take a chance on me
My second entry in abbilovegood s awards!!
word count: 3,012
Rose x Scorpius
Hugo x Lorcan
Ron x Hermione
a couple other minor ships
Bella is my OC. She is Scorpius's twin sister and Roses best friend
"Rosie i'm bored." Hugo yelled through his older sisters door.
"Then do something." she yelled back.
"Rosieeeeee. Will you do something with me?" Hugo yelled again.
Rosie rolled her eyes, but got up and opened her door anyway. She didn't want to admit it, but she was incredibly bored as well.
"I knew you'd come around. What do you want to do?" Rose opened the door to her brother, who was beaming.
"We can do what the Potters did. They made a summer bucket list of things they had to do before summer ended. We can do that too." Rose three out the idea. She had been on a call with Albus earlier when he told her the Potters summer plan.
"Perfect!" Hugo smiled.
The two teens ran downstairs to their kitchen table to get working. Rose grabbed some paper and colorful pens, and they were ready.
They started making the list, writing down fun summer things.
The Granger-Weasleys Summer Bucket List:
1. break into the neighborhood pool at night
2. have a Marvel marathon
3. make ice cream
4. go swimming at midnight at shell cottage
5. wake up early and make a breakfast feast
6. get friends and do a photoshoot
"What else?" Rose asked. She couldn't think of anything else.
"We need to make scarier and more high stakes ones." Hugo said. He was not afraid of a little danger, unlike his sister.
"No!" Rose was not as adventurous as her little brother.
"We can pick each other's..." Hugo convinced his sister
"Fine then. We each get to pick one thing that the other has to do. Scary, high stakes." Rose had a brilliant idea.
"Deal." Hugo shook her hand, a glint in his eyes. He too had an idea.
"I'll go first." Rose picked up a pen and wrote
7. Hugo: come out to mom and dad
"ROSE!" Hugo yelled. She laughed in response.
Everyone knew Hugo was gay, and that he was dating Lorcan Scamander. Well, everyone but their parents.
"Fine. If you want to do that, then i'm doing to do this." He wrote another bullet point.
8. Rose: tell Scorpius how you feel
"I should have never told you about that!" Rose groaned.
Hugo found out about Rose's crush on a certain Malfoy at a late night Weasley kids truth or dare.
He was the only one there who didn't already know, but he couldn't say he was shocked.
"Hey, if i'm coming out, you're gonna grow up and tell your best friend you're in love with him."
"I'm not in love with him! It's just a crush... that's been going on for three years." She added the last part in a hushed tone.
"Okay, Ro. Anyway, I think this is good. Shake on it to seal the deal?" Hugo held out his hand to his sister.
She hesitated, and realized that she can be brave if Hugo can.
"Deal." The two shook hands.
The summer bucket list had begun.
The first thing on the list that they accomplished actually wasn't the first thing written.
There was an impromptu Weasley gathering at shell cottage, with all of the Weasley kids and their significant others.
Lorcan wasn't there. All of the cousins knew that if someone new showed up that the adults would bombard them with questions about who they're dating. Hugo just wanted to come out to his parents over dinner, not in front of the whole family.
"Ahem, fives? A ten is speaking!" Hugo announced.
All of the kids were in the basement, and the adults had gone to bed.
"You watch too much Queer Eye!" Dominique mimicked his tone.
"Okay, but can you blame him? Antoni is a sight for sore eyes." Alice asked.
"Ali!" James lightly smacked his girlfriend.
"Don't act like you wouldn't leave me in a second for Hailee Steinfeld." She retaliated.
Everyone laughed, and James surrendered.
"Anyway! Rose and I made a summer bucket list like the Potters because we're uncreative little shits. But, one of them is night swimming at shell cottage. So, who's in?" Hugo finished his announcement. That was met with many cheers of agreement.
"I'm so glad you didn't say skinny dipping, because I was scared you were." Roxanne admitted.
