~ Audrey is the captain of the ship ~
Olivia walked downstairs one morning and saw her mom cutting up kale. "Are you making that sausage and kale thing?" She chuckled as Emma came into the kitchen. "Must be love."
"It's the first dinner we're going to be having in a while without eating out of styrofoam." Maggie told the two girls. "Dinner is at seven." Maggie sighed. "I hope he likes it. It's the only thing I know how to make."
"Mom, he's not here for the kale." Emma joked as she poured coffee for herself and Olivia.
"Hey, I'm glad we talked about Brandon." Maggie stated.
"Oh not this again." Olivia poured her coffee into a thermos. "I had to get left out of another thing?"
"It must have been hard keeping it a secret all those years." Emma stated, totally ignoring her sister.
"You learn to live with it." Maggie went back to cutting the kale.
"It's like I don't even exist." Olivia groaned as she drank some coffee.
"What about dad?" Emma asked her. "You said the two of you had a fight that night. But you must have moved past that. Got married, had us." Emma motioned to her and her sister.
"And even through everything, I loved your dad." Maggie told her. "In a way, almost losing them brought us closer together. And having the two of you certainly did."
"Then why the hell did he leave?" Olivia spoke up.
"Not everyone learns to live with it." Maggie sighed as she spoke. There was a beep from a car horn outside. "Who's that."
"Kieran." Emma answered before Maggie and Olivia gave her a look. "What?" Olivia nudged her and winked. "Olivia, we are just friends." Emma stated before leaving.
"Who's driving you today?" Maggie asked her daughter as Olivia sat down.
"Noah." Olivia looked down at her phone.
"Oh, that's good." Maggie smiled at her daughter. "So, is there anything going on there?"
"I'm not sure yet." Olivia shrugged as she heard a car horn beep outside. "Bye mom."
"Make good choices." Maggie shouted as her daughter walked out the door.
Olivia got into the back of Noah's car, as Audrey was sitting in the front seat. "Hey, Olivia." Noah smiled at her.
"Hello." Olivia smiled as Noah started the car again.
The car ride started off completely silent, with the occasional phone beep or buzz, until Audrey finally spoke. "There is so much sexual tension right now, oh my god."
"Audrey!" Noah shouted at her.
"What?" Olivia questioned, not fully comprehending what Audrey had just shouted.
"Can someone just please lock you two in a closet sometime soon." Audrey rolled her eyes at the two nerds she was surrounded by. "Actually, that's a good idea. And as the captain of this ship, I will take action." Audrey took out her phone, texting Emma. "I think that Emma and I might do that."
"Oh, look." Noah stopped his car in the parking lot. "We're there."
"Okay." Olivia chuckled as she got out of the car. "Thanks for the ride."
"Uhuh." Noah smiled and laughed awkwardly as he watched Olivia walk away from the two. "Audrey, why would you-"
"Alright, I was just trying to help." Audrey sent him a smile. "I know that you won't do anything yourself, so I was just trying to make it happen faster."
"Well, stop trying because she's totally not into me and it'll never happen." Noah sighed.
"She didn't say that." Audrey patted his shoulder.
"She never said she liked me back either." Noah looked over at his best friend with sad eyes.
"She's probably just very confused." Audrey sent him a warm smile. "She just broke up with her boyfriend, broke up with her best friend, and plus the shit that's going on." Noah nodded. "Just give her some time. I'm sure that she'll come around."
"Have you seen Will?" Emma asked Olivia as she stood at her locker.
"No." Olivia shook her head as she shut it. "I bet Jake would have. Go ask him. I'll stay over here."
"No. You're coming with me." Emma stated before dragging her sister over to Jake and Brooke.
"Olivia. Hey." Jake smiled warmly at her. Olivia sighed and sent him a half assed wave.
"Hey, uh- have either of you guys seen Will?" Emma asked the two.
"Not since practice last night." Jake told her. "But he was seeming like he had hit rock bottom, so he's probably at home drowning in a bottle of his dad's cheep whiskey."
Brooke scoffed. "Which is exactly where he belongs."
"He texted me that he wanted to fix things last night, but it failed." Emma explained to the others. "It was weird."
"You said your dad went out last night?" Jake asked Brooke, who nodded. "I think I might know who he was meeting."
"What are you talking about?" Emma spoke.
"Jake found out that Will had been blackmailing my dad." Brooke told her. "He had a video of him-" Brooke looked down, "doing something pretty bad."
"But where is Will?" Emma asked them.
