Part 4: That's Simply not Possible
Woodsboro's Police Station: Sheriff's office
After giving Sidney his jacket, Dewey and her sit next to his desk. The deputy's currently checking for the whereabouts of Neil Prescott. According to Sidney, he should've been heading for the airport, but nobody else has seen him since.
"Did you find him?" Sidney asks Dewey, still looking shaken up after the attack. When Sidney heard the phrase, 'like mother, like daughter' she didn't expect it to include being almost killed by the person who claims to have killed your mom.
Dewey doesn't answer, but his befuddled look, and only typing slightly on the keyboard gives it away. "Are you sure it was at Hilton?" Dewey queries, hinting that he hasn't found a Neil Prescott yet.
Sidney barley nods. "At the airport." She confirms, her head turning for the first time in two hours. Dewey double-checks, but sighs.
"He's not registered there." He tells Sidney with regretful voice, sighing again. "Could he have stayed somewhere else?" Dewey inquires.
"I-I don't know..." Sidney painfully shakes her head, rubbing it as if she has a headache. First the killer coming to her house, and now her dad's nowhere to be seen, that doesn't make her any better.
Dewey gives Sidney a sympathetic look, and not just because of the attack. She sounds confident about her dad's alibi, and the fact he's not showing up anywhere waves some red flags. Especially since it happened at the same time.... Well, best not to bring that up now.
"Don't worry Sid, we'll find him." Dewey assures, putting a comforting hand on her leg. Immediately after, a fellow cop walks past, dropping a folder on his desk.
"Dewey, they got that mask in." The cop quickly says before moving on to next thing. In fact, the police station seems more active than ever.
Sidney looks down, sniffing. Everything just went so freaking wrong, way too fast. Ironically, part of her now wants to go back to when her friends were joking about the whole thing earlier, feels better to joke about it than experience the actual thing. Then she makes the foolish decision to look somewhere else, to the Sheriff's office, only to find Billy's betrayed expression staring down into her soul.
She's only saved by the Sheriff pretending to clear his throat, regaining Billy's attention. "Let me ask you this..." Burke sets up, his suspicion not even attempted at being hinted. "What are you doing with a cellular telephone, son?"
The Sheriff circles around him, before leaning on his desk. Billy's Dad, Hank Loomis, has an expression that shows he isn't taking Burke's tone very well. "Everyone's got one, sheriff." Billy mentions, innocently shrugging. "I didn't make those calls, I swear."
"Why don't you check the phone bill, for Christ's sake." Hank angrily suggests, standing completely up. "Call Vital-Phone comp, they'll have records of every number dialed."
"Thanks Hank, We're on top of it." Burke sarcastically replies, reminding him that the cops actually have intelligence. He turns back to Billy. "What were you doing at Sidney's house tonight?"
"I wanted to see her that's all." Billy offhandedly answers.
"And last night?" Burke pushes, waiting to hear the same excuse. Hank blinks with surprise, now he's got him. "Sidney said you crawled through her window last night too."
"You went out last night?" Hank looks at his son, wondering what the heck he was doing while he was away.
Realizing how bad it looks, Billy chuckles embarrassed. "I was watching TV, got bored." Billy testifies with his shoulders crunched up. "I-I decided to go for a ride, and...."
"Did you happen to drive by Casey Becker's house?" Burke interrogates accusingly with a pointed look. Billy goes wide-eyed.
"No. No, I didn't. Ask Y/N what happened, and he'll tell you the same." Billy staring straight back at the sheriff. "Sheriff, I didn't kill anybody."
Burke raises his lips, and Hank looks worriedly at his son as his face drops. "We're gonna have to hold you son, until we get those phone records." The sheriff eventually informs.
"This is crazy..." Billy mutters out-loud. When he looks up, they can see that he is fighting back tears. "You know that? I didn't do it."
There's an uncomfortable silence, and Billy takes the moment to give Sidney that same glare which makes her quickly look away, back into the walls.
Little does she know, it's not anger behind his eyes, it's him knowing her testimony is going to get completely fucked over.
Meanwhile, the outside of the police station is flooded with cameras, lights, and microphones. Cops try to set up blockade to block the entrance, enforcing the reporters to record outside, but there's still a few that tests the durability of the wall. One of them being Gale weathers who practically jumps out of her news van.
"Are they anymore donuts in there?" Kenny questions as he opens the door for her. He glances inside, but all he gets in a push from Gale.
"Move it Kenny." Gale orders, sounding like she's ready to breach a military base. Kenny doesn't seem as confident.
"They're not letting anybody in." Kenny mentions to her, as good as that does.
"I'm not just anyone." Gale remarks. Before Kenny can even sigh in defeat, she takes off, making Kenny have to force his camera up and ready.
Kenny mutters something with the word 'bitch' as he tries to follow Gale. "Kenny are we on?" She rapidly questions as they march through the crowd.
"Yeah, go."
