-Their Father-
Summer sat outside of Winter's ward with Glade, waiting for the doctor to give them permission to enter. A waning moon glittered in a night sky filled with a sea of stars, shining like lights.
Battlemania had been called to a halt and everyone had been sent home early. Everyone except Summer and Glade, as they had decided to follow the teachers when they were going to bring Winter to the nearest hospital.
The two had been waiting for five whole hours for the doctor to update them on Winter's condition and give clearance to see him.
I hope he's alright... Summer thought, feeling grief leak out again. I wouldn't be able to bear it if... If he... She shook her head to clear her thoughts. I shouldn't jinx it...
Then the door suddenly opened, and the doctor came out. He held a clipboard and pen in hand, and his mouth was twisted into a serious frown. "Ms Solveg and Mr Wolfenstrike... I have some good news and bad news for you. Which would you like to hear first?" He asked solemnly.
"The bad news..." Glade muttered, his silver eyes dark with worry and anticipation. The doctor took in a deep breath and gave him a level stare.
"Your brother is in a terrible state. His shoulder had been dislodged and fractured, broken so that his arm was twisted. It is a fatal injury and I'm afraid to say that, once he recovers from his other injuries, he will probably be scarred for life," He said, his emerald eyes reflecting off his sorrow.
"I am terribly sorry... We did all we could, but the fracture was too severe. It would take months, probably years for it to completely heal. But even if it did, he would not be able to use his arm for vigorous training or workouts."
Glade buried his face in his hands, moaning, guilt cracking his voice. Summer put a comforting hand on his shoulder, looking at the ground.
"What about the good news?" Summer asked, hoping that the news would help lighten up the sorrowful mood.
"Ah, yes. Mr Winter's condition has stabilised and his wounds are healing well. His wounds would probably heal up in a month or so. Till then, he will have to stay here until his discharge. Hopefully he will wake up in another hour, then you can take care of him," The doctor smiled, his tone light.
"He will be in terrible pain though, once he awakens, just so you know." he went on. Summer nodded, patting Glade's back reassuringly as he wiped his eyes.
"Can we visit him now?" Glade questioned. The doctor nodded and gestured at the door. Glade turned the knob and quickly zipped into Winter's ward. Summer followed behind slowly.
The first thing she saw when she went in was the motionless blue-haired figure lying on the ward bed with a breathing mask over his nose and mouth. Glade was holding his hand, seated on the chair provided next to the bed.
Summer stared at the figure's face, his soft features glistening in the dim light from the table lamp. Winter...
Glade caressed Winter's cheek, tucking a stray bang behind his ear. His grip on his brother's pale hand tightened. "I'm sorry Bro..." Glade murmured, lowering his head.
"I'm sorry too..." Summer sighed, holding onto the bed railing. Winter made no response. Of course he didn't, he was out cold.
Then suddenly, there was a sharp rap on the door and it was opened slowly. Both Summer and Glade turned to see who the newcomer was.
A man stepped in, dressed in a tight, formal tuxedo the colour of obsidian. Silky silver hair shone on the man's head, combed neatly to perfection. Sly silver eyes glared coldly at the two, flickering between Summer and Glade.
The man bore a striking resemblance to Glade somehow. He closed the door behind him quietly, then dusted his tuxedo.
Glade paled when he saw the man. "Wh-wh-what a-are you d-doing here D-D-Dad...?" He stammered, pressing closer to Winter's bed, shaking in fear. Summer stared from Glade to the man, then back again.
No way.... No wonder they look so similar... That guy is...
Winter and Glade's father...
"I came to check up on you. Isn't that obvious son?" The man snapped. His tone sent shivers down Summer's spine. It sounded hard, uncaring and sly. Like a fox.
Summer cleared her throat, and the man shifted his freezing silver gaze to her. She froze.
His eyes were like black holes, wanting to suck her soul out and grind it to bits. Summer gulped but held her ground. First impression of Winter and Glade's father: He. Was. SCARY.
"H-hello Mr Wolfenstrike... My name is Summer Solveg and... And I'm Winter's table mate." She introduced herself, forcing her voice not to shake. The man examined her, his eyes sliding down her body slowly.
Instantly, Summer felt exposed. She felt vulnerable, cold and weak... Just by being under the man's gaze. It was like his gaze had arms and was caressing her all over her body, touching her, and slowly killing her. She tore her eyes away and looked down, wringing her hands together.
She couldn't stand it.
"Ah yes... Summer Solveg... I've heard a lot about you from that piece of crap lying on the bed over there..." the man hissed, stepping closer to her. Summer's eyes widened. She gave Glade a sideway glance, expecting him to retort back at his father for calling Winter crap, but all she saw in his silver eyes was fear. Extreme fear.
Summer suddenly felt a hand lift her chin and turn her head to face the front. She found herself staring into the man's malevolent silver irises. Her breath hitched in her throat, so that she found it hard to breathe.
"I suppose Winter told you about me too?" The man hissed into her ear, his breath hot on her cheek. Yes... He told me you destroyed his armour. He told me that you scolded him for having pity on me. Summer gulped. I can't tell him that... Winter would get into more trouble... She forced herself to answer his question with a lie.
"N-no sir..."
That was when the man's other hand shot out and grabbed her neck, gripping it. Summer let out a strangled noise as the man's grip tightened around her throat, suffocating her.
"Dad, stop! Don't hurt her!" Glade blurted out, reaching over to stop his father. The man slapped Glade's hands away, paying no heed to his plea.
"Do not lie to me lady. I know he had told you many things about me, bad things." He snarled, pressing his fingers into Summer's windpipe. Summer choked and grabbed his hand, trying to remove it but to no avail.
It hurt. She couldn't breathe. Her lungs felt ready to burst. "Y-yes... He d-did... I'm s-sorry sir..." she coughed out, feeling tears well up in her eyes. The man let go and Summer collapsed on the floor, coughing and choking, clutching her sore neck.
Summer felt a heel dig into her waist and flinched. "What did he say, woman?" The man purred, bending down. Summer shivered at the venom dripping from his tone. She winced as he dug his heel deeper.
"He... He told me that you... You destroyed his armour... That day when he... Came to school without it..." She gasped, biting back a scream as the man kicked her over and pressed his heel into her stomach. It was torturous.
"And...?" He hissed, checking his watch. Summer gulped, blinking back her tears. It felt wrong to admit everything Winter said about his father. It felt like she was betraying him.
"He... He told me you scolded him for... Pitying me... When you found out he was... Training me..." she confessed, gulping in large amounts of air as the man removed his foot from her stomach. He scowled.
"Coming here was a waste of time... Wake your brother up Glade," the man ordered. Glade's eyes widened, and his gaze slid to Winter's body.
"B-but the doctor said-"
"Who cares what the doctor said? Wake him up now!" The man snapped, glowering down at Glade. Head hanging in defeat, Glade gently shook Winter's body.
"Bro? Hey Bro wake up..." he murmured into Winter's ear. Summer saw Winter's finger twitch in response, but his body lay comatose.
"Shake him harder boy!" The man scowled. Glade glanced back at his father, a flicker of hate flashing in his eyes. He shook Winter harder.
"Bro, wake up!" He said, his voice strained. Winter's eyes twitched, squeezing tighter as he moaned. The man looked ready to explode.
"Awaken you ignorant fool!" He boomed, and Winter's eyes flickered open. His body tensed up and he let out a pained cry, shuddering in agony. Summer staggered to her feet and went to the other side of the bed, if only to avoid being beside Winter's father.
"Sum... mer...? Glade...?" Winter whispered hoarsely, his voice muffled by the breathing mask. Glade shushed him and gently removed the mask from his face. "Where... Am I...?" Winter asked tiredly, his eyelids drooping. "Who shouted...?"
"You're in the hospital, brat. And I was the one who shouted at you." The man spat, leaning over the bed railing to look down at Winter. A look of confusion appeared in Winter's eyes, before it was replaced by haunted dread.
"F-F-Father...? Wh-what are you d-doing here...?" Winter stuttered, his eyes rounding, his face turning paler. The man didn't reply. Instead, he landed a punch on Winter's stomach.
Winter spat out blood, his body lurching upwards at the impact. He landed on the bed, taking in shuddery breaths as blood trickled from his mouth. The man's tuxedo was splashed with blood and he took a step away in disgust.
"Dad!" Glade cried out, standing in front of his father, separating him from his brother. Summer took a tissue from the tissue box on the bedside table and wiped Winter's mouth, stroking his hair assuringly. She placed a hand on his stomach, on top of his hand which was already there, clutched in pain.
The door suddenly burst open, and an angry-looking doctor, the one who told Glade and Summer about Winter, stormed in. "Mr Fadge Wolfenstrike, what is this atrocity?!" He flared, pointing an accusing finger at the man. So his name is Fadge...? Summer thought as she watched the man turn to face the enraged doctor.
"What do you want Doctor Bree?" Fadge replied coolly, pushing Glade away to stand in front of the doctor. Bree trembled with rage, his fists clenched till his knuckles showed white.
"I should be asking you that question! What do you think you're doing, committing violence in the hospital? That is strictly not allowed!" Bree yelled, waving a fist angrily at Fadge. The man adjusted his tuxedo, shrugging his shoulders carelessly.
"I have no idea what you mean." he said, glancing back at Winter and Summer. Glade went to help Winter, who still had some trouble breathing, sit up.
"I saw what you did Fadge! You assaulted Ms Solveg, then punched the patient, despite him being your son! What kind of father are you if you came only to-" Bree was cut short as Fadge's hand shot out and wrapped its long bony fingers around his neck.
"Keep quiet you vermin." Fadge hissed. He scanned the room, then saw a security camera hanging on the wall at the corner of the room, pointed straight at him.
Fadge growled and let go of Bree, who doubled over, gasping for breath. "I... I will report to the police about this..." he muttered. Fadge glared at him, but remained silent.
Then he did the most unexpected thing.
"Sorry son. Are you alright? Does it still hurt?" He asked, his tone gentle, as he went up to Winter's bed. Glade and Summer both narrowed their eyes in confusion and suspicion, while Winter stared at his father, shocked.
"I-I'm alright Father... It doesn't really... Hurt anymore..." Winter's voice trailed off as Fadge hugged him tightly. "F-Father...?" Winter spluttered, flushing crimson.
"I have to apologise son. I was in a very bad mood, after your teachers told me what happened to you. I could not believe that you got hurt, and by your own brother no less." Fadge said aloud, turning his head slightly to give Glade a pointed look. Glade flinched and shrunk away, lowering his head in shame.
"I-it wasn't his fault... He couldn't control himself..." Winter murmured. Fadge pulled away from him and patted his head, ruffling his hair.
"Sympathetic as usual aren't you Winter?" He smiled, but there was something off about his smile. Summer couldn't put a finger on it.
That was when Fadge turned and faced her. "I have to apologise to you too Ms Solveg. I was not in my right mind of state when I came in, so I took out my anger on you. I am very sorry about that." he apologised, his tone sincere, as he bowed. Summer took a step back in surprise.
Fadge apologised to her? "I-it's ok Mr Wolfenstrike... I should be sorry too... I did... Uhm... Cause Winter's arm to get fractured, so..." she stammered. Winter stared at her, his eyes softening.
"That wasn't your fault either..." he mumbled. Fadge glanced from Summer, then to Winter, and back again, his gaze darkening slightly. Summer gulped. She could not comprehend what was going on. All of a sudden, Fadge's mood changed, just like that.
Fadge turned and headed out the open door, passing by a stunned Bree. "I am taking my leave now. Glade, let's go home. We'll visit your brother again tomorrow." Fadge said over his shoulder.
"But someone has to-" Glade began to protest.
"No arguing with me Glade." Fadge snapped sternly. Summer knew what Glade meant. Someone had to take care of Winter.
"Go ahead Glade. I'll take care of Winter tonight," she soothed, reaching over and touching Glade's shoulder. Glade turned back and looked at her, his eyes showing hidden words. Summer stared back. "I promise ok? You can watch over him tomorrow. It's Saturday tomorrow after all," she assured.
Glade glanced at Winter, worry in his silver eyes, then he nodded and left the ward. Bree cleared his throat, looking awkward, then went to check the monitors attached to Winter. He switched off the lights before leaving.
They were alone in the dark now.
Starlight streamed in through the window, casting light in the dim room. Summer dragged another chair over and sat down.
"How's your arm?" She asked softly. Winter lifted his arm up, wrapped in a cast and uncomfortably hanging in a sling beside him.
"Fine I guess..." he muttered, not looking at her. Summer felt a pang of guilt. It was her fault that his arm got broken.
"I'm sorry Winter... I thought I could cheer you up a bit... I mean, you looked so gloomy and all..." she mumbled, clenching her fingers. Winter lifted his head and gave her a strained smile.
"It doesn't matter anymore. What's past is past; let's just move on and forget about it. And besides, I should be the one who's sorry..." He said, trying to sound strong. But Summer could hear uncertainty and fear in his voice, hidden so well she nearly missed it.
Why is he so afraid? Is it because of his father? Did he say something that frightened Winter?
"Are you really alright Winter? Your father punched you quite hard, and it must've hurt a lot," Summer said. Winter tensed and shifted his gaze again. Yep, I knew it. Something is wrong.
"What did your father say to you?" She demanded sternly. Winter flinched and drew his legs closer to his body.
"What do you mean?" He answered softly, his face dark. Summer stood up, towering over him, and put her hands on her hips.
"When your father hugged you, he told you something didn't he? Something the rest of us couldn't hear. That's why you're so afraid, trying to mask it by looking strong." Summer snapped, staring right into Winter's miserable blue pools, starlight reflecting off them.
She had to know. She didn't want to hurt Winter anymore because he didn't tell her anything.
Silence fell for a moment. "Will your father be ok with this? He'll get worried when you're not home yet." Winter said, trying to change the topic. Summer was not falling for any of it.
"Don't try changing the topic!" She seethed. She grabbed Winter's other arm and gripped it tightly as though it was a prize. Winter winced. "I need to know Winter! I don't want to hurt you anymore just because you keep everything- injuries, family problems- all to yourself!" She went on, feeling herself tearing up.
She let go of his hand and sank back to her seat, gripping her knees. "It still hurts... Everytime I see your arm in the cast... I can't help but feel responsible for you getting so severely injured that you probably won't be able to come to school anymore." She sobbed.
It was true. The agony was overwhelming her. She didn't know why she was experiencing so much pain and guilt when she barely knew Winter. Why am I like this? What's happening to me? She wouldn't be her usual cold and anti-social self when Winter was around. Something would trigger inside her and cause her to become nice to him.
Winter changed me... Summer realised. He made me open up a bit more to the outside world.
Winter looked dumbfounded and slightly guilty as he clenched his fist. Another tense silence descended. "Summer... Could you... Come closer?" He finally whispered. Summer wiped her tears away and bent towards him.
"What is it?" She asked softly. Has he decided to tell me? Winter cocked his head towards her and smiled sadly. He leaned closer to her, and to Summer's surprise- and delight, who knows why- gently planted a kiss on her cheek.
Summer's skin tingled as Winter's lips brushed her ear lobe. He breathed on her skin, causing her to get goosebumps from the cold. "I'm sorry..." he murmured apologetically into her ear. "And thank you... For worrying about me..."
Summer flushed rose pink as Winter slowly trailed his lips across her cheek, pulling back from her. Her heart was thumping wildly against her chest, and her breath hitched in her throat as he passed her own lips by a few inches.
Winter winked at her, a faint smile of amusement on his beautiful face. "I'll tell you tomorrow, ok? For now, let's go to sleep," he said, parting his jaws in a yawn as emphasis. Summer nodded, feeling her eyelids droop. She stood up again and was about to head to the sofa at one corner of the ward, provided for the visitors, when Winter took her hand, interlacing his fingers with hers.
"Could you... Sleep beside me? I'd feel safer that way." he said, blushing a light pink in embarrassment. Summer blinked at him, shocked. Another blush crept up her skin when she glanced at their hands, interlocked.
"But how am I supposed to sleep? I mean..." her voice trailed off. She'd watched plenty of romance movies that included guys sleeping next to the girl they love in a hospital ward, forced to by her insane father. They always put their heads on the girl's lap.
Does he want me to do that...? Summer thought. It sounded wrong. And more importantly, it would look wrong. People would think they were in a relationship at first glance.
Winter smiled mischievously. "You could put your head on my lap or something like tha" he said. Summer's face turned completely red. I knew it...
"But that would look..." She tried to protest. Winter tugged at her arm, asking her to sit. Reluctantly, she sat back down still blushing. Her skin still burned from when Winter kissed her, and it was making her feel uncomfortable.
"Just sleep Summer. I'll wake you up at early dawn tomorrow ok?" Winter promised. Summer sighed and hesitantly lay her head down on Winter's lap. Winter smiled, his cheeks tinted rose red, as he stroked her hair. Summer shivered but stayed put.
Somehow, Winter's rhythmic hair-stroking lulled her to sleep. She closed her eyes, forgetting all about the day's troubles, and fell into a deep, peaceful slumber, just realising how exhausted she was.
Her hand, still clasped in Winter's, tightened unconsciously, and she held on, making Winter smile happily.
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