Part 11: Surprise. Sidney!
The killer has disappeared.
No. No, no, no, no. How did they do that? She must of lost focus while in the car, fuck! Well, wherever they went, it's not doing her any favors to stand in the front yard.
Sidney runs towards and kneels next to Dewey. She's already called for help and there's not much else she can do. Thankfully, she's learned a couple things relating to guns so...
A voice yells behind her. Panicked, Sidney hastily grabs the gun as Randy, now a lot more sober, hustles towards her. "Sidney! We gotta get the fuck outta here!"
Sidney, not taking chances, points the gun as soon as it exits it's holster. "Stop right there!" She commands.
Randy freezes, wide-eyed that his crush is threatening to shoot him. "Don't shoot, it's me! I found Tatum, she's dead! I think Stu got her!" Randy testifies as the mentioned host runs up to the front yard.
"Don't listen to him, Sidney!" Stu shouts with anger, directed at Randy. Sidney keeps her gun trained on them both.
"Stay back!" She orders again, but the boys keep getting closer, pointing an accusatory finger at one another.
"Stu did it!" Randy maintains, him getting closer seems to be a result of Stu's presence as he looks ready to kill the Meeks kid.
"He killed Billy, He killed Y/N!" Stu accuses back, then he looks to be weeping. "He killed my Tatum....!"
"No I didn't!" Randy shouts. In a rage, Stu grabs him by his shirt and throws him down the steps, pleadingly reaching his hands out to Sid.
"Sidney baby, please give me that gun." Stu pleads, glancing at Randy. "Give me that gun, he killed them!"
"No I didn't, Sid! He did it!" Randy continues as the two just continue pointing, hoping that Sid shoots the other. "He did it! Stu did!"
"Fuck you both!" Sidney decides, shutting the door and locking it in front of all of them. The boys bang on the door, calling her name.
"Sidney, help he's gone mad!"
"Go away!" Sidney yells, her head taped to the wooden door. There's the sound of a groan, then a wail, they're fighting, yet they still call her name.
"Leave me alone...." Sidney whispers underneath her breathe, like a small prayer. But the answer won't come so quickly, not when the killer's still roaming around the house. They've separated everyone, playing with their paranoia, picking them off, and Sidney's playing to their game. Just say that she's human, but she knows it is, she knows that's what the killer wants, for her to be scared, to never feel safe.
Then, breaking the despairful thoughts, a thud from upstairs. Sidney turns to see Billy limping, he's still alive! "Sid..."
"Billy...!" Sidney whispers again, surprised at what she's seeing. Billy tries crawling, but immediately tumbles down the long set of stairs down to the bottom floor, causing Sidney to wince a little.
"Billy! Oh my gosh..." Sidney exclaims, rushing down to check him. The guy's shirt is almost covered in blood, it's hard to remember how long it's been since she left the room, but if part of her screams that Billy doesn't have much time. "Billy, are you okay?"
"I.... I'm okay..." Billy lets out, seemingly unable to move his arms or stand himself up.
"You were dead...." Sidney mumbles, shaking her head in amazement.
"No." Billy shakes his head. "I guess I stopped dying." He jokes, but unable to smile or laugh. Sidney softly grabs his arms and helps him up to his feet. "You okay?"
"Billy, you're bleeding." Sidney mentions. Despite that, Billy hobbles to the front door, seemingly planning to go outside.
"I'm fine, we gotta get help." Billy states, putting his hand on the doorknob.
"No, he's out there!" Sidney exclaims, blocking him. She's already called the police.... but, what if they don't make it in time?
"No, give me the gun. Give me the gun, it's okay." Billy says, seemingly more calm than her at the moment. He slowly retrieves the gun from her palm. "It's okay, It's okay..."
The second he unlocks it, Randy bursts in, grabbing Billy's shoulders. "Please, help me!" He pleads. However, Stu isn't behind him, where is....
"Woah, woah, woah! Get in, get in." Billy pulls him inside, also getting him to let go of himself.
"Stu's flipped out!" Randy tells him the same thing he claimed to Sidney. "He's gone mad!"
Billy turns to face him.... smiling?
"We all go a little mad sometimes." Billy quotes before raising his gun.
"No, Billy!"
"Oh, fuck!" Randy exclaims as he realizes what's going on. Billy pushes Sidney away and pulls the trigger, the horror fan shouts in pain as he falls on top of the plant stool.
