~ It was a joke ~
Audrey's car arrived at the abandoned hospital, and Olivia stepped out of the back seat. "What do you think?" Emma asked her and Audrey.
"Well, uh, second thoughts are setting in." Olivia sighed as she looked at her surroundings.
"Look, this guy killed Riley at the police station, Nina at her house, and I know for a fact he was outside my house the other night." Emma spoke to them, "If he wanted to kill me, he's had plenty of chances."
"That's sketchy logic." Audrey stated. "But, it almost makes sense." Audrey took one last look at the place. "Alright, let's gear up."
Audrey opened up the trunk, and pulled out a pink stun gun for Emma. "You have a stun gun?" She questioned her.
"Yeah." Audrey nodded. "Over protective dad. If your psycho friend shows up, press the button, and jam it into his junk." She passed Olivia some pepper spray.
"Sounds effective." Emma nodded as she stared down at the stun gun.
"What about you?" Olivia asked Audrey.
"I'm old school." Audrey answered as she held up a wrench.
Emma nodded. "Great." She stated awkwardly.
Audrey closed the trunk, and they started walking to the entrance. It was all boarded up, so Audrey had to tear it down with her wrench. "After you, girls." Audrey motioned for Olivia and Emma to walk through the entrance.
The three girls walked into the hospital, with their phone flashlights shining. "This place is huge." Emma stated as she looked around.
"Maybe we should split up." Audrey stated as she started walking in a different direction.
"Hey, that's not even funny." Olivia snapped at her before pulling her along next to her.
"It's just a joke." "It's not funny." The two bickered. "I was just messing with you." "Well, I don't enjoy being messed w-"
"Would you two just please, shut up." Emma snapped at them.
"Fine." They both groaned simultaneously.
"If Tyler did send you that yearbook, then we're following a dead man's trail." Audrey told Emma as they all continued to walk through the hospital.
"Right, or a live man's trap." Emma nodded.
"Who could say a woman couldn't torture and kill just as well as a man?" Audrey questioned as she looked around.
"Well, it was a man's voice that called me." Emma told her.
"A voice like this?" Emma and Olivia jumped as they heard the voice. They saw Audrey talking into her phone. She turned off her phone and smiled. "One-ninety-nine voice changer app. We used it for Rachel's zombie movie."
"Please don't do that again." Olivia sighed.
"I'm just saying that it could be anyone." Audrey spoke again.
Olivia moved her flashlight around, and saw a trail of blood along the floor. She gasped and the other girls looked down. "Well, that can't be good." Olivia spoke.
"It keeps going." Audrey stated as she followed it with her flashlight.
It led them to a door with the Brandon James mask painted on it. "He's been here." Emma spoke.
"What should we do?" Audrey asked her.
"Look inside. Obviously." Olivia rolled her eyes as she spoke. She busted through the doors, to reveal a ton of sheets hanging from the ceiling. The other girls walked in behind her. They made their way through the room, but stopped when they saw something covered with a bloody sheet. "Gross." Olivia gulped before Audrey took of the sheet.
Something disgusting and bloody was revealed. Olivia gagged as Emma spoke. "Is that a pig?"
"Oh, God." Audrey sighed. "I'm never eating bacon again."
"The hearts gone." Emma stated as she stepped foreword.
"So's the head." Olivia spoke.
"Our mom got a heart in a box." Emma sighed as she spoke. "This is where it's from."
"Lovely." Audrey stated sarcastically. "Help me find some light." Emma flipped a switch and a ton of x-rays appeared. "Noah was right."
"It's Brandon James." Emma stated as she looked at all the x-rays. "Oh my god, this must be where they tried to fix him."
Emma walked into a separate part of the room, followed by Olivia and Audrey. Olivia started to looked at the sketches of Brandon James. "I guess the masks were designed for Brandon to fit his face after the surgeries." Olivia spoke.
"There's more than one?" Audrey asked her, and Olivia nodded.
