Into the woods
Quickly we all separated, heading into different directions. Running I arrived at Aphmau's house to find her sleeping on the couch. "Night, Aph." I whisper and then head into my room. Sleepily I crash into the bed and fall asleep instantly.
Where am I? I think as I sit up to find myself in a grassy plain. A field, but where is this place? Suddenly I hear voices and I tuck down letting the grass cover me. "We must attack now." I hear a gruff voice say.
"No we need to wait." Somebody else replies.
"Is this about the girl?" The gruff voice says.
"Hmmm she has a strong magical presence can't you feel it. In fact you should be able to feel it right now isn't that right Scarlia?"
His eyes bore into mine the fiery read of his eyes full of anger and hatred. He grinned showing off dozen of razor sharp teeth. I didn't think this was even possible. I couldn't be him, not after all these years. It might not be him I thought but I was sorely mistaken. It was undeniable no one looked like him with silver hair that was not from old age, glowing skin that could set you on fire and finally his eyes. Sure you could have an eye colour from purple to brown but no one had red eyes unless... You were demon.
"You!" I spat getting up to face him.
"After all these years and still as stubborn and angry as ever." He says laughing at me.
Next to him I see a werewolf, who is unnaturally tall with silver specks in his fur. An alpha. Oh gosh a demon king and an Alpha wolf. Great I was completely outnumbered.
"Well, well if isn't the werewolf slayer herself." He says glaring at me.
I was aggravated by this he sent those werewolves to their doom. "You sent them to attack me, I just protected myself." I growl, heading towards them.
"You know I could pass a message on to you're brother if you want? He's getting very lonely in the underworld. I stop dead in my tracks. How dare he talk about Michael. The only person I ever trusted and he was taken from me by him. Anger coursed through me, setting my nerves on fire pulsing through me. I couldn't control it, I should have stopped but I dint want to. Always, I wanted to let go just admit to my feelings and become my true form. Yet that was impossible, I wouldn't be able to lead a proper life and I'd just destroy whatever surrounded me. But it was to late now as I felt myself levitate of the floor.
"Oh so you've gotten stronger with your capabilities." He said smirking at me.
Slowly I turn around and I see my shame and pride. Wings. They flutter out of my back like angels hundreds of gold and silver feathers shinning bright. Slowly they flutter together lifting me off the ground and I fly off the ground so that I'm just at the height of the werewolf.
"Haha you could never control anything. That's why all you're family are dead, you're entire village and you're brother." He says cackling at my misfortune. Tired I fall to the ground and hit the floor hard.
Immediately I sit up out of bed gasping. Breath I think to myself. I need to calm down. "Scarlia are you alright?"I hear someone call.
"Yes." I really wearily.
Slowly I make my way over to my door and shut it. Revealing the Demon King.
"Nightie, night.." He says before punching me out.
"Huhuhuh" I breath, sweating and crying. I look around. To find myself in the plaza. Holy crap how did I get here?
I pull my legs to myself and bury my head in them, racking my whole body with sobs. I feel like giving up with this world and joining my brother in the next. For a while I stay there crying until I feel strong arms surround me. I look up to see Vylad staring down at me, his face full of concern. "Hey what's wrong?" He whispered softly. I sat there motionless and he didn't prod anymore. I should have walked away from him not let myself hide in his chest. The walls I've built to protect myself over the years crumpled when he sat next to me, pulling me close to him. "It's something I'd rather not talk about." I said quietly.
"That's fine but you know you can tell me if there's anything wrong.. He says smiling at me.
"Thanks." I whisper sleepily, nuzzling into this chest. Damn it I was so weak. Ha never mind I thought as I slowly drifted asleep.
Third person perspective
"Hehe should we wake them up?" Alexis asked.
"Nah let them sleep." Katelyn said smiling down at the two sleeping teens.
"Come on not even one little prank.." Malachi whined.
"I agree with Mal on this one, we can't pass up an opportunity like this." Yip said leaning down to face Scarlia and Vylad.