"I don't know." Brooke shook her head. "We don't know. Right Jake?" Brooke looked up at him before snapping because he didn't answer. "Right Jake?"
Piper Shaw came rushing into their little circle. "We need to talk."
The four teens walked into some abandoned building, being led by Piper. "Where the hell are we?" Brooke questioned as she looked around.
"This is the place Will and I did the money job on your dad." Jake said to her.
"I can't believe you tried to put all of the blame on Will!" Brooke snapped at him. "You're such a dick."
"I'm sorry, but let's look at the big picture." Jake told her. "If it weren't for us, you wouldn't have known about your dad, so you're lucky-"
"Guys, stop!" Emma cut him off. "We've all done bad things. Can we just focus on finding Will?" The two solemnly nodded before starting to walk again.
"So, Will wanted to turn in the phone that had the video on it, and I wanted a story." Piper explained to them.
"Are you still going to tell the story?" Olivia asked her.
"That's kind of what I do." Piper sighed. "But let's focus on finding your friend."
"So, where is he?" Jake asked her.
"Well, the mayor left, and then that masked psychotic creep showed up." Piper explained to them. "He tried to kill me, and Will- Will saved my life." Piper started walking again. "I became conscious again, my head was hurting, Will was gone, and I found this."
There was a message written in blood. 'NO COPS EMMA' it read.
"Oh my god." Brooke gasped.
Piper grasped onto her head. "Are you okay?" Jake asked her.
"Just a mild concussion." Piper answered. "But I'll be fine."
"You guys, wait outside." Emma told them.
"No." Olivia protested. "You're not leaving alone with them." Olivia growled.
"Come on, Ollie." Jake smiled at her. "You can't hate us forever."
"I can and I will."
"I just need some time to think." Emma said to her.
Jake grabbed onto Olivia's hand and started to lead her out, followed by Piper and Brooke. Olivia shrugged him off and walked silently.
"I've got his contact." Noah smiled as he typed into his computer. "And I've got the phone."
"I don't see anything." Olivia sighed as she stared at the virtual map up on the big screen.
"It's some place out near the crossroads." Noah told Emma as he looked up at the gps signal on his tv screen.
"I'm going." Emma told him.
"By yourself?" Noah questioned her.
"She won't be by herself." Brooke stated, making her and Jake known. "You'll be with us."
"Oh look who it is." Olivia glared at the two.
"Guys, no." Emma protested as she stood from the couch. "This psycho is playing sick games. I cannot ask you guys to come."
"You don't have too." Brooke smiled at her.
"We've got your back." Jake spoke to her. "We always do."
"Oh, you do, do you?" Olivia snapped at Jake. Jake nodded. "Whatever." She groaned, knowing she would loose the fight if she started one. She looked over at Noah who was just staring off into space. "Don't we have her back, right, Noah?"
Noah's eyes widened as he stood up. "Wait, me?" He asked her.
"There's spotty cell signal, so this is definitely the area." Noah stated as he held his phone up in the air. The five teenagers had made their way to where Noah said Will's phone was.
"Okay." Jake stated as he took off his backpack off. "Creepy building, psycho killed, it's time to weapon up. I've got a skinner, and a gut hook." He took out two knives from his bag.
"Wait, why do you have all that?" Noah asked him.
"To skin and gut things." Jake told him with a very matter-of-factly tone as Emma's phone started to ring.
"Well, obviously, but why would you need-"
"Alright, boys." Olivia groaned as she rolled her eyes. "Calm down.
"Only for you, Ollie." Jake smirked at her.
"Stop." Olivia shook her head. "You know I hate that nickname. I hated it when Tyler used it, and I hate it when you use it even more."
"Why do you hate it even more when I use it?" Jake asked her.
Brooke groaned as she watched Emma put down her phone. "Guys, we have to find a way to get inside." She stated, ending the awkward conversations.
"Okay, Jake and Brooke go that way, and Noah, Olivia, and I will go this way." Emma said to everyone.
"Why does slasher geek get Olivia?" Jake asked Emma.
"Because she's my sister." Emma answered before Noah spoke.
"And, also, I kinda hate the two of you at the moment."
"Jake, just shut up, and go with Brooke." Olivia snapped at him. He slowly nodded, slightly scared of the small girl in front of him.
"Splitting up seems like the first of many bad decisions." Noah sighed, nervously.
"Write your blood type on your boots, and write letters to your loved ones." Jake stated before winking at Olivia. "Let's Shake n' Jake."
