Trigger Warning (?) [for Drabble 1]
Drabble 1:
"Oh my god. Oh my holy mother fucking God." You mumbled aloud and mentally. There he was the Meme Lord in all his glory and only five people between you and him.
You held the sticky note with your name on in your fist as you began to jitter with nerves. The person just with him left.
You bite your lip to keep the tears at bay as your heart rate goes even faster. He laughs at something the person with him says and they smile and leave, a shiny picture with sharpie in hand.
"What if he hates me? Or if I do something wrong?" You wonder as you roll your sleeves up and twist the skin of your forearms to keep from thinking.
The entire reason you drove six hours and saved up for months was two bodies away.
You had approximately three minutes to pick what would become your most prized possession. There were five photos of Sebastian in photo shoots. One of him in Captain America: The First Avenger, one of him as Winter Soldier, one of him and the cast of Political Animals, and one of him with Anthony and they were laughing.
He begins to wave goodbye and the volunteer helping began to push you toward him. You quickly grab your favorite one, press the sticky note on and take three shaky steps toward the Sebastian Stan.
"Hello!" He says happily as you hand him your choice photo. He glances at the sticky note, "(Y/N)? That's your name?" You nod and a few tears leak out. "That's a beautiful name." Your breath catches in your throat. "It matches the beautiful face of yours." He says with a smile.
"Your my hero!" You blurt out loudly and the tears stream down silently as you stare starstruck. He chuckles as you clasp a hand over your mouth in horror. So much for playing it cool. "I mean, you've helped me out in my life without knowing and I am meeting you. Oh and I have photo shoot tickets too."
Sebastian smiles and holds his hand out for you to shake. "It's a pleasure to meet you (Y/N)." You grasp his hand firmly remembering the words of your grandfather telling you a firm handshake was a way to make a lasting impression. Just as he is about to let go he looks at your bare wrists and sees the scars. He holds his other hand out for yours. He traces his thumbs over the scars on each hand. "You are worth it (Y/N). You are pretty and kind and sweet. Don't ever forget that." He tells you. The tears come down faster and you bite your lip hard to keep the sobs back. Then he does something wonderful. He leans over the counter and hugs you. You hug him back and don't want to let go. When he finally pulls away he smiles. "See you at the photos."
You walk away when he calls out your name. "(Y/N)!" You turn around in shock. "You really truly are worth it."
Drabble 2:
You walk into the photo op room and see a fan waiting in line for their turn. And then another and another and some more. Ten people between you and your brother.
Yes Sebastian Stan, current Tumblr heartthrob was your, (Y/N) Stan's, brother.
You didn't tell him you were here and currently had on your best Bucky Barnes cosplay. You were equip with mask and goggles and the actual arm used on the set of Winter Soldier. As you wait in line you mentally gag at the two friends in front of you.
"Oh my god he's so hot." Castiel girl says with a dreamy sigh.
"I would let him lick my face." Oliver Queen girl says eyeing your brother up and down.
"I would let him lick anything he wanted." Castiel replies as they shuffle forward.
"If I were (Y/N) Stan I would've done some incest or threesome cause hot dayum on the both of them." Oliver Queen says as they move even closer.
"Please, (Y/N) is waay prettier than her brother." Castiel says.
Oliver Queen has nothing more to say (thankfully) and they are then one taking their picture with your brother dearest.
You turn your back to Sebastian and take the goggles and mask off. A volunteer sees you and gasps. You motion a come here. They hurry over. "Can I have a trash can?" You ask. They nod and walk away and grab one for you. You hurl your lunch into it. "Thanks. And sorry about that. I dunno if you heard the two in front of me." You motion to the two girls getting their picture taken.
They nod and the get called away to help fix the printer.
You quickly fix your costume and then it's your turn.
"Hi! Oh my god I can't believe I'm meeting you." You squeal in an overly fake girly voice. "Gawd your sex scene in The Bronze was beautiful." You squeal as you hold a hand out to shake.
Your brother chuckles nervously and shakes your hand. "Thanks I guess. Your costume is cool. The arm is super convincing."
"Thanks!!! It's from the set of your second Marvel movie." You say in the fake voice. "Can you hug me for our photo?"
He smiles but you can tell it's a creeped smile. "Sure!"
As he's about to hug, you grab his right forearm, twist it around, pick it up, and slam it over your shoulder. "You got fooled Sebby!" You say with a smile as your free hand pulls the goggle and mask off. "And I got you good!"
Sebastian starts to laugh there on the floor. "Hey sis."
Drabble 3:
Hall H...hall H....hall H.... You think as you walk through the building looking for your boyfriend's panel.
"Excuse me, ma'am may I help you?" A worker asks with a kind smile.
"Yes please! I'm looking for Hall H my boyfriend is there and I would like to surprise him." You explain.
The worker stares at you before immediately recognizing you. "Your (Y/N) (Y/L/N)! Dating Sebastian!" They say with a smile. "Come with me. How were you thinking of doing this?"
As she leads you to the panel you fill her in.
You get there and the entire room is quiet as Sebastian tells a story about his time on The Covenant. The worker leads you to the far right of the stage, out of his eyeshot. They then begin to converse with the other worker who smiles at you kindly. The worker who helped get you here brings you to the back of the stage.
As you get back there she hands you a microphone and gives you a thumbs up. You smile warmly and then pace around still out of eyeshot.
"Alright!" Someone says. "We have time for one last very special question. You know who you are."
That's your signal. You walk quietly onstage, a finger to your lips insisting on silence and ask your question. "How is it to off the market?"
Sebastian's head jolts up straighter as he scans the crowd for who asks that. The crowd grins knowingly but don't say a thing. "Uh, you sound like my girlfriend." The crowd laughs. "Um it's great she's great. We're great."
By then you are directly behind and you scream in his ear and throw your arms around his neck. "Boo Bear!!"
He jumps and his microphone goes flying. "Holy fuck (Y/N)!" He says once he's recovered before reaching his arms up and hugging you back. The crowd screams louden as Sebastian pulls your lips down to his.
Drabble Prompts:
1. Sebastian telling you your worth it.
2. Being Sebastian's sister.
3. Dating Sebastian during Comic Con
Word Count: 1350
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