Sabri Moran
Full Name: Sabrina Moran
Alias: Sabri
Age: 15
Height: 2'5
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Black, with a single red streak
Eye Color: Brown
Sabri maintains Seb's basic appearance, with spiky black hair with a red streak, beady brown eyes, fair skin, sharp teeth, and short height.
Unlike her male counterpart, Sabri's hair is depicted as slightly longer, at shoulder-length specifically, and tied back in a ponytail, with her bangs drawn identically to Seb. Her eyelashes are more pronounced, akin to Akari's, and her chin is drawn a bit more pointed at the end. Like Seb, she is depicted as short and a little stocky.
Her outfit is near-identical to her canon counterpart, consisting of an orange beanie with a white, pentagonal emblem with an orange "S", a white hoodie with an orange star on the front, maroon pants, and dark purple shoes. Notably, Sabri's hoodie has a lower collar in the front, revealing a black shirt or crop top, and the orange star on her hoodie is smaller, and on the chest area.
Much like the Chibi who inspired her, Sabri comes off as relaxed, easygoing, chill, and amicable to most people. She prefers days where she can just let her hair down (Figuratively), nom on popcorn, and take it easy. She also shares a love of humor and puns with Seb, pulling one once she gets the chance, even if she's completely alone.
Put next to Seb, though, Sabri is a lot cockier, meaner, more cynical, and snarkier. Despite her usual cordiality, she can have more jerkish moments, and has quite a mouth on her, and goes uncensored verbally.
Prominently, Sabri lacks the fear of causing an apocalypse that keeps Seb from using Rewrite for major obstacles, rather, contrasting her canon counterpart with a willingness to utilize it in a similar manner to Bruce Nolan from Bruce Almighty.
Tropes Applying to Sabri:
Adaptation Name Change: It's a given with the Gender Flip here.
Adaptational Badass: Downplayed. In canon, Seb fears using Rewrite, resulting in a Drama Preserving Handicap. Sabri is on the same power level, but flaunts hers more often.
Adaptational Jerkass: Sabri is more vulgar and rude compared to Seb.
Badass Adorable: Sabri can hold her own in a fight, despite the short stature.
Berserk Button: Mentioning her height is a good way to get struck by a Ray of Purification. Or lit on fire. Or punched. Or struck by lightning...
Beware the Nice Ones: She's cordial like her canon self, but doesn't mean she won't go for the eyes if threatened.
Beware the Silly Ones: Overlaps with "Beware the Nice Ones". She can leave you stuck in deadly pranks if she wants.
Break the Cutie: Sabri maintains Seb's story, and has gone through a lot, having lost her parents at 7, and was roughing it solo until she was 14 and gained her powers. Unlike Seb, she has yet to meet her versions of his friends.
Brought to you by the Letter "S": Her beanie has a pentagonal emblem with an "S" in it.
Chibi: That's pretty much the design basis with Seb and Sabri.
Color-Coded for your Convenience: Her main color is orange.
Deadpan Snarker: If she's not being a prankster, she tends to be this.
Disproportionate Retribution: Her usual response to being wronged may involve a comical prank that really hurts.
Drama-Preserving Handicap: Averted. In canon, Seb fears causing some sort of apocalypse or universal collapse if he were to overuse Rewrite, something Sabri lacks, meaning she can face life with no issue.
Invisibility: She can turn completely invisible at will. This does render her nearsighted, though
Laser Hand: Ray of Purification!
Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Some of Sabri's remarks may do this.
The Noseless: Sabri, like Seb, is never drawn with a nose. This has been lampshaded by a few others.
Older than they Look: People tend to mistake Sabrina for a small child, when reality is that she's 15.
The Prankster: She's this in spades.
Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Three powers, she's skilled with them, and can fight like hell.
Pungeon Master: She constantly pulls puns out, usually to success.
Reality Warper: Rewrite is summed up as being this. Sabri has imagined herself using it to be Queen of the Universe, but never acts on it.
Self Deprecation: Sabrina has moments where she questions her isolating lifestyle, and is very aware she lacks friends...
Sir-Swears-A-Lot: Unlike her canon self, Sabri can curse freely, and uses it.
Spiky Hair: Her hairstyle is almost the exact same as Seb's, albeit longer in the sides and Sabri has a ponytail.
Trademark Favorite Food: Pupusas. She almost never says no to one.
Troll: "The Prankster" and "Pungeon Master" say it all
Took A Level In Badass: Sabri is pretty capable in combat.
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