"Does Rose even know what skinny dipping is?" Albus made fun of his cousin/best friends innocence.
"I'm less innocent than you think, Al."
"You do remember my best friend is Bella Malfoy, correct?"
"I surrender."
About twenty minutes passed before everyone met outside the cottage.
Talking and laughing, the group walked the very short path to the beach.
That night was filled with laughter, salty air, dares, splash fights, and screams (mainly from Louis about his hair).
The next day, however tired from the late night, Rose and Hugo went home happy and excited to check one thing off their bucket list.
The rest of the items on the list went in order.
1. Break into the neighborhood pool
Rose, Hugo, Albus, Bella and Scorpius waited until the sun went down, and the lights turned off. Right as they did, all five got dressed in black clothes over their swimsuits. As quiet as possible, Rose grabbed the pool key, and they were out the door.
Albus checked his watch as they walked. 12:03 am.
The kids walked in almost silence, scared that any noise above a whisper would get them busted (or arrested, Rose thought).
Once they reached the pool, Bella motioned for Rose to hand her the key. They planned everyone's jobs down to the last detail before they left.
A few seconds passed before Bella let out a small sigh.
"Rose. This is your house key."
Rose went red as her hair as everyone sighed and rubbed their temples.
"Nice going, red." Scorpius rolled his eyes.
She went redder.
Seconds later, they heard metal clanking. Bella was climbing the metal fence that blocked off the pool.
"Bella! What the fuck are you doing?" Hugo whisper yelled.
"What? I want to go swimming. Also, this fence is super easy to climb." She said as she jumped off the fence inside the pool area.
Then, the door was opened, and everyone was inside.
They spent the next 20 or so minutes hanging out, swimming, and telling the others to keep it down.
They could've spent the entire night there, if it wasn't for one of the neighbors waking up. The light flickering on at the house closest to the pool scared the kids badly enough that they left out of fear of being caught.
Nobody regretted anything.
Especially Rose and Hugo when they checked it off the list.
2. Have a Marvel Marathon
"Rose i'm tired." Hugo whined. It was 4:45 am. They had been in front of the television for the past 12 hours, watching every Avengers movie in chronological order.
"Yeah, and i'm crying. Deal with it." Rose was bawling, and sucked into the movie.
It was the one part of Infinity War.
"Really? We've been watching movies for 12 hours!" Hugo exclaimed.
"Hey, every movie would be 50 hours. At least you convinced me to narrow it down."
The next morning (or afternoon, to be honest) when the two woke up, they were able to cross one more thing off their bucket list.
They did the other 3 low stakes things throughout the rest of summer.
As the weeks rolled by, and school got closer, Rose and Hugo got increasingly scared about the last two items on the list.
Eventually, those were the last two things on the list.
It was time.
"Remember. Just tell them you have something to tell them, and rip off the band aid." Rose was giving a pep talk to her brother before he came out.
"What if they kick me out?" Hugo was running through all of the worst case scenarios.
"Then i'm coming with you. If we go down, we go down together." Rose squeezed his hand, even though she knew that wasn't going to happen. Her parents didn't even bat an eye when Louis, Lorcan, Dominique, Augusta, or Roxanne came out as LGBTQ+.
"Rosie! Hugo! Dinners ready!" Ron yelled upstairs.
"You got this." Rose whispered.
Hugo walked mostly out of the room, but was stopped by a hand on his upper arm.
He turned around and saw his sister, slightly teary.
"Hugo, you're my hero." She managed to get out before a few tears escaped her eyes.
She knew that she would never know what it's like, but Rose knew all of the bravery and courage it takes to announce who you are to the world, especially to the people who raised you and have such a set idea of who you are.
Dinner passed by slightly awkwardly.
Hugo barely ate out of fear. Rose held his hand the entire meal.
"It's now or never." He thought to himself.
"Mom, Dad. I have something to tell you." His mouth was dry, his hands were sweaty.
"Yes?" Hermione turned to her son.
Rose held her breath.
