Episode 2: Devil's Night 2/4
Weaver High School: Hallway
When there's a masked killer after you, it's understandable that the mystery aspect of it all isn't as fun as you may have thought it would be, or maybe it is in a dark, twisted way where you take it very seriously and even the quirkiest people become 'competitive' about it. And right now, Kym has finally discovered her number one suspect.
"Who was in detention that gave us the invitation?" Kym brings up to everyone as they all stand in the hallway after the assembly, while other students pass them without a care in the world about what they are talking about. "Okay, who's the one that gave us the freaky costumes? Who was the one at the door collecting all that cash? Shane."
Amir looks down, slowly starting to understand what she's getting at. "So... Shane is Fade?"
"And Fade is Ghostface."
"But why would Shane kill Avery?" Manny then asks the question, trying to challenge his friend's logic just in case she's wrong. After all, they have a very strict deadline that doesn't afford just throwing around suspects to pursue.
"Avery used to buy from Shane all the time." Beth points out, to which Y/N nods agreeingly as they both have seen the guy interacting with their mutual friend. "Maybe a deal went bad?"
"What about those costumes?" Manny then questions next, that part being even more hard to answer due to it being a very symbolic piece of fabric and plastic. "How'd he know what they meant to Deion?"
"Shane knows everything and everyone, plus, what happened to Marcus had to have been local news at some point. The brother of a popular kid." Y/N responds to that, before giving a shrug due to being less confident in that answer that he originally sounds. "Maybe he did a little digging?"
"That's a lot of maybes."
"Maybe y'all wanna think about this until he shows up at your houses and try to turn you inside out." Kym then remarks with a very serious tone of voice, her experience from the motel has clearly sharpened her determination in stopping the maniac. "Bottom line, I say Shane is Ghostface, and we need to do something about it before does any of us."
"You mean before he kills you?" Y/N retorts with a snarky smirk. "Girl, I am not going to be your human meat shield just because you somehow survived getting fileted."
"So you're just gonna stay home all alone while everyone else actually does something? Yeah, that's a good idea." Kym sassily shoots him down, causing Y/N to give her a glare before looking at everyone, even Beth, who seems to be drawing towards the same page as her.
"What? You guys are actually gonna listen to her?" Y/N questions while pointing to Kym before dropping his hands with a sigh. "Alright, fuck me then I guess."
"But wait, wait, aren't we gonna wait for Deion?" Amir asks before they all start jumping the gun, to which Kym just hand waves dismissively at the mention of his name.
"We need to act now, with or without him." Kym states passionately, timing is of the essence, and he failed to show up at the assembly, so she's honestly not sure of him anymore. "Manny votes for my plan, obviously, so that just leaves you three." She then says to which Manny shrugs as he knows she wouldn't listen to his protests anyway.
"I'm in." Beth says with a shrug, to which Y/N blinks at her before rolling his tongue in defeat.
"Well.... shit, I guess I have no choice but to go with you anyway...." Y/N comments as his way of saying that he's also in. Amir, however, is still confused on this whole 'plan' that Kym brings up.
"Wait, wait, what is your plan exactly?" Amir asks her with a perplexed look, not wanting to just blindly say yes even if the other choice is obviously outvoted. Also, it's Shane they're talking about here, a drug dealer with a gun.
"Trap him, so we can ask him questions." Kym proposes confidently, knowing that her bff has the means to help execute said trap. Amir's still hesitant about hearing it, though.
"Shane's a total badass." Amir points out in slight protest to this plan. There's way too many stakes than he feels like the others realize. He may not have a hunting knife, but he does have something much deadlier if they screw this up. "He had a mustache since, like, the third grade."
"I think I know a way." Beth declares as she looks back up at everyone after having been thinking about this trap the second the word was said out loud. "All you guys have to do is trust me."
Y/N chuckles. "Babe, any other vote than 'trust you' is definitely overruled." He quips with that 'asshole' expression before tapping on Amir's shoulder. "Am I right?"
Beth gives him a very unimpressed look.
"Don't call me that, ever again."
Atlanta: Pharmacy Store
The pharmacy store is currently empty at this time, so the doctor there was handling other business such as making sure certain pills are in the right bottles and everything else is where it needs to be. He thought today was going to be a quiet day.
