Episode 2: Devil's Night 3/4
Atlanta: PD Station
Detective Harvey and Officer Reynolds stand in front of the board showcasing all of the evidence they have against their drug mule friends. As for now, they are still convinced that it's some kind of territory grab that is going on, with one driver, one user, and one dealer dropping dead in a manner of days. Something's about to happen and they need to catch at least one killer in the act to know for sure what it is.
"Alright, now that I got all the press stuff out of the way...." Harvey mutters with a tired sigh as he puts his hands on his hips. "We got one dealer dead in Collage Park, but if I know the gang, they'll be expecting us to put more cops in that area."
"So, what's the alternative?" Reynolds queries with a raised brow. "Wouldn't paying less attention just make them go further in?"
"Trust me, they aren't at clever as they think they are. They'll go for a kill in a different neighborhood nevertheless." Harvey promises him with a knowing smirk, which makes Reynolds hum, though that just inspires another question.
"What about-"
A loud buzz coming from his pocket cuts him off, and Harvey squints as he watches Reynolds pulls out what looks a tracking device from his person. "Of course..." Reynolds mumbles with a disappointed shake of his head, like he was expecting something but didn't want it.
"What is it?"
"Kids.... They can be really stubborn about something but never tell you a damn thing as to why." Reynolds tells him with a tone that knows that the detective understands what he means. "Mind giving me a few minutes?"
"Go right ahead." Harvey gives permission with a gesture, and Reynolds nods in gratitude before he matches out of the room and assumingly the building. Right after that, another Officer walks past the other and into the room.
"Sir, someone from the Atlanta field office is here." The officer tells Harvey, causing him to turn around and face him with surprise. "Says they're here declaring jurisdiction on the 'murders'?"
"You're shitting me." Harvey remarks with a face that wants the cop to be joking, but the officer shakes his head, confirming it not to be so. "Where are they?"
The officer leads him to the empty meeting room that still has it's lights turned off. He then walks away, leaving Harvey to handle it alone. The detective blinks before walking inside, where he immediately notices someone sitting on a chair with their back turned to him. "Can I help you?"
The person, among hearing him, swiftly rolls around and shows off their badge with a professional smile.
"Agent Kirby Reed, FBI." Kirby introduces herself as she stands up to fully be face-to-face with the detective as a sign of respect. At least, she hopes it comes across that way. "I've noticed that you're having a little trouble with killers in Collage Park."
"Ah, yes, that...." Harvey responds with a slow nod, rolling his tongue so he can keep his dislike of feds to himself. "Well, Devil's Night brings out the worst in everyone around here, but I don't really think that calls for a.... professional like you." He comments, and Kirby chuckles as she notices his hesitation in complimenting her.
"Well, I've been following your Streat Reapers for a long while now, but I can assure, they didn't kill that drug dealer you've found tonight. The one at the motel." Kirby informs Harvey in a very confident manner. She then hands him the files she was idly reading, allowing him to see them for himself. "I've been following a case about a item missing from our evidence storage. A mask with DNA traces of a serial killer named.... Danny Johnson."
The second that name gets mentioned, Harvey looks back up at Kirby with a raised brow, before his brain finally hits something. "Ah, now I recognize you, agent. You were one of the people who was at that laser tag arena back in Pennsylvania." He calls her out with a smirk, causing Kirby to slightly drop her head.
"Story travels fast, doesn't it?" Kirby sarcastically mutters before regaining her cool, not letting the detective try and play her down. "Well, I guess that means you know that I've gotten an obsession with recent Ghostface attacks. And the three boys that have been killed in the past two days have a similar pattern to them."
"Ghostface?" Harvey queries with a raised brow, before rolling his eyes as he realizes what she's hinting at. "Look, miss, I don't know how it was back in those richer towns, but here in Atlanta? Murders and executions are somewhat of a-"
"I think you should look at those files before you make any more remarks." Kirby cuts him off with a cheeky look, not wanting the detective to embarrass himself further. "Look, I'm not here to try and start another power dynamic over top fed and lower cop. I want this to be an actual partnership, show what I know, etcetera..." She says as she gestures at the files she had just given him. She taps playfully on his shoulder before beckoning him to follow.
