Strange Feelings
We know, we can't fight it,
We're a mess, but we like it.
And I won't let it go,
Lovin' you is like walking on a tightrope.
Heh, my brother knew me so well! Hell ya, I wanted to go! The curiosity from whatever the girls were up to was killing me! So right after our drills of the day, Berwald drove Alfred, Gilbert, Antonio and me to where they were performing.
I stared outside at the buildings in amazement. This was some high-end street! Everything was bright and flashy at this late time from the lights along the streets. People were walking around, either shopping or looking in windows.
"Matthias, over here!"
I turn to see Gilbert waving at me and the rest of the guys standing by the entrance of a flashing, fancy looking club. That's where they were performing? Sweet! As I made my way over to them, I noticed a long line waiting in the front.
It was really long, wrapping all around the block. I started to get a little nervous from all the stares as I reached the area. The red-head bouncer standing outside the entrance watched me suspiciously. "Guys, who's this?"
"Hey, I'm Matthias, Berwald's brother," I told him with a grin as I wrapped an arm around the Swede's shoulders. His glare intimidated me a bit, just a bit. Were we really in the right place?
He gave an unimpressed snort and glanced over to Alfred. What, he didn't see our family resemblance at all? Luckily my bespectacled buddy backed me like a true pal he is.
"Yeah, well soon to be step-brother. He's new to the area, so it'd be cool if he came with us, right?"
The way he stared Alfred down worried me for a few seconds, but then he suddenly guffawed and reached out, unclipping the rope chain. "Man, if you weren't with Alice, I'd definitely wouldn't be doing this."
"Thanks bro!" Alfred bumped fists with him as he walked inside, everyone else following right behind. As I walked through the door, the red-head scanned me one last time before turning back to the crowd.
"But if he gets into any trouble, it's on you," were his parting words as he shut the door behind us.
"Don't worry, I won't," I told them, half meaning it. I couldn't make any promises right now, could I?
"Sure, sure!" he agreed quickly and ushered us in. "Alright guys, my shift's gonna start soon, so sit somewhere and make yourselves comfortable before the show starts!"
Alfred hurried over to a door and disappeared. I turned to Berwald for answers. "So, who was that guy at the entrance, and how does Alfred know him?"
"He's Alice's older brother, Alistair," answered the Swede, "Alfred works with him here along with Alice's other brother, Dylan."
He nodded at a dude wiping the counter-top. I watched him for a few seconds before turning away to look at everything in awe. I've never been inside a club like this before.
"Whoa," I breathed, taking everything in. The place was brightly lit inside, with plush seating scattered all over. There was a stage at one end of the room with a couple singing. On the opposite end was a bar with many different types of alcohol on display with miniature spotlights. It looked too expensive to be here.
"Are you sure we're allowed to be in here?"
"We're here for the music, not the drinks," he pointed out. "Should be fine."
"Yeah, but," I glanced at Gilbert, who was already sitting at the counter with a beer, "Why is he drinking?"
Berwald rolled his eyes. "Because he's an idiot."
"So then . . ." I trailed off suggestively, wiggling my eyebrows.
"No," was his immediate answer. I used my best sad look on him, but he only glared at me. Even though I was technically the oldest, by one day, he decided to be the mature and responsible sibling.
That was fine by me, but that included being a downer when I wanted to have fun, making sure I stayed out of trouble, and wouldn't hesitate to rat me out.
"Alright, fine," I huffed, looking away and giving up. Even though I wasn't planning on driving back, he only saw me drunk once, and decided he couldn't or didn't want to deal with that again.
We decide to sit at a mostly empty group of tables near the back, with the exception of one guy in red, since the people here hogged all the tables near the stage. Berwald left to order water while Antonio was busy cooing at his phone.
This left me with only my thoughts for company. As we waited for the show to start, I went back to the conversation that we had on the way here.
"So, what kind of gig do the girls have?" I asked them curiously, casually.
"Well, they're gonna perform at the place where Alice and me work at," Alfred answered me. "It's kinda normal for them by now, a couple times a week, every Friday."
"Really? That sounds awesome!"
"Yeah, but it's just a side thing for them. Like extracurriculars for college applications, you know?"
