17 - A Flicker of Life
A flicker of life. shisui of the bodyflicker...ahahaahahaha..get it..? aha. ha. ha.ha.
Shinobi suck at dealing with mental health issues.
At least, that was Minato's opinion after observing how the village functions and interacting with people around him. (Prime examples being Kakashi and Shisui so far.) Shinobi were not meant to act on emotion. They were simply military tools, existing simply to give power to their leader under this corrupted hierarchy.
Are they mentally ill? The answer is always yes, because they're shinobi. They kill for a living, and that was enough proof because what sane person kills for a living? But do they get those mental illnesses solved? If they're still a shinobi, that's a no, because being shinobi means there will be no end to this bloodshed and they have no time to commit to a healthy brain. There will also be no therapist or psychologist assisting you, simply because they would be fixing a never ending issue!
However if the answer is yes, congratulations, because they've either returned to being a genin or have completely retired and chosen a new career. Great for them, they finally have the opportunity to properly deal with mental health issues. Still, living in a world where someone might drop dead all of a sudden means you're taught to deal with your emotions on your own since young, and being a therapist in this world probably gets you begging for money on the streets. No, it would not get you anywhere. That was probably why S ranked criminals who could annihilate a whole village with no struggle were so common.
Minato was no hero like the Fourth Hokage, but he at least wanted to keep his personal life healthier. But seeing how he was directly under the Hokage's care, was guarded by one of the most feared shinobi in the world, was the target of an assassination attempt and bore the face of THE fourth Hokage... he should've figured it wouldn't be as easy as he thought.
And as he sat on a bench in the Torture and Interrogation building, the loud crashing noises from a few floors above reminded him of that. Being used to the chaos within this building, he merely jumped in his seat for a moment before shaking his head with a sigh. He flipped open the notebook on his lap, scanning through the contents he had written.
Now, Minato was no psychologist or therapist. The closest he's ever been to being one is being a father, and his son wasn't even that difficult to handle. So clearly, he had absolutely no idea how to talk to the teenager who has tried to assassinate him, and is now being locked in a cell with a possible death penalty.
Should Minato even be talking to him? As he questioned the remaining sane part of himself, the answer seemed to be a definite no. Even with the chakra suppression seals and physical chains that weighed him down, Minato had to doubt the effectiveness of their tools if assassins were still running around free. He should probably leave. In fact, it would be the wise decision to leave right now. He just needed one last push.
He was pushed. Not towards the exit, but towards the visiting room where Shisui Uchiha was in. Never in his life would he have thought he'd be in a situation like this. He slapped his palm against his face gently, reminding himself of why he was here.
Shisui Uchiha worked with Danzo Shimura against the village, that's what he was jailed for. Shisui Uchiha was an assassin. But he was also a 16 year-old boy, a teenager the same age as Minato's son. He was the first to introduce Minato to the sushi of this world, even though it was the exact same as the ones he knew. He was the non-biological older brother to the Naruto of this world, who became his partner for pointless bickering. He was a victim of this messed up system, used for the selfish benefits of politicians.
It scared Minato thinking everyone around him was the same.
"You may enter, sir," a shinobi working under T&I spoke as he led Minato towards the visiting room. Minato entered the room, sight immediately landing on Shisui's seated figure. Shisui greeted Minato with a small smile, and Minato did the same as he sat in front of him.
"Good morning, Shisui. How are you doing?" As the door closed, Minato scanned Shisui's features. He had dropped the smile from earlier, but he wasn't frowning either. His gaze went right back to the table after greeting Minato, but that was to be expected. Even after a few days of visits, he couldn't find himself looking into Minato's eyes.
"I'm good. Can't exactly tell the time in here," Shisui lifted his gaze again, and Minato shot him an encouraging smile as he did. The last few times he came to visit Shisui, there weren't many words exchanged. It was mostly small talk, Minato giving updates on everyone's situation, and Shisui nodding along.
"How's Naruto?"
"He's doing fine. Apparently he passed his test for the first time since he started the academy..."
