39. Anya
Despite the easy traveling conditions, Anya felt mentally and physically exhausted. Her body achingly yearned for the comfort of a bed and a hot bath. The memory of the Largon baths was made worse by the itch spreading across her skin, and it was not from the trailing eyes that followed her.
Lady Dhanna had escorted Alec out of the one coach and into her own and when Anya had tried to approach him, Irien's sister's reprimanding look sent her the other way. Alec had escaped blame and punishment, and she intended to keep it so by not telling him of her own. She assumed he would insist on sharing the blame—men with hero complexes did such foolish, noble deeds.
The company were supposed to arrive in Arazia by late morning. Anya could feel the tension building up around her and because of it a small knot began to form in the pit of her stomach. She felt for the comfort of the old ring hanging between her breasts and squeezed. The thought of home and her parents made her throat constrict but she managed to push down the wave of homesickness.
She patted her mare's neck. Thorn had handled the hard days ride but she was beginning to drag her feet. Her neck was matted with filth and sweat since Anya had been too tired the night before to rub her down properly.
I am sorry girl.
Irien had said no more on the decision made by the other guardians, which irritated Anya considerably. Whether Irien could change the ruling or not, Anya felt cheated of knowing what inner turmoil existed withing her mentor. Irien had long ago evolved from dull and boring to wild with varied tones and hues. A woman Anya felt she would want to get to know. Irien stonewalls were a hindrance.
I don't really want to participate anyway, I am not going to be chosen so why should I embarrass myself? Irien was too hopeful and this is what happens when someone is too hopeful.
By midday they began to pass farm pastures: sheep, cows, horses and fields of wheat, grapes, apples and other vegetables. The distant hills were covered with blocks of different shades of green and brown. It was like one of her mother's quilts, each patch slightly different from its neighbours. She saw men and women working in the fields; most of them waved and shouted as the procession of guardians and novices passed. It was not long after, that she saw the tall white washed walls of the capital ahead. Anya was struck by an awe she had never felt before. Irien had been right, Largon was nothing compared to Arazia and no other city could ever measure up to its majesty.
The distant walls stretched upwards, reaching for the sky, challenging the clouds. Houses gradually increased in scale the closer they crept to the capital, the space between them growing smaller and the green less prominent.
"Welcome to the capital." Irien leaned towards her but her eyes were looking ahead at the magnificent sight. "After all these years it still catches my breath and makes me dizzy."
Anya did not take her eyes off the walls and before she knew it, they were looming above her. Trumpets called out to announce their traveling group. Irien explained that it was so the Elders would be aware of the arrival of so many guardians. The large bronze gates were pulled up slowly and as they waited she studied the half a dozen guards standing as still as stone on either side of her. The small outer town had passed quickly and from what she had seen it was as clean and neat as the walls themselves. The people too were dressed in immaculate and elegant attires and bowed gracefully as they passed.
The large wooden door, the size of at least three men, stood ajar in front of the procession. She could not see its entire frame because of the line in front of her but she could see the intricate detail in the wood as well as the intricate bronze gate that was slowly rising. Two guard towers stood on either side of the inner wall. Anya was too far back to see exactly what was going on. They stood still for a few minutes before finally entrance was permitted.
Arazia's streets were paved with large stone slabs. It was just off white and surrounded a colourful mosaic at its center. The boulevard seemed to go on forever, passing through many other gates and inner walls until finally in some distance away, it ended with the entrance, to what seemed to Anya, the palace for the King and Queen. Its spires were not even visible since fluffy white clouds clung to their summits and she could just make out circling black specks that flew high up along its roof.
"That is the Imalandro, home to all guardians and where we shall be staying," Irien explained. Anya was speechless but managed to keep some dignity by controlling her mouth to remain shut. The company did not stray from the main thoroughfare, passing shops all a different shades of cream and white with dark roofs, doors and windows. People watched, some cheered and waved. Children ran beside the horses, feeding them sugar cubes and apple cores. Anya smiled as a little boy reached his arm out in front of Thorn and laughed as he golden mare took the treat.
"Indrasiom Aniri." Said some of the children. Anya smiled back even though she did not understand. She leaned towards Irien and asked what language it was and what it meant.
"Directly it means: greetings human. But it's more commonly used to greet guardians. It derives from the elfin tongue and is a sign of respect. You should greet all guardians from now on with the phrase."
"Indrasiom Aniri." Anya repeated in the same fashion as the young girl.
"Roll young tongue more." Irien corrected. "The syllables must flow from one to another. It is the way the elves speak. You must become used to it."