Sidney at first stands there, freezing and staring with wide eyes and eyebrows raised. Then she snaps out of it and quickly checks on Randy's body, but from what she can tell, he seems to have gone into a state of shock, because he doesn't respond to her hand shaking him.
Billy chuckles, rubbing the gun against his head. "Anthony Perkins, Psycho." He brings up, telling where the quote came from. Sidney stands up as the revelation comes to her, Billy doesn't look bothered that he shot one of his friends.
He tastes a bit of the blood on his finger, letting out a slight moan. "Hmm... corn syrup." Billy reveals. "Same stuff they used for pig's blood in Carrie." He mentions, dropping more movie knowledge.
Sidney shakes her head in disbelief, Billy Loomis is the killer. She doesn't bother thinking and runs, running straight into a wall which is Stu Macher. "Stu, help me please." She begs, but Stu does nothing but smile, pulling out a device from his pocket and putting it up to his mouth.
"Suprise. Sidney."
That voice... she recognizes it. That's the voice of the killer. She looks up, even more shocked, then back at Billy, who mocks a look of awe, now it makes sense.
Sidney shoves past Stu, through the kitchen, but freezes when she her eye almost runs straight first into a knife, belonging to a figure who's still in costume. There's.... there's another one?
As if responding to her mind, the third killer takes off their mask.... revealing Y/N L/N under it, who doesn't bother with a smile, just a black expression as he styles his hair. "Hi." Is his first word.
Stu tosses him the voice changer, and Y/N catches it with his off hand, bringing it up while his lifeless eyes are glued on Sidney. "What's the matter Sidney? You look like you've seen a ghost." He taunts in the killer's voice before tossing it to Billy next.
Sidney retreats to the Kitchen counter, the three killers surrounding her with a sinister intent. "W-Why are you doing this?" She asks, wondering if this has been their true selves since she met them.
"It's all part of the game, Sidney." Stu explains, subtext means that they're just fucking with her.
Billy then brings the voice changer to his lips. "It's called, gUeSs HoW i'M gOnNa DiE!!!"
"Fuck you!"
"No, no, no, no, no." Billy whispers, handing the gun to Stu. Y/N then hands Billy the knife, letting him point it at his 'girlfriend.' "We already played that game, remember? You lost."
"It's a fun game Sidney, we ask you questions and if you get it wrong..." Stu points the gun at Sid and loudly mimics a gunshot. "You die."
"If you get it right..." Billy continues.
"Congratulations." Y/N pours his arms to Sidney in false admiration as he finishes the sentence. "You die."
"You're crazy, all of you." Sidney mutters, as if they didn't know that already. Crazy, of course, stands for, 'thinking a little differently than other people.'
Billy backs her up into a corner, and Y/N stands behind him, staring intently at Sid. "Actually, we prefer the term, 'psychotic.' " Stu says, putting his head on Y/N's shoulder, letting the three all examine their main course.
"You'll never get away with this." Sidney spits at both of them, and the three make a mocking expression of false alarm, clearly making fun of her.
"Oh no? Tell that to Cotton Weary." Billy name drops, revealing what Sidney should've suspected months ago as he softly rubs the knife on her cheek. "You wouldn't believe how easy he was to frame." He
"The idiot was too drunk to notice his jacket was missing." Y/N adds, he then glances around the entire room. "I mean, why did you think we threw a party in the first place? because that's how you get dumb victims to do dumb things."
"Watch a few movies take a few notes." Stu finishes, the three smile as they all confirm they were the ones who killed Sidney's mother and relish in their madness. "It was fun."
Sidney crumbles to the ground, but Billy forces her to stand. "Aw... where you going?" Stu mocks disappointingly.
"Why...." Sidney moans, before slamming her fist on the counter, giving her tormentors a hateful glare. "Why did you kill my mother?"
"Why?" Billy repeats, seemingly offended. "WHY!?" He yells aggressively, causing Sidney to jump.
He turns to his partners. "You hear that guys? I think she wants a motive." Billy clicks his tongue, shaking his head. "Well, I don't really believe in motives Sid. I mean, did Michael Myers have a motive?"
"Nope." Stu answers.
"Did they ever decide why Hannibal Lecter liked to eat people?"
"Nada." Y/N shakes his head.
"Yeah, don't think so." Billy fakes a lunge at Sidney, who jumps again. "See, it's a lot scairer when there's no motive Sid. We did your mom a favor Sid, that woman was a Slutbag whore who flashed her shit all over town as if she was Sharron Stone or something."
