Hello Everybody, and like I said in the description, Welcome to Sea Ships, full of Romance, Platonic fun and other stuff like so.
This is a One Shot Book based around the Realm Of Atlantis, or basically AtlanticCraft and anyone relating to it! You have a variety of options of who you can choose and what to do with it. Now, here's the steps for getting a One Shot:
1. Choose A Character!
Like I said, it's an One Shot book so you need a character from Atlantis. You have many options so let me give you some! Both Male and Females are available and anything in between! Basically, you can choose Cody, Joe, KrakenKid, Sneaky Sam, Sneaky Selena, And everybody else which I'm not going to name because I don't really feel like doing that....
Also, I have no idea if you even want to or not, but I have two characters that I created that you are free to ask for which is Tanith, for my main series, Sea Serpent and Kevin. (Also in that book. I mean, it was only for one chapter but I did have a whole personality and backstory and everything so might as well... If you have no idea who he is, he's in chapter 14 of SS)
Want a supporting or more minor character like Rasmus, Darrel or Pebbleteen? Darn, I wish you could ask that- OH WAIT, YOU CAN! Yes, if you truly desire it, you can have a One-Shot of you and Rasmus. I know you want it. ;)
Whoa that got weird fast.....
Better move on to STEP TWO!
2. Choose another (Different) character!
Yes, to do this you need to chose two people. You can choose another Atlantis character and have your ship come true OR you may also choose YOURSELF!
That's right, I do make CHARACTER X READER sorts of things so if you want to date Cody or something, I can provide a story about it. Your welcome :3
"BUT WAIT!" You might say. "What if I'm not interesting in having a romantic relationship with somebody and just want to be their friend or in general a platonic relationship with them?"
Well buddy, That's where STEP THREE comes in.
3. Romantic Or Platonic? Gender?
Just say the word and I can make it either!
Pretty simple step.
Well, that looks like the end of- OH NO IT'S NOT!
BECAUSE NOW COMES, the all powerful, STEP FOUR
4. Choose a theme! (Optional)
Unlike the other ones, this one is completely optional because I don't need it that much, just a suggestion or choice if you would like.
A theme! Basically, if you want a Sad or extra fluffy little chapter, I can do that too! If you really want, you can also have a little idea for it, like maybe a song to go with it or something simple like asking "Hey, can me and {ENTER NAME} Be old friends who lost each other?" or something like that, then yes, I can do that.
Of course the most important step: STEP FIVE
5. ASK
Yep, if you want it, you gotta ask for it! If you want a little guide on how to do it, it's pretty simple, just say something like this in the comments:
"Hey, can I have a Cody X Reader? I want it romantic and with a female!"
No, you don't have to say that, I was just spitballing here to give an example. You can make it whatever you want.
Also, I should tell you that I don't do Smut or anything like that so don't count on that... Also, I don't do ships where people are related either. Sorry if you wanted that but I just don't and I hope you'll respect my choices.
Anyways, that should be it! Ask away because requests are open for business!
This kinda is my first time doing this so.... I don't know, I hope I do this right.
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