The three spit up from Brooke and Jake, walking past a gate. Noah kept on suddenly turning around. "Noah, you have to stop doing that." Emma snapped at him.
"Well, I would walk backwards, but there's a lot of broken glass." Noah said to her as he started to walk again.
"You're kinda making me more nervous than I already am." Olivia sighed as she spoke. "Chill."
"I'm sorry." Noah said to her. "As much as I love a good indie horror flick, in real life, it's just really terrifying."
Emma suddenly stopped walking. "This doesn't feel right." She spoke. "Like, why a sudden change of the game?"
"It's because he's playing chess instead of checkers." Noah explained to her. "It started with Riley, now it's will. He's making you responsible for you dies."
"And I have all the pieces to lose." Emma sighed. "He's binding behind a mask. There's nothing I can take away from him."
"Unless you figure out who he is." Olivia spoke as she looked around.
"Yeah, but until then, he'll just keep upping the game." Noah told her. "It's like this whole thing; leading you here. It's like he wants you to think that you have some power, and then he can take it all away."
"It sounds like you admire this guy or something." Emma spoke as she started to walk again.
"What?" Noah asked her as he caught up, along with Olivia. "No. He's like this crazy, psycho, killer, loser guy."
"But, if he wants you to find Will," Olivia spoke, "why doesn't he just leave the door open?"
"Classic cat and mouse." Noah answered. "He likes to play with his food before he eats it." The came across an open door. "Unless he would rather just skip to the main course."
The three walked inside the building. "What is this place?" Emma asked as she looked around.
"I don't know." Olivia answered as she sighed. "But it's definitely not a very happy place."
Emma walked further through the room, and found a hall way. Olivia and Noah followed her out. "Hello?" Emma called out. "Will?" The three managed to find their way through a hallway, walking into one large room. Emma looked around, putting all the pieces together. "It's a bowling alley." She spoke.
"Woah." Noah smiled as he saw something on the wall. "That is the most mag daddy jaguar and space shuttle mural I've ever seen." Olivia sent him a confused look, and Noah just shrugged.
The three turned around when they heard a floorboard creek. "Thanks for waiting up." Brooke spoke as her and Jake stood behind them. "It smells like wet dog and carwax."
"Jake over there is probably both." Olivia smirked over at Jake, who just stuck his tongue out at her.
There was a bang and a bowling ball went sliding down the lane. "Well, that was terrifying." Noah sighed.
"God, I hate bowling." Brooke shook her head in disgust.
"Okay." Emma turned to speak to her friends. "I understand why he would send me to the hospital, but why bring Will here?"
"Yeah, this place is big." Jake spoke as he looked around. "We should split up finding will. I'll take Olivia." Jake smirked as he winked over at Olivia, who just shook her head.
"Said no one who survived a horror movie. Ever." Noah told Jake.
"Noah, Brooke, stay with me." Emma told everyone. "Olivia, go with Jake."
"What, why?" Olivia asked her sister, looking back over at the smirking Jake.
"He probably won't stop whining until he gets to go with you, so just go." Emma said to Olivia. Olivia nodded, sighed and started to walk off with Jake.
"I'm still not sure this is a good idea." Olivia heard Noah say in the distance.
"So," Olivia looked up at Jake as she heard him speak, "we're finally alone."
"Yeah." Olivia groaned.
"Why don't we go into some random closet, and ya know..."
"It's a joke!" Jake smiled at her. "You can't stay mad at me forever. What did I even do to make you upset?"
"You knew that my ex best friend slept with my cheating boyfriend, and you didn't care to tell me?"
"Alright, well, in her defense, you cheated on him, too." Jake shrugged as he spoke.
"Did they do it first?" Jake nodded slowly, answering Olivia.
"I found out the day after we first, ya know.... Did it." Jake sighed. "What else do you have on me?"
"Well, there's also the fact that you knew that we were filmed having sex, and you didn't care to share that information with me." Olivia was getting upset.
"A month ago, you wouldn't have cared." Jake spat at her. "A month ago, we were fucking everywhere, and we didn't care if we were caught. And now, you were upset because a sex tape was leaked of us." Jake scoffed.
"I think that I would have cared." Olivia snapped at him. "This just shows how much you really know about me."
"Olivia, the girl that I know would have been stronger. She would have acted as if she didn't even care. You're just acting like this for you're little slasher geek." Jake smirked at her. "You just wanted him to come to you're rescue."
"You think that I'm playing him?"
