So...sequel! Hurray!
Everybody loves a sequel.
This first chapter is dedicated to the lovely FandomChick910 !
The start of this book takes place 2 days after Mari was taken by the 2ps.
Y'all remember Mari's friend, Taylor, right? He has a pretty big part in this book so here is a character description:
Taylor Eggers
Age: 17
Hair color: Dark Brown/ Black
Eye color: light blue
Personality: Smart, Sarcastic, Geeky, stubborn, and protective of Mari
Any who, all authors notes are in bold.
America's POV
It had been 2 days since Mari's disappearance.
2 days.
Who knows what the 2ps could have done to her? She could be dead. But, that's not really the 2ps way of doing things. Worst case scenario, Mari was lying on the floor in a pool of her own blood wishing she were dead.
Or she was being forced to eat Oliver's cupcakes.
Or she was being chained to a wall while undergoing some other awful form of torture.
I pushed the dark thoughts from my mind and kept on driving. England sat next to me, making calls to other countries about scheduling a World Meeting as soon as possible. France sat in the back yelling unhelpful things like
"Turn left in 300 kilometers!"
"Miles, dude! They're called miles!"
I sometimes really hated the European countries. I had changed my measuring system just to spite Britain, which I later regretted since it made everything so impractical. I will never, ever, admit that though.
I guess everyone is probably wondering where we are going. Well, the answer to that would be that we were on a bit of a kidnapping mission. The person in particular that we were kidnapping would be Mari's friend, Taylor. She had mentioned him several times while we had been stranded in the woods. He might be able to help us solve the 2ps little 'game' since he knew her better than the rest of us. We were using Mari's phone to trace him back to where he lived using a downloadable virus thingy Japan had sent us.
There was only one problem:
It was in FREAKIN metric meters.
At least we knew he lived in the suburbs of Brooklyn so that we didn't have to completely be lost. After some trouble at the Canadian border and a few wrong turns, we pulled into the driveway of his house.
Taylor's POV
Huh. A black SUV just pulled up.
It looks like it's from the government.
Damn it.
I grabbed my lap top and hugged it to my chest. No way they were taking this away from me.
No friggin way.
I flopped down on the couch and messed my hair up. After grabbing a bag of chips and one of the empty root beer bottles from the recycling bin my mother insisted on keeping. It perfectly completed my look of your average American teen on a Saturday afternoon. There was a knock on the door. "Come in.", I called out in a practiced lazy tone.
Three men walked through my front door.
Holy freaking god.
Mari hadn't been crazy.
At least, less crazy than normal.
Note to self: cancel therapist meeting I scheduled for her.
"We are here to kidnap you.", The one I recognized as America said. The slightly shorter one who I recognized as England whacked him with the back of his hand. I cocked an eyebrow.
"And why would that be?", I said smoothly. England sighed. America sadly looked at the floor.
"Mari's been kidnapped by a very dangerous group of terrorists know as the 2ps.", the guy I was guessing to be France said. America proceeded to explain the whole situation to me.
"And that's why we need you."
I cracked my knuckles and leapt off the couch.
"When do we start?"
We had been in the car for a while when I felt compelled to say
"Mari writes fan fiction about you all."
I noticed a few cheeks turn pink.
I logged onto my wattpad account and proceeded to look under Mari's profile.
"Hm.. Let's see.. Here's a good story she wrote: it's called Burnt Scones and looky here; it's about England.", I said with a smirk as I clicked the story button. I scrolled to chapter nine which I knew was the more 'interesting' chapter and read aloud:
England pushed me up against the wall while whispering sweet nothings in my ear. His delicate fingers trailed up and down my back as he kissed me. Arthur's lips felt soft against mine. Our bodies were pressed close together and the only sound I could here was our hearts beating fast and the sound of..
The real England next to me slammed my laptop shut. The other countries were laughing extremely hard. Arthur was bright red.
After everybody calmed down and England faded back to a color that was normal for humans, I asked something I had been wondering
"How many of you have had a romantic moment with Mari?", I asked in a slightly exasperated tone.
France shot his hand in the air and England and America slowly followed in suit.
I knew it.
"I kissed her and then she kicked me.", France said.
"We watched a movie together and she sat on my lap.", America said with an air of pride as he shot a glare at England.
The countries reply was to burst into tears.
First chapter.. Yeah, I know it sucked.. But it's better than nothing, right?
The next chapter starts with Mari's POV over on the 2p side.
Please comment and vote, thank you!
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