"I- never mind." Hugo felt like he couldn't do it. He walked out of the room.
Rose chases after him, leaving their confused parents alone at the table.
"Rosie. I can't do it. I just can't." Hugo was pacing the room, panicky.
"Yes, you can. I know you can." His sister told him.
"How do you know?" He asked, voice cracking.
"Because you're the bravest person I know. Because you're my hero." Rose said, as if it was obvious.
"Hugo Granger-Weasley. You can do anything. i've seen you spit in the face of a teacher who told Lorcan he shouldn't be dating a boy. I've seen you stand on a table and yell for 10 minutes about equality for house elves. Hugo, you can do anything. And remember, if we go down, we go down together." Rose wipes his tears.
They exchanged small nods, and walked back into the dining room.
"Hello again. Everything alright?" Ron chuckled.
"Yeah. But i actually do have something to tell you guys." This time, Hugo was sure he could do it. It was three words. He's the same kid.
Roses words were ringing in his head as he felt his parents look at him.
"You got this, bub." Rose whispered.
"Hugo, are you okay?" Hermione was concerned. She had never seen her kids like this.
"Mom, Dad. Please know that what i'm going to say doesn't change anything about me, and who I am. I always have and always will be Hugo." He was getting ready.
Both Ron and Hermione nodded.
"I'm gay." He finally said. A massive weight was taken off his shoulders.
Rose let out a sigh, and a tear.
This was the proudest she had ever been with her brother, which she would later tell him.
"Oh honey, is that what all this was about?" Hermione felt her heart sink. This panicky state she saw her son in was fear of how she and Ron would react to his sexuality.
Hugo nodded, not making eye contact.
"Hugo, look at me." Ron said.
Scared, Hugo locked eyes with his father.
"Thank you for telling us. If you want this to be nothing, we can leave it here, If you want this to be a big thing, we can make it one. This is your thing. I just need to tell you that you are brave as hell. I'm so proud of you." Ron looked at his son.
"How big this news is is up to you, honey." Hermione reached across the table to hold her sons hand.
"I just want to know if you guys accept me. I don't want to make this an event." Hugo whispered.
"Are you serious? Of course we accept you! What kind of parents would not accept their own children for being themselves. You said it yourself, you're still Hugo. The only thing that changes is that now we will tease you about having a boyfriend rather than a girlfriend." Hermione was heartbroken at the thought that her son didn't know if he would be accepted.
"I mean, your mother said it much better than I can, but I agree. When you were born, I knew I would do anything for you, and I would provide and be your father no matter what. This is one of those things. I don't care that you prefer guys. As long as you're happy, healthy and safe, I've fulfilled my job as your father."
At that point, Rose was not the only person crying.
"You did it. Breathe." Rose whispered to her brother.
Later that night, Hugo and Ron were in the kitchen alone (Rose and Hermione had gone to the store for ice cream).
"So, I know you didn't want this to be a big deal, but I have a question." Ron asked.
"Yeah? As long as it's something you should be asking your son about, go ahead." Hugo said.
"Ok, son. Anyway, do you have your eye on someone?"
He didn't say anything, but Hugo went beet red.
"You're blushing! There is someone!" Ron yelled. He was only slightly a romantic.
"I mean, I guess."
"What does that mean?"
"It means that I have a boyfriend." Hugo ripped off the bandaid.
"WHO? Is it the Scamander boy? Not the one who's in love with Lily, the other one."
"It is! He's a good kid. How long have you been together?"
"Almost a year."
Hermione and Rose walked in the door at that very minute.
"What's all the yelling for?" Hermione asked, having only heard the very end of Ron's statement.
Ron turned to his son, and silently asked permission to tell Hermione.
Hugo nodded, and laughed.
"Our son has been hiding the fact that he has a boyfriend for a year!" Ron yelled.
Hermione gasped as if someone had died.
"Who?" She asked.
Hugo buried his head in his hands, but muttered "Lorcan Scamander."
through them.