"They look so peaceful even Scarlia." Alexis said.
"Yeh, what a shame to wake the up." Yip said leaning down to face them. "Ok Kat pass me the potion."
"Are you sure?" Katelyn said warily.
"Yes." Jefforey said appearing from the other side.
"Woah dude where were you?" Yip said giving Jefforey a bro hug.
"Hey due, wait what on earth are Vylad and Scarlia doing?" He yelled loudly.
"Dude shut up, they are sleeping we just found them here and the boys want to prank the." Katelyn explained.
"Cool, what do you have in mind?" Jeffory asked walking to Katelyn and slinging his arm around her. Katelyn who was retailer stoic actually didn't see to mind and blushed. "Ok here's the plan..." Malachi and Yip began as everyone crowded round.
Scarlia P.O.V
Wow that was a great sleep and surprisingly I wasn't cold as I woke up to see Vylad leaning against me. He looked so cute when he was sleeping. Wait what did I just think? No no no I can't fall for him, he'd only end up getting hurt and I couldn't do that to him. His eyes were closed and I could feel the steady pulse of his heart under my hand. He was asleep but not for long. "Hey Vylad com on wake up." I said nudging him.
"Five more minutes." He says turning around.
I laugh and he opens his eyes taking in our surroundings. "How did we get here?. He asked a little bit scared.
"You found me here lst night and we slept here.. I explained.
He takes it all in." Did we do anything...?" He trails off.
That makes me blush. "No we didn't." I say blushing immensely. Damn it stop blushing I mentally yell at myself.
"Hey do you here that I?" I say getting up slowly.
"There's no one her." Vylad says and I finally notice that no ones about. Then I see the horizon. It's beautiful, decorated with pinks and reds, with not a single cloud in sight. And there's the sun rising in all its glory. I avert my eyes as I start to see stars. Suddenly I hear a creaking sound and before its to late I push Vylad out of the way as the ice cold water hits my head.
Jeffory's POV
Oh shit, we hit Scarlia. Damn it we were supposed to chuck water onto Vylad as getting on the bad side of Scarlia was not to appealing. After seeing her take down Dante and those werewolves I did not want to be on the opposite side of her fury. But well life is unfair as I stare down from my hiding spot in a towering tree. She's soaked and her body is dripping wet. Surprisingly she doesn't snarl or attack one of us in the tree. She laughs. Hysterically,and I feel safe so I encourage everyone to come down. Yip jumps down catching Alexis and she giggles. They are sweet together both improving each other. Katelyn stands next to me and Mal is laughing with Scarlia. I look down at Vylad who is glaring at us all. "Geez chill V." I say calmly. He glares harder. The next thing I know Scarlia has pounced swinging her legs under all of us sending us backwards. "Damn you." Yip says angrily. She laughs at that, her eyes sparkling." Scarlia 1 friends 0." She says laughing.
"Catch this." Vylad says picking her up easily and throwing her high up. She screams with joy and grabs onto a tree branch swinging one from the other like a monkey. "Catch me if you can?" She yells happily. Man when she's not being angry and stubborn she's fun to hang out with. I see Katelyn laughing and smile at her and she smiles back our eyes locking.
Scarlias POV
Ok so over the past few days I've been working out a daily routine whilst we figure a way for me to get home. So early morning is my time, then training with Dante and the guards and finally choosing what to do. So early morning today I'm up and out early just as the sun rises. I do laps around the beach, I can run faster and further than anybody else I've ever met except for one person. The thought of him makes me angry and I speed up using my anger as motivation. Soon I've run the entire beach ten times and I'm still not sweating. "No need to show off." I hear a voice say. Quickly I turn around drawing my sword. "Dante?" I ask quizzically.
"Hey you're late for training." He say slightly annoyed.
Shoot I forgot. "Sorry." I start to say.
"I don't want to here you apologise even if it is rather justifying, come on." He says walking off leading me to trail after him.
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