Andrea was at her uncles place for thanksgiving dinner. She expected a turkey and roast potatoes and all that good stuff.
Anyway, she was sitting at the table and her aunt calls out from the kitchen "Maria! Can you come in here for a second?" (Maria is Andrea's mother) so, Maria gets up from the table and goes into the kitchen. She doesn't come back. A while later her aunt calls out again, "Henry! Can you come in here for a second?" (Henry is Andrea's brother) so, he gets up and goes into the kitchen as well. He doesn't come back either. The smell of meat fills the air, and Andrea sniffs it, it doesn't smell like turkey... maybe they're doing a non traditional dinner, Andrea thought. Her aunt pops out again and yells "Kristen! Come here please" (Kristen is Andrea's other aunt) so, she gets up and goes into the kitchen. The smell gets stronger, and Andrea starts to get suspicious. She gets up quietly and goes to the window that looks into the kitchen. She peered in, and saw blood all over the floor, Aunt Kristen's body had just been cut up into head-sized pieces, and her uncle was placing them into a very large pot. I've got to go! Andrea thought. But, her Aunt called out once more "Andrea! Come to the kitchen please!" Andrea didn't move, and crouched down under the window. She saw her aunt walk out of the kitchen, her apron covered in blood. Andrea made a run for the door, but her aunt had locked it at some stage. So she went over to a large window, punched it and ran into the streets, screaming for help. Her maniac aunt ran after her, extremely large, blood-covered cleaver in hand. Andrea kept calling out, but her aunt caught up, laughing phsychotically. Her hand covered Andrea's mouth, and she pulled out a syringe from her apron pocket, injecting it into Andrea's neck. Andrea became lightheaded, and fell to the ground with a soft thump.
She woke up back in the dining room, her hands and feet tied to the marble table leg. Her aunt walked out of the kitchen, a large platter covered with an assortment of meats on it in her hand. She was going to force Andrea to eat her mother, brother and aunt... eugh... The smell was disgusting... her aunt reached her, and meat in hand, she shoved it into Andrea's mouth, forcing her to eat it... she did...
The horrible and gross and eww thing is... Andrea enjoyed it...
Another one written by me. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww this gave me chills and a bad taste in my mouth while I was writing... hope you enjoyed!
See ya
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