"Aww! He's a good egg isn't he?" Hermione smiled.
"He really is, mom. And he treats Hugo so well." Rose smiled. She loved Lorcan.
"That's partially because you threatened to boil his bones if he hurt me in any way! And those are your words, not mine." Hugo yelled, cashing everyone else to laugh.
The next day, Hugo barged into his sisters bedroom.
"Alright, I did my scary thing, it's your turn."
"Uh, hello?" Rose said, startled by her brothers sudden appearance in her room.
"So, tell him!" Hugo had no time for greetings.
"If you must know, we are hanging out today, and I was planning on telling him then!" Rose said matter-of-factly.
"No, with all of our cousins. Yes alone! And he will be here at 3:00!" Rose rolled her eyes.
"You better get ready then. Its already 2:00." Hugo shrugged.
"It's already 2:00?" Rose checked her clock and jumped up.
Usually, she couldn't give a flying fuck about what people thought of her looks, but she wanted to look good today.
She took a quick shower, dried her curly hair, put on shorts, a tank top, mascara, and her Chacos.
She tightened her shoe strap just in time for Scorpius to pull up in his car.
Rose was familiar with this white car.
Not just from Scorpius, but from Bella as well. The Malfoys were a well off family, but made the twins share a car.
"Hey, Ro. You look good!" Scorpius greeted his best friend as she climbed into the car.
"Thanks! Give me the AUX." She demanded.
He gave it to her, and she played music as they drove to the park.
"Honey, I'm still free! Take a chance on me!" The two sang, meaning every word they sang.
Rose did know they were going to the park, but she didn't know what they were doing while they were there.
Scorpius has set up a cute picnic for the two of them, with all of Roses favorite foods. Sushi rolls, Ginger Ale, and Madeleine cookies.
"Scorp! This is so cute!" She exclaimed.
"Thanks. I actually did this all by myself! Well, Al helped me make the sushi but the rest was all me." Scorpius laughed, getting nervous.
"You MADE IT?"
"Yeah, of course. It's actually a lot easier than it sounds."
"We should make some together sometime!"
The two sat down.
"Sounds like a fun date." Scorpius said before he could stop himself.
Rose perked up, and looked into the icy blue eyes of her best friend.
"Date?" She asked, not sure if she heard him right.
They sat there, looking in the others eyes for a moment, before they both leaning in ever so slightly.
"Rose, may I kiss you?" Scorpius asked the question he had been wanting to for the last three years.
Rose pinched herself discreetly, and once she knew she was actually living, she nodded.
The gap between the two was quickly closed, and the two shared their first kiss.
It didn't feel like they were kissing their best friend.
Rose didn't feel like she was awkwardly kissing her best friends bother.
Scorpius didn't feel like he was awkwardly kissing his best friends cousin.
It just felt right.
They fit together like puzzle pieces, and everything interlocked the second their lips touched.
Everything felt right about this kiss.
Smiling onto each other's lips, they broke apart.
"Please tell me that's not the only time we do that." Scorpius asked.
"Scor, what was that?" Rose asked, making sure that wasn't a momentary thing.
"That was me asking you a question i've been trying to ask for three years. Rose Granger-Weasley, i have a crush on you. Actually, scratch that. I think I might be falling in love with you." Scorpius finally confessed, scared he ruined their entire friendship.
"You have no idea how long i've wanted to hear you say that." Rose kissed him once more.
From that day forward, Rose and Scorpius were a couple.
When Rose finally introduced Scorpius to her parents as her boyfriend, they were taken aback.
Hermione didn't care, as long as he was respecting her.
Ron didn't care, because Scorpius was a Chudley Canons fan.
I had this idea for a while, and just decided to enter in The Beatles Awards again. Hope you enjoy! i proofread this so many times that if there are errors, it'll be super embarrassing. if there are, please tell me so i can fix it!! Thank you for letting me participate in your awards, abbilovegood !
~ Brynlee
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