The Gift
"It's manageable," Peridot kicked the dirt, looking around the expansive and disheveled garden. "And you want all new plants?"
"Well, I don't think she would like it very much if it were exactly the same." Steven laughed, a little more nervously when he caught sight of the footprints that pressed down the grass for decades. "I think it will help her let go- or be a little happier if it stopped being mom's and started being just hers."
Peridot rummaged through a large bad of gardening supplies, pulling out various tools to get started on the project.
"If I plant the seeds, you can do that thing with your- erk, mouth..we should be done by the end of the week!" The little green gem immediately became picking at the ground and pulling out the dead plants, plodding new seeds in their place as she moved in strategic rows throughout the maze. Steven got to work as well, starting with the pillars Spinel had thrown about the garden the last time she had come. They were still fairly well kept, crumbling but he could easily fix that with a few choice carvings.
He sifted through Peridots bag in search of something similar to a chisel, taking the creative opportunity to make it even more of something for Spinel.
The broken pillars could easily be chipped into hearts, and the giant diamond insignia was crushed enough to change as well. It would be perfect for her.
It was obvious. So terribly, clearly obvious that Steven got bored of her too now. He spent most of his days playing with Peridot or outright avoiding her. She would have been mad, if it didn't make so much sense. She was so hollow and selfish and stupid.
Spinel sat, curled up in the bath tub, keeping the door locked and the water running so scalding it made her nearly turn red. Little strands of hair littered the water, floating around her like all the mistakes she ever made. Tiny little peices of her lack of self control. Spinel didn't care though, the water was hot enough and loud enough that no one could really hear her quiet sobs, and if they ever got loud enough she could just sink into that water and stare up at the boarded ceiling, watching the bubbles float up from her lips.
A knock on the door, though muffled by the water, made her pull her head up though.
"Spinel?" It was Steven. Probably there to tell her to leave, to say he hated her, that he was bored of her. "I know you're in there."
The gem stood up and shook the water off of herself, coiling up tightly to ring out the last of it. She sucked in a breath and feigned a smile, opening the door to greet him.
"Hi, Steven." That smile, it made it so hard for him not to break his secret. It took weeks, longer than intended but God, it would be so worth it to see Spinel smile like that all the time.
"I have a surprise for you, can you put this on?" Steven pulled a sleep mask shaped like a little rabbit out of his pocket and handed it to the gem, patiently waiting for her to comply.
"A surprise?" So maybe he wasn't mad at her? Maybe all this time he was working on this secret surprise, ohh, isn't that lovely? Spinel nodded and pulled the mask over her eyes, jutting out her hand so her friend could guide her to this surprise. It would be a lie if she weren't a little nervous, that she didn't think- just a little, that he was taking her somewhere just to leave her alone. Still, a surprise, for her. Just for her?
Steven grinned and took the gem's hand, leading the stumbling friend up the stairs toward the warp pad. The two stepped up onto the pad and Spinel blindly turned her head.
"Are we going somewhere?" She asked, facing the general direction of Steven. He could barely hide the smile on his face and it was Peridot's brilliant idea to keep her blindfolded to make the reveal all the more surprising.
"Yeah, I think you're really gonna like it." Steven nodded, warping the two of them to Spinel's new garden.
"Okay, are you ready?"
"I'm ready."
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