nozomi felt a warm embrace holding her, to which she had just yawned as it's been a while since her and her brother have taken a good nap or gotten a good sleep.
the tiny half-demon rubbed her eyes as she suddenly realized that the pretty miko was holding her, to which she had quickly covered her face in embarrassment as she felt her soul fly out when she witnessed her brother being carried by the one and only sukuna ryōmen.
the ruthless demon king that was known in all parts of japan was carrying her beloved brother — who was still dead asleep.
by god, it's a miracle that they were still alive.
"ah, I see you've awoken. how was your nap?", kiyo asked, to which nozomi had snapped out of her trance as she just nodded, awkwardly avoiding the priestess's gaze as she internally screamed.
"g-good", the girl meekly choked out, to which kiyo had just nodded as she petted the top of nozomi's head, making her slightly flinch as she slightly chewed on her bottom lip.
it wasn't until halfway that hakaku had woken up, yawning as he too rubbed his eyes, only to freeze midway as he realized who the fuck was holding him.
kiyo only lightly chuckled as she patted the boy's head as well, helping him loosen up a bit as sukuna wasn't about to kill them, at least not in the priestess's presence.
"sleep well, hakaku?"
"m-mm...yeah...", the boy breathed out, feeling quite fiddly about his current position and situation as he'd much rather be held by the miko any day of the week.
"great! since you're awake now, you can walk on your own", sukuna huffed as he promptly dropped the fox boy, making him wince in pain as he fell on his bum.
kiyo sighed as she helped the little boy up, holding his hand as she continued carrying his sister — who had gotten quite comfortable with the priestess as she was laying her head on the girl's shoulder now.
"are you okay?", kiyo asked.
hakaku just nodded as he patted himself, holding his tongue as he didn't dare talk back to the king of demons.
"that's good. we're almost at the gojō household anyways, since we basically traveled in a circle", kiyo stated, clearly referring to her and sukuna's previous destinations.
"gojō? wait...like...THE GOJŌ?!", hakaku shouted, making sukuna click his tongue at the loudness as kiyo just nodded in affirmation.
"I'm gojō kiyo. nice to meet you two", the girl smiled, to which the siblings had held their breaths as they were literally in the presence of the two most famous beings.
"oh...", hakaku squeaked out, feeling himself space out for the duration of the trip as the four had finally arrived at the gojō residence.
the shoji door slid open as kiyo was immediately greeted by satoru and his students, along with some second years.
"KIYOOO!! YOU'RE BACKKK!!", satoru cheered, prancing around the girl as sukuna just groaned at the loudness.
"I am, satoru. have you been treating your students well?", kiyo asked, to which itadori had immediately chimed in.
"KIYO-SAN!! THANK GOD THAT YOU'RE BACK! GOJŌ-SENSEI'S BEEN GIVING US MISSION AFTER MISSION!!", the boy cried, to which kiyo had only chuckled as sukuna snorted.
"if you weren't such a weak ass kid I bet your sensei wouldn't have to send you on—"
"huh? who are those kids with you?", satoru interrupted, to which an irk mark had appeared on the demon king's forehead as hakaku had shyly hid behind kiyo's hakama.
"this is nozomi and this one's hakaku. I found them on our way back here. you'll help me take good care of them won't you, junpei?", kiyo smiled, to which the dark-haired boy had flinched at the sudden use of his first name.
"o-of course!! and welcome back", the boy muttered, to which kiyo had just lightly chuckled as she had assumed that yoshino's mother was helping make food since it seemed like everyone was over for dinner.
"ah! and these three are..."
"zenin maki, a second year at the school of edo. please refer to me as just maki and it's nice to meet you, gojō-san", the girl with black eyes and matching, long hair tied into a ponytail, bowed.
"and I'm panda!", the black and white bear said, to which hakaku and nozomi marveled at the animal that could speak like a human.
"kelp", a boy with platinum blonde hair and purple-colored eyes spoke.
"he's inumaki toge. he can only speak with onigiri ingredients as he could harm others if he spoke normally", maki briefly explained.