There was a sound of the door opening, and Olivia dropped behind one of the tables. "Shit." She muttered.
A figure came into the surgical room, looking around. When it started to come into the part where the girls were, Emma went to taze him, but the figure fell before she could. The hoodie came off to show Noah. "Noah?" Olivia gasped as she bended down next to him.
"What the hell?" Audrey asked him.
"Did you just try to taze my man parts?"
The girls helped him up. "What are you doing here?" Emma asked him.
"Does that really require an explanation?" Noah stated. "You know I wanna make this guy pay just as much as you do."
"Hey," Audrey stepped him, "don't blame Emma. Blame me."
"Guys, we have bigger problems." Olivia spoke as she looked at the rest of the room.
"Holy Christmas." Noah gasped as he looked around. "Oh I knew it. It's a genuine killer's lair."
"That's a thing?" Emma asked him.
"Oh, please don't get him started." Audrey sighed.
"A lair is an extension of the killer's psychosis." Noah spoke to them as he looked around. "The root cellar in psycho, Kevin Stacey's apartment in Seven, Hannibal Lector's kitchen- I mean, every fictional killer has one."
"So he's been living here?" Emma asked him.
"I highly doubt it." Noah sighed.
Olivia nodded in agreement. "This looks staged."
"Yeah, you see lairs on tv." Noah stated. "Not in real life. Take pretty little liars. They're all chuck full with bloody clues and creepy unrealistic icons."
"Yeah." Olivia chuckled. "I mean, how would A get her hands on four Victorian style dolls who look just like the main characters? Where would you get that?"
"Evil American Girl Doll Store?" Audrey joked.
"I can't believe the three of you came here without me." Noah told them.
"Yeah, you're right." Emma stated as she motioned for him to walk into somewhere she had found. "After you."
They walked into a separate room, filled with junk. There was a little table with three things on it. "This is Rachel's." Audrey stated, pointing her flashlight at the first thing.
"That's Nina's necklace." Olivia pointed her's at the thing in the middle.
"And Riley's key chain." Emma sighed as she pointed to the last item.
"The bastard took souvenirs." Noah shook his head as he looked around.
"Emma." Audrey stated as her flashlight shined at a ton of pictures hanging from the ceiling.
"The missing yearbook pictures." Noah sighed.
"It's you." Olivia pointed her flashlight directly at the picture of Emma in the middle.
"And you're the star of the show." Noah stated.
"I think we should go." Audrey spoke.
"Yeah." Noah gulped. "The charm is wearing off."
Emma started walking over to something. "Em, what the hell are you doing?"
"That's Nina's laptop." Emma answered her. She put on latex gloves and picked it up. "The police have been looking for this."
"I bet." Audrey stated as Emma opened it up.
"Why are there folders for all of our friends?" Olivia asked as she looked down at the computer.
"Maybe photos." Emma sighed as she opened one of the folders to find even more folders.
"Was she friends with the mayor?" Noah questioned. "The principal?"
"The sheriff?" Audrey stated.
"Nina, what the hell were you doing?" Emma sighed.
"Oh, there's mine." Olivia stated. "Open it. I want to see." She pressed on the file for Olivia, but she couldn't get into it.
"They're encrypted, but I could crack into them with some time." Noah said to the girls.
"Okay, hold on." Audrey started to grab it, but Emma stopped her.
"This is evidence, we should let the police deal with it." Emma told her.
"Yeah, Em," Olivia stated sarcastically, "because they handled the Riley situation so well."
"Emma, there's a file with your name on it, aren't you the least bit curious?" Audrey asked her.
"I just think that it's a test, and when I fail, people die." Emma sighed as she spoke.
"You didn't come here to do nothing." Audrey told her.
There was a rustle. "Hey, guys." Noah stated. "Someone's coming."
"Wait, does your camera have an SD card?" Olivia asked her.
"Yeah." Audrey stated as she handed it to Emma.