"Here, something tells me you should sit down for this one."
Atlanta: Weaver High School
Kym and Manny have just finished out their knockout gas are now currently hooking it up to the A.C in the room where their bait is going to be, the money. It's literally a mouse trap, except it's drug dealers and their personal cheese, the green paper bills. Right as they are finishing up, Beth comes from behind a corner and sees them adjusting the fog machine. "Is that deformed elephant gonna actually work?" She questions them, getting their attention.
"It better." Kym replies with a similar skeptic brow. Yes, she's agreeing with Beth, which is crazy.
"It will." Manny states with a look directed at both girls, reminding them of his one request to trust him with this one chemical moment he practically practiced himself for. "You got the cash?"
"Right here." Beth confirms as she shows off the dollar bills, playing with them as if they are UNO cards. "Amir and Y/N's on look out. I told Amir to kill the lights the second Shane comes in, and Y/N's making sure the guard isn't active."
"You mean Jared Leto's Joker actually let you out of his sight?" Kym humorously remarks with a face that hides a suggestive joke in her mind. Beth notices her weird look and raises a brow at her.
"What are you talking about?"
"He wants to get into your pants." Manny answers with a knowing look, both of them and probably the others have all been thinking the same thing. "It's obvious."
Beth scoffs and laughs. "As if I would let him touch my-" She then abruptly coughs out a good load, causing the other two to pause what they are doing to watch her with worried faced. "Shit..."
"Are you okay?" Manny asks with his own raised brow, before noticing something going on with her eyes. "Wait, did you take something?"
"Girl, are you being serious right now?" Kym questions with a criticizing look, to which Beth gives both of them glare.
"No, I didn't take any-" She jumps straight to lying, only for the lights to go out and interrupt her, since that can only mean one thing. "Shane's here." Beth whispers, and the three of them all quickly find a place to hide just as they hear the door to the nearby classroom opening.
Shane steps inside, his bag filled with the drugs that Beth had 'ordered' over his shoulder as he looks around for his favorite client, only for find that he's the only one inside. "Hey, yo, Beth, where you at?" He calls out for her, only to obviously get nothing in response. He keeps walking until he sees the cash in the technical advisor office from the other side of the window.
This makes him step out into the hallway to the door that leads into the office. "Beth?" He calls out again as he looks around, though due to it being extremely dark, he can't see anyone, and he still doesn't get anyone calling back. So, he steps inside, the cash drawing him in like a moth to a flame, and sets the bag down nearby before going over to count the cash.
Right as he touches it however, the kids spring their plan into action and swiftly shut the door behind him, causing Shane to quickly stop what he's doing and look over. "What?" He silently utters to himself before trying to re-opening it, only to discover that it's locked. "Shit...." He mutters as he almost tries to punch through the steel, only to remember how stupid of an idea that would be. "Hey, you better quit with these games, girl, and open the damn door!"
Right after that outburst, Shane notices that a strange gas has been wafted into the room. During which, he then begins coughing uncontrollably. "Whoa, what the hell?" He exclaims to himself before beginning to feel like he's slowly losing his consciousness. He frantically starts banging on the window, which prove to be tough, resulting in him attempting to use a chair instead. Right as he's about to swing it though, his begins to twitch and he passes out before he can even realize it.
Once he drops to the floor, everyone in the group comes out of their hiding spot and watches him pass out through the window.
Looks like it worked.
Atlanta: Road
Deion continues to march down the sidewalk with his hands in his pockets, knowing that he should've caught back up with the others instead of listening to the whole 'Undead Marcus' theory that Liv had conjured up. He feels disgusted with himself too, for even trying to amuse it. He may forget a lot of things from his childhood, but his twin brother's death isn't one of them.
"Deion, wait up!" Liv's voice then calls out to her, causing Deion to mentally roll his eyes as he turns out to see that she's been trying to catch up with him the entire time. She's really trying to do this now? "You don't have to take the bus, I can give you a ride."
"I think you've done enough for me today, huh?" Deion sarcastically replies, giving her a look that suggests that she should take the hint before she makes an even bigger fool out of herself. He still has a small inch of respect for her, he doesn't want her to lose it with the rest.
