-A Brother's Love-
Summer entered the medical centre and saw the medics stripping Winter of his armour as he lay on a bed, unconscious. Underneath the armour was a black top, and the medics took it off too.
Summer, who was standing just a few distances away, gasped when she saw the state of Winter's body, ignoring the fact that he was half-naked and had six-packs.
Scars ran down his chest and stomach, some crisscrossing each other. There were a few which looked quite deep; others were light. Plasters and small poultices were also seen on some parts of his body. A bandage was also wrapped around his hips.
Winter is that badly hurt? Summer thought, eyes widening in horror when she finally spotted the wound she inflicted on him. It was a very ugly mark on Winter's refined skin. The flesh was burned and still bleeding uncontrollably, and a bruise was already forming around it, a hideous purplish-black.
Guilt stabbed through Summer's heart and she looked away. I did that to him... It's all my fault...
"Su...mmer... It... hurts..." Winter suddenly whimpered. Summer glanced up, stunned, and saw her friend's familiar sapphire blue eyes, swamped with agony, staring at her. Winter was awake.
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry." she gushed out, feeling tears pool in her eyes as she went to Winter's side, only to be held back by a medic.
"Ms Solveg, if you wish for Mr Wolfenstrike to be healed, please kindly do not step in." The medic snapped, a warning in her tone.
Summer took a step back, reluctantly returning to her place by the glass window that allowed the people in the medical centre to see the battles in the arena.
"Summer... Sum...mer... Don't go..." Winter begged, squeezing his eyes shut and biting his lip as the three medics tending to him dabbed the unhealed wounds all over his body, including the shoulder wound, with antiseptic.
Fresh guilt twisted Summer's heart as she heard Winter cry out in pain, his body shuddering with each agonizing breath. The medics ignored his pleas for them to stop and prodded his shoulder gently. But the prodding caused Winter to shriek, his eyes growing wide, pupils dilated. He thrashed on the bed and the medics had to forcefully restrain him down.
Winter... Summer thought, feeling her heart break. Why? Why was she feeling so guilty and regretful? Why did it hurt everytime she saw Winter scream and cry out her name, the tears staining his cheeks? The unknown feeling she was experiencing was killing her.
"I'm so sorry..." she whispered hoarsely. Summer watched, her heart in her mouth, as the medics quietly discussed what to do with Winter's arm, while the boy himself was panting and sweating, moaning.
"Ms Solveg, did you know that you burned Mr Wolfenstrike's flesh and dislodged his shoulder? The wound is extremely deep. And it appears you broke his shoulder bone a bit," one of the medics told her, his face deadly serious. Summer inhaled sharply, taking a step back in astonishment. I did all that...?
Tears sprung in her eyes and she looked away, covering her face with her hands. "Mr Wolfenstrike might have to live with a lame arm for the rest of his life because of this injury." the medic continued, as if he wanted to torment Summer even more with bad news.
A sob rose in Summer's throat but she pushed it down. "Please... Please just do whatever you can! Just don't make him feel pain anymore!" She pleaded, wiping her eyes. The medic nodded and continued to discuss with the others. Winter was no longer moving, instead lying on the bed with his eyes drooping in exhaustion. Only the excruciating pain was keeping him awake from a good rest.
"The next battle will be... Glade Wolfenstrike of 3.S versus Brazen Bull of 3.A! Competitors please take your positions on the battlefield." Mr Clarke's announcement snapped Summer from her thoughts. She turned and looked out the glass window and saw Glade jump down from the spectators' stand, a sullen, disheartened look on his face.
Brazen Bull, a boy with fiery red hair and glinting black eyes, smirked at Glade, swinging a large spikeball in the air. Glade shrugged and summoned his dualsword, which Summer knew could be split, and stabbed it into the ground. His silver eyes wandered to the medical centre's window and he saw Summer staring at him, her eyes slightly red and puffy.
Summer caught Glade's gaze and shook her head, looking away. Glade's eyes widened, and he gritted his teeth. He knew what Summer was saying. Winter was in a terrible condition.
"Ready? Then weapons up, power charged, FIGHT!" Mr Clarke boomed. The two boys stayed where they were, eyes narrowed at each other.