"Yeah we put her out of her misery, cuz lets face it Sidney, your mother was no Sharron Stone." Stu jokes, even making gestures with his hands as if they were a vagina.
Billy puts the tip of the blade to his lips, giving Sidney an expecting look. "Is that motive enough for you?" He asks, then he glares deep into her skull, very seriously. "How about this? Your... slut mother was fucking my father, and she's the reason my mom moved out and abandoned me."
Sidney stares at him, it all clicks together now....
"It goes further back Sid...." Tatum hesitantly mentions. "There's been talk about other men."
Stu stares at him in awe, apparently only learning this now. Y/N doesn't visibly react, if he does have a reaction under that dead gaze. "Eternal abandonment can cause serious deviant behavior, it certainly fucked you up, it made you have sex with a psychopath."
"That's right, you gave it up. You're no longer a virgin!" Stu exclaims, giggling as if he just spilled a secret. Billy grabs and forces Sidney against his chest, making her stand under Y/N's gaze. "Now you gotta die, those are the rules."
"Let's pretend it's all a scary movie Sid." Billy says as Y/N playing plays with Sidney's hair. She tries to move her head, but Billy's body and hands prevent her from doing so. "How do you think it's gonna end?"
Billy glances to Stu and gestures towards the pantry, getting the host excited. "Oh, this is the greatest part! You're gonna love this, we got a surprise for you Sidney." He exclaims, setting the gun down on a nearby counter. "Yeah, you're gonna love this one, it's a scream baby!"
"Hold on a sec, I'll be right back." Stu mimics a zombie on his way to pantry, wailing like a ghost.
"You scared Sidney?" Y/N questions, using his grip on her hair make her to look him in the eye. "You should be, you're not gonna die until we say so."
"Why, Y/N?" Sidney questions, apparently one motive isn't good enough. "After your parents... just why?"
"My parents? Did you ever wonder why my mother hanged herself?" Y/N queries, looking at her with a spiteful look. "Because my dear old dad wasn't satisfied enough..... so he had to FUCK your mother!" Y/N yells with intense fury. "Mama couldn't handle that, depression set in, and there you go. Of course, dad liked to fake that he cared, so I had to bury my old man myself."
Sidney doesn't respond, just stares back with a sorrow expression. Can't believe it, this entire time her mother....
"You're no different Sid. That's how it works." Y/N claims, bopping her nose. "My dad liked to fuck women, I like to fuck women. Your mother liked to fuck men.... you get the picture."
"Still feeling sad for your mother now, Sidney?" Billy queries. "Know what day it is? It's after midnight, your mom's anniversary. Congratulations, we killed her exactly one year ago today."
"Attention!" Stu calls for, bringing Neil Prescott, taped all over with him. "Oh, what do we have behind door number three, Sidney?"
"Daddy!" Sidney yells, but Y/N stops her from running to him.
"Guess we won't be needing this anymore, huh?" Stu takes the voice changer and puts it in Neil's breast pocket. Then he pulls out Neil's phone and also stores in the pocket, right next to the voice changer. "Hey, look at this. Ring, ring, won't need this."
"Got the ending figured out yet Sid!?" Y/N questions, knocking her head a couple times.
"Come on Sidney, you think about it now, huh? Your daddy's the chief suspect." Stu tells her, pushing Neil to the ground. "We cloned his cellular, the evidence is all right there, baby."
"What if your father snapped, your mother's anniversary set him off." Billy day dreams with Sid. "He went on a murder spree, killing everyone."
"Except for Billy, Y/N and I, we were left for dead." Stu points each member of the trio.
"Then he kills you, and shoots himself in the head." Billy continues, teasingly getting close to poking Sid with the knife. "Perfect ending."
"Me and Y/N thought of that." Stu mentions with a giggle, pointing at them both.
"Watch this." Billy sets Sidney back to her original position. Gripping the knife hard, he gives the two a knowing look. "You guys ready?"
"Yeah..." Stu nods, raising his hands to the back of head. "Yeah, I'm ready baby! Me first! Get it up! Yeah ma, get up! HIT IT!" He yells, psyching them all up. Billy smirks and stabs him in the rib, causing Stu to lean forward and take the pain.
Sidney squeaks, caught completely off guard by that, they're stabbing themselves.... to sell their story.
"Alright my turn." Y/N declares, giving Billy a serious look. "Stab me...... STAB ME!" He gets his wish, and Y/N crumbles to the island, laughing the pain away. "Fuck that hurts..."
