i. the gods
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The gods were angry.
The roar of the sea tossing the ship to the left, the men screaming orders to their slaves. Genevieve watched as one man was grabbed by the sea itself, and tossed over like a bag of rotten apples. She knew the gods favored her but she wasn't sure how much until now. She could almost feel the spirit of Loki himself enter through her for the thoughts that invaded her mind were not her own. She had the sudden urge to skin each of these men alive, cleansing her pale skin with their blood as she offered their hearts to the sea. She wanted to break the bones within their chest and spill their organs to the monsters below them.
She laughed as lightning struck the front of the ship, burning the ropes tied to the sail. She laughed and laughed until her throat grew sore and even then she pushed to torment those who grew closer. She mocked the ugly men who claimed to own her, for no mortal man would ever tame the witch.
"What are you laughing at whore?" The man snarled, his whip strapped ready to strike her again, she almost grew to enjoy the sting. To feel the blood drip from her back and feel the lust for death be remade once more. Each strike made her more lustful for their blood, sometimes she even fantasized about tearing their flesh from their throat with her teeth. To feel the skin give way to their vulnerable bits, or rather to taste the corruption in their bones.
"They are angry at you. You will die," She giggled as the wind picked up as she spoke. Loki whispered in her ear as the god's phantom hands lingered on her body. "They want a sacrifice and I chose you." She whispered, she reached next to her where a piece of driftwood had floated near her. Sharpened and ready to be stained red, Loki hissed his disapproval as the ugly man grabbed her by the hair. His smirk held no weight when he had no teeth.
"I think it's time for you to take a cock, what do you say boys?" He yelled the others roared in agreement. Screams of young girls and their pleas for them not to overshadow them, the women wanted to save their protector from being tainted by the hands of men.
"Go ahead and try." He raised an eyebrow at her. "If you succeed, which I highly doubt. Loki will smite you where you stand, regardless of who you worship." The man hesitated before pushing down his trousers and showing his small cock. She almost wanted to feel pity just at the sight of it. Loki's voice snickered to next her at the sight, her lips ticked up in amusement. But, all things must come to an end.
She slowly ran her hand up his leg and moved closer, his breath stopped at the sight. Lust clouded his ugly face and before her lips could touch his cock she used the piece of wood to stab it into his ballsack. His screams were music to her ears. The spewing of blood on her face almost made her feel aroused, the energy that flowed through her made her feel alive for the first time in years. However, she briefly wondered if that was due to Loki's influence.
"I curse you all! I shall curse your bloodline for generations to come. All the men from this day on will piss blood and choke on their lies, what they shall do to a woman will be returned double. Your cocks will burn and blister from just the thought of a cunt and nothing you will do will ever remove this curse. For it's bound in blood. In mine and Loki's." She spit in anger.
With the dagger of one of the men, she slit her palm and chanted to the Loki while her blood joined the sea's vengeance, she smirked when a flash of gold joined her blood in the sea. She used her blood to trace runes on her chin and forehead and walked to the men who begged for their lives. She forced her blood into their mouths and watched as they screamed in pain. Loki's chest pressed against her back as his fingers slid down her arm and rested his bloody palm against hers, his golden blood merged with her own and dripped into the mouths of the men.
"Every woman or girl you have ever wronged will be another male in your bloodline punished. Be it a brother or son, you will pay. Odin himself couldn't even save you now. Nor will the Christian god." She mocked, licking the blood from her lip, and turned to the Saxon and Dane slaves cowering away from her.
"I do not seek to harm you. You are no man." She smiled, the blood clotting on her teeth making her look deranged, scaring the young children. She turned to the sky and laughed as it cleared and showed the way to land with the sun, its light reflected off the water and almost blinded her with its beauty.
"You will be free once more, darlings. No need to cry." She soothed the crying children who moved to cuddle into her body for protection. She felt Loki press a kiss to her head before freeing her of his presence, she stroked the head of the child as she looked to the sea.
"The devil speaks through you girl. I will pray for your soul." An old lady prayed, begging her one true god to forgive Gene but she simply smiled and leaned into her space.
"You say that but your devil would kneel before me. He would worship me and beg for guidance. If he were real." She hissed, spitting blood on the lady's face in mockery. She moved to the front of the ship and looked to the gods once more.
"Why is my destiny intertwined with this Uhtred you connect me to? Why do you guide me to him? Why do our dreams merge when we sleep?" She mumbled, she grabbed her bag of bone-carved runes and scattered them. She stood abruptly at the message laid in front of her, all air was stolen from her at that moment.
The gods have spoken.
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