"Hi, Gale Weathers reporting live from Woodsboro police station where we hope to get a glimpse of Sidney Prescott." She begins. Surprisingly, she tries walking straight through the door, but it goes about how you expect it. She's stopped by a cop who holds her back, and another puts his hand against the camera.
"No cameras buddy."
"Hey! Watch the hands! You know who you're dealing with here?"
"Tell them, come on dad." Billy pleads to his father as he's dragged off by a couple uniforms. "Please, tell them."
"Just wait for the lawyer, Billy." Hank tells him as he walks with him, looking embarrassed.
"Sidney, come on, you know me!" Billy turns to Sidney next, struggling against the policemen's grip. "Sidney, please! Look at me!"
However, Sidney does not look at him. She closes her eyes, part of her feeling guilty at sound of Billy's pleads and yelling.
After that, she feels a comforting touch on her shoulder, she turns to see her best friend Tatum giving her a friendly expression. "Sid, we're gonna get you out of here okay?" She promises, and all Sidney can do is nod.
Then two other people enter as well. The sound of a familiar voice grunting causes Sidney to turn around and see Y/N walking past with a policeman. "Y/N?" She squeaks out, as Y/N does that smile he always wears. "What are-?"
"Found him knocked unconscious by the road, next to your house." The policeman, who goes by Carl, states. "Had to take him to the hospital before we could ask him some questions."
"Not my brightest moment..." Y/N mutters, holding the back of his head. "Mind someone telling me why the entire outside is filled with news vans, and why Billy is being taken away?"
Tatum and Sidney just give him sad, knowing look before Carl answers for them. "You're friend is being arrested on suspicion of attacking Ms. Prescott, and the murder of Casey Becker."
"What!?" Y/N exclaims, baffled. He looks at the girls who's silence confirms what the police's saying. "But that doesn't make any sense, Billy and I were driving around last night. You guys can't-"
"Y/N." Tatum growls at Y/N. "Now's not the time." She gestures to the shaken Sidney. But Y/N just shakes his head in disbelieve.
"Are... Are you out of your mind? Why would-"
"Let's go, L/N." Carl forcefully moves the teen away, not planning to waste any time with arguments. Y/N glares at him, but complies as they walk away.
A few steps away, Dewey walks up to Burke with a disappointed look. "They sell this costume, every five and dime in the state." He regretfully shares with the sheriff as he hands him a cheep plastic bag that originally came from a store. It's the ghost costume, labeled 'Father Death' on the front. "There's no way they tracked a purchase."
"What about the cellular phone bill?" Burke asks.
"Well, we're pulling Loomis's account. We won't know anything until the morning." Dewey reports, wishing they could instead just get them within a flash second; the itching theory of Sidney's dad still crawling in his head.
"Come on..." Tatum impatiently grumbles. They both hear this but ignore her.
"You think he did it?" Dewey quires.
"Twenty years ago, I would've said not a chance." Burke answers with a mental frustration. "But these kids today... dammed if I know."
"What if it's the other two?" Dewey wonders.
"Other two?" Burke questions, perplexed.
"Well, Neil seems to have been taken off the map. And L/N...." Dewey brings up, keeping his voice low. "I mean, you know that L/N isn't his actual-"
"Hey Dewey, can we go now?" Tatum gives his brother a frustrated look, her hands around Sidney starting to grip.
"Hold on a second..."
"Dammit, Dewey!" Tatum yells. Dewey hears the other cops jeering towards the two siblings, causing him to grow embarrassed.
"What did mama tell you?" Dewey shouts back, his face as red as a tomato. "When I wear this badge, you treat me like a man of the law!"
"I'm sorry Deputy Dewey-boy, but we're ready to go now, okay?" Tatum seethes as she grabs her bag as Sidney takes off her jacket and follows her. The cops quietly laughing behind them.
"Uh, take them out back way." Burke advises. "Avoid that circus out there."
Dewey nods before grabbing her sister's wrist. Obviously frustrated that she's making him look like a fool. "Come on!"
"Don't touch me!" Tatum pulls her hand off. Sidney follows as the two squabble back and forth, Tatum kiddy slapping Dewey as they walk.
"He's my superior!"
"Janitor's your superior..."
Poor Dewey... Sheriff Burke turns to the men who are still chuckling at Dewey's expense, including Y/N.
"Let's get back to work!
Having been strongly denied entry. Kenny and Gale stay out in the sidewalk, until a thought pops in Gale's brain. "Isn't there a back way out of this building?" She brings up to Kenny.
"Yeah." Kenny catches on, nodding. Then he points at a left turn at the end of the sidewalk. "Down the alley, I think."
They quickly march they're wat over, and to their luck (and misfortune of Sidney,) they find Sidney Prescott only with the Deputy and girl who bad mouthed Gale earlier.
"There she is." Gale beckons Kenny over. "Sidney!" She calls out, rushing over as Tatum groans with even more frustration.
"You have got to be kidding me..." Tatum grumbles. The light of the camera and name drop, draws the attention of other news anchors, meaning the police's plan to sneak lasted about two seconds.