"What did that come from man?" Stu asks, the stab being a lot more blunt than he thought. "Oh shit... my turn." He says, reaching his hand out, and Billy gives him the knife.
"Don't forget, stay to the side and don't go too deep." Billy reminds the two, then grips Sidney shoulder before getting suddenly stabbed by Stu without a warning. "Ow!..... fuck!" He too leans on the island, sweeping most of what's on it off and shatter or break on the floor. "Dammit, Stu!"
"Sorry Billy, guess I got a little over zealous, huh?" Stu jokes in a mean way, hinting that he was just returning the favor. Then he looks at his buddy Y/N who gives him an inviting look. "Maybe It should more... like this!" He pierces.
Y/N puts his head on the island and the pain from earlier returns, laughing even harder. "Man, you are really excited for this!" He playfully notes.
"So are you man!" Stu mentions, looking at his partner's unhinged expression. "Pain seems to be your drug."
"Give me the knife." Y/N demands, Stu gives a look that surprises Sidney, it seems... afraid.
"What are you, a fucking pansy?" Y/N questions, annoyed. "One turn each, you both gone, now it's mine, give it!" Stu pauses a little more, but complies handing him the Buck 120.
"You see, Sidney, everybody dies!" Stu tells her. "But us, we get to carry on and plan the sequel cause let's face it baby, these days, you gotta have a sequel!" He exclaims with open arms. Billy gets up from the sudden stab, and that's when Y/N slices him off guard again.
"Ow! You mothefuck-!"
Y/N then stabs Stu in the rib, opposite of where the first is. "Oh, gosh.... shit."
Sidney shakes her head at all of them, the crazy maniacs around her. "You sick fucks, you've seen one too many movies."
"Nah Sid. Don't blame the movies!" Billy shouts, aggressively shaking his head, but keeping his eye on Stu and Y/N "Movies don't create psychos, movies make psychos more creative!" He then stabs Stu again in the arm out of rage.
"Stop it Billy, would ya, alright?" Stu pleads in a pained voice. "I can't take anymore, I'm feeling a little woozy here!"
"Okay..." Billy forces Stu to look at him, despite the guy moaning about his blood loss. "You get the gun, and me and Y/N will untie pops okay?" He orders. Sidney looks at his father, scared as Stu's arm drips blood on the kitchen floor. He looks even more fearful when Y/N's name in mentioned. "Now!"
Stu eventually nods, but when he steps back to the counter he put the gun, something's wrong. "Um, um..... Houston, we uh.... we got a problem here!" He tells them.
"What?" Y/N questions.
"The gun man, the gun!" Stu bangs his fist on the table. "I put it right there and it's not there."
"Are you kidding me?" Y/N growls once he sees it's missing too. "Where the fuck-" He finds his answer when a familiar face comes in and points the gun directly at his chest.
"Right here, asshole." Gale Weather curses in his face, Y/N gives him a spiteful glare, then turns to Stu.
"I thought she was dead?"
"She looked dead, man." Stu shrugs, examining the reporters bruised up face. "Still does..."
"I got a ending for you, the reporter left for dead in the news van comes to, stumbles on you two dipshits, finds the gun, foils your plan, and saves the day." She offers, her hand shaking and she holds the gun, which Y/N easily notices.
"I like that ending." Sidney comments and Stu glares at her.
"Well I know something you don't." Y/N tells her in a low voice, taking one step closer. "Two things actually..... look at me."
"Don't try-"
"Look. At. Me." Y/N enforces with a growl. Gale tries to ignore, but the two share eye contact. And then.... Gale goes pale, wide-eyed as she finally recognizes him.
"Y-Y-Y/N?" Gale stutters with a hint of emotion, total surprise, her hand shaking even more. Y/N nods slowly, taking another step.
"Hey, big sis, been a while." Y/N remarks. Everyone, Billy, Stu, and Sidney are all shocked by the revelation as well.
'So, the sister Y/N mentioned...' Sidney mentally talks. 'It was her?'
Before anything else can be said, Y/N suddenly grips the gun in one of his hands then kicks Gale with extreme force. Gale falls and her cerebellum hits a pillar on the front porch, knocking her out next to Dewey.
Y/N then kneels next to his sister, pressing the button with a tiny red circle. "Second thing, it works much better with the safety off." He mentions, he then cocks the gun and stares over the both of them.
"How the fuck-" Stu begins, but Y/N glare at him.
"It doesn't fucking matter anymore." Y/N tells him, looking back down at Gale, he points the gun. "This is Gale Weathers sighing off."
Stu and Billy smirk, but when they look back, it wipes right off. "Oh... shit." Stu curses, and Y/N looks at them again with a very frustrated voice.
"What?" He questions but then looks back and sees it too.
Sidney vanished.
The three all run and scan the kitchen, they have the gun and knife, but their main target sneaked off while they were distracted with Gale. "Where is she?" Billy whispers, angry. "Where is she?"
"I don't know, but I'm hurting man..." Stu groans, his arm looking more red then a tomato. Then the phone rings.
"Fuck..." Billy curses, who the heck is calling the house right now. He rushes to answer it without thinking, and his eyes go wide-eyed at the voice he hears.
"Are you alone in the house?" It's Sidney's combined with the Ghostface voice.
"You bitch. You bitch, where the hell are you?!" Billy yells, aiming his gun all over the place, now feeling watched like their victims.
"Not so fast, we're gonna play a little game. It's called, guess who just called the police and reported your sorry, motherfucking ass!" Sidney finishes, turning it off. Now she's taunting them. Stu crumbles on a seat, unable to motivate himself to stand, while Y/N catches on and patrols the house.
"Find her, you dipshit, get up!" Billy barks at Stu, pointing the gun at his neck in anger.
"I can't Billy, you cut me too deep." Stu tells, and he's not lying according the slight blood coming from his mouth. "I think I'm dying here man..."
Billy mentally curses, seeing his wrath is biting him in the ass. "Talk to her..." Billy whispers as quietly as possible, handing Stu the phone. With nothing to do. Stu complies and shruggles with the phone as it almost slips in his palm.
"Oh, Stu, Stu, what's your motive?" Sidney queries with a sinister tone. "Billy and Y/N have one, the police are on their way, what are you gonna tell them?"
"Peer pressure." Stu answers. The truth was also that they had nothing better to do, his parents barley give any attention, they even didn't come to his eighteenth birthday party. And... Billy was right. "I'm far too sensitive-"
"We'll rip you up you bitch!" Billy abruptly grabs the phone, shouting profanity at her. "Just like your fucking mother!"
"You have to find me first, you pansy as mama's boy!"
"Dammit!" Billy yells in absolute rage, throwing the phone on top of Stu's head.
"Ow! Fucking hit me WITH THE PHONE, DICK!" Stu complains, but Billy isn't paying attention to them, shattering stuff the kitchen, and ribbing every coushion in every room.
"Fucker, where are you?!"
As Billy breaks everything he can find, Stu grabs the phone again, wondering if Sidney's still on the line. "Did you really call the police?" He asks her.
"You bet your sorry ass I did." Sidney moans with a voice that takes pleasure at their expense.
"My mom and dad are gonna be so mad at me...." Stu realizes in horror. Billy, does with one room, now goes down the hallway, also slightly covered with feathers. He goes past the closet towards the stairs.... the closet, Billy smirks.
He turns around and steps in front of the closet door, ready to cut the bitch open. As forces it open with his gun, he gets semi-distracted by the movie showing Laura Strode stabbing Micheal in the eye with that hanger.
Similarly a woman in a Ghostface costume emerges from the closet and stabs Billy in the chest with the sharp tip of an umbrella. Billy's back hits the wall, got off-guard and Sidney stabs him again, which causes him to scream in pain and take him down. Sidney takes off the mask, looking down at her now ex who's gone unconscious, taking the gun and throwing it out the front door.
As Sidney takes the costume off, Stu appears and charges Sidney down the hallway. Sidney manages to get herself on top of Stu, then knee him in the nuts. He groans in pain and Sidney tries to flee but the man gives chance and tackles over the coach and onto the living room floor.
Y/N, hearing this, heads downstairs to pursuers, but after taking a few steps down the hallway, is tripped by Randy who's stirred himself awake. He then takes the plant vase that's still intact and smashes it over Y/N's head. Angry, Y/N gives a strong kick that knocks Randy away, giving him time to stand up.
Meanwhile, Stu has Sidney where he wants her, grinning creepily down at her. "I always had a thing for ya, Sid!" He admits to her. Sidney response is to bite Stu's stabbed hand, causing to scream and let go, then grabs a nearby vase and smash it against his head, slightly knocking him out. "Bitch..." He groans.
"In your dreams." She one-liners. Dropping the TV down on his head. Stu screams as his skull meets the powerful object which electrifies him, causing his body to spasm before he goes completely still, only making a quiet noise as the TV smokes.
Back to the other side, Randy comes back and punches Y/N, but the man is unimpressed and grabs his fist and punches him a lot harder, knocking him back to the ground. Y/N takes the knife next to Billy's body and gets on top of his best friend. "You didn't think twice before hurting me, Randy. I'm hurt."
"You think I never noticed how distant you gotten?" Randy questions, almost spitting in his face. "Ever since Casey's murder, you started hanging out with the greaser and his pet monkey, it wasn't too hard to guess."
"Hmm... fair point." Y/N replies before raising the knife over his head. Randy grows panicked, but acts fast and takes a shard from the broken vase and presses it against the killer's wounds. Y/N screams in pain, stopped and Randy follows up with a stab to the face.
Y/N falls, then Randy notices he stopped moving, he got him. Sidney runs over and kneels over next to him. "Oh my gosh, Randy I thought you were dead." She says, concerned for him.
"I probably should be, I never thought I'd be so happy to be a virgin." Randy jokes, but the humor dies when he gets a sudden punch to the face, curtesy of Billy who then grabs Sidney by the neck and brings her to the ground.
"Fucker!" He curses in her face, bringing his hands around her neck, choking her and taking away her strength. He then takes the knife, and gives Sidney a expression that's full of wrath. "Say hello to your mother." He spits. She presses a finger against his stab wound and Billy screams but he doesn't let that stop him and raises his knife. However, he's then shot in the chest, bringing him down.
Billy, who's mouth now spots out blood, tries scurrying away, but he now has too many wounds for his body to handle and eventually, his eyes close. Sidney looks up to see Gale with the gun and picks up Randy. "It's okay..." She comforts the pale reporter, taking the gun from her.
Gale looks at Y/N's body and the other two notice she's cry. "This is all my fault..." She blames herself, trying to hide the tears.
"No it isn't-"
"Fuck, if I hadn't been so-"
"Gale!" Sidney brings the reporter's attention to her. "It isn't..." She nods, then they both nod. And Randy looks over Billy, then rest soon join him.
"Careful, this is the moment when the supossedly dead killer comes back to life, for one last scare..." Randy tells them.
Y/N comes up and charges at them, screaming like a maniac, but Sidney quickly shuts that down by shooting him square in the chest. He falls again. "Not in my movie." Sidney remarks. He's dead.
The killers are all dead.
Then a crash scares the three as Neil Prescott comes from the closet where Sidney hid him. "Dad." Sidney mumbles with a slightly happy voice. "Randy, help me out." She requests and the both start untaping him, starting with his mouth. "You okay?"
"Yeah..." Neil says, then he stares at Y/N's body and stars to slightly tear up. "That man, he.... oh gosh." He mumbles. "He tortured me the entire time I was down there. Then he.... killed some of his victims... right in front of me... called it a 'punishment.' I... can still hear their screams." He cries. Randy and Sidney stare at each other, shocked.
The police show up. The ambulance takes care of the wounded, including Dewey who's carried away and attempts to give a slight thumbs up.
Sidney sits in another as they see to the choking attempt Billy and Y/N attempted. "So Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, and Y/N Weathers, huh?" Sherrif Burke marks down, giving a sigh. "Should've known there was multiple of them.
A deputy who just swept the house for anyone else comes up. "Found another one Sherrif, that makes four bodies besides the cameraman." He reports. "Deputy Carl sir."
"Wait...." Sidney raises a hand. "Four? There should be five." She mentions, and the deputy shrugs.
"That's what I saw, I counted twice." He tells them. Burke and Sidney share a look, and then they both go wide-eyed.
A deputy leaves the crime scene, slightly having a limp as they walk. They then take off their hat to reveal Y/N L/N, still alive and using Carl's outfit to blend in. He smiles to the imaginary cameraman as he sneaks to the grass.
"Now the Phoenix rises from the flames...."
The police knock on the L/N's house door, but they get no answer and are force to bust in. They scan the area, but only find a decapitated body that seemingly belongs to a male and a old lady who's hair has been scalped off.
One of the deputies throw up, while the less squeamish one examines the two, after identifying out who it is, he turns to the others.
"This is... Mr. and Ms. L/N."
(A/N) And.... it's over. Thank you so much for making it to the end. And as you can guess, there's much more Scream fanfics where that came from, including a crossover one with Riverdale. Stay tuned for that one and I'll see you in the next fanfiction!
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