"Not for Luna," Gilbert cackled. "She's pretty hardcore, practicing every single day. Though, not as bad as our Mozart wannabe teacher!"
"Every day?" I echo in amazement. So that's why she didn't want to watch us yesterday.
"Mhm," Berwald confirmed, never taking his eyes off the road. "Plans to major in music."
Wow. She's only a sophomore, and she already has her life planned out. Compare that to me, I don't even know what I want in life yet. She really is–
I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a high-pitched squeal. Looking up, I saw a blurred figure wearing dark clothing tackle-hug Berwald. It wasn't enough to knock him over, but he did lose his breath from the collision.
"Ber-bear, you're here~!" Tina beamed up happily at him. The Swede reached down to stroke her hair with a slight smile. "Of course. Wouldn't miss it for the world."
I silently gagged to myself. Twice in a day was my limit, I think. While they were still in their soulmate bubble, I noticed Tina's clothes again and did a double-take. They were different from what she wore at school.
Her shirt was a dark navy blue with holes all over the sleeves, a black skirt with real metal chains hanging on, and her look was completed with a black flower in her hair and a silver cross necklace. She looked like a younger version of Luna, make-up and all.
What happened to her?
Wrapped securely in Berwald's arms, she turned and finally noticed me. "Oh, hej Matthias! You came too?"
"Yep!" I grinned at her. "Since Berwald here was talking about how good you guys were, I decided to tag along to see for myself. Hope you don't mind."
"Oh, no it's fine! I'm glad you're here!" she reassured me. "I just came out here for some help." Tina tilted her head back to look up at her soulmate.
"Berwald, can you help me move the equipment to the stage?" she asked with big, round puppy eyes. As you could probably tell, Berwald didn't stand a chance against those eyes. He nodded and started to get up.
Dang, I gotta ask her how she pulled that off.
"If you want, I can help too," I offered. It was getting kinda boring, sitting down and watching everyone in the bar. My body was itching for some exercise.
"No, that's okay," Tina said. "There's not that much, but Alice and Luna might get mad if you mess with their stuff. And Berwald's really strong~"
She glanced at her soulmate with another adoring smile before continuing, "Besides, it's your first time here! You should just relax and enjoy the performances!"
And with that, they left me. I was still bored, so I looked around some more. On the stage, the couple singing the duet finished and walked off the stage. One of Alice's brothers, I forgot his name already, stepped into the spotlight and spoke into the microphone.
"Alright guys, in a few minutes Siren's Voice will be up," he announced, "So be nice and patient, yeah?"
"Siren's Voice?" I repeated to myself. I've never heard that song before, but judging from the crowd's wild response, they knew it well.
"You've never heard of them?!" A shocked voice echoed my thoughts. I looked up to see the guy sitting at the table next to mine, staring back at me curiously.
He looked like your typical cosplayer, with a small dark red bowler hat, weird burgundy eyes, an effect from wearing red contacts I think because there was no way that was his natural eye-color, and matching coat. A pair of fake fangs hanging out his mouth completed the look.
. . . was he supposed to be a vampire?
"Um, yeah," I said sheepishly, scratching my head, "I'm kinda new here, so-"
"Oh really? I thought so!" The stranger laughed widely, the colored lights bouncing off his 'teeth'.
I mean, he sorta looked like a vampire, except that his strawberry blond hair didn't really fit in. Maybe if he dyed his hair black? Unless he was going for the whole Twilight look and messed up his hair dye... But I really shouldn't judge.
Looking closer though, I thought I saw something glitter on his skin-
"Anyways!" He continued, interrupting my thoughts again, "Siren's Voice is one of the most popular groups around here. Made of three members, all girls, one being the club's owner's younger sister, which makes her untouchable, and the others her friends. She and one of them found their soulmates already, so they're off-limits. The third member, who is still single, is none other than-"
"Luna Bondevick!" Another voice burst out loudly behind us over the music. We turned to see Gilbert, grinning and on his way to being drunk out of his mind, making his way towards us. He plopped down on Berwald's empty chair and places his half-empty beer bottle on the table.
