Part 10: What do I have to do?
*Gory descriptions
After.... making up to one another, no pillow talk was exchanged as the two fetch their clothing. Sidney's fully dressed, and Billy finds his shirt when he then notices the girl still looking a little nervous or something like it.
"You okay?" He asks, to which Sidney turns to him, curious on why he would ask.
"Yeah." She easily replies with a happy voice as Sidney then grabs the nearby brush and fixes her hair. "Yeah, I'm fine." When she then puts it down, her eye glances at the red telephone next to it. As annoying as it is, it reminds her of... the killer. "Who'd you call?"
Billy looks at her confused. "What?" he questions as he then grabs his shoes.
"Um, well...." Sidney pauses for a moment, trying her best not to sound accusatory. "I don't know, when you're arrested, you're allowed one phone call. So, I was just curious, who'd you call?"
Billy looks down, tying his shoe for a moment before actually answering. "Called my dad."
Sidney pauses for a moment, that's not right. "Um, no... Sherrif Burke called your dad, I saw him."
"Yeah..." Billy mumbles, of course she was there. "But when I called, I didn't get an answer."
Sidney processes that in her head. That would make sense maybe, but why would Hank ignore one call, then answer another ten minutes later? "Huh..." Was her only response.
Billy, having fully tied his shoes, stares at Sid despite only facing her back. "You don't still think it was me, do you?" He queries. After all, wasn't this whole to cease the drama between them?
"No..." Sidney says, not sounding genuine at first, before actually shaking her head. "No. I was just thinking if it were you, it would be a very clever way to through me off track. You know, using your one phone call to call me so I didn't think it was you."
"Really?" Billy mutters, eye brow raised. Sidney chuckles but the shadows casted on her boyfriend's eyes make her uncomfortable.
Then he crawls over to the bed and looks Sidney straight in the eye. "What do I have to do, to prove to you that I'm not a killer?" He questions, dead serious.
Then something clicks in Sidney's brain, that look, she's seen that before. At first it reminds her of Cotton, but then she realizes she's seen it a year ago, on the person who wore his jacket... when her mother died....
"Oh my god...."
"Huh?" Billy voices, not hearing her. Then, another shadow looms over him, it's Y/N stumbling over, and he's... bleeding!
"Oh my god!" She exclaims, Billy looks at her confused before turning around. He too is wide-eyed at the sight of Y/N, bleeding from almost everywhere.... including his mouth. The kid twitches, reaching his over to them.
"Help...." He pleads with a raspy voice before collapsing to the ground, where the killer stands behind him!
"Sidney, RUN!" Billy yells before the killer rushes and stabs him the chest. Sidney closes her mouth in terror as the killer stabs him again, and again, then forcibly turns him around with a slice, displaying his bloody chest.
Now Sidney tearfully reaches her hand towards him, and Billy does too. "S-Sid..." He stutters, now also gaining a raspy voice. He tries to hold to her hand, but his strength gives out and he falls flat on the bed.
Torn, Sidney looks up to see the killer wiping the corrosive blood off his knife before leering at her next. The second he charges at her, Sidney jumps up and goes over the bed, right past the killer who gives chase.
She then rapidly shuts the door leading to the bedroom, locking it as the killer tries to do so. When he realizes this, he attempts to slam it open, forgetting that it's a sliding door. Sidney then runs through another bed room, finding the stairs, where the killer beats her to the other side, sprinting. Fuck, he's athletic!
Sidney rushes back, slamming the second bedroom door in the killer's face which causes them to hit the floor with a thud. They groan as Sidney then notices the closet and heads goes through the that instead.
Once again, she shuts the door, but without a lock, she instead has to use a nearby canoe to block the door from opening. Upon turning around, she notices that the closet was actually just a spare room functioning as one. That's where she then notices the window that stands out due to the moonlight shining through it.
She's hesitant a first, knowing she's still on the second floor, but the killer continuous banging on the door is a good motivator. "Shit!" She curses, running and putting her face on the window. Sadly, this one doesn't have something to crawl onto, but then she sees the Gale Weathers van.
"Help me somebody! Help me!" She shouts, pleading, but anyone that could be inside the van can't hear her all the way from inside the house. The killer slams again, which knocks down the canoe and slightly opens the door, allowing their head to peak out.
