12. Quidditch
"Are ye sure ye going ta be alright? Ya can get hurt out here." Scrooge said. Then he smiled. "Hurt ta lose."
Goldie laughed as she shoved him. "How many times I have told you. I'm the best seeker Hogwarts has ever seen."
He laughed. "And what am Ae? Chopped liver?"
They were both in the library as they officially made it their hiding spot. During free period, in between a few classes and after dinner at least five days a week they would come here either to study, talk or even to be with each other.
Nobody has suspected that the perfect Gryffindor would date with the most cunning Slytherin in all of Hogwarts. No one even knew about them dating.
Today was the match. Gryffindor vs Slytherin. A bright sunny day and warm temperature that made it impossible for the perfect match.
Both of them were on the Quidditch team and are both seekers. Goldie wore khaki pants that hugged her thighs and hips tightly, brown knee-high combat boots, and silver kneepads. She wore a green turtleneck with a silver stripe horizontally on her chest with the Slytherin crest on the right. On her back was an emerald cape with O'Gilt in silver letters and the number one.
Scrooge wore as well khaki pants that hung loose but just right on the waist, with black boots and black kneepads. He wore a scarlet turtleneck with a gold stripe across the chest with the Gryffindor crest on the right side. His cape, in golden letters said McDuck and his number, as well was one.
"Yup I guess." she said, rubbing his shoulder. "Better not get hit by a bludger."
He shook his head. "I got struck by ya lassie. It'll be yer fault if Ae lose."
"Why that?" she said, flirting as she began to sit on top of him, straddling him in the process. His cheeks began to heat up as his eyes couldn't avert her gaze.
"Ae um... Well er..." he stuttered as she began to move her beak to his neck and nuzzle him. Her hot breath came to his ear and her arms to his chest.
"Let me win? Just a kiss and a winning match for me." her voice, teasing him as her hands did the same.
He laughed. "Maybe a kiss but not this match. Ah'll make sure of it."
She leaned down as he came up. Their beaks closer and lingering for each other. Goldie's hands near the neck of his shirt, pulling it down.
"Scrooge? Scrooge are ya in here? Professor Coot said ya might be here." said a familiar voice.
Matilda turned the corner to see Goldie sitting on top of Scrooge. Both became red in the face as they saw the young girl there.
Like Scrooge and Goldie, she as well was on the Quidditch team with her position as the Keeper.
Goldie immediately jumped off him and brushed herself off. "Well good luck beating you today." she said, her voice embarrassed of what happened. She immediately left the library without a word spoken.
Scrooge focused his gaze on his sister. "Wot was that fer?"
"Yer gonna be late and with you kissing and having se...."
"It's nothing like that at all! Now come on we have a game ta win."
The sun was beginning to burn outside with over thousands of students and staff outside, wearing school clothes in the blistering heat.
Each house (Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin) sat in their designated area with their colors wrapped around.
"And here come the Gryffindors! McDuck, McDuck, Barks, Banks Spinner, Rosa, and Young!" Ludwig Von Drake said, over the commentary.
The entire Gryffindor team came out looking all alike, with the robes and boots to match. The crowd cheered and some booed.
"Here are the Slytherins! O'Gilt, De Spell, Heron, Moraine, Beagle, Jack, and Glomgold!" Von Drake said.
They came out with the emerald robes to match. Crowds cheered and booed as they came out.
"Now I want a fair game! No tricks, lies or nothing." said the coach. "Captains shake hands."
Scrooge and Goldie both came down and shook hands. Her eyes were tempting as his tried to be firm.
"Mount your brooms! Three...two...one...."
The sound of the whistle was lost in a roar of the crowd, balls flying in the air, and brooms off the ground and into the air.
"Gryffindor is now in possession with Spinner now intercepted with the Quaffle now passed to Rosa who know aims for the Slytherin goal. No! Heron has taken it now!"
Then a small ball, about made of iron, hit Heron in the head.
"Nice bludger from Banks! Young has possession of the Quaffle and is heading towards the Slytherin goal!"
