Falling into a deep depression
Sebastian walks to his dorm room after he hears Santana saying Sebastian is the worst he shouldn't even be here with us why is he so rude to everyone. Sebastian locks the door and goes over to his bed and pulls the razor from under his pillow and lifts up the sleeves of his Dalton Academy uniform and presses the blade to his skin and starts cutting and winces in pain softly and stops cutting and wraps up his wrists enough so no blood shows up and pulls down the sleeves of his uniform and turns on the radio and sits at the desk and grabs his sketchbook and sketching pencils and opens his sketchbook and starts sketching a picture of his mom laying in the hospital bed in their house and tears start falling from his eyes and stains the sketch and Blaine hears quiet sobbing and knocks on the dorm door and says Sebastian are you in there and Sebastian says yeah and wipes away his tears and hides his sketchbook and the razor and Blaine says can I come in Sebastian and Sebastian gets up and unlocks the door and opens it and says yes you can come in and goes and lays down on his bed and Blaine comes in and says Sebastian what's wrong and Sebastian, says nothing's wrong and Blaine says I know something's wrong you've missed three warbler practices today you haven't eaten lunch you've been in your room all day and haven't gone to classes today and Sebastian says nothing's wrong I just haven't been feeling really well lately that's all and Blaine comes over to Sebastian and feels Sebastian's forehead and says Sebastian you have a fever, Sebastian says it's just a little cold it's nothing important and Blaine says it's important and Blaine lays Sebastian under the covers and covers him up and grabs a bucket and places it beside the bed just in case Sebastian has to throw up and gets some ginger ale and crackers to settle Sebastian's stomach and Sebastian says i'm fine Blaine and Blaine says you aren't fine Sebastian let me take care of you today and Sebastian goes to argue but decides against it and reluctantly says okay you can take care of me today if that's what you really want to do and Blaine says I do want to take care of you and Sebastian says okay and Blaine walks over to Sebastian and Sebastian rolls over facing the wall and his sleeve pulls up and shows blood on his wrists and recent cuts and scars and Blaine says Sebastian what are those and Sebastian says what are what and Blaine points to Sebastian's cuts and Sebastian stutters and says n-nothing and Blaine goes into the bathroom and grabs bandages and comes back out to Sebastian and grabs Sebastian's wrists softly and unwraps the old bandages and re wraps his cuts and says Sebastian why are you doing this to yourself and Sebastian says I feel like I deserve this because of what I tried to do to Kurt and it hurt you instead and Blaine says it's okay Sebastian i'm fine and Sebastian says no you aren't you had to have surgery because of the rock salt slushie, Sebastian says you have classes Blaine I don't want you to be late and Blaine says okay but I will be back to check up on you later and Sebastian says okay and Blaine leaves and Sebastian goes into the bathroom and ties a noose and grabs a chair and ties the noose to a hook hanging from the ceiling and puts his head through the noose and kicks the chair away and feels his air getting cut off and Blaine comes back into Sebastian's dorm because he forgot something and Sebastian isn't in bed and Blaine sees the bathroom door cracked open a bit and goes into the bathroom and sees Sebastian hanging from the ceiling and he gets Sebastian down and feels for Sebastian's pulse and there is one but it's weak and he grabs his phone and calls 911 and they says what's your emergency and Blaine panics and says my friend just tried to commit suicide I got to him in time and they says what's your location and he tells them Dalton Academy dorm 177 and they say and ambulance is on the way and he says okay and hangs up and and ambulance comes and paramedics come to dorm 177 and pick up Sebastian and get him on a gurney and Blaine says can I come with and the paramedics say yes you can ride in the ambulance with him and they wheel him into the ambulance and Blaine gets into the ambulance with Sebastian and the ambulance goes to the hospital and they get Sebastian out of the ambulance and hurry him in and say we need a room we have a suicide patient his pulse is weak and they get him into a room and they heal him and a nurse comes out and says you can visit him he's awake now and Blaine says what room and the nurse says room 177 and Blaine goes into room 177 and sees Sebastian's awake and says Sebastian how do you feel and Sebastian says sore and Blaine says why would you try to commit suicide and Sebastian says because the world would be better off without me you should've just left me and Blaine says the world wouldn't be better off without you all of the warblers would miss you and Sebastian says sure they would they all hate me they voted for me to be kicked off the warblers because of the slushie incident and Blaine goes out into the hallway and calls the warblers and says Sebastian's in the hospital he just tried to commit suicide he needs people here please come and the warblers say we're on our way what room and Blaine says room 177 and they say okay and Blaine hangs up and the warblers come into the hospital and come to room 177 and go in with Blaine and say hey Sebastian and Sebastian says why are you guys here you hate me after the slushie incident, they say we're here because we care about you and the warblers don't abandon their own and Sebastian says you guys voted for me to be kicked off the warblers does that really sound like not abandoning their own and the warblers say we're sorry Sebastian but why did you try to commit suicide why didn't you come talk to us about how you were feeling and Sebastian says I tried to commit suicide because of the slushie incident I hurt Blaine and that is something I will never forgive myself for plus I thought you would notice that I stopped arguing stopped smirking stopped being an asshole to you guys but no you didn't notice and that hurt you guys not noticing I was depressed.
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