"That's right," the 'vampire' agreed, "But she's no easy catch. Luna's really picky about her men, doesn't date often, our renowned ice queen. You're better off in your wildest dreams–"
"Nu-uh!" The Prussian butted in again. He hiccuped and wiped his red face before guffawing, "I went out with her before! But man, that girl's seriously frigid though! She just couldn't keep up with my awesomeness!"
"Well, so have I," retaliated the strawberry blond with a sigh. "It's such a shame that she doesn't like me though. Luna's quite a lovely girl..."
"She's just like Lovi!" Antonio chimed in cheerfully, "but Lovi's definitely cuter!"
For some reason, the conversation seriously ticked me off. I really didn't like the way they talked about her. Maybe it was because they mentioned her like an object, not a person to care about.
She wasn't heartless! And Lovina probably wasn't the best person to compare her to. I decided to try and defend her honor.
"Well, I think Luna-"
"Talking about me, I see." A cool, empty voice slid in smoothly.
We looked up to see Luna herself gazing at us with a cold, disinterested stare. She too was dressed up for the performance, her usual dark clothing adorned with chains of silver jewelry. Her pale blond hair stood out in stark contrast.
Most importantly, her shades were off. Looking at her dark eyes, my stomach wiggled. What was up with my lunch today?
She looked absolutely, terrifyingly breathtaking, and our table was silenced right away with her presence.
"Hey Luna," somehow the 'vampire' was able to greet her naturally, "Shouldn't you be in the back getting ready?"
"Just getting a drink, Vlad," she answered, holding up a water-bottle. "We're going to start in a few minutes, so–"
"Luna~" Gilbert slurred, reaching up to wrap his arm around her shoulders, "Can yooou singyy a songyy for meee?" Suddenly, something surges within me, and I felt the urge to punch him.
The feeling was much stronger than before. Watching the way he touched her felt wrong. He wasn't even her soulmate!
Luckily, before I could act on those weird feelings by doing something that I might regret, Luna beats me to the punch by easily shoving him off with a flat, "What kind?"
"Hm..." He didn't deem to be fazed at all by her actions, lazily resting his head on his arm and gazing at her with half-lidded eyes, smirking sloppily.
Was he drunk already? Why would he be hitting on her after complaining earlier? This only fueled the strange swirls inside as I watched for her reaction as he asked, "One about your feelings for me~?"
But she only rolled her eyes at his request, saying only, "Sure" and turning away from him in dismissal. The relief I felt when she did was overwhelmingly calming. I couldn't change my expression fast enough when she happened to look directly at me.
"Oh. You're here too," Luna said, though she didn't seem to be that surprised to see me like Tina was. I quickly put a grin on my face.
"Uh, yeah!" I managed to say with those steely eyes on me, "You see, Berwald told me about this and I was curious so I came with and—"
"That's nice," she cut me off, effortlessly saving me from my nervous rambling. Her eyes looked away to sweep around the room, which was almost full by now. All the seats were taken by now, and some people were already standing by the stage.
Huh. I didn't notice before, but it seems like Siren's Voice really is popular with this crowd.
"As much as I would love to stay and chat a while longer, I should go now. Everyone has waited long enough. See you guys in a bit."
With that, Luna turned away and swayed over to a door labeled 'Employees only'. I found my voice again and called out without thinking, "Hey Luna!"
I didn't think that she'd listen to me, but when she actually stopped before the door to look back surprised me. Since I hadn't planned out what to say, I just told her lamely, "Good luck."
"Thanks," she replied quietly before slipping behind the door. Even though her response was a bit stiff, I could feel a warm glow. Somehow, wishing her luck made her happy. I didn't know how I knew that, since anyone else would think she just brushed off my words, but I knew. It made me grin.
But then some sharp whistling popped my happy bubble. I turned back to see the va-Vlad smirking at me. "And that, my friend, is Luna Bondevick."
"Yeah, I know," I told him absentmindedly, thinking about her cute reaction. "I go to the same school as her. We have a couple of classes together."
"Do you now?" He shook his head in admiration. "Lucky you. Too bad she's out of your league."
"Obviously!" I forced out a laugh, feeling my stomach twist at his words. "Besides, I've already found my soulmate."
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