-King of Ice-
SPECIAL: Entire Chapter Winter's POV.
Winter awoke to find bright, white light glaring down at his poor eyes. Immediately he slammed them shut, groaning.
"Winter, are you alright?"
Slowly, he opened them again, wondering who the bloody hell was speaking to him.
Your angelic girlfriend.
Angelic girlfriend? Winter didn't have a girlfriend. He pushed the thought away, blinking his eyes rapidly to clear his fogged vision. Ruby eyes met his, worry reflecting off them.
Winter gave a start. "S-Summer?" He yelped, a furious blush dusting his cheeks in an instant. He sat up with a jerk, and Summer pulled away. Her face had been so close to his...
So close that you could have just raised your head a little and you would've been kissing her.
He blushed harder at that thought. Kiss...
Exactly. Kiss. You'd practically be eating her lips.
Hang on...
Winter paused, a faint flicker of memory at the back of his mind. He remembered nearly drowning. His arm healing miraculously. And a...
There was an amused laughter, ringing in his mind, chiming like bells.
What a wonderful reaction. Nothing less I'd expect from someone who fantasises about his girlfriend all day.
Winter coughed awkwardly, cringing as the laughter continued to blare in his head.
Summer isn't my girlfriend. Why does EVERYONE think that?
Because it's amusing to see your reaction to it.
"Oh shut up..." Winter muttered absently to himself.
"What?" Came Summer's agitated voice. He flinched and saw her glaring at him, hands on her hips. "I only say one sentence, and after five minutes you ask me to shut up? How long does it take for you to process what I say? And is it wrong of me to ask how you are?" She snapped.
"Just shut up already!" Winter scowled, eyes narrowed in frustration. Then he flinched again, a shiver running up his spine. Glancing at Summer, he saw her fuming, her gaze steely and dark as she glowered at him witheringly. "Uh... Haha... Sorry...?" He tried nervously, giving an awkward smile.
This is YOUR fault.
I disclaim all responsibility for getting you into trouble.
But you-!
You were the one who started blabbing out your thoughts.
Embarrassed, Winter lowered his head, pursing his lips. Of course it was his dumb self. He couldn't keep his mouth shut.
At long last you have finally seen how miserably talkative you are. Marvellous.
Please keep quiet. You're starting to sound like my brother.
Am I? How interesting. That is indeed nice to hear, comparing my superior sense of humour to your brother's absurd one. How very interesting.
Quit the sarcasm, please... I am BEGGING you.
Winter winced as a sharp, cold sting hit his head, like the sting of a frosty bee. He clutched it, sighing miserably. Summer was watching him with wary, narrowed eyes.
"Hey, uh, Summer?" He began softly, casting a quick glance at the girl. She sniffed in reply. "Sorry,"
"I was... thinking. I didn't mean to make you mad. I was just talking to myself..." He went on awkwardly. Summer's frown deepened.
"Who tells himself to shut up? What were you even thinking about?" She asked, a curious light in her eyes as the anger was wiped clean away.
There was a sudden jerk in Winter's mind, and a chill wrapped itself around his head. He felt slightly odd. Then as a thought came to him, he said it aloud, rather absently.
"I was thinking of... lying you on my bed,"
A shocked silence fell. Even Winter himself felt stunned. "Wait, what?" He whispered quietly, eyes widening in surprise.
"Holy shit Bro." came Glade's voice, and with a sudden horror, Winter realised his brother was there for the first time. The silver-eyed boy was ogling at his brother, jaws dropped in astonishment.
Summer was blushing.
"M-me? O-on your b-bed?" She squeaked out, wrapping an arm around herself. The chill came back, overtaking Winter's mind once more.
"Yeah. And have some skinship." a smirk slipped onto his face. Then the chill vanished again, leaving him feeling extremely confused.
Why in the name of goddamn bloody Armandia AM I SMIRKING?!
"S-s-skinship...?" Summer murmured faintly, her ruby eyes as wide as saucers. Then she swayed on her feet, her knees giving way under her, and she collapsed on the ground, unconscious.