Realizing she's running out of time, Sidney franticly looks around to see two other windows. She runs to one where there's thankfully a piece of roof for her to land. She quickly opens it and crawls through it. However, she the accidently slips and realizes that gravity aren't exactly friends with this roof's angle.
She's able to keep a grip on the window, but the killer then grabs her by the wrist and tries pulling her over to them. Like Casey, she screams before putting up a fight, trying to get the killer to let go, which he does. Sidney drops, but her fall is saved by the towel surrounding the boat she lands on.
Like in her half-dreams, Sidney's body spasms back to life, encouraging her to roll off before giving her a chance to breathe. She then stands up, seeing that the second floor is already silent, no doubt the killer already heading for the front door. Then she looks a little lower to see.... Tatum's body strung up on the garage door, her head incredibly twisted and neck broken.
Her stomach retches, but she has to time to throw up. She has to escape and call the cops!
"No Jamie..... ah..." Kenny, now even more drunk than before, mutters to the TV as if he's the director of the movie. "Watch out.... Watch out Jamie, you know he's around. Y-Y-You know..."
Just like he said, Michael Myers stalks behind Laura as she discovers her friend Lynda's body along with Judith's gravestone. "oop, there he is. I told you, I told you, he's just around the corner..."
Similarly, Ghostface stalks behind Randy, slowly stepping over to where he lays on the couch. "Jamie... Look behind you, look behind you. Turn around...." He continues to command the fictional character as the killer looks down at him. "Behind you. Aw, turn arou- behind you, behind you... Behind you Jamie..." The killer the raises their knife with both hands, ready to plunge it into his heart. "Jamie, turn around..."
Bob's body, strung up from his feet, swings towards Laura who screams in terror. "Oh.... eye-yi-eye...." Ignoring his drunken commentary, the killer grips the knife tighter....
"Help me!" Sidney's voice yells from outside, causing the killer's head to turn to see her running out the front yard.
Outside, a weak fence blocks Sidney's path. She breaks a few pieces, creating a small hole in the fence she's able to crawl through. She sprints to the van where she finds Kenny napping inside the van.
She bangs on the slide door, causing Kenny to slightly jump. Once noticing her terrified expression, He quickly opens the door to let her inside. "What-"
"Please, help me, there's a killer in the house!" Sidney immediately explains before Kenny can ask, slamming the door shut again.
"What- there's no way a killer is the house, there's a camera look-" Kenny points to the screen, where he too sees the same Ghostface stalking behind Randy, ready to kill him.
"Behind you.... Jamie, turn around..."
"Behind you kid!" Kenny warns to the screen.
"Randy!" Sidney exclaims, both of the forgetting that the screen and cam recorder didn't come with a two-way speaker. The killer than raises their knife above Randy.
"Behind ya!" Kenny warns again, he opens the door to run to the house, but then sees the front door wide open, that's when he remembers. "Shit..."
"We're on a thirty second delay!" Kenny tells her. They both turn to the screen to see the killer, knowing they can't risk Sidney getting away, pussyfooting to the front door. That means....
As soon as Kenny turns around, Ghostface swiftly pops us and slices his throat. Sidney shrieks at the sudden appearance as another life falls in front of her.
As blood pours from the cameraman's neck, he touches it, seeing the deep color of read as the rest spurts out. He then turns around and sees the girl still in the van without a weapon.... Although it gets darker, he sees the small hole amongst the equipment. He points, shaking. "B-Back.... door...." Are his last words before his head falls onto the concrete.
Sidney, eyeing the killer, quickly shuts the door again, but not before getting stabbed in the shoulder. She then turns to see what Kenny was referring to, getting ready to crawl again as she glances back to see the killer trying to open the door with a little difficulty.
Realizing it's locked, Ghostface fits a hand through where he searches for the lock. Sidney immediately gets to crawling through, not willing to wait for the killer to stab her again.
Thankfully, she's able to easily fit through, knocking a few things out of the way as the doors open for her. At that point, the killer as the van door open, where he stupidly tries to follow suit, only to realize the square-sized hole isn't 'Ghostface' friendly.
Adrenaline in her bones. Sidney runs past the field; another fence blocks her way. This one is climbable, so Sidney only has to put a foot on the first board, up and over. She has to flank around, make sure Randy and the others are out of there.
The phone still works, she knows it.