When they passed through the last gate, the paved ground was replaced with cobbled pathway through a prolific garden. The trees were rich with blossoms and the grass smelled sweetly as if it had just been cut. Butterflies flew amongst the different flowers and the sound of rushing water could be heard from a stream to the right.
"That leads to the Mayifor Ocean." Irien indicated towards the stream.
"The ocean!" Anya exclaimed, now that Irien mentioned it, Anya could taste salt in the air and feel a cool breeze. The garden path seemed to go on forever, Anya could see buildings much smaller than the main one to her left behind a thin row of trees. It was mainly an open corridor, with arches acting as an open wall.
"That is the school," Irien explained. "It is he newest part of the Imalandro. Only built a hundred or so years ago, and behind that is the dorms for the students."
And my life for the next five years.
Anya sighed at the thought. It was all so grand; not suitable for a simple farm girl. She needed open fields and freedom not regulations, walls and gates to keep her locked up. Sighing again she suddenly felt the need to escape. She felt imprisoned, trapped by even the trees.
Finally the trail widened, the Imalandro was in front of them and the path became a dead end that spread across half the width of the building. A fountain was in the middle; made from white marble it seemed. Two merfolk were sitting back to back. Their fin like tails stretched in front of them. Their hands were above their head holding a silver ball and out the ball came spurts of water.
Anya dismounted with the rest of the guardians and waited for Thorn to be taken away to the stables. Once the mare's care had been transferred into another's hands she went with Irien to collect her possessions that had been stored in the coach. As she waited her turn, she saw Alec and Gina come to wait too. She smiled. Gina diverted her gaze but Alec gave her a sympathetic smile.
So they know.
Lady Dhanna and Lord Derick appeared behind them. Dhanna scowled at her and Derick diverted his gaze.
"Ignore them," Irien said coldly.
Anya grabbed her things and followed Irien up the big marble stairs. The door opened without assistance to reveal a large hall. A staircase ran on either side of it and looking up, you could see the many different landings and their balconies. A vary large chandelier hung from the glass ceiling. A flagstone floor, marble pillars, gold railings, beautiful paintings, rich wooden furniture all decorated the room in a simplistic yet rich style that would be suitable for royalty.
"You will stay with me for the first few nights. Just until your training begins and then you will board at the school with the rest of the novices. You would see me twice a week for personal guidance and assistance, but this will all be avoided if you are chosen for Keeper." Anya was surprised to see Irien wink.
Anya stilled her urge to remind her teacher that novices were only included as an 'in case' factor. For a novice to be chosen was highly unlikely, but all with the ability were given the same fair chance and age had nothing to do with the decision in the end. It was an honour and a pledge, one that you did not take lightly, but one you did not pledge all your hopes and dreams to either.
Irien led Anya up six flights of steps, and just before the seventh one called for a stop.
Thank the Gods our bags are brought up for us!
Irien looked back to find Anya panting on the sixth landing. The familiar pout formed and the arms took their usual position on Irien's slender hips.
"Just two more flights and then we are done with stairs."
"Just with stairs? What else is there?"
"A corridor."
Anya moaned but silenced her complaint as Irien came down and pulled her to her feet. They finally made it to the eighth level, Anya swore her legs were about to buckle over and would refuse to move for the rest of her life.
"Not long now," Irien encouraged. The floors for each landing were thickly carpeted and their footfalls were hardly audible as they passed wooden doors of other guardian's rooms. They stopped outside a door, exactly like any of the others. It was number Eight hundred and eleven, Anya read from the silver plate across the door with that number engraved elegantly on it.
"Here we are. Dear home." Irien waved her hand at the door and it opened unaided. The room inside was spacious; a warm dining area was the first room Anya entered. Large couches with many cushions were situated around a freestanding fireplace. No chimney was connected to it, which confused Anya. In the same big room, but on the opposite side, was a place for eating. A long dark, wooded table and matching chairs were centrally placed udner a chandelier. A small door in the corner led to the kitchen and a large, closed white washed door on the other side led to the rest of the apartment.
"This is beautiful, Irien." Anya rushed forward towards the large window that occupied almost the entire wall."
"It's home." Irien smiled.
"And I don't know why you ever left it for a smelly room in my parents house," She gazed out at the sparkling ocean and allowed its vast beauty to sink in. "This is fit for royalty! Are you sure you are not some princess in disguise?"
"Lady Irien, iz zat you?"