"I was just trying to help."
"If you wanna help, just let it go." Deion demands from her as he starts to continue walking away again, only for Liv to grab his arm and pull him back.
"Hey, you know I can't." Liv remarks as she gives the guy a very serious look. "This is not just about you, Deion. It's about all of us." She reminds him, wondering if he forgot that Ghostface isn't just marking him for death. The athlete continues to glare at her until they hear the sirens of a police car approach them.
They both turn to see the cruiser stop right next to them, and to see Officer Reynolds stepping out of the car. "Dad?" Liv utters in shock, surprised to see him suddenly appearing out of nowhere. "What are you doing here?"
"You're the one who needs to be answering questions, Liv." Reynolds remarks as he marches to them with a fatherly glare directed straight at her. "Because I told you in no uncertain terms, you were not to leave the house today." He scolds her while glancing at Deion who faces away from the situation, which only makes the girl consider how he knew she was gone in the first place.
"Wait, have you been following me?"
"Hone, Olivia, now." Reynolds orders with a face that strongly encourages her not to argue. Liv glances at Deion one more time before stepping into the car with a mental sigh, knowing that she's going to get it later. Deion shakes his head at the two before going to leave.... "Hey! Where do you think you're going?" The cops calls out to him, causing him to stop in his tracks and reluctantly turn around to face him.
"You and me.... we're gonna have a little chat."
Weaver High School: Library
Beth, Amir, Y/N, Kym, and Manny all stand around a still passed out Shane as he's now tied up to a chair in the middle of the library. At first, they think he might have breathed too much of the stuff in his system or something, until the guy wakes up with a loud cough as he slowly comes back to life. He then realizes in a few seconds that he's currently captured, and his arms and legs are tapped down, causing him to panic. "What? What is this?" He stutters in confusion as he then sees all of the teens surrounding him, especially Beth. "Beth, what the fuck? I thought we had a deal."
"That was the point. I lied." Beth spells it out for him with a sassy face as if he's a moron for not seeing that at this point. The fact that he fell for the trap in the first place was even worse. Did he really think she would dead drop in an abandoned building? What's the point in that.
"What?" He utters as he glances between everyone, starting to finally get a grasp of the situation he's in. "That's messed up..... I-I need that money."
"Like every other drug dealer that came before you, cowboy." Y/N remarks with a cocky smirk, finding it amusing that the supposed badass is now taped and circled by a group of teens. Mustache since the third grade, his ass. "Only, I guess, they didn't use it to throw murder parties where bodies were literally dropping to the floor."
"What are you talking about?"
"No, nuh-uh, you don't get to ask the questions, pusher man, I do!" Kym shuts him up with a nasty look, not going to let him shake and talk his way out of this like he probably always does. "Now, I wanna know why you tried to kill me last night."
"If I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead." Shane spits at her with a look, flat-out denying that he was ever there. "But I still don't see where you're going with this."
"How do you explain this?" Kym questions him as she points to Manny who takes Shane's bag that is laying nearby and dumps all of its contents onto the hostage's lap. One of them being the Ghostface mask he used to rob the drug store, though it also doesn't paint him in a very good light.
"Yeah, so what?" Shane asks as he's able to grab and mess with the mask despite his taped wrists. He still looks incredibly out of the loop as to what they are suggesting, which makes sense, since the actual killers are two different people in the room. "You were all at the party, we all have one."
"Yeah, because you gave them to us." Kym points out with a look that demands him to not play stupid. "Probably so you could hide your face while you killed Avery."
"Wait, wait, you think I had something to do with that?" Shane finally starts to get the picture now that she's said it out loud, looking at all of them as if they had lost their minds.
"It was your party, wasn't it?" Kym queries with a curious look, accusing him of being the mystery host that orchestrated the whole thing. Shane shifts in his seat a little bit, hesitating at first before Y/N hums and shows that he's the one now holding his piece.
"Yeah, yeah, okay, I'm Mr. Fade, but I ain't no killer!" Shane finally confesses, though not for the crime they accuse him of committing. "A-A-Avery's death was an accident, right?"
