xii. bjorn
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After the talk with Aethelwold, she decided to go find Finan and Sihtric, unsurprisingly, Sihtric was sharpening his blade while Finan watched everyone else. She walked up to Sihtric, who by now had noticed her but pretended not to and started to run her fingers through his unkempt hair. He leaned back into her and stopped doing everything altogether when she began to braid his hair.
She hummed softly when she finished the braid and moved her hands to his shoulders to massage out the knots. She chose to ignore Finan's teasing look he was undoubtedly wearing and inside focused on the man sitting in front of her.
"Finan." The man said a few minutes later and tensed up once again, she huffed in annoyance. All that work and it was ruined. Sihtric reached back to squeeze her hand in gratitude before standing.
"What?" She and Finan looked to where Sihtric was looking and Finan quickly moved to greet the King.
"Lord King, welcome to Coccham!"
"Finan." Alfred says dismissively.
"Lord Uhtred is at the fortress, the burh." Finan explains and watches as Alfred looks at her. He frowns but quickly covers it up to avoid the king's questions.
Gene didn't like Alfred and she knew that he was indifferent to her.
"Will you fetch him, Finan? We'll be waiting in the hall." Odda asked kindly.
"I will, lord." And then offers a forced smile before turning to Sihtric and Gene.
"The man must have a priest for each day of the year." The three chuckle and watch a group of priests walk by, Finan does the four-point cross on his chest.
"Do you think he'll notice if I kill one?" She asked and leaned her shoulder into Sihtric's. The flare-up of bloodlust was present now more than before.
"Do not kill any of Alfred's priests, Gene." Finan said sternly making her pout.
"You used to be the fun one." She mumbled and watched in amusement as he tossed a rock at her. Before any more could be said Finan joins Uhtred to speak with Alfred, while Gene chooses to stay back with Sihtric.
"Why do you only use my blood for spells?" Sihtric asks suddenly, his hand nervously playing with the sleeve of her dress. He knew she had spoken of him having power but he didn't grasp the depth of it all.
"Despite it being seen as a woman's power, you have traces of the gift in your blood too. Your mother may have dabbled in it long before you were born." She states and moves his hand from her dress sleeve. She holds both his hands in hers and tries to make eye contact with him, he for some reason seems not to want that. "Sihtric? Did I offend you?"
"No!" He quickly says before growing flustered at the sight of her smile. "My mother was a Saxon slave. She believed in God." She moved one of her hands to his face and traced her finger along his cheek.
"She did not have to be a seer, Sitty," She paused to take in him blushing from the new nickname, he was always so beautiful. It was frustrating. "If she believed in God so deeply a simple prayer would have sufficed. The spirit is a wonderful thing that can make anything happen if you desire it enough."
"Maybe...maybe you could teach me something then? To see if your theory is true." He hesitantly speaks and she immediately agrees.
Clapa, unfortunately, interrupted the moment they were sharing by announcing a trader ship. The two walk over to the docks where Uhtred is sitting down, she notices the absence of the king.
"Godwine, I was expecting you days ago. Are you carrying the axe heads?" Uhtred asks the trader.
"I am, lord. Frankia made, would split an oak tree." The man praised.
"How many?"
"How many do you need?" Godwine asked nervously.
"My men saw warriors aboard your ship. Is this true?" She watches as Uhtred moves to the frightened man.
"Three men only, lord. It is a Northman, he wishes to speak to you, alone." He practically whimpers out.
"Can I trust this Northman?"
"He says that you know him. His name is Erik, he has a brother named Sigefrid." Uhtred soon grows alert at the names, Gene however walks past the warriors and stands next to him. She couldn't stop the underlying excitement filling her stomach at the thought of seeing Erik again.
"And a sister, me." She points to herself and grins when the trader stumbles away from her.
"Finan, the first sign of trouble, fire the ship." He orders, Finan walks down to them with a grin.
"There'll be no need for fire, lord." The trader speaks.
"Sihtric, fetch me a whole bunch of torches," Finan puts an arm around the man's shoulders and pulls him close. "I like to be prepared." He taunts while Clapa smiles.
"Why are you here?" She hears Uhtred ask, she turns away from Uhtred's men and sees her brother.
"I am not looking to fight, not yet. Can you believe I am traveling to meet with a dead man?" Gene crosses her arms in disbelief, Erik catches sight of her annoyed expression.
He knew that she knew it was a trick. He just hopes she won't spoil the plan.
"You deal in sorcery now? One seer isn't enough?" Uhtred deadpans and Gene giggled at his dry humor.
"It is my fate, or so I'm told. You have my word that I will make my appointment in Mercia and then I shall return to Frankia." He climbs out of the ship and stands next to Gene.
"Sigefrid is in Frankia?" She asks, hoping her eldest brother is safe.
"He is, but not for much longer, our brother is...restless. We have grown strong in the years since Northumbria. We have a fleet now, nineteen ships." Erik brags, Gene against her better judgment placed her hand on Erik's arm to make sure he was truly real. Erik, as if sensing it, placed his rough palm on her own.
"Which you will sail to where?"
"Oh, we have no firm plan, other than to listen to Bjorn." Erik says simply.
"The dead man."
"You say it without surprise, Uhtred. I think you might have gotten wind of this ghost. He speaks the words of the three spinners. We cannot ignore him." Erik looks between his sister and Uhtred as the fellow male grows tense.
"You and I, after his defeat at Ethandun, the Earl Guthrum rejected our gods and they are angry. They want revenge, I believe we have been chosen," Erik shrugs nonchalantly. "You will receive your invitation. You shall see for yourself, I'm sure."
"What if I refuse to meet this ghost?"
"That is a matter for the three spinners and the gods." Erik replied.
"And what if I believe this ghost to be real, to be Sigefrid wanting to kill me?" Uhtred looks at Erik who shakes his head.
"You have my word that it is not. I swear all that we want is Uhtred of Bebbanburg at our side. Now, am I allowed to pass to keep my appointment?"
"You are. Safe journey all the way back to Frankia." Erik nods his head in a sign of both thanks and respect.
"Uhtred Ragnarsson, you will always have my respect. But do not forget, you were raised a dane." He says before turning to Gene.
"My beautiful little sister, are you being treated well?" He glances behind her seeing three of Uhtred's men glaring him down.
"They are lovely people, brother. I love you and I miss you so much." He smiled sadly down at her and pulled her into a hug.
"I love you too. Both of us wish you left them behind and stayed with your brothers."
"This better not be a trap, Erik. I will protect Uhtred at all costs and using the cover of Bjorn is tasteless." She mutters into his ear, and Erik chuckles at her.
"It's not a trap, Gene. And I did not think you would remember the stories, but Sigefrid said you would. The bond you two share has not weakened, even in distance and time it would seem." Erik said bitterly before pulling away and kissing her forehead.
"Just because I've always been closer to Siggy, that doesn't mean I love you any less. I love you both so much that it hurts to be away from you, but I must remain here. Tell Sigefrid I love and miss him, please?" She pleads while the man nods and climbs back on his ship to sail away from her once more.
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