That is, until the bell rings, signally that the door is opened. The doctor barely finishes in sliding tablets into another bottle before he hears a sharp click and looks up to see a revolver pointed directly at his face by a figure wearing a Ghostface costume.
The man freezes as the figure then drops a ripped note from a pad onto the counter, prompting him to shakingly take it into his hand and read it. All that's written on there is a list of everything the robber presumably needs, and the doctor connects the dots very quickly. "Okay. No-No problem." He responds with a slight stutter, turning around to grab the items requested.
While still being held at gunpoint, the doctor grabs a plastic bag and stuffs everything that the robber wants into it, before walking back to the counter and setting it down in front of him. That's not enough, though, as the robber then gestures towards the cash register with him gun, silently ordering him to empty it.
The man mentally sighs as he does what's ordered without much choice. He adds it to the bag, and then once the robber begins counting all of it and the meds, slowly reaching his fingers to the silent alarm button. However, right before he can press it, the Ghostface guy smacks him in the face with the butt of his revolver, knocking him out cold.
In and out in seconds, the robber rushes out through the back door before finding himself in the perfect quiet area to take a breather. Stopping for a second, Shane takes off his mask and sets the bag down before pulling out his phone, shooting a text towards Beth, all while breathing heavily.
You: I got the stuff. Show me the $$$
Atlanta: Donut Shop
Man, Y/N's gotta say, this place does seem a little tempting. All of the donuts everywhere with no one except Beth and Amir with him makes him wonder if he should grab some 'supplies' while they aren't looking. He's got a bit of a sweet tooth, so it's something that can't really be helped. He could likely pull it off, since the poor boy is staring at his family's safe for a awfully long time.
"What are you waiting for? Take it." Beth pushes Amir while he continues staring at his family's safe with a very hesitant and timid look on his face, the process of actually going through with the plan is now giving him second thoughts.
"I've never stolen from my parents before..." Amir shares with Beth, seemingly shaking a little bit for real. She and Y/N have to say that they never expected such hesitance of money by a teenager before, at least not in this town.
"Oh deer, our little boy still needs growing up..." Y/N teasingly comments as he smirks at the look Amir gives him, before he then notices him taking out of the donut to-go boxes.
"Hey, you can't be stealing either!"
"Killjoy..." Y/N mutters as he takes his hand away from him, now just leaning onto the counter as they all still wait for him to take the damn cash.
"We're not stealing, okay? We're borrowing." Beth tells him as 'gentleness' seems to be the only thing that works on this geek, despite how sick it makes her to her stomach every time she uses that tone of voice. "The money's just bait."
"Still, a thousand bucks, that's alotta cash." Amir points out, looking at them both with a look that seems actually scared to be even looking at it. "Couldn't we take less?"
"No, that won't work. We need Shane to believe this is a legit deal."
"O-Okay, but when this is done, all of the money goes back, right?" Amir then questions Beth, with a look that strongly advises her to say yes, to which the goth nods as she points at the cash. It's not like she'll get away with taking it anyway. Y/N opens his mouth to say something douche-again, but Beth quickly keeps his trap shut with a glare.
"Every last dollar." Beth promises with the best genuine face she can create, causing Amir to sigh before crouching down to begin taking money from the safe. As he does that, Beth and Y/N notice a shotgun hiding behind the counter, prompting them to share a look as they get the most devious idea.
She reaches down, grabs the weapon, and slowly points it at him.....
"Oh my gosh, Amir! LOOK OUT!"
Amir screams like a little girl as he snaps around to see Beth with the shotgun, before Y/N bursts out in laughter as Beth smirks at him, making gun noises. "Bang, you're dead."
"What the hell?! That's not funny!" Amir yells in complete embarrassment and fear at having the shotgun pointed at him, while Y/N continues laughing as he leans against a booth while sliding onto the floor, crying. "And Beth, put that back!"
"Oh come on, man!" Y/N exclaims, still trying to get the last of his laughter out as he walks back up to the counter and points at the weapon. "It's a fucking shotgun up against a homicidal maniac with a knife. Closed ranged. It's like rock, paper, scissors, we need to bring that!"