Y/N loudly makes a buzzer noise. "Come on, you actually think he just conveniently fell on a sharp object? The Act of God happens all the time, but he didn't play a hand with that bumpkin." He says before tapping the barrel of the gun to the side of his head. "Think, Shane, think."
"What about the costumes?" Kym interrogates Shane, getting the main point of this whole conversation back on track. "Why you messing with Deion like that?"
"Messing with Deion? They're just costumes!" Shane yells at her, bewildered by her crazy-ass theories. "Goes with the whole anonymity thing, you feel me?"
"Where'd you get them?" Kym asks next, causing the most tense part of the interrogation to happen, but not for the reasons the others think. There's a milisecond where Shane glances at Y/N, who grips his gun tightly a couple times to subtlety tell the drug dealer that he should chose his next words carefully.
"I got hookups everywhere." Shane blurts out, swallowing. "O-One of my boys got them for me. I don't know which one, all I know is that they're two bucks each!"
"Do you really expect us to believe that?" Beth questions him as Kym throws her hands up, almost wanting to quit at Shane's unhelpful answers. She takes her place and leans closer to his face, thought just because she wants to play the part.
"Yeah, I do, because I'm not a lying bitch like you, Beth." Shane venomously responds, to which Beth sarcastically raises her eyebrows at him. He also now notices her eyes, which makes him think that she's also high too. "You're the one who lured me in here, tied me up. I mean, for all I know, it was one of you that sent me that creepy-ass text, too."
Kym blinks. "Wait, what text?"
"Check my phone." Shane tells them as he nods down towards his lap. Everyone looks at Beth, the girl who's already seen the inside of his pants, and she takes the electronic device out of Shane's pocket. They pull up his messages where they find a very familiar message.
Unknown: Show me your insides.....
Picture of Avery's dead body.
Unknown: Or you're next!
"I thought it was a joke, but, uh...." Shane chimes in, taking a big nervous swallow. "If there is a killer out there, I guess he's after me too?"
"S-So if Shane isn't Ghostface...." Amir realizes as he briefly wipes his now sweaty face.
"Then, who the hell is?" Beth finishes the sentence. Right after that question comes up, the speakers suddenly perk up with a loud amount of static that almost deafens their ears due to how quiet this building now is.
"Attention, Weaver High students." A voice then echoes throughout the entire room..... The voice of Ghostface. "Slash is now in session, and it's time for one of you to die!"
Everyone, including Shane, all share a look now.
That's.... not nice.
Atlanta: Road
Deion reluctantly sits on a bench right next to the sidewalk and road while Officer Reynolds tends to his daughter. He can't hear whatever lecture the man's giving Liv behind the cop car, but whatever it is, he recon that he didn't like how he seemingly lost her for a few seconds there. As for whatever he wants to talk to him about, he has a few ideas, most of them being because of his skin color.
The Officer finally returns and hands Deion's his wallet card back to him. "Does this mean I can go now?" Deion asks impatiently as he takes his stuff back, waiting for a 'yes' so he can get on with his day and ignore this man.
"Ran your information, came back clean."
"So is that a yes?"
"Let's talk about what you can't do first." Renyolds remarks as he crosses his arms while he looks down at the kid. "Like dating my daughter. Give me your word on that and you're free to go." He demands, which makes Deion mentally laugh inside.
"First of all, it wasn't even a date." Deion corrects him, making it sound like he wouldn't even do it anyway after that diner conversation played out. "Second, I ain't gonna make promises that I can't keep, so..." He defiantly mentions with a shrug, causing an odd, twisted smile to form on the cop's face.
"You seem like a good kid, Deion, so I'm gonna let you off with a warning." Renyolds comments, which Deion first takes as if he's currently being a victim of a power play the cop is making with no proof of an actual crime being committed. "Stay away from Liv if you know what's good for you."
With that, he finally walks away from Deion, who does the same as he tucks his hands in his pockets and continues on his way back to home. However, Officer Reynolds doesn't immediately get in his car yet, instead, he leans on his open car door while he watches him go. During which, the jock hears a ringing coming from his phone.
