Twenty Questions
20 Questions
There's a game going around Wattpad where writers are to ask themselves 20 questions, and then come up with 20 answers. I was tagged by @RichardStaschy. Sometimes below I state the question directly, other times the question is implied. Thanks to BMc, who sat up late with me asking silly questions for me to answer till we couldn't breathe!
1. If I could marry anyone from history, it would have to be Alexander the Great. I figure, Mrs. the Great would have some of the most fabulous clothes ever. And lots and lots of jewelery. Plus, everyone would know me as Lori the Great.
2. If I could have sex with anyone, alive or dead, I would choose Johnny Weismuller. Mostly for the foreplay, though. I figure there would be lots of swinging on vines, and splashing in crystal-clear pools. Maybe he would rescue me from an alligator, and I could tend his wounds on a muddy shoreline. That would be hot.
3. I would have to say 3, or at most 5. Twenty questions is way too many. Five would allow you to just go with the important topics. A lot of that 20 is going to be crap.
4. My favorite cartoon character of all time is Babs Bunny. Mostly because there are no good female cartoon characters. Who else is there, Jessica Rabbit? Really not a role model. I might choose Lydia from the Beetlejuice cartoon, because I loved that cartoon and wanted to be her, with a magic horror show life every day, except it doesn't seem right to choose a cartoon character based on a live film. So now I'm putting restrictions on answers to my own questions.
5. My first memory is from age 2. Some people tell me I couldn't possibly remember that far back, except I do, so there. My family went to a cottage, and it had green cupboards at floor level that I could crawl into. Later I was with an older girl (like, 3). She and I were on a path near the cottage and she showed me how to trap wild animals using a piece of string. I don't remember if we caught anything, but I'm guessing no.
6. The first music I ever bought was Weird Al's Jurassic Park album, on CD. I listened to it at least 10,000 times. One day it went missing, and fifteen years later, I'm pretty sure what happened to it.
7. Who is your role model for your old age? Dorian Gray.
(Note: It just occurred to me to clarify. This is NOT the same as Christian Grey, lol!)
8. Favorite Arnold Schwartenegger film? Wow, good question. I would have to say, Terminator 2. Normally I don't care much for sequels. Except that one was amazing.
9. Which character from Greek mythology would you most want to meet? I would definitely want to meet Helen of Troy. I read once that the concept of beauty has changed a lot over the ages, and that Helen of Troy wouldn't get a second look from a cross-eyed sailor today. I'd like to know that that's true.
10. Skirts, shoes, purses: How much is too much, how little is too little? Let's see. Most of my skirts are just above the knee. Every time I go out shopping I look at shorter skirts, except I never buy them. I always convince myself it is for some reason other than the length. I love shoes, and heels, just not to wear. But I've never owned anything with more than a three-inch heel. Mostly I wear runners (blah). Purses, I don't like purses. I can't imagine carrying the monster purses I see almost every other woman on the train carrying. I try to stay hands free as much as possible. My purse is big enough for a book and a lunch, and whatever I can cram around those two items.
11. What is my dream book-vacation? it would have to be The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. First of all it comes with a guide, so that's helpful. And you get to go anywhere in the universe. Except Earth of course. I would like to be girl-Arthur Dent, just walking through all the adventures, never overly concerned. "Where are we now? Oh, Bertha's Big Bang Burger Bar. Can we still order from the breakfast menu?"
12. If I was a multi-billionaire creative genius, what project would I sponsor? I would set up a fund to make films out of all the books I love from Wattpad. And every one would have a short segment featuring 1D, where they would get blown up, or ripped apart by werewolves, or something.
13. If you could have any name at all rather than the banal plodding syllables assigned to you by your parents, what would you choose? I'm thinking maybe, Verity Dare! Wow, a kid with that name could do anything. I'm thinking up entire novels for young girls just based on the name alone! "Verity Dare and the Haunted Sleep-Over". "Verity Dare and the Case of the Single Slipper". "Verity Dare in the Bermuda Triangle"! And then one day, she would grow up:
"Verity Dare, fancy meeting you here."
"Why Mr. Bond, always a pleasure."
14. If your life was a TV show, what would be the title and theme tune? The title would be "Ironic Butterfly", and the theme tune would be Ironic, by Alanis Morissette.
15. What is your dream career? NOT auditor! Seriously, how did I get myself into such a ridiculous, pointless, thankless career? But, if I could be anything, I would want to be the guy who decides what movies get made, or don't get made. I don't know what that job is called. Which probably means it's not about to happen. But seriously, just ask me what movies you should make, or shouldn't make. There's a reason there were no hits this summer!
16. If you could eat the last of any species, what would it be? Come on, where do these questions come from? Okay, since it's the last one, and therefore there is no chance of reviving the species, I would eat the very last peacock. They look delicious, and you could set a very festive table, appropriate to the occasion.
17. What is the worst word-crime in the world today? Easy. If I hear one more executive say 'learnings', or "What take-aways do I want you to have from this?", or "Are there any asks?", I am going to do something career-threatening. These are executives for crying out loud! They get paid probably half a million dollars, yet they can't be bothered to speak real English? Is this their attempt to talk down to us poor uneducated masses? Are they trying to sound 'cool'? Whatever the reason it annoys the hell out of me.
18. What is humanity's greatest accomplishment? Indoor plumbing.
19. Which Star Trek character would make the best president of the United States? Hmm, tricky. Spock is so logical, or Kirk could rally everyone around a common purpose. But I would have to go with, Yeoman Janice Rand. I'm tired of having to look at ugly old men on the news every night. I want someone in charge who I will actually want to see on TV. And maybe the reason they make such mind-bogglingly bad decisions is because they really are just ugly old men, and are secretly bitter over that fact. Put someone in charge who actually has something to live for.
20. Who would be your ideal parents? I would want my parents to be Batman and Cat Woman. As portrayed by Michael Keaton and Julie Newmar. that would be cool. Millionaire heiress by day, bad-ass trained asassin in skin tight leather crime fighting chick with never ending gadgets by night. Yeah.
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