"No, no! The gun stays, okay?" Amir enforces, seriously putting his foot down this time. "We can take the money, but my parents need that to protect themselves and the shop. Put it back." He says while looking like there's no convincing him otherwise in this case. Beth rolls her eyes before reluctantly putting the deadly gun back to it's spot.
Amir then slowly nods, satisfied, before heading out of the shop, expecting the others to follow. Y/N chuckles a little bit more as he watches him go while Beth finally steps out of the narrow counter. "It's like interacting with a five-year-old..." Beth comments, causing the guy to laugh even more.
"Yeah.... " Y/N nods agreeingly, before giving Beth a look over, up and down, which she eventually notices. "You know, you looked really good holding that shotgun." He comments with obvious flirtatiously.
"Still not interested." Beth replies, however, her version of giving him the hand as she walks out of the store next. Y/N thinks about her holding the shotgun, prompting him to shoot himself in the head with a finger gun, making gun noises and blowing his head back to sell it to no one. The idea of her actually shooting that gun reminds him that she'll come around eventually.
All it'll take is her first kill....
Weaver High School: Science Lab
While one side is getting the cash, the other is preparing the means that will incapacitate Shane the second he approaches the bait and gets himself trapped. It did require a bit of breaking into the school while potentially security is around, but a hundred bucks says that they're all sleeping on the job since their existence is just made so the principal can look caring of his students.
Yeah, right.
"Probably a lot easier if we him over the head with a bat if you ask me." Kym comments as he watches the inspiring chemist go to work inside the science lab. At least he was paying attention in comparison to her. "Don't tell him I said this, but with all that muscle, Y/N could knock him with just one swing, I'm just saying. I mean, what if this whole 'knockout gas' thing goes sideways and one of us winds up dead?"
"Alright, trust in the honors chemistry student. We're gonna be fine." Manny requests just this one thing from her with a hand gesture that promises that he's got this like it's written in the back of his mind. "If I can find the right delivery system which is somewhere around here...."
"Yeah, I trust you..." Kym assures him with a long sigh, just wishing she could stop her legs from twitching every so often the more she stands in an empty, dark, and large building that's ironically their supposed trap and not the maniac chasing them. "But, uh, hypothetically speaking.... what's your dream funeral?"
Manny blinks, looking up at Kym with a raised brow. "Who thinks about that?"
"Me." Kym confidently answers with a look that seems like it's judging him for asking not doing the same. Then she goes into dreamer land. "I want the Boys Choir of Harlem to sing The End of the Road by Boyz II Men. Well, unless you get the real Boyz II Men. Then I want future president Michelle Obama, to deliver my eulogy." She rants, during which, Manny just listens to her arms crossed with an amused smile. "And for my finale, I want the entire Black Student Union to read I Leave You Love by Mary McLeod Bethune. Except for Latrice, her resting bitch face would just bum everybody out. Okay, you're turn."
"Okay, I'm not playing this game, Kym." Manny denies with a look, feeling like he's taking this a little more seriously than her, which is funny since this whole thing was her idea in the first place. "One of us is on Ghostface's hit list. So can you please just help me find this damn fog machine?" He pleads, causing Kym to sign as she then reaches down under the desk and pulls it out, setting it on the desk.
"I found it ten minutes ago. I just wasn't expecting this conversation to get so deep." Kym explains while blowing out some air. Manny glances between it and her, but decides not to question it so they can get to work.
Atlanta: Weaver High School
Beth, Amir, and Y/N all make it back to the school. There, Beth and Y/N advises Amir to go handle the power that is part of the plan while they go find the others. However, there's one part of the plan that has to be fabricated so Y/N and Beth can turn this situation into their favor. All that's needed to do now to make it a confirmed carousel.
As soon as he knows they are in the quiet zone, Y/N taps on Beth's shoulder to stop her mid-walk. "Hey, this is me." He tells her as he nods towards where he believes the night guard's station is. "You go join the others, make an excuse for me, alright?" He says as he makes his way over, only for Beth to look at him as if he's stupid.
"Wait, are you serious?" Beth questions with a glare, causing Y/N to turn around with an eye roll. "You said I was going to get to kill tonight, and yet the clear chance I can, you exclude me out again?" She brings up, giving him a harsh look that demands elaboration.