When he pulls it out, he sees that it's coming from Amir. He swipes on the button and answers it. "Hello?"
"D-Day? It's Amir.... from school." The caller identifies himself very quietly, as if expecting Deion to immediately forget about him. "I sit behind you in-"
"Yeah, I know who you are, Amir." Deion tells him with a slightly amused reaction, though the way the guy is talking doesn't set him the right way. "Why the hell are you whispering?"
"Because our plan backfired."
"What plan? I told you guys to wait."
"Long story short, we tried to trap the killer." Amir summarizes for him, to which Deion rapidly blinks his eyes.
"Wait, you guys know who Ghostface is?"
"We thought we did, but we got it wrong." Amir regretfully breaks the bad news to him. "Now, the killer turned the tables and trapped us." He informs him, causing Deion to close his eyes and mentally groan, really wishing that he'll be able to tackle that psychopath to the ground one of these days.
"Where are you?"
"In the school."
"Just hold tight, I'm coming." Deion tells him before quickly hanging up, his walking now turning to a fast jog as he now has to make it all the way over there from where he's at without a car. Good thing he always does his cardio every day.
Watching him leave for good, Reynolds finally gets in his car and drives away with Liv.
Weaver High School: Library
Now, all that's left for everyone who is still trapped in the confirmed kill zone to figure out what they're going to do now that they have locked themselves in a lethal haunted house. "He's on his way." Amir relays to them with a somewhat more relaxed grin, as if he's actually depending on him to be here for his personal sake.
"Well, I don't plan on being here when his ass finally shows up." Kym says with a different kind of plan in mind, likely talking about both Deion and Ghostface who they know is inside the building.
"Rookie mistake." Beth comments with a scoff and massive eye roll. "When the killer's in your midst, the last thing you wanna do is head off by yourself. That's almost as stupid as saying, 'I'll be right back'. Look, either way, you're dead meat."
"Yeah, besides, Ghostface probably locked all of the doors if he followed us in here. And the keys could be anywhere for all we know." Y/N points out as he points upwards, towards the ceiling. "Why don't we just put ourselves in a classroom where the door actually locks from the inside? I left a bat in one of them for protection anyway."
"Because then you threatening to starve us to death if Deion gets his ass killed roaming through the halls, searching for us." Kym states with a criticizing look pointed at him, causing Y/N to make a face. "And like I said, I'm not in one of Curella's damn horror movies."
"So you're gonna go where the killer is probably waiting for you?" Y/N questions with a small chuckle. "Wow, you are so smart, just like the rest of your little speeches about Donal Trump and the Blackulla movement."
"Geez, will you two give it a rest?" Manny mutters with a small face palm.
"Okay, look, anybody wants to roll with me is welcome." Kym sticks to her guns as she's still clearly not changing her mind either way. "I got Mace, and I'm doing whatever it takes to survive, and that means vacating."
"And I'm with Kym, obviously." Manny states with a small shrug. Y/N rolls his eyes as he wonders when the guy will actually stand up for himself instead of blind-following the girl every choice she makes.
"Me too!" Shane announces, reminding everyone that he's still here in the room and still technically kidnapped by them. "Which one of you fools is going to cut me loose?"
"What about you, Amir?" Kym asks, causing the geek to glance between both parties, Beth and Y/N, and then the other three. Also worrying about traps being around the building, he decides to take the former's side.
"We'll be right behind you after we get Shane on his feet." Amir answers as he stands next to Beth and Y/N, though it's pretty clear that they are likely still going to be choosing to hide instead of flee.
"Fine, your funeral." Kym remarks as she goes to leave along with Manny who shakes his head, hoping that they don't get themselves killed because of this. The rest of the three then turn back to Shane who looks at them expectingly, causing Beth to roll her eyes at him.
"I-I'm not actually going to die, right?" Amir whispers to them shakingly, rubbing his hands together as he fails to keep any kind of cool. "Because my parents will kill me."
"What?" Y/N blinks at him. What kind of sense does that make?
"Relax. You made the right call, okay?" Beth assures him as she knows that even if she wasn't one of the killers, this would've been what she would've done if she was the survivor..... she thinks. "Now, all we have to do is wait until we hear Kym and Manny scream. Then we bounce."