Total knockout. Impressive display of seduction. You've got her swooned.
My doing? Oh no, I didn't do anything, no. I would never dare to control you and make you say such cheesy sentences.
Did I? Hmm, funny, I have absolutely no memory of that.
Why you little-!
"Uh Bro? What the actual heck's gotten into you?" Glade asked, carrying a fainted Summer to the sofa in the ward. Winter pressed his lips shut, shaking his head vigorously.
The cold swamped his head again, and words flew from his mouth forcibly.
"I was just seducing her." a cocky smile appeared on his face. Glade's eyes widened.
"Bro, I think you've lost your marbles." he whispered, face pale white.
"Really?" Winter found himself saying. His arm moved, gesturing for Glade. "C'mon. Bring Summer to me."
Glade looked uncertain. "Uh... What are you gonna do to her?"
"Have some skinship with her of course. What else?" Winter replied, his lips pulled back further into a smirk once more.
His brother coughed. "Uh... I think not, sorry. Just remembered we got a project to do. Come along Summer..." He grabbed the unconscious girl off the sofa and quickly scuttled out of the room without another word.
The cold seeped away slowly from his mind, and it took Winter a while to register what he had said.
For the love of Armandia, go to hell.
Are you referring to me?
Ah, I'm afraid I can't do that. It would be rather troublesome. But anyway, shouldn't you be the one going to hell? You said all that, not me.
Oooh, now you're worried about how your girlfriend will think of you.
Of course I would! She's my friend! Not my girlfriend, alright?
Friend, girlfriend. The difference is only four letters. It's still similar. Because even if you are just friends, you might grow to have romantic emotions, like now.
Winter felt speechless.
What- I- No-?!
Are you saying you don't have feelings for her? I know very well what you think everyday. Things like, 'I can't like her' and 'does she like me' and all the other typical things boys ponder about.
A sigh escaped his lips. There was no denying it. The voice knew everything about how he felt.
Of course I do. You obviously never knew how sappy your thoughts were until now.
Only mischievous giggles met his words. And it annoyed him. Greatly.
Winter found himself being examined by Doctor Bree an hour later.
"This is rather interesting." the doctor murmured to himself as he poked Winter's shoulder and arm.
"What is?" Winter asked, watching the doctor observe his fingers. Bree frowned, lifting his arm up.
"Your arm's been fully healed," the doctor said, a hint of surprise in his voice. Winter felt a small, knowing smile creep onto his face.
You've got me to thank for, you know.
Yeah. Thanks for that, even though you're annoying as hell.
I'm flattered by your compliments.
"What could have happened?" Bree mumbled. He looked at Winter questioningly. "Did you do something, Mr Wolfenstrike?"
"Uh... I guess?" Winter answered, rather hesitantly. "There was-" An overwhelmingly icy cold shove slammed into his head and he cried out, grimacing.
Speak nothing of me.
"Mr Wolfenstrike? Are you alright?" Bree asked in alarm, looking at him worryingly through his spectacles.
"I'm... Fine. I think." Winter breathed in shakily, still recovering from the powerful attack from the voice in his mind. He clutched his head, wincing as a chilly sting lingered there.
No one must know about me. It is the same for your girlfriend. She has her own Beast, and has only recently discovered him.
Beast? What do you mean?
You will come to know in time.
Why can't you just tell me now?
It is too dangerous. If anyone were to know about my existence in you...
There was no reply. The voice had vanished. Winter frowned, closing his eyes, trying to call back for the mysterious voice. But it still didn't appear. It was like it had never even existed.
Summer has a Beast with her? What could that beast be?
"Mr Wolfenstrike?" Bree asked, snapping him out of his thoughts. Winter gave a tired smile.
"I'm fine. It's nothing to worry about. Just... a minor headache." He answered. Bree nodded, a relieved look on his face.
"That's good. I'll be leaving then. Take a walk if you're bored alright? I'll have you discharged tomorrow, because of your miraculous recovery."
"Thanks Doctor Bree." Winter said, and watched the as doctor leave the room, white coat flying out behind him. He sat on his bed for a moment longer, before getting off and heading out.