"Either that, or he's turned you into someone that I don't even recognize anymore." Jake scoffed.
"Noah hasn't changed anything about me. All the things that are now coming out have always been there, he's just bringing out the better parts of me." Olivia said to him.
"Oh, and I brought out the worst parts of you?" Jake asked her. "Is that what you're saying?"
"I never said that." Olivia sighed. "Let's just go look for Will."
"Come on." Jake sent her a smile. "There's a killer on the loose. No one should die with unresolved issues."
"And what are our unresolved issues?" Olivia asked him as she started to back up.
"Do you like Noah?" Jake asked as Olivia's back hit the wall. He smirked, placing a knife in the wall above her.
"No." Olivia shook her head as she looked up at him.
"So then you wouldn't mind if I did this?" Jake asked as he leaned in. He connected his lips to hers.
Olivia pulled away, almost immediately. "We should really start looking for Will." She spoke quietly. Jake, sadly, nodded and followed behind Olivia as she walked ahead.
"Wait." Jake spoke before sliding under some caution tape. "Nature calls." He spoke as he walked into the bathroom.
Olivia groaned before standing outside the door. A few minutes later, she got bored, and started to pace. "Jake, hurry up." She called into the bathroom.
There was a loud noise and she turned around, looking for what had caused it. "Brooke?" She called. There was no answer. "Emma." No answer. "Noah?... Anyone?" She turned around and saw the killer holding a knife. She let out a blood curdling scream and went running.
She ran and ran, until she heard her sister's voice coming from an open door. "Will, wake up."
Olivia hurried into the room, closing the door after her. "Emma, the killer is here." She spoke, breathing heavily. "And Jake is still out there." She told her sister as she place something heavy in front of the door. Olivia spotted the three teenagers sitting in front of Will. "Ah shit." She cursed before running over towards them, and sitting as well.
"Will?" Emma took off her jacket and placed it underneath his head. "Come on. Wake up! Come on."
Noah's phone immediately went off after that. "Audrey." Olivia heard Noah speak into the phone. He stood up, and Olivia stood up with him.
"Noah, I'm done, and in serious need of caffeine."
"Audrey, can you hear me?" Noah spoke into the phone. "I'm with Emma and Olivia. We're at the bowling alley over the-"
"Wait, Noah, I can't hear you." Audrey spoke to him.
Olivia took the phone. "We found Will." She told Audrey.
"What?" Audrey questioned.
"He's bleeding really really bad and we don't-"
"Olivia, I-"
The line went dead.
"Fuck!" Olivia cursed and she looked down at the phone.
"Will, please." Emma whimpered as she cupped his cheeks with her hands. "This can't be how you die." Noah pulled Olivia into his arms. Will let out a gasp as his eyes opened. "Oh my god."
Emma started to help Will sit up. "Yeah, get him up." Noah said to Emma. "Get him up." Emma held onto Will for a while, crying softly as his hands moved to her arms.
Emma lifted his shirt up to see a flesh wound. "I'm so sorry." Will sighed. "This is bad."
"My god." Brooke gasped as she saw the wound.
"That's a lot of blood." Noah's eyes widened.
"He needs stitches, but this is going to have to do." Emma spoke as she grabbed a role of duck tape.
"Uh, well, I'm just going to go and guard the door." Noah stated awkwardly before walking towards the closed door.
"Yeah, me too." Olivia made her way over with Noah.
"And I'm going as well." Brooke followed behind Olivia.
Noah grabbed a big stick and some duck tape. "What are you doing?" Olivia asked him.
"I'm making a knife-stick." Noah smiled at her.
"A knife-stick?" Brooke scoffed.
"Well, you know, the odds of a hand to hand combat increase a ton with distance." Noah was struggling with the tape.
"Here." Brooke stated as she grabbed the stick and tape from him. She grabbed a knife, and quickly attached it to the stick with the tape.
"I don't want to know why you're better at this than me."
"You know, it's just a spear, right?" Brooke smiled at him.
Olivia looked at the door. "Jake is still out there." She sighed.
"How do we know he's not partnered up with this guy." Noah pondered out loud.
"How do we know you're not." Brooke snapped, pointing the knife at Noah. "You're the one who brought us here."
"Okay, hold on." Noah stated, lowering the knife. "You guys came to me." Noah sighed. "I could be comfortably curled up on a gaming couch right now, cuddling with Olivia, and not in this horrible bowling alley of doom."
"Oh, how sweet." Brooke taunted.