"Why-Why would they scream?" Amir asks, causing Beth to look at him as if wondering if she really needs to spell it out for him.
"Probably because Ghostface stuck a knife in 'em."
"Oh, that was your plan?" Y/N queries with a raised brow, before chuckling a tiny bit. "Wow, and here I was, thinking that you were actually thinking for the rest of the group."
"Please, that's like saying Jason Voorhees was the original Friday the 13th killer." Beth remarks with a look, which makes Y/N laugh a little bit more. The three then hear Shane sarcastically pretending to clear their throat, prompting them to get back to removing his bounds.
"Kym is right, you are Edward Scissorhands."
"Well, you're right, Y/N. She is pretty fucking messed up." Shane agreeingly comments as he finally stands himself up, doing a little bit of stretching so his bones aren't stiff from being in that forced sitting position for so long. "Which is why you and Amir should follow my lead out the door."
"Trust me, you do not want to go out there alone." Beth promises him with a face that eggs him to take her advice, despite her bringing him here in the first place.
"I ain't going it alone." Shane lets her know before stepping in front of Y/N. "My Smith and Wesson?" He demands with an extended hand, twitching his fingers. The guy rolls his eyes before reluctantly handing him his gun back. "They got my back." Shane quips to Beth with a cheeky smirk before heading out as well.
"Well.... guess that means I'm gonna go grab that bat." Y/N tells Beth and Amir with the best excuse he currently has, heading towards a different direction than the others. "Meet you both at the storage closet?"
"Whatever....." Beth waves him off dismissively, and Y/N nods before jogging away.
Now it's time for the circus to begin.
Atlanta: PD Station
Kirby Reed is currently making herself at home at her new desk that she's situated herself with. It's now perfectly clear to everyone at the station that she's gotten herself clearance to be here, and she isn't going anywhere until she's done with whatever case she's been assigned to. Her appearance has caused some slight rumors about something happening in the city that the police aren't currently aware about.
Right as she's fixing something up though, Harvey abruptly makes his way into the room with a slightly frustrated expression on his face. "You mind telling me what the hell this is?" He interrogates as he tosses one of the folders Kirby handed to her onto the desk. "You ruled Avery Collins death as a homicide, when I last I checked it was officially declared an accident."
"I put it in that way because after seeing that Avery sustained a bump on his forehead, I saw that it wasn't an 'accident'." Kirby responds confidently, causing Harvey to give her a look. "Come on, detective, you really think he fell forwards instead of backways of what he bumped into?"
"Maybe." Harvey simply answers with a shrug, causing Kirby to raise a skeptical brow. "Agent Reed, with all due respect, crime is sadly very common out here. This isn't Roseville or Woodsboro. Not every brutal murder is connected with one another."
"And not every incident is isolated from one another." Kirby remarks, giving him a tase of his own medicine which causes Harvey to slightly shift as he crosses his arms together while leaning against the wall. She lets out a big sigh. "Look, I'll admit, I've grown a slight obsession with the first Ghostface attacks. But... that also means I know when a killer has a pattern they subconsciously follow." She tells the detective, speaking from experience. "Take Tommy Jenkins and Latavious. Both were killed by a knife to a jugular, meaning that someone is out there who likes to catch his victims from behind and stab them in a lethal part of their body."
"Throat slits are common Agent Reed. That's not good enough." Harvey debunks her claim, giving her an unconvinced look. "Look, I'm already dealing enough with the press trying to clam the whole-"
"I wasn't finished, Detective L/N." Kirby politely interrupts with a blank state, waiting for him to be silent before she continues. "The next thing I wanted to bring up is that I checked your suspects as well. The Street Reapers are a few neighborhoods away. They moved out of College Park when you cleaned up that body you found at the motel. Which makes sense, given that it's a heated zone.