Young began to make a triple cork screw and nose dive and passed it to Spinner who made the first goal.
"Goal! 10-0 Gryffindor to Slytherin!" Von Drake yelled.
"Beagle is now in possession of the ball with a bludger by Barks. Gryffindor no... Slytherin is in possession and Jack is now in possession and this is pathetic, Glomgold is fighting for a bat when he's a Chaser!"
Down below, Banks and Glomgold were both fighting over a Beater bat.
"And Jack is going to score unless..... Yes! McDuck saved the goal! She saved the goal!"
Cheers erupted from the crowd as Glomgold got ahold of a bat and slammed Banks down.
A whistle went off. "Penalty to Gryffindor and Slytherin!"
Both began to line in position and take their shots. Rosa made another goal but Slytherin didn't.
Scrooge began to eye a gold speck of a ball near the Gryffindor Beaters and began to dive towards it. Goldie saw Scrooge and began to go down and near him.
"I don't believe it! Both McDuck and O'Gilt both have found the Snitch! If O'Gilt gets the Snitch, Slytherin wins the Championship! Same thing with Gryffindor!"
''Aww come on Scroogey! Lemme win!" she yelled as she began to swerve a bludger.
"Not today!" he said as he began to pull up and she began to do the same thing.
"Score Slytherin! 10-30." Von Drake moaned as the Slytherin end erupted.
The game began to become brutal. Players were picking at each others eyes and hitting them. De Spell thought that Young was a Bludger. Earning Gryffindor a penalty that they scored.
Slytherin also earned a penalty with Matilda saving again.
The Snitch began to disappear as Scrooge began to look around again. Goldie was close behind him. If either of them caught it, the game would be over.
"Over there." Matilda yelled as a Golden ball was flying near one of the stands. Scrooge went up but Goldie followed.
"Come on go go!" he muttered as his broom began to pick up speed.
His hand reached over to hers. They both try to knock each other's hands away. Suddenly the Snitch disappeared and both of them came crashing to the ground.
Goldie landed on top of Scrooge, both in a very awkward position. Their broomsticks next to each other and them on the floor.
"Goldie, we're making a scene." Scrooge whispered. "Later please!"
Both had the same idea to hop on the broomstick and find the Snitch which neither don't blame.
The Snitch was in the middle of the entire field. Both Seekers hopped on their brooms and came to each end of the field. Cheers stopped, no comment, everyone in the crowd and Quidditch stopped to see.
The Snitch was in the middle. Both Seekers hopped and went for the Snitch but it moved and both almost crashed.
"Nice pairing." he said as he swirled around to try to catch the Snitch.
She swerved around in front of him.
"Thanks but let this lady lead." she said.
"Goldie what are ye doing! Get the Snitch!" Glomgold yelled.
"Scrooge! No time to be a gentleman! Knock her off her broom!" Matilda yelled.
Both didn't listen. They both fought over the Snitch as they swerved around, making swerves and twists as they tried.
The Snitch was close to Goldie's palm that she can almost feel it but was replaced by his hand, soft yet firm.
They both gave smiles great to the devil but both softened as they began to look for the Snitch.
"O'Gilt come on!"
"No time to be a gentleman!"
The Snitch came towards them and both hands were swatting over each other, feeling flutters of the wings of the Snitch.
"Give me that!" Glomgold said to Moraine. He grabbed a Bludger and took a swing that might have been harder than Babe Ruth.
The Bludger came towards both Seekers direction, going farther than 50 mph.
Scrooge's eyes widened as it was going to aim for Goldie's head, intended for him.
"Goldie girl!" he yelled and pushed her out of the way. The Bludger struck him hard on the back of his head, making a crack in his skull, blood oozing out.
He began to loose conscious as he began to fall off his broom and on to the ground.
"Scrooge!" Goldie screamed as she began to fly down and caught him before any more damages were even made.
"Scrooge? Stay up please! Don't you dare go McDuck!" she whispered as his eyes began to roll back.
