Paul is Dead
Without context this is gonna be so crazy y'all 😂😂 prepare yourselves
(Trigger warning I guess?)
The year was 1967. Young James Paul McCartney, notably known as one of the most famous human being of the decade, was driving home from Abbey Road studios. But things don't go as planned. Distracted by a meter maid whom he found to be rather beautiful, whose name had been Rita, he hadn't keep is eyes on the road.
Paul crashed his car, and died almost instantly with severe injuries to the head.
The next morning, Paul's fellow Beatles took the news hard. Especially John Lennon, who went on a rage full rampage of the studio, wreaking anything insight. Lennon had known McCartney particularly well. The Beatles nor Abbey Road had any idea of what to do. If news got out that the one of the most famous young men on the planet had just died, at the height of his popularity, people who rage out violently, thousands of young girls would kill themselves, people and everything would be chaos. And manager Brian Epstein was forced to revert to the last alternative.
Recently, there had been a look-a-like contest for Beatle Paul McCartney. The results were nearly mind-bending. William, "Billy" Campbell Shears had won first place. The young Floridian impressionist was called in incognito called into Abbey Road studios. He really did look exactly like the late McCartney. Undergoing months of plastic surgery, Billy Shears was now forced into the life of the Beatle. Things went on from there... and no one found out. Billy Shears even proved to be a possibly better song-writer and singer than Paul himself, giving us timeless Beatles classics like Let it Be and Blackbird. It seemed as if everything was right again.
But it wasn't. Shears and Lennon never got along. Because nonetheless, Paul McCartney died in 1967. Something John, and the world would never get over.
😂😂😂😂😂 okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay so none of this really happened in reality (or did it)? It's a conspiracy, actually the most famous in all music history. It's a whole thing for Beatles fans. Personally, I AM NOT A PAUL BEARER (Believers in the theory)! Basically, I made that Description of the theory as a joke. Obviously no one can die, (not to mention being famous) have no one find out, and find a body double who sounds and looks exactly the same as them. It's all dumb, but I find it really fun 😂 it's all because of the...
Yeah yeah yeah, it's crazy I'll tell you. The outro of I'm so tired backwards? It says "Paul is dead man. MISS HIM MISS HIM MISS HIM!" Not kidding, that exactly what it sounds like. What does John whisper at the end of Strawberry Fields Forever? Nothing other than "I Buried Paul". Or it says Cranberry Sauce, depending on who you ask, listen to it and you'll see what I mean. Why does Paul Stand backwards on the back of the Sgt Peppers album cover? Why do all the Beatles wear red roses, except Paul, whose rose is black, in the Your Mother Should Know music video? Does the audio loop "Number Nine" from the infamous Revolution 9 truly say "Turn me on, dead man." ? And most mysterious of all... why does Paul's face looks so different in 1967 and onward, not to mention his new mustache (which Billy apparently grew to hide the plastic surgery). I'll tell you, this list goes on for MILES. The coincidences are insane. The remaining Beatles alive today, Paul himself and Ringo obviously know about the theory, finding it annoying and a joke. John and George even knew about it when they were alive! This monster of a conspiracy is dang old! They have said none of the backwards messages were intensional. But that only makes it more of a mystery... how much of a Coincidence can this be? I could spend hours typing about it, but I won't. I leave you to wonder.
And I leave you with that message.
Peace and Love ✌️❤️
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