"Yes Dorothy, we are in the living room." The large white doors slid open and a short, stubby woman appeared. Her short arms were wide apart and she was smiling broadly.
"Ah! You 'ome, you 'ome! And vot iz zis?"
"This, Dorothy, is my new novice, Anya. Anya this is my helper, Dorothy. She is the reason for the apartment's beauty, not I." Irien walked forward and hugged the short woman. Dorothy came just short of Irien's shoulder and besides for the aged appearance, she could have been a child.
"Come 'ere, child. Let me take a look at you." Anya stepped forward and allowed Dorothy to look her up and down. The old woman had thinning black hair and dark eyes that had friendly creases from smiling too much. Her skin was tanned and possessed a hardnes that Anya could not explain.
"She iz too skinny." Dorothy muttered through stiff lips. "No matter, I feed 'er so she become strong, yes?"
Irien chuckled, "Do not feed her too much, she struggled as it is to climb the stairs, but then again, we wouldn't mind a good hot meal and a bath after our hard travels."
"Yes, yes. Dorry make vorm meal and nice 'ot bath. I go now." Dorothy waddled towards the other door and disappeared
Irien sighed and gestured for Anya to come to her. "Now for a tour, come with me." Anya followed Irien around the house. There was a study with books from floor to ceiling, and two rooms, which each had their own bathing area. Anya's room looked over the garden and the sea, like the window in the living room. Her bed was double the size of any normal mattress and pillows were stacked high on top of it on one end. A wooden dressing table and cupboards stood ready for her own possessions and a large marble bath stood behind a screen in the far corner.
"Will this do?"
"Well it's much smaller than I'd hoped and the bed is not in the right position."
Back in the living room, a meal was waiting. Dorothy smiled and ushered them both into their seats.
"I go make bath now, yes?"
"Just for Anya, Dorothy. I have some things I need to see to first, so I will have mine later." Dorothy shook her head and muttered something about working too hard, but bowed and waddled towards the rooms.
"Where are you going?"
"To sort out this problem we have."
"We do not have a problem." Anya said forcefully.
"Anya, understand, they had no authority to make such a decision, especially without my knowledge. I would have confronted them about the matter, but it would be more productive to just go to the Elders and announce my complaint."
Anya felt her heart sink and fly at the same time. Deep down she wanted to participate in the Choosing, after all, it was the main reason why she came to Arazia—way before she was due at the school—but at the same time she did not want to fail.
Irien left after the meal. Dorothy was waiting in Anya's room. Steam was floating from the bathing area and when Anya looked behind the screen, Dorothy was fussing over a few towels. The tub was almost full with hot water and bubbles.
"Ah, zer you are. Come, get in before it getz cold. 'urry, 'urry."
Anya waited but the round lady did not show any signs of leaving.
"Come child! Undress. Get in ze bath."
"But vo—oh you shy? I turn round zen, ok?"
"Gudness child, I rub back and zen I go."
"Excuse me?"
"You cannot reach ze dirty back, so I reach for you."
Once Anya had submerged into the bubbles, she told Dorothy to begin. Dorothy was gentler than she seemed to be. She scrubbed Anya's back for her, like her mother used to do for her as a child.Satisfied that Anya's back was as clean it would ever be, Dorothy dried her hands and left with a bow.
Anya leaned back against the wall of the bath allowing her tender muscles to relax after the journey. Her mind wandered through her experiences of the past month. It lingered on the meeting with Lady Shina and the four other guardians. Humiliation reddened her cheeks and she was grateful that no one was there to see it.
Another sign for me not to become a Guardian. Maybe I should just pack up and run away, I still can. Irien would understand. She would not be happy but she would understand.
Tears welled in her eyes but she refused to succumb to self-pity.
Think of something else.
Tero came to her thoughts. He had not visited her again like he promised.
Maybe he is in trouble. Maybe someone found out about me and... Gods what have I done?
The tears swelled up again, this time one trickled down her cheek before she could push it back. She rubbed her eyes and wiped the tear away. She then thought about Alec but quickly shook her head free of the thought. She then thought of home and her parents. She thought of Roan, Sam and Trey.
I miss them so much!
Tears appeared again and this time she was not quick enough. They poured down her cheeks and only slowed when she reminded herself that the boys were going to be in the same city as her any time now.
Maybe I can visit them, I must ask Irien.
An image of Nic appeared in her mind, and as usual her heart skipped a beat. A smile appeared too but she wiped it away when she realized how stupid she looked.
I will see you again, whether it be sooner or later, I will see you... please, look for me too...
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