It's not going anywhere. And with an unconfirmed death penalty hanging on Shisui's head, it wasn't a good thing. It was as if he had lost all hope and faith in himself, and it hurts Minato to see him that way. Even though the Shisui who smiled and showed off with his chest puffed out in pride was all an act, Minato wanted to believe even a part of it was true.
He thought back to his times with Shisui. Everything he saw of the boy- the jokes. The teasing. The laughter. The time he looked so broken and doubtful. Feeling grief before it was supposed to come. The day before Minato's assassination, and the day during. His words, his remorse. His breath, his tears.
Minato had to say something. He had to do something,
"....Minato-san. Can I ask you a question?"
His heart clenched. "Shisui...
What would you want to do before you die?"
Shisui lifted his gaze, finally meeting Minato's eyes after avoiding it throughout the whole length of their small talk. He opened his mouth to answer but he had no words. As his mouth closed again, his gaze faltered.
The exact same question he had asked Minato. Did this mean the death penalty was confirmed? Is this the way they were going to announce it to him? It was abrupt, but it was a proper one. However, the look in Minato's eyes told him otherwise. This wasn't about his death.
His eyebrows furrowed as his mind turned in thought. What was Minato's intention in bringing that question up? Did he want to guilt trip Shisui? Mock him? That was unlikely- the Minato he knew wouldn't do that. So why?
What do you want to do before you die?
It struck him. It was simple, really. The question was just as it was meant to be. Something he'd want to do before he dies. It doesn't matter whether or not and when he would die. It was a reminder from Minato to him that-
He was alive.
If anything, he could feel it more than he could've had in the past. With the seal being completely off thanks to Minato, it was his first reminder of his humanity after years under Danzo's command. He could see, hear, speak, and think. He had the choice to do all that right now.
It came to his mind at last- The Uchiha massacre. Thanks to the failed assassination attempt, the mastermind behind the plan, Danzo, was now jailed. But it was also thanks to this arrest that more suspicion would be placed on the Uchiha because of Shisui's actions against Minato. Without anyone ordering Itachi to finish the clan off, the coup d'etat would be initiated. This village was going to be thrown into a mess.
"I'll have to head off to pick up Naruto now. Here's something he made you," Minato slid out a card to Minato on the table. It was a drawing of Shisui with a messily written 'get well soon' on it. Shisui's eyes widened slightly, and Minato chuckled a little. "I told him you were a little sick. He misses you a lot... Well, I'm off now. See you tomorrow, alright?"
Shisui clenched his fists. Even with everything that has transpired, there was more to come. Sitting still and waiting for death will do nothing but fuel the Uchiha with the desire to regain control. In this moment, he could either choose to let the chaos destroy all that this village has built and achieved, or grasp at a chance to resolve everything. As Minato stood to leave the room, Shisui's call interrupted him.
Minato turned around, and wasn't sure if he should be concerned at the turmoil in Shisui's eyes. It was clear he was finally thinking, but of what? Shisui looked back up at him, a determined look in his gaze this time. It relieved Minato to finally see his eyes not devoid of emotion, but he wondered what this would be about.
"Minato-san... do me a favour. Listen to Itachi. Even if he doesn't talk to you. It's...." Shisui glanced over at the shinobi watching them from the sides, lowering his voice as he spoke. "...The Uchiha's in a tight position. Itachi's head's a little confused, he used to be on Danzo's side. Please. Listen to him."
Minato frowned a little, but seeing the look in Shisui's eyes, he knew something was up. He wasn't quite sure what Shisui meant, but if that was all Shisui was asking of him, he was sure there was more to what was seen. Exhaling quietly, he nodded to Shisui. "I will. Rest assured."
Shisui's eyes followed Minato's figure all the way as he walked out of the room. He could trust Minato, he's all Shisui has. Even though Itachi did drop by, neither of them were at their best in terms of mental state- not enough to understand clearly what they'd be doing. He came once. That was all.
Shisui would just have to leave it up to Minato. He has faith in him. If Shisui was going to die, at least someone had to be out there to help Itachi.
By the call of the shinobi in charge of him, he was led back to his cell. Shisui glanced back at the table before exiting the room.
Minato would be able to do something. Definitely.
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