Y/N, who's still completely covered with corn syrup, meets up with Billy who's currently in the closet finding the Ghostface costume that's Neil's size. Y/N examines the closet and realizes that the entire thing is filled with them.
"Geez, when I recommended a full stack, I didn't mean take it seriously." Y/N remarks. "Did you just get these today?" Billy just glances, not bothering to respond. That's when Stu pops back in from outside.
"Where'd Sid?" Billy immediately questions when he sees that she's not currently in the partner's grip.
"I-I fucking lost her man..." Stu breathes out, not believing it himself. Billy faces him as he talks. "Like, every time I have her, she jumps through a window, or slams a door in my face, or she's entering some kind of hole-"
Billy cuts him off by forcibly grabbing his ear and forcing Stu to his level. "Then find her fuckrag! What are you doing inside!?"
"Shit!" Y/N curses as he sees two people coming up from outside, people he recognizes. He turns to the other two. "Dewey's coming, that..... reporter is with him." He informs them.
"She is?" Billy asks, apparently the only one not knowing she was here, he turns to Stu who's currently rubbing his ear. "Why the heck didn't you inform us of this?"
"I didn't have time, Billy, remember?" Stu mentions. Billy is glaring at him until Y/N gives a suggestion.
"Want me to kill them?" Y/N asks with a bloodthirsty look. Billy nods and briefly looks at Stu.
"Flank around and help him in case they both split up." He orders Stu, who just puts his mask back on. Billy then throws a costume to Y/N, who doesn't waste time as he fits his legs in. Then he grabs the a knife, gripping it hard. "I got to take care of the drunken idiot you left in the living room."
Billy heads upstairs and then Y/N grabs Stu's shoulder. "Wait, hold up."
Stu looks at him confused. "What? But Billy-"
"Trust me." Y/N interrupts him. "Is that cameraman dead?"
"Yeah...?" Stu hesitantly answers, not sure what that has to do with anything. Y/N doesn't do anything but slightly smirks and leads him through the front door.
This is gonna be good...
Dewey and Gale run back to the house and the van, the place is now as empty as a haunted house. The deputy examines the house, trying to spot anyone, but he can't tell from out here. He turns to Gale. "Is there a phone in the van?"
"Yeah." Gale confirms. Dewey then hands her his flashlight and points toward it.
"Lock yourself in it. Call the sherrif for backup." Dewey instructs in between breathes, marching towards the house. Gale looks at him as if he's got a death wish, but she knows it's his job, so he complies.
"Be careful!" Gale pleads as Dewey takes off.
He bursts it, gun in hand, where he then hears the sound of someone screaming. He patrols the room, scanning each room he walks into, and keeps his gun pointing upward. He hears some kind of jogging upstairs, but he can't make it out because of the loud screams.
"Neil?" Dewey calls out, hoping for some response, but it's obviously not that easy. With him being their only suspect, and his car hanging nearby, it would make sense he's here.
He then pussyfoots down the hallway, towards the sound of the women. "Mr. Prescott?" He calls again, opening another door which just shows a closet filled with many costumes that the killer is wearing.
Dewey continues onward, he swiftly turns to where the sound is coming from.... only to realize the screams are coming from the movie that's playing. the deputy takes a couple breathes, realizing he's getting stressed out.
He briefly turns to the stairs when someone jumps and grabs his shoulders. "Dewey!" The guy screams. It's Y/N, who's very clearly freaking out. "He's in the house..... Fuck, he's in the house Dewey!" He exclaims, gesturing to his wounds. "He fucking stabbed me, and I can't fucking feel-"
"Hey, hey! Calm down!" Dewey cuts him off, grabbing the kid. "Listen to me, you get out of here, you find the police, okay?" He instructs, but Y/N looks to be hyperventilating at this point.
"He... he... he-"
"Go!" Dewey enforces, double checking. Y/N doesn't move however, and instead just looks at him.
"Dewey..... you ever wonder why cops always die in these movies?" Y/N queries. Before Dewey can even ask where that came from, he's thrusted forward and feels an intense pain in his back, he's been stabbed.
Y/N growls in his ear, fueled by the violence. "Because they're always so fucking dumb." He finishes before pushing him towards the front door. "Now, go on!" He forces, watching as the deputy mindlessly stumbles.