"Some night. What happened are you alright?" Gale asks the expected question, putting the mic in Sidney's face.
"She's not answering any questions, alright?" Tatum moves the microphone away with her backhand. "Just leave us alone."
"No, no Tatum. It's okay, she's just doing her job, right Gale?" Sidney assures her, walking up in front of Gale. Tatum's about to grunt and pull her away, but she quickly notices Sidney's smile doesn't have anything 'polite' behind it.
"Yes, that's right." Gale nods, seemingly unaware. Tatum just stands back expectingly as more people sward behind the reporter with cameras and lights.
"So, how's the book?" Sidney inquires as Dewey's car pulls up behind the two.
"Well, it'll be out later this year." Gale tells her. Tatum looks down to see Sidney making a fist. She pretends to chew gum as she looks at Weathers.
"Oh, I'll look for it." Sidney lets her know before turning around, where Dewey nervously waits for them.
"I'll send you a copy." Gale says with a smirk. Sidney then turns back with a black expression and decks the reporter straight in the jaw, which creates a bruise on her knuckles. Sending her into the body of Kenny who barley keeps her from hitting the concrete.
"Oh, geez..." Kenny exclaims, doing his best not to laugh. Gale holds her cheek, staring wide-eyed at Sidney. "Nice shot."
"No, I mean camera shot." Kenny corrects, lying beneath his teeth.
Dewey runs up and softly beckons her over as they jog to the car, trying to avoid any trouble. Although, Dewey is also trying to hide a smirk as he looks at Sidney.
"Where'd you learn to punch like that?"
"I loved it! 'I'll send you a copy,' boom! Bitch went down!" At the Riley house, Tatum continues to flaunt about Sidney coming close to knocking out Gale Weathers as she punches the air, or her bunny stuffy. " 'I'll send you a copy,' bam! Sid, Super-Bitch! You're so cool."
Sidney tries her best not to left out a cocky smile as Dewey walks inside, nodding to Tatum. He then tosses an icepack to Sid. "Thought you might want some ice for that right hook."
Sidney easily catches it. "Thanks." You know, now that he mentions it, it's starting to sting a bit. She puts it on her knuckles.
"I'll be right next door." Dewey points in that brotherly tone. "Try to get some sleep."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Tatum mockingly waves him away. Dewey mentally rolls his eyes, but smiles at her as he closes the door, leaving them their privacy.
After a minute, Sidney takes the icepack off and turns to her side, trying to 'get some sleep.' Although the pleading voice of Billy keeps yelling in her head.
'Sidney look at me!'
'Sidney, please'
'I didn't do it!'
"You really think Billy did it?" Tatum wonders as her bunny does random poses. There's the sound of a phone ringing in the background, which only helps in making Sidney less tired.
"He was there Tatum." Sidney just responds as a matter of fact. It's something she keeps saying to herself every time she thinks about it.
Tatum shrugs and nods. "He was destined to have a flaw." She notes in a disappointed voice. "I knew he was too perfect."
Then there's a knock but Tatum's mom doesn't even wait for a response before opening the door anyway. "Telephone honey."
"For who?"
"It's for Sid."
Sidney looks up expectingly. "My dad?"
Ms. Riley skeptically shakes her head. "I don't think so."
"Take a message." Tatum suggests, but Sidney shakes her head and stands up.
"No, it's okay. I'll get it." Sidney says as she walks downstairs. Ms. Riley looks sympathetic at Sidney as she walks past, then she turns to her daughter.
"How's she doing?" She checks. Tatum can only reply with a shrug. Like Dewey said, she's tougher than she looks.
Sidney walks to the living room and picks the house phone up. "Hello?"
"Hello. Sidney." It's.... that voice again, the voice of the killer. The tears come rushing in as the memories come flooding back.
Y/N almost purrs in pleasure at hearing the sounds of Sidney's anguish. The voice of someone who thought she was safe, the voice of someone realizing they fingered the wrong person.
"Poor Billy-Boyfriend." Y/N mockingly deplores, the voice changer up to his mouth. "An innocent guy doesn't stand a chance with you."
"Leave me alone!" Sidney yells over the phone, thinking it will do something. Y/N tries not to laugh, it's even harder when Stu is giggling like a maniac behind him.
"Looks like you figured the wrong guy.... again!" Y/N scorns Sidney. Pretty much berating her detective skills.
"Who are you...?" Sidney asks in a shaking voice. Y/N's smirk drops into something black and serious as he hears Tatum saying something about hanging up.
"I'm every single bad day you ever had, and will have.... You're friends will all disappear, or distrust you, and it will all be because of me..." Y/N states grimly, but he's not done. "My face is all over the news already. And soon, you'll see it everywhere you go."
"Who are you!" Sidney asks again, more loudly this time. Stu and Y/N lock eyes. Stu gives a thumbs up.
"Don't worry, you'll find out soon enough, I promise." Y/N breathes, gripping the phone hard. "Just remember, I'm always... close by."
With that... he hangs up. Welcome to Act two.
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