"Yo, Glade. Seems like that brother of yours got beaten up huh?" Brazen taunted, smirking haughtily. Glade glared at him, but didn't say anything. "It's your first time battling here right? Then you probably don't know that I'm obviously stronger than you. I mean," Brazen went on, shrugging as he gestured towards the medical centre.
"Your brother got defeated so easily by 'Her Majesty, the Queen', after all." He grinned menacingly, his smile mocking. Glade gave him a death stare, his silver eyes flashing warningly.
"Aren't you so sure? Then I'll show you," Glade hissed.
His dualsword separated into two. "That I'm stronger than I look!" With that, Glade charged at Brazen, dualswords at his side. Brazen chuckled and swung his spikeball at him. Glade nimbly dodged to one side and continued to run, his eyes blazing with hate.
Summer watched anxiously as Glade stabbed one of his blades at Brazen, but the boy dodged and swung his spikeball again. Glade ducked and stuck his swords out at Brazen's feet, which Brazen easily side-stepped. "Is this all you've got Glade? I pity that you're weaker than your pathetic brother there." Brazen mocked, his spikeball swinging towards Glade's head.
Glade blocked the attack with both his dualswords but was thrown back by the force of the blow. He grunted as he stumbled, then lunged at Brazen again. Metal clashed against metal as the two males fought, Glade becoming even more aggressive with each passing moment.
The smirk was wiped off Brazen's face when Glade detached one of his dualswords and placed one in between his teeth.
"I think I'm beginning to have some fun..." Glade purred sadistically, smirking. Brazen growled and called forth several balls of glowing, molten lava.
"You had better beware of my power, ExplOsiOn..." he threatened. Glade smirked and he calmly walked towards Brazen.
"I don't think so." And suddenly Glade disappeared, zipping through the air so quickly, Summer barely had time to see him run. Brazen's eyes widened, and he smirked, yet sweat was beading on his forehead.
"Hiding like a coward eh? That won't work on me. I'll blast-"
"Yourself up, since I'm right behind you, right?" Glade's voice whispered from behind him. Brazen whirled around but didn't see anyone.
"What the-"
Then blood sprayed.
Brazen's eyes widened when he saw his arm lying on the ground, the stump bleeding profusely. He screamed in pure fright, then felt a tap on his shoulder. Glade grinned, hanging upside down in the air, being held by some invisible force.
"Hello, it's me..." he whispered into Brazen's ear. The air grew stronger slightly as Glade disappeared once more. "Can you find me?" His voice echoed through the arena. The other students looked around in complete bewilderment, wondering where Glade was.
"Y-you don't scare me! Come out and face me like a man, coward!" Brazen yelled, his voice trembling. He felt unusual currents in the wind and suddenly, his back got cut. Brazen screamed again, eyes round with terror, as Glade materialised in front of him, landing lightly on the ground.
Glade had a maniacal grin on his face, silver eyes dark with malice. He jumped back and disappeared again. Summer knew that this was not Glade's secondary power. This was Windrunner in action.
"What was it about you being stronger than me, Bull? I think you said that I was weak just because my brother got beaten, I suppose?" Glade questioned, his voice a threatening snarl in the air.
Brazen trembled with fear, glancing around while clutching his arm stump.
More blood was suddenly sprayed as Brazen's leg was cut off. He screeched in agony, falling to the ground. Brazen tried to get up quickly, but because he lost an arm and a leg, he couldn't.
Glade appeared in front of him, towering over him. His face was dark and alight with excitement, a sinister curving smile chilling Brazen down to the core.
Brazen dragged himself away from Glade, desperate to escape. He could try using his power though. So Brazen made some lava explosives and launched them at Glade.
Glade disappeared in the blink of an eye, the only movement Brazen saw him make before that was him stepping away. The explosives shot towards the spectators, who cried out in shock and terror, as they exploded upon making contact with the stands.
Glade appeared behind Brazen, who had no idea he was behind, once more and leaned over him. "Hello from the other side..." he purred. Brazen shrieked and jumped up, tumbling down again and forcing himself forward, away from Glade.
He got to the wall, near to the medical centre, and used it as a support, standing up. Glade grinned, his single large dualsword back together. He took threatening steps forward and disappeared, appearing a few distance in front of Brazen.
Summer's eyes widened when she saw Glade raise his weapon towards Brazen, with the boy knowing fully well that he was going to lose. "I-I forfeit! I forfeit..." Brazen spluttered, edging away from Glade.