"Kenny, I need the cellular!" Gale shouts as he runs to the van, only to find that no one's.... well, maybe it's somewhat home. She checks the back and the seats but the guy's vanished. "Kenny! KENNY!" She screams as loudly as possible, it echoes thought the night, thanks to the lack of people.
She looks around, and then she hears a slush... coming from under her. She looks down and that's when she realizes what's happened, she's standing on a pool of blood. Then she sees it on the a tip of the van.
Fuck, new plan! She enters the driver seat. Thankfully, she still has the keys, she's able to easily rev it's engines to leave the serial killer ridden place. She then finds the phone where she immediately calls the emergency services.
"Nine, one, one-"
"What's going on?" A guy suddenly appears in the driver seat window. Gale panics and hits him across the head with the phone three times. Randy yells at the sudden pain as he drunkenly falls to the ground.
Gale quickly turns the keys fully and the van's lights turn on to show that the front window is painted with Kenny's insides. Mentally cursing to herself, she flicks on the washer, wincing as she hears the blood gurgling as the wipers wipe it away.
She quickly snaps back into focus, pressing the back pedal, and looking behind, only a lot more quicker. The second she stops however, something slides on the windshield, and gale sees the body of her cameraman staring at her with dead eyes.
She screams in terror, then realizes she's unable to see with this corpse blocking the view. She cringes when she realizes she has no choice but to drive in a small circle, making gravity force the body off. "Kenny, I'm so sorry, I know you're dead but GET OFF MY FUCKING WINDSHEILD!"
He obliges and the body falls and slams into a nearby fence. The then heads down the road, a tiny bit of reilef coming in, but then someone jumps in front of the road, waving their hands.
"Stop!" Sidney pleads. Gale panics again and screams, swerving the car left where Sidney has to dodge, watching the van run through the fence, fall down the cliff, and judging by the crash that comes after, she then presumes to hit a tree.
Sidney mentally curses her luck, but knows that means she has to stick to the original plan, head back into the house.
She runs down the road where she eventually spots the deputy's car, yes, finally, this is a whole lot better! "DEWEY!" She screams, hoping he's somewhere nearby. Once again, it echoes. "Dewey, where are you!?"
Then the front door opens, Dewey comes out. Sidney thanks God that he's alive. "Sidney?" Dewey identifies, seemingly confused. She runs towards him, but the second he steps forwards, he collapses on the ground where she then sees the knife in his back.
"No!" She screams, that slightly good feeling immediately washing away. Another figure then steps through the front door, the killer. Who aggressively pulls his knife out the deputy's back and wipes the blood off again.
Ghostface jogs towards her, and Sidney sprints to the deputy's car. Fortunately, it's unlocked, and she enters through the driver's seat. The killer tries to rip the door open, but Sidney quickly turns on the locks, denying them entry.
Pissed, the killer headbutts the window, shaking the car with all of their force. They sprint to the other side, but Sidney immediately locks the driver seat too. Ghostface stares through the window, glaring at Sidney with eyes that, if she could see, would kill.
She ignores him and starts twisting the keys, only to discover they are no keys. "Shit!" She angrily curses, taking it out on the poor wheel. Ghostface playfully taps on the window with his blade, and Sidney sees them dangling the keys in their hands with a taunting gesture. That son of a bitch!
The killer then fades downward, succeedingly disappearing. Sidney tries to look down, but she can't see the concrete from where she is. Realizing the killer's probably finding a different way in. She frantically looks around for the walkie-talkie.
Before she can grab it however, the car unlocks, and Sidney quickly re-locks it. She pauses for a sound, but nothing, she thinks she was quick enough. Sidney then grabs the walkie-talkie pushing the red button, and not waiting for a voice. However, she doesn't spot the back opening.
"Hello? Help me please. I'm at Stu Macher's house on Turner Lane, it's 261 Turner Lane, please! He's gonna try and kill me-"
She's cut off by the hand choking her neck as Ghostface emerges from the back seats, screaming for blood. Sidney forces herself down, getting herself loose from the killer's grip. Luck's on her side and she's able to get into a position to kick them in the face twice where she then jumps out of the car before the killer can grab her.
She subconsciously turns back, trying to spot the killer. But....
The killer has disappeared.
(A/N) Aaaaaaaand...... with that, were gonna have to stop here on a cliffhanger. Next chapter is the finale. So, suspect a possible late update. Very excited to end this, since I'll be able to move on to some other pretty good stuff!
See you at the end!
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