"YIPPEE!! PAPA, DO IT AGAIN! DO IT AGAIN!!", nozomi cheered, as sukuna had begrudgingly threw the kitsune up in the air, meanwhile hakaku was helping kiyo set up for the family picnic.
kiyo — upon recovering — had promised the two half-demons that she'd take them out to play once she was well.
hence why the four were out in the cold, of the gojō household's backyard, setting up a small food area just in case the kids got hungry from playing.
kiyo smiled as she watched nozomi hang from sukuna's arm, dangling her legs as she hopped down and onto the crunchy snow.
"mama, come play with us", nozomi pleaded as she dragged the priestess onto the field, to which hakaku had quickly formed a snowball as he attempted to hit his sister, only to accidentally hit kiyo's leg.
"hakaku!", kiyo gasped, making the boy stiffen up as he ran behind sukuna, hiding from his mother as he worried that he was going to get yelled at.
nozomi then fired a snowball at hakaku, though it had promptly hit sukuna's leg, to which hakaku had giggled as he blew raspberries at his sister.
nozomi huffed as she and hakaku started a snowball fight, with kiyo joining in as she glanced over at sukuna, urging the male to do so too.
sukuna clicked his tongue as he grew another two arms, hastily picking up snow as he fired them at the two girls like a machine.
"PAPA, YOU'RE CHEATING!!", nozomi screamed as she ran with kiyo behind the big oak tree.
hakaku laughed as sukuna suddenly stopped.
"huh? what are you laughing at, you brat? I'm a one man team", sukuna proclaimed as hakaku's face suddenly drained of color, yelling as he quickly hid behind the tree too, to which if sukuna had threw the snowballs any harder, the tree would've fallen over.
"mama, do something!!", hakaku harshly whispered.
"what's mama supposed to do? she doesn't have four arms!!", nozomi whispered back.
hakaku motioned for the two to listen in as he started devising a plan.
sukuna raised a brow as he momentarily stopped firing snowballs once he saw a white handkerchief being waved around, to which the demon king had smirked.
"giving up?", sukuna asked, watching as kiyo had walked out from behind the tree, smiling.
"ryōmen, I thought you said that you'd never hurt me", kiyo slightly pouted, fiddling with the hem of her fur coat as sukuna suddenly flinched.
immediately some weak snowballs had smashed onto sukuna's white kimono, to which sukuna had squinted his eyes as hakaku and nozomi paraded around the tree for even landing a hit on the great demon king.
kiyo then started chuckling as sukuna scrunched up his brows, marching over to his future bride as he pinched the priestess's cheeks.
"ganging up on me with the children huh? who the fuck am I to you?!", the yōkai snarled.
"my soon-to-be husband, who isn't petty in the slightest, that just got bested by children", kiyo teased, still laughing as she led the demon king to the open room so that they could still see the two kitsunes.
nozomi and hakaku started making snow angels and building snowmen meanwhile kiyo had brought out the snacks and unsheathed the koto given by fushiguro.
"mama!! are you going to play a song for us today?", nozomi asked, nibbling on her rice cake as sukuna had leaned against his side, propping his head up with one hand.
"I'll even play as many as you'd like", kiyo smiled, sighing out as it's been a while since she's officially played for an audience.
as the first note was plucked, many others had swiftly followed, creating a beautiful piece that rung throughout the gojō house.
hakaku and nozomi listened attentively, though the two — who were sitting by sukuna — had quickly fallen asleep after they had finished their snacks.
the demon king wrapped his other three arms around the two half-demons, bringing them closer to his own body as he continued watching kiyo play.
it was simply a blessing.
the dim light provided by the open shoji that reflected the petite smile painted on kiyo's face made it all the better, as her fingers delicately danced across the instrument, pressing down and up to form a vibrato.
sukuna could sense the calmness and purity vibrating throughout the room, as the two half-demons' chests rose up and down, in sync with the piece.
the priestess then glanced up, her smile ever so slightly widening as her ocean blue eyes held that sparkle that one would see when the sun hits the sea.
sukuna then wondered: is simplicity a form of bliss?
his entire life, he'd been searching for that thrill, that felicity, that exhilaration, but only for it to last a moment as nearly every village had fallen victim to his own hands.
yet what he would've never imagined was that he would find it here, all of it, everything:
the rage and jealousy of when he sees her talking to another; the irritation and vexation of when he sees her weep; the satisfaction and ecstasy when he feels her in his arms, beside him.
he felt everything he had been looking for, for millenniums, right in front of him.
and there she sat, strumming the koto as if this was just another normal day.
sukuna could get used to it.
waking up everyday beside his wife, then watching her make breakfast as he would just screw it up if he had tried.
the kids, not just nozomi and hakaku, but their very own ones; sukuna would hold them dearly as they coo once their eyes flutter open to see their father holding them.
satoru would then come and annoy them as sukuna try to force the obnoxious male to leave, though kiyo would reprimand him, as now they are brothers-in-law.
uraume would drop by to take care of the kids while sukuna and kiyo go on a date every few days, planned by his truly.
however, no night would end without nozomi and hakaku sneakily crawling into their futon, squeezing in between the two adults as they giggle to themselves about their beautiful mama and exasperated papa.
sukuna could see it.
the probability of what their children would look like was also endless; a fun guessing game, if you will.
"have they fallen asleep?", kiyo softly asked, looming over the two half-demons as she carefully picked nozomi up, with sukuna following, except with hakaku in his arms.
"it seems so", the demon king answered with a bit of delay, carefully laying the boy down beside his sister as kiyo tucked them in with a gentle forehead kiss.
the priestess then held out her hand for sukuna to take, to which of course he did, as they headed out, returning back to the room with the koto and open shoji that displayed the wintry scenery.
"are you okay? you seemed a bit dazed just now", kiyo worried, sitting down with sukuna right behind her as he brought the priestess's hands up to the thirteen-stringed instrument.
sukuna hummed.
"I just like hearing you play", he said, watching as kiyo had started strumming the koto again, with sukuna wrapping the girl's waist with his two arms meanwhile the other two propped themselves up against the floorboards.
sukuna then placed a soft kiss — so soft that one couldn't even imagine a man like him doing — on the priestess's neck, making kiyo quietly chuckle as she stopped playing.
the girl then turned around as she returned the kiss on the lips, gently caressing sukuna's face as she pulled away, laughing.
sukuna loved it.
sukuna loves her.
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