"well pleasure meeting you all! kiyo's just fine since it gets confusing with satoru here. and as you all already heard, the two are here to stay and this is sukuna", kiyo smiled, to which the second years had momentarily taken a second to process what the miko had just said.
"tuna mayo".
kiyo lightly chuckled as nagi — yoshino's mother — had called everyone in for dinner, to which everyone had slowly trickled into the gojō house.
"ah! junpei, do you mind taking these two and finding them some proper clothes? I think I kept some of mine and satoru's kimonos as a child", the girl requested, to which yoshino had nodded as the two fox kids begrudgingly followed the boy.
kiyo watched as everyone left, leaving only her and sukuna, who was still grumpy from earlier.
"would you like to join us?", kiyo asked, smiling at the demon king as he just snarled at her.
"and eat with you humans? absolutely no—"
"the food's really good", kiyo intercepted, tugging on sukuna's sleeve as her hand had slipped down to sukuna's.
the male quickly slapped away the girl's hand as he grunted.
"fine. let's go", he muttered as he followed the smiling girl, hesitantly entering the house as everyone had settled around the short table, sitting on their mats as kiyo had made room for her and sukuna.
"thank you so much for the hard work, nagi-san!", kiyo exclaimed as the woman just laughed.
"oh it's nothing! it's only hotpot, and plus, it's the least I could do since you offered us such a wonderful place to live", the woman thankfully said.
kiyo just lightly chuckled as the two half-demons had walked out with yoshino behind them.
"oh my!! you two look just adorable", kiyo beamed as they hurried over to the priestess, with both of them crawling onto the girl's lap as they weren't used to the amount of good attention being on them.
"huh? is that my old kimono?", satoru asked, to which kiyo had just nodded as nagi had offered a spot for yoshino to sit.
"now now! I'm sure everyone's starving. let's eat first then talk", nagi announced as everyone grabbed their chopsticks, meanwhile the demons had looked at the humans oddly.
kiyo had given the two children wooden spoons as she shoved a pair of chopsticks in sukuna's hands.
"itadakimasu!", everyone — except for inumaki — chanted at the same time as nagi had started dropping ingredients in the boiling water as maki and kugisaki had helped fill everyone's bowl with rice.
once the food was floating at the top of the water, kiyo had carefully placed some fish eggs and spinach in the children's bowls.
"what would you like?", kiyo mumbled, to which sukuna wasn't sure what to answer as he's never really had a hotpot before, much less the experience of eating it with a table full of humans.
the priestess softly chuckled as she grabbed some shiitake mushrooms and thinly sliced beef. dripping some soy sauce on the beef, she poured the demon king a cup of sake.
"it's good. give it a try", the woman kindly offered, to which sukuna had hesitantly complied as everyone was busy eating their own.
itadori started blowing out smoke as he was too prideful to spit out the steaming hot food, meanwhile fushiguro and maki had just shook their heads.
"don't eat too fast, or else you'll get hiccups", kiyo warned the two kitsunes, to which hakaku had instantly started hiccuping, covering his mouth as everyone had chuckled.
kiyo handed the boy a cup of warm tea as hakaku quickly chugged it, meanwhile kiyo had glanced over at sukuna, who was just calmly eating.
"what?", sukuna rudely questioned, to which kiyo had just shook her head.
"you eat just like these two", kiyo teased as she wiped a grain of rice from the corner of sukuna's mouth, making everyone freeze as itadori had dropped his chopsticks.
"huh? why'd everyone stop eating?", kiyo asked, to which nagi had cleared her throat as she held up a cup.
"c-cheers to...uhh...a happy dinner!", the woman awkwardly laughed, to which everyone had raised their cups, except sukuna.
kiyo nudged the male a bit, to which he had rolled his eyes as he held up his cup of sake, only touching cups with kiyo as everyone had taken a drink.
dinner continued as normal with sukuna being oddly quiet, to which kiyo had just continued feeding the starved kids.
the pink-haired male occasionally glanced over at the miko, to which that had only made satoru hum in amusement.
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