"Shut up, Whore." Olivia glared at Brooke, who glared back.
'Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do.' started playing over the loud speaker.
"Cue creepy murder music." Noah sighed.
"Guys, this is gonna sound ridiculous, but I'll be right back." Emma stated, walking towards the door.
"Are you joking?!" Brooke called after her.
"Hey, seriously, em, don't do that." Olivia spoke to her sister.
"Yeah, that's like famous last words." Noah shook her head as Emma exited the room.
"No, em!" Will stated from the ground. "Help me up." He told Noah, and Noah pulled him up. "Okay, we can't let Emma go out there alone, and we need to find Jake. We need weapons."
"Yeah." Noah smiled taking the knife-stick from Brooke. "I'm way ahead of you."
Will grabbed onto a metal tool. "Now-"
He was interrupted by Jake crying out in pain. "Help!" Jake yelled. "Where are you?!"
"Jake needs are help." Olivia stated, walking towards the door.
"Or, he's luring us out, just like he did Emma." Noah stated as he grabbed onto her hand, stopping her.
"We can't wait." Will told them. "I'll go out and find them, and you three find a way out."
"You can barely stand." Noah protested before walking towards the door. "But, if you want to make it easier for him, be my guest." Noah opened the door, and the killed was standing right there.
All four teenagers let out a scream as Noah started to try and close the door, but the killer was pushing the other way. Will leaned on the door, helping as much as he could. "Girls, go." Olivia and Brooke ran out of the room, using a different exit. "Noah, go!" Will shouted, leaving himself alone.
Brooke and Olivia ran into the bowling alley section, and Olivia found Jake sitting against a pole with a knife in his chest. "Jake!" She gasped as she ran over to him. She knelt down in front of him.
He let out a gasp as his eyes opened. A small smile crossed his lips as he saw Olivia in front of him. "Am I in heaven, because you're definitely an angel." Olivia shook her head as she wiped some of the tears from her cheeks. "You weep for the Jake."
"I'm gonna get you out of here." She chuckled as she looked down at the knife sticking out of his chest.
"That would be good." He nodded slightly.
"Well, this part won't be." She stated before Brooke came over. Brooke held Jake as Olivia pulled the knife out of him. Jake let out a yell as it exited his chest.
Noah watched from behind, and he knew that Olivia would be all over Jake the next day. He felt a tear rush down his cheek, and immediately wiped it away. Olivia looked back at him and smiled. He watched her stand up and pull him into a hug. Noah smiled and he buried his face in her neck.
"Jake, are you in here!" Olivia and Brooke heard Emma yell as she came sprinting into the alley.
"Emma!" Brooke called, getting her attention.
The killer appeared behind her, and tried to attack, but Will pushed him to the ground, saving Olivia's sister. The cops came rushing through the door as the killer disappeared. "Emma and Olivia Duval, are you in here?" The sheriff called.
"Stay here." Emma told Will as she rushed over to the cops. "We're here."
"Get him up." Olivia spoke, pulling away from the hug. "Brooke, help me." The two girls helped pull Jake up and somewhat carried him over to where the police were. "Jake's hurt." Olivia told them.
Everyone exited the building, and Maggie came rushing over to her daughters. "Are you hurt?" She asked her two girls. Both of them shook their heads.
"Cue the reunion montage." Olivia heard Noah say quietly and she chuckled softly.
"Now girls, can you tell me why the killer would send you to the bowling alley?" The sheriff asked Emma and Olivia as they stood in their living room.
"Look, the person doing this is trying to open my eyes about the people closest to me." Emma explained to him. "And it all goes back to Brandon James."
"The two of you can't keep doing things like this on your own." The sheriff reprimanded them. "I think it's time you had a protective detail."
"I agree." Maggie spoke.
"Excuse me?" Olivia snapped at him. "No way am I going to have someone be watching my everyone move. That's insane."
"Look, Jake is going to be fine, Will is recovering-"
The sheriff cut Emma off. "What, and you want to all this a win because you survived?"
"No. That's not what-" the doorbell rang as Olivia was speaking.
"That's Kieran." Emma groaned before walking over towards the door.
AN; this is such a long chapter and I'm sorry for that. This is two chapters put together. The first was way too short, and I guess the second was wayyy too long. Well, there's both Jake and Olivia, and Noah and Olivia. I hope you guys are happy with that. 😊
Please comment what you want in future chapters. And don't forget to vote.
Thank you, lovelies! Have a nice day 💞💞
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