I'm already bored. Might as well listen to the doctor's advice.
Winter paused as he stood outside his ward, wondering. What should I do? Doctor Bree said to take a walk...
Maybe I should call Summer?
He hesitated. Would she even want to talk to him, after what he had said earlier in the morning? He decided to give it a try.
Winter went around trying to search for a public phone, and found one in the cafeteria, down the corridor. The area was deserted, as all the patients, visitors and doctors were in the in the main area, eating.
He looked at the large phone, particularly at the coin slot. He forgot that in order to make a call, he had to pay.
Drat. I don't have any money on me.
He sighed as he tried the coin ejector, for when people wanted to get their coins back if they couldn't make a call.
He was shocked when a 50 perl (the currency) coin came rolling out. I'm lucky. Looking around, Winter saw that no one was watching him, and that no one was going around searching for missing money.
He put the coin into the slot and picked up the phone, dialling in Summer's home number, which she had given him during their training sessions together, in case something came up. The phone was picked up on the third ring.
"Hello?" Came a man's gruff voice. Winter was surprised at first, but then realised that the man was probably Summer's father.
"H-hello? Is this Mr Glenn Solveg?" He asked, a little shyly. He had never spoken to Glenn Solveg, Summer's father, before. It made him nervous.
Did Summer tell him about what I said? Or anything about me? What would he think of me?
"Yes. May I ask who this is?" Glenn asked, his voice slightly muffled by statics.
"W-Winter, sir. Winter Wolf-"
"AaaaaaAHHHH!!" Glenn suddenly cried out in realisation, interrupting Winter as he was speaking. "You must be Summer's boyfriend!"
She told him about me. Winter felt his heart flutter at the thought that Summer spoke to her father about him. But...
"N-not boyfriend, sir. Just friend. I'm just a friend." Winter coughed, a strain in his voice. He was trying his hardest not to growl into the phone about how everyone thought they were in a relationship.
"You don't have to be shy! Summer told me all about you! The most handsome boy in the class eh? You've got it good!" Glenn remarked. Winter blushed furiously.
"N-no sir, I don't think so. I mean- I just wanted to-" he stammered, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment.
"There's no need to be so formal, boy! You want to speak to Summer don't you?" Glenn chuckled casually. Winter pursed his lips.
There was a silence for a moment, and Winter wondered if Glenn had disappeared and went off somewhere all of a sudden. Then there was a crackle of more static, and Summer's sweet voice came.
"H-hey Summer." He said awkwardly, wondering how to start the conversation. A short silence ensued. Then there was an intake of breath.
"W-Winter? I-is that you?" She asked, her voice unusually small. Winter could nearly sense the awkwardness from the other side.
"Yeah... It's me." he gave a wry smile, even though he knew Summer couldn't see it.
"H-how are you?" She asked, and Winter heard the tension in her voice as she spoke. Obviously she wasn't going to forget what he had said to her anytime soon.
"I'm fine... Look, I just wanted to say that I'm-" He paused abruptly, sensing someone behind him. Whirling around, Winter only managed to see the face of the man which had thrown him into the pool the previous day, before a hard blow landed on his stomach, knocking the wind out of him.
Winter choked, swaying, and the phone slipped out of his hand, swinging on its cable and hitting the wall with a thump. "Winter-? Winter-!!" Summer's muffled voice came out in statics.
He didn't hear it. His sight began to blur, and he staggered. Agonising pain flowed through every inch of his body. He saw the man in front of him draw back a fist, and a punch connected with his stomach again, this time even harder.
Winter lurched back, falling to his knees. The dark rims of his vision grew, and the last thing he saw was the ground rushing up to him before everything faded to black.
When Winter came to, he found himself in a dark chamber. He groaned, his head throbbing painfully. It felt like it had been slammed against a wall. Blinking to adjust his vision, he gazed around, wondering why he was in such a place. Then he remembered.
The man from before had assaulted him while he had been calling Summer on the phone. He tried to move, but found that he could not, and realised that his wrists had been bound behind his back with chain links. His arms had chains looped around them, causing them to be tightly pressed against his body. His ankles had been chained up too.