"Well, I was thinking about it..." Y/N assures her with a slow nod. "But, after you've constantly given my attitude as if I haven't let you fuck dope dealers or granted your request to get all of these detention kids into your 'cut' of this horror movie, I changed my mind." He tells her with a cheeky look. "You'll get it later."
"That's straight up bullshit, and you know it, Edward Cullens." Beth sarcastically remarks with a strong seed of venom in her voice. "I would be calling you Billy Lenz or Chucky if you were actually scary, but so far, all I've seen is you tossing me around like a rag doll because I have to keep this group on our way of thinking while you sneak around and do other shit." She vents as she takes an aggressive step towards Y/N who stares at her blankly. "Well, news flash, I'm not still not imp-"
Suddenly Y/N grabs her by the throat before slamming her against the wall, causing her to choke as she's suddenly almost out of air. She struggles but is currently too weak to fight his hold he has on her. When she finally has her eyes opened, she finds Y/N staring down at her with the most blackest eyes she has ever seen..... the devil's eyes.
"You've really forgotten your place, have you?" Y/N remarks as if amused, but his face says anything but. He leans closer as he only lightens his grip on her slightly, but then removes her false up by tightening up again. "Let me make this very clear, you have your creative freedom over all this, but you do not get to talk down on me like you have everyone else in your worthless life." He growls in her ear before using his free hand to reach into his pocket.
There, he pulls the plastic bag of candies inside, shaking it a tiny bit so Beth can give it a quick look before watching him pull one out with his mouth, but without swallowing it, before taking it out and extending to hers. "Pop this in." He orders her, causing her to blink at him in extreme confusion. "Now." He demands, his glare not wanting any question she's likely thinking.
She wants to refuse, she wants to spit in his face if she can't say anything. But when Y/N tightens his hold, and forces her to look deep into his eyes, suddenly she doesn't feel like she has much reason to deny him. She slowly opens his mouth, widely so he can see it. Then, he slowly hovers the pill over her mouth. "Open wider...." He whispers, and Beth obeys. "Wider." He demands, and Beth obeys again. He then slowly inserts it into her mouth, before closing it by taking his hand away from her throat and pushing on her cheeks now. "Swallow."
When he sees her do just that, her throat showing her swallowing the bitter pill, he then finally smiles again, and lets her go. "See? That wasn't so hard, was it? But now you gotta keep it from the others that you are now slightly on the influence." He darkly quips with a chuckle before tapping her on the cheek. "I'll see you later."
He then walks out of view, allowing Beth to begin feeling her neck as she slowly wakes up from her trance. Her breathing comes back, and she feels like herself again. Behind all of the thoughts she's currently now overwhelmed with, one stands out....
What the fuck just happened?
Weaver High School: Football Field
Well..... practice went complete well. That's sarcasm, just so y'all know. He doesn't know what the heck just happened. He just couldn't hold the ball tight, or remember where he was going in every play. Then, there's also Hawkins, who has to do what he does, which is also extremely new for him. He knew it already a bad idea to put him as a quarterback, but this is even worse than he imagined. Leaving the field back in his high school jersey in a feeling he never expected from a football field, embarrassment.
Saying bye to his teammates with a fist bump, he then looks over to see Jamal in the parking lot. The second they make a glimpse of eye contact, the guy stands up straight and walks on over to him. "What's good?" He says as he greets him with a hand shake.
"Nothing." Deion responds in a tired voice as he turns the gesture.
"You remember the homies, right?"
"Yeah, seen them a few times." Deion confirms with a nod as he glances over at the other dudes in the car. They always look overly-serious, as if cautious about something lurking the shadows every single time they meet. It makes him suspect that they've gotten used to the bad sides of the hood, it makes him even more nervous every time he sees them. But he tries to keep that to himself for now. "Why y'all here?"
"Came to give you a ride." Jamal answers pridefully with a look, as if wondering why he would ask that question in the first place. "You know it's Devil's Night, it's gonna get crazy. People already getting cut up left and right."
"Oh, yeah, I heard about LT." Deion recalls with a nod, though wondering how he knows about that.
"Yeah, so hop in, let's go." Jamal encourages as he nods towards his car. Deion considers it heavily, but then remembers his current flaws, and reluctantly shakes his head.
"Nah, I gