xviii. the plan of attack
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They watch from the crowd as Bolton and the priest battle it out, for a second she believed Bolton would win. She glanced at Uhtred and Finan who were both watching the fight with intense eyes.
"Now, I do not wish to kill this idiot, as I'm sure his mother loved him," The priest announced with the Dane on his knees and the sword at his throat, he walked around the man and placed the tip of the sword at him. "But do I have your word as warriors, that I am now a freeman?"
"You have my word, priest." Erik shouted, she noticed Sigefrid was growing angry at the display.
"If all your men fight like this, Alfred will have no trouble throwing you out of Lunden." The priest taunts with a smirk.
"Put down your sword."
"Thank you, lord." The priest says. "It was a bit on the heavy side." He then stretches out his arms and then drops the sword. Doing so angered Sigefrid who shoved his way through the crowd and kills Bolton before getting in his face.
"Where have you learned to fight, priest, the monastery?"
"I'm a Britain, lord. I was brought up killing Saxons." He said casually, the crowd watched in silence.
"Then join us, join me."
"Ten years ago, maybe. But now I will fight for my god and my freedom it seems. If it is acceptable, I will return with the lord Uhtred."
"But not before we've settled on a price, I hope? How much...for you to leave Lunden." Gene smirked when Sigefrid just laughed and walked past the Mercian. Understanding they were to leave soon she walked over to her brothers, she gave each a kiss and hug before joining Uhtred.
Now back at Coccham, the gang gathered in Uhtred's hall awaiting the lord, Aethelred sat at the table alone while his guard walked around. Gene walked in without a care, she ignored the Mercian lords scoff at the sight of her. Sihtric held his arms out for her and she eagerly sat in his lap but she was, unfortunately, facing Aethelwold. Better him than the Mercian lord. She began eating some of the berries she picked a few moments ago and watched the Saxon men.
"I have not seen the inside of a pagan hall, I am surprised at its....warmth." Gene narrowed her eyes at the man and looked to Gisela who stood next to a sitting Thyra.
"Were you expecting to see heads on poles, lord?" She gave him a teasing smile as she went to sit down.
"I was, lady. Excuse my ignorance."
"I will excuse you, this one time. I would hate to call upon our lovely seer, she would make a mess of you." Gisela spoke and looked at Gene who grinned at her, the guard turned to her and smirked as if he could not believe a woman would kill him. "Will lady Aethelflæd be joining us after prayers, lord?"
"If she has the will, yes. She had not traveled well." The Mercian lord says flatly, Gene looks at Aethelwold who shrugs.
"Should she be traveling at all to battle?"
"It was her wish to accompany her husband, they are newly married after all." The guard says, he looks over at Gene who is now feeding Sihtric some berries.
"She will be kept out of harm's way." Aethelred informed them, Thyra then got up and left the hall.
"Uhtred, has the king written that when the siege of Lunden begins I am to be first up the ladder? It is after all something you would do." Gene watches in amusement as Steapa turns to look at him with an aggravated look, she giggles quietly into Sihtric's neck to avoid interrupting. Aethelwold looked at her with a bored expression, the boy continued to spin his sword in place. She fed Sihtric another couple of berries before leaning over and placing a few in Aethelwold's palm, the boy hesitated for a brief moment before shrugging and starting to eat them.
"You accept that I am in charge of all men?"
"It's the king's wish." Uhtred answers.
"It is."
"Oh, dear." Aethelwold mumbled.
"You are with us?" Aethelred watches as Uhtred grabs a sword and swings it around.
"Why would I not be? I am an Ealdorman of Wessex."
"Alfred had decided to give you this one last chance." Aethelred says smugly.
"It would be a shame if you were to die unexpectedly in battle." Gene spoke gathering the attention of everyone, she merely glanced at them before turning back to feeding Sihtric.
"Is that a threat, lady Genevieve?" The Mercian lord asks, insulted at the idea of a woman threatening him.
"No, lord. It is simply an idea for the gods." Uhtred and Gisela smile at her in delight while the Saxons grow tense.
"The seer is not one to make an enemy of, lord." Steapa speaks and watches with confusion as Aethelwold pats her thigh in praise, she doesn't curse him but she does kick him in the shin. Harshly.
"Do you have a plan?"
"Together we will travel down the river, meet with the armies of Mercia and Wessex, and make camp a short distance from Lunden." Aethelred explains while Uhtred doesn't seem too interested.
"Do you have a plan of attack?"
"Yes, it is not too dissimilar from your plan. You will attack the north gate with your men. Once the assault is underway; I shall attack from the marshes with the main army." Gene watches as Finan starts to stab the wood with his sword in an intimidation tactic. She decides not to insert her opinion anymore and leans more into Sihtric's chest, she hums lightly when he starts to rub her back lightly, his fingers sending chills down her spine.
"Why do you both have to be so disgustingly cute?" Aethelwold muttered making the couple smile.
"And how will you know my assault is underway?" Uhtred asks the lord.
"I will know." Uhtred scoffs and turns away from him.
"You will know?"
"Uhtred, do not doubt me. I want this victory, Lunden belongs to Mercia and I am the lord of Mercia. I will go with everyman at my disposal to reclaim what is mine." Uhtred nods before turning to his seer.
"Gene, I need you to make sure to keep me informed of anything your visions or the gods may show you, alright?" Uhtred says looking at the blonde, Gisela squeezes his shoulder when he leans down for a cup of ale.
"Of course, Uhtred. I do not wish to see you die."
"I am with Uhtred." Steapa claims and Uhtred glanced at the man for a moment.
"No, Steapa, you're with me."
"I am with Uhtred," He tells him once again and pulls out a slip of paper from his wrist armor. "The King says."
"Very well."
"I am with Steapa, behind Steapa." Aethelwold speaks up and looks around the group.
"Your bravery knows no beginning, Aethelwold. A toast to the Mercians who died for Wessex at Ethandun and to the men of Wessex who will fight for Mercia at Lunden. To allies!"
"To allies." Aethelred echoes and Uhtred takes a quick drink of the ale before turning away.
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