Who would even...?
"Awake?" Came a deep, grumbly voice which had a hint of arrogance in it. Winter squinted across the room in the dim light, and saw the same man who had attacked him sitting on a chair, holding a wrench. The man smirked cockily. "Welcome to a Freezer Storage."
Winter growled, feeling annoyed. "Why have you brought me here?!" He snapped. The man chuckled in a haughty way.
"For revenge, you pitiful brat," The man's eyes darkened, and a scowl appeared on his face. "You humiliated me the other day, and I'm not too happy about that. So now I'm going to kill you." A sneer came.
"Kill me?" Winter gasped, stunned. Just over a stupid incident?
He's crazy.
"That's right. I'll kill you with the most slowest death possible," the man grinned as he pressed a button behind him. There came a whirring sound, and a sudden cold blast of air filled the room. "By freezing you down to the bones. Then smashing you so no one will ever be able to find you again."
He's really crazy. And stupid.
"Uhm, sorry to ruin your ambitious dreams of silent murder, but I'm a water and wind-type. And I can use ice," Winter said coolly. "I'm kind of immune to the cold."
The man scowled. He got up, smacking the wrench against his palm. Slowly, he approached Winter, a sly smirk on his lips.
"But you aren't immune to this aren't you?" He growled, and shoved the wrench against Winter's chest, the sharp end digging into his skin.
Winter gasped, grimacing in pain. The man pressed in deeper, twisting the wrench, a maniacal smile on his face.
Groaning, Winter struggled against his binds, trying to escape. The chains held tight, tangling his arms. He bit his lip, hissing as the man then dug the tip of his shoe into his arm, slapping the wrench across his face.
"Aren't you?" The man cackled, grabbing Winter's hair and pulling up. Winter cried out in anguish, straining as the man used the tool to slice at his neck. A small gash appeared on his collarbone, and blood began oozing out, dripping down his chest and staining his clothes bright red.
Winter felt rage rush through his veins, and he lashed out at the man with both feet, kicking him right in the groin. The man bellowed loudly as he jumped back, hunched forward and hobbling around in pain.
"How dare you!" He roared, and reached out, grabbing at Winter's neck. Winter choked, wincing as the man pressed into his windpipe. "I'm going to make you pay. You'll regret ever crossing me!" He grinned maliciously.
I can't breathe... Winter still couldn't break free from his bonds, and could only hang limply in the man's grasp as he was raised into the air, pushed against the wall. By then the room was a negative nine degrees, and the temperature was still plummeting. He finally noticed that the man was wearing a thick sweater, and underneath he caught a glimpse of two more sweaters of the same thickness.
He obviously wanted to torture me while I slowly froze to death... But since I can't be frozen by the likes of some mere freezer, he just wants to torture me till I die.
Winter attempted to twist his wrists out of their chains, but they tangled further, and he couldn't even let out a growl to show his frustration. The man was pressing harder. In desperation, Winter tilted his head and sank his teeth into the man's thick hand. Hard.
The man screamed, and threw Winter to one side as he clutched at his hand. Lying on the cold floor, coughing, Winter gulped in as much air as he could.
Drat, I need my hands!
Suddenly, he was grabbed again, and slammed into the wall. A hand kept a vice-like grip on his neck once more, the thumb pushing up his chin. The man looked furious, his eyes as hard as flint as a sinister smirk appeared.
"That's it, you brat. I was just toying with you, but I've had enough," the man scowled, tightening his grip. Winter choked, straining. His lungs were about to burst.
Just like when I was drowning...
"It's time to die!"
Oh dear. This again?
Winter felt an overwhelming sense of relief when he heard the voice.
Missed me huh? Interesting.
Shut... up...!
Ah yes, yes. Of course. After all, I am the annoying voice in your head which, for some reason, is a woman's. Isn't that right?
Just... help me... already!
Winter gritted his teeth as the man pressed in harder. He was at his limit.
Of course, of course... Hmm, how convenient. Your attacker has just provided some very useful tools you can use.
The ice in the room. The frosty mist. Basically everything that is ice.
Simple. What is it that you want to do?
Winter glared weakly at the man, pushing down the cough that was rising up his throat. He had to withstand the urge.
I want... to escape... And... MURDER this... jerk...
Very well. Now, feel the cold around you.
Winter closed his eyes, relishing the cold that kissed at his skin. It was comforting.
Find the area in the room that is the coldest. The icier, the better.
He reached out his senses, and found a patch of ice which was forming on the floor and walls, rapidly spreading. The fingers around his neck began to tremble. The man was starting to feel chilly.
Focus on that patch. Whatever you do, don't fear. You are the controller of that ice. You are the controller of all things ice. Everything is in your hands.
A serene calmness filled Winter's mind, like the undisturbed surface of a lake. He relaxed, shoulders drooping, legs losing their tension.
In the corner of the room, the ice began to break.
That's right. Slowly. Feel the power of ice seep into your very soul.
The mist warped, whooshing around the man. He gave a start, glancing around, lips thin and pale blue. The broken ice rose into the air, forming slowly into a long, thick blade, like a sword.
Reach out for the ice. Command it to do your bidding. You are the only person in the world who is able to control it. Be as selfish as you like. No one else can take the ice away from you. It is yours entirely.
Winter opened his eyes, and on cue, the mist froze onto the man's arm which was holding him. The man's eyes bulged in shock as the frozen arm disintegrated, breaking to dust. He screamed, leaping back from Winter as he landed on the ground, lightly. His chains froze over and shattered, releasing him.
The blade of ice shot towards the man, and he only managed to duck in time. "W-what the hell are you?!" He cried out, trembling fearfully, as the floor began to freeze where Winter stood.
"Those words you said before, about making me regret..." Winter gave a small, somewhat sadistic smile. "I'll send them right back at you."
The man squeaked, looking around desperately. Winter took a step forward, and the mist thickened, small darts of ice forming in the air. They shot at the man, and he screamed as they made contact with his body, freezing him all over, except for his face.
Awaken, Young Master. Awaken the hidden power inside you.
Awaken your new Special Power, 'King of Ice'.
"H-have mercy! P-please!" He begged in desperation as Winter approached him. Winter smiled as he leaned towards the man, their noses almost touching.
"Too late."
With an icy blast, the man was sent flying towards the door, slamming into it. The icy gale pressed against his body, whirling around the room like a storm. The door dented, creaking as it tried to hold, but eventually gave away, flying out, with the man following it.
The metal door landed on the ground with a noisy finish, the man crashing beside it, limbs lopsided and broken. Blood streamed from his head. Gashes appeared on his skin where the cold wind had sliced through his clothes and into his flesh.
Bright light shone into the dark room where Winter stood, and he stepped out slowly, a woozy feeling descending upon him.
Congratulations Young Master.
You said something... about 'King of Ice'...?
That's right. 'Ice Craft' has evolved. From now on, 'King of Ice' is your Special Power. Remember it.
Winter felt shocked.
'Ice Craft'... evolved?!
He couldn't believe it. He had heard rumours of how Autumn Ariand, legendary wind and fire-type, had evolved his own Special Power, 'Sandstorm', into something else. He hadn't been sure whether it was true, as in the history of double-types, among the few who had a Special Power, only a minority of those few managed to evolve their Special Powers.
And the evolved power would be even stronger than the previous.
They were extremely rare, also considering the fact that only Special Powers could evolve.
"Winter!" Came Summer's voice, and he turned to see her and Glade running to him. He gave a weak smile as fatigue set in his bones.
You have done well once again, Young Master. Now rest. You deserve it.
Winter swayed, and his knees buckled. Summer caught him just as he fell.
"Hey." he whispered to her, smiling. Summer smiled back, her relief written all over her face.
"Hey." she answered back as she knelt on the floor, pressing his head to her chest. Winter closed his eyes, relishing her soothing warmth, as he embraced the darkness.
Sometimes, it wasn't too bad to be naturally cold.
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