Glade paid no heed to Mr Clarke when he announced Glade as the victor. His eyes were still dark, and he licked his lips. Brazen froze. "H-hey, it's over now. You win, I take back my words." he gulped when Glade took a step forward.
"It isn't over yet..." Glade whispered. He grinned his sadistic smile. "I still haven't gotten back at you for insulting my brother."
"Glade... Hey, you aren't serious right? R-right?" Brazen stuttered nervously. Glade smirked.
"Glade Wolfenstrike, please get away from Mr Bull before I get the teachers to go down there." Mr Clarke warned. Glade ignored him and advanced on Brazen.
Summer gasped, horrified, as Glade raised his sword, going for Brazen's head. Heated murmuring broke out amongst the other students.
"Glade, st-" she cried out, running out of the medical centre. Shouts of alarm came from the medics inside treating Winter, and suddenly Summer felt herself getting shoved away. A flash of familiar marine blue shot past her as she fell to the ground.
There was silence for a moment, as Summer heard the sound of stabbing and blood splashing on the floor. Then screams erupted from the spectators. Summer got up, blinking at three figures at the wall where she last saw Glade and Brazen. Three?
Then she gasped when she realised who the third person was. No... No no no! It can't be!
Glade's eyes were wide, the shine in them back again. Blood was splattered on his face, as well as a hand on his cheek. A hand belonging to someone Summer cared for.
"Snap out of it... Glade..." he whispered weakly, smiling slightly as blood trickled down his chin from his mouth. Glade's sword protruded from his stomach, nearly puncturing Brazen, who was staring with his eyes round in shock.
"You don't have to... get back at him... for... insulting... me..." Winter's sapphire eyes, filled with love and regret, glazed over and he slumped into Glade's arms.
The sword slid out from him and landed with a thump on the ground near Glade's feet. Glade held his brother, a hand in Winter's hair, silver eyes streaming tears.
"Winter? H-hey Winter? Winter wake up," Glade said, his voice breaking as he gently patted Winter's back. His brother didn't move, lying motionless against him.
"Winter, please. This isn't funny," Glade said, laughing a little. There was still no response. "Win... ter...?" He whispered, sinking to the ground. He lay Winter's body on his lap, and his brother's head lolled back, as if he was dead.
"What have I done...?" Glade murmured, clutching his brother tightly. "Just what have I done?!" He wailed, pressing Winter close to him. His cries echoed through the arena, accompanied by the shouts of the teachers as they went down to help. Summer got up and ran to Glade's side, bending down beside him. She gasped, tears welling up in her eyes, as she took in Winter's pale face, blue lips and the new wound in his stomach, blood gushing out uncontrollably.
Glade buried his face in Winter's exposed, non-injured shoulder, as he was still half-naked.
"Glade..." Summer mumbled, reaching out to touch Glade's arm.
"He didn't... He didn't do anything to deserve this... This is all my fault... All my fault..." Glade sobbed, his body shaking. Mr Clarke gently grabbed Glade's shoulder.
"Mr Glade, please hand Mr Winter to us. We will-" A fist punched him in the face, cutting him off.
"No! Get away from me! Nobody is touching my brother! NOBODY!!" Glade shrieked, his eyes burning with fury.
Summer watched as Glade gently set Winter's body down and confronted the teachers, yelling at them to scram. She watched as he wrestled with them, thrashing and kicking, trying to 'protect' Winter from them.
Agony squeezed the life out of her as she looked back down at Winter's body. I shouldn't have requested for a rematch... Grief welled up inside her. All this happened because of my stupid idea, thinking that I could 'cheer' Winter up by fighting against him again.
Summer gently lifted Winter's body up and laid him on her lap, pressing his head against her chest. Furious shouts came from the teachers as they were forced to resort to using their powers to restrain Glade. Mdm Justifer created a small rock cage and Mr Clarke forced Glade in with his flamethrowers.
The rock cage cracked slightly as the door was sealed shut, indicating that Glade was struggling to get out. Inaudible screams and swear words flew out.
Is this how much they love each other? Summer thought, sadness clouding her mind. Winter would go to such lengths so that Glade wouldn't kill Brazen... So that he wouldn't regret his actions... And Glade would do anything to protect Winter from danger... Even if it was a teacher who only wanted to help him.
Is this how complicated family love is?
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