She pushed it into the computer, and started loading the files onto the chip. "Come on, Em." Olivia spoke.
"How much longer?" Audrey asked her.
"Ten seconds." Emma answered.
"We don't exactly have ten seconds." Olivia snapped a bit.
"I know, I know." Emma sighed.
"Perimeter alert." Noah spoke.
"It's almost there." Emma told them. "Five seconds."
"Hey, seriously guys, we've gotta go." Noah said to them.
"Emma, hurry up." Olivia said to her.
"Is it done?" Audrey questioned.
"We've gotta go." Noah sighed.
"Okay, we're done." Emma stated as she pulled the card out of the computer. She placed it back on the shelf. "Let's go."
They walked out of the room, only to have the Brandon James mask catch Olivia's eye. "What's that?" She questioned as she walked over towards it. She took it down, and a head fell down from behind it. Olivia realized it was Tyler's head. Everyone let out a scream.
The four teenagers went running out of the room. "Oh my god!" Emma yelled. "That's Tyler's head!"
"We've gotta go!" Noah shouted as he opened the door.
The four went running through the hospital, desperately trying to find the exit. They all stopped as the sheriff stood in front of them. "You four, with me."
"What were you thinking?" Maggie asked the teenagers who sat in front of her.
"Yeah, what were you thinking?" The sheriff repeated. "Every piece of evidence in that hospital might be inimitable because of you."
"How did you know we were there?" Emma asked him.
"Anonymous tip." The sheriff answered. Emma looked over at Noah. He shrugged. "Someone saw you guys entering the hospital. We swept that place a week ago looking for Tyler, there was nothing. So why were you there?"
"A package came to the house." Emma spoke after a long time of silence. "The 1994 Lakewood High yearbook. He cut out people's faces. He wrote things."
"Oh my god, Emma." Maggie sighed.
"Why didn't you come straight here?" The sheriff asked her.
"Because the last time I came here, it didn't really end that well." Emma snapped at him.
"Hey, that's not fair." Maggie stated as she knelt down before her two daughters.
"None of this is fair." Olivia finally spoke.
"Why didn't you tell me about this?" Maggie asked them.
"To try and stop more people from dying." Emma answered. "I said I didn't think it was Tyler, but no one believed me."
"But you believe us now, right?" Audrey asked them.
"Considering his head is in that hospital and his body's in the car," the sheriff spoke, "yeah."
"Glad we cleared that up." Noah sighed.
Noah started to get up, but the sheriff stopped him. "Sit down, don't move. I'm going to need your camera, Audrey." Audrey passed him the camera. "Now, all of you, get out of here. Go home. And do me a favor. Any further contact, you call me immediately." Maggie led Emma and Olivia out.
Olivia sat on her bed, before getting a notification. She saw that it was a text from Noah. It read, 'I'm so sorry, but I had no control. It just sent out to everyone.'
'What are you-'
Olivia started to type before a video popped up on her screen. "But what about Matt?" Olivia recognized her voice over the video. She and Jake were sitting on her bed, a bottle of vodka in between them.
"I thought you were drunk." Jake chuckled. "And Matt will be fine, and he will never find out." Jake chupped Olivia's cheek in the video. "You deserve so much better than that shit head. I promise that I will never take advantage of you like he did."
"Jake I-" Olivia started to say, but he cut her off by kissing her. She almost immediately kissed him back.
Olivia gasped before closing out of the video. She went to her texts with Noah. 'What the hell did you do?'
AN: Long chapter that I'm going to make even longer with this author note. Oh well. Anyways, I'm totally shipping Audrey and Olivia as a BroTP at the moment. Like can't you all see it? So, while I'm writing more, I want you guys to decide who Olivia ends the season with, if anyone at all, so here, can you all comment who you want Olivia to be with at the end of season one? It's like a pile of sorts. I will count up all the comments for the different characters, and that's who she will end the chapter with.
Please vote!
Thank you, lovelies. Have a nice day 💞💞
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