"Okay, so what am I supposed to do?" Harvey questions her with a slightly frustrated voice, still feeling kept in the dark as to what her number one suspect is, aside from them being Danny Johnson disciples. "You know what happens when we make it public that we're looking for a dangerous serial killer? False alarm phony calls, gang wars, dope deals. They skyrocket, and that leaves it up to us to clean up a mess that's already been made because we let ourselves get distracted." He stands up straight and steps closer to her desk in a less-than-comfortable kind of way. "So, tell me, you really want to chase after a fairy tale? Or is there more you're not telling me?"
Then, the office door opens, and out comes another cop. "Detective, we just got a call, someone spotted Mr. Fade heading towards the Weaver High School." He reports, causing Harvey to immediately reach for his jacket until Kirby holds up a hand.
"Let me handle this, detective." Kirby insists as she grabs her jacket and gun instead. "Better to catch this guy by surprise than blaring out an army."
Harvey barely has time to protest before she's gone. He glares at Kirby as she leaves, gripping the door with a shake of his head.
Weaver High School:
Kym and Manny continue sprinting down the hallway towards one of the exits that leads out of the school building and to more obvious safety for them. Doesn't mean they are going to be reckless about it, though. They stop at every corner, making sure the coast is clear so they don't accidentally run gut first into a knife. "Come on, coast is clear." Manny whispers as they finally find the door they were looking for. "let's go, go...."
They quickly begin speed-walking towards it, seeing the moon shining from where they are at. "See? You was right for sticking with me." Kym lets Manny know with a excited voice. "We getting out, like Rod and Chris."
"Rod and Chris! Let's go." Manny agreeingly exclaims as they push against the door......
Only to find out that they are locked. "No.... no, no, no, no! Y/N was right! Ghostface locked the damn door!" Manny yells in fear as he tries it again multiple times, but the two doors won't budge. "I can't die like this, this is my worst nightmare."
"Okay, calm down, Manny. You're gonna give yourself an asthma attack." Kym tries to comfortingly warn him, but it's too late as she can hear his breathing getting labored. "Damn. Where's your inhaler?"
"Locker..." Manny answers with a painful wheeze.
"Okay, breathe, breathe." Kym rubs Manny's shoulder as she quickly rushes to his locker with her friend right lumbering right behind her. Thankfully, Manny's locker is very nearby. However, when she cracks open the combination, she opens it up to find a Ghostface mask inside, prompting her to slowly turn around to face him.
"It's from the party...." Manny breathlessly explains.
"Okay, Manual, I'mma do you a solid and pretend like this isn't suspicious as hell." Kym remarks as she reaches for the inhaler, knowing that her best friend is still in pain. She quickly it hands to him and Manny frantically puts it up to his mouth and presses on it. He gasps a little bit and is still shaking, but eventually, he's breathing normally.
"There's a master key in the Principal's Office by the PA." Manny finally gets to tell her, having only been able to speak four words at once. "I always see it when I'm reading your bulletins."
"Okay, that'll work, but you're in no shape to come with." Kym notes, guiding him over to a random empty classroom and putting him inside. Like Y/N mentioned, they are all locked from the inside unlike the tech advisor's office. "So, get your scrawny ass in there and wait...."
"Don't say it." Manny pleads as he detects the next work that was going to come out of Kym's mouth.
"I'll be right back." Kym says it anyway with an emphasize that she's confident she will this time. She closes the door and takes off, determined to find that guy for the sake of Manny as well as herself.
She's not going to fall for any trap.
Meanwhile, Y/N rushes into the male locker room. He searches around before finding the one he knows he has in his name. He does a quick scan to make sure the coast is clear before opening it up and finding the Ghostface outfit he smuggled inside.
Smirking, he quickly puts on all of the assets and grabs his knife, ready to start some chaos. This isn't going to be like the other sequences the group has had so far, however. He's going to have to be smart about this if he wants to do it without giving his identity away, because even the tiniest slip-up could give himself away.
He's going to need Beth's help with this one.
(A/N) New chapter! Slightly shorter than the previous ones, but I guess that's just due to circumstance.
The next chapter and the rest of the episode is going to be mostly Ghostface plus Y/N and Beth in prime form, so all in all, it won't be anything boring. Plz let me know if you wanna continue this, since it's comments like those that help encourage me.
Plz vote and comment, any counts as feedback, and I'll see you in the next one
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