Blood now stained her uniform like a bad case of food coloring. Teachers began to rush down to the field to assist.
The coach blew his whistle. "Match over! There will be a rematch next week once the Gryffindor Seeker gets better!"
Goldie didn't care about the rematch or anything. All she cared was if he was going to be okay.
He'll be fine. He's Scrooge McDuck!
Was he really? The Bludger seemed pretty lodged and deep into the skull.
For all she knew, she had to find out herself. She wasn't going to sit here and let fate decide. She would know.
"We're lucky it wasn't farther in his skull. If it went deeper in, he might have been sent to St. Mungo's." Matilda whispered as she sat by her brothers bedside, still in Quidditch robes. The windows showed the night sky as a small light was only on.
Scrooge was now lying in a cot with a bowl of water next to him. A blanket covered his body and a huge bandage was on his head, on the side where the Bludger struck.
"Thanks fer saving back there Goldie." she said.
"No problem kid," Goldie said, behind her. "Hey you might want to get some food. You look famished."
Matilda nodded and wiped her puffy eyes. "Ah don't blame ya on what happened. Ya meant well. He saved ya. Please tell me if anything happens."
"Do your parents...."
"They know. Professor Coot sent an Owl to them."
Goldie nodded as she was Matilda, so brave, yet so quiet, burst into tears.
"I'll make sure if anything happens to Scrooge I'll tell you." Goldie said, awkwardly patting her shoulder.
Matilda sniffed as she left the Hospital Wing and left Goldie and Scrooge alone.
Goldie gazed upon Scrooge, unconscious and asleep. She took a seat and sat in silence. This was all her fault. If she pushed him out of the way, none of this would have happened and one team would have won.
Yet again, she was grateful that he saved her. If he didn't, she would end up being in the bed and he would be the one suffering.
She stood up from her seat and began towards Scrooge. She began to lift up his feathers on his head that weren't soaked in blood. She gave a small kiss on his forehead and sat back down.
She heard a small groan and took a step back. Scrooge's eyelids fluttered as she groaned.
"Mmm Goldie." he groaned as then he slipped back out again.
She squeaked as she heard him. She told the nurse who said they may slip in and out, muttering a few words or less.
"Also I'd advise you if you want to stat overnight in the Hospital Wing you can but you'll need a blanket."
Goldie nodded as she took out her wand and conjured up a blanket. She began to get comfy on the side next to Scrooge's bed. She looked up at his head and fell asleep to his soft breath.
All Goldie heard through the night were small words and grunts as she woke up to the slightest touch.
Finally, the light shined through the windows, hitting her face.
"No mom please! A bit more!"
"Wot are ye saying?"
Goldie shot up, bumping Scrooge in the process.
"Owww O'Gilt! Wotch it!" he groaned.
"Scrooge!" she said as she began to hug him. Loose strands of golden locks came at his face as he put them aside and embraced back.
"You had er... Matilda worried back there. She was so scared."
"Ha not as ye were Goldie." Matilda said as she walked and to the side of the bed.
"Ah don't get why Ae'm here. Ah only remembered being hit by a Bludger and...."
"You fell unconscious and Goldie went ballistic. Ya should've seen her robes. All stained in blood and she was desperate fer ye."
Scrooge smirked as he saw Goldie all red in the face.
"Matilda, Ah need a moment alone. Don't tell the nurse."
Matilda nodded and left the room smiling.
"Scrooge it's not how it seems..."
"Save it Goldie. Ye were scared fer me." he taunted.
"Pfft no I wasn't." she said, brushing a strand away.
He smirked. "Explain what Matilda said. Should Ae get witnesses? Or the teachers or..."
"Fine!" she huffed. "Maybe I was a bit nervous."
He laughed. "The Goldie O'Gilt has gotten soft after all."
She tried shoved him but he caught her wrist, flipped her, and she landed on the bed.
"You really are better when huh Scroogey." she said, getting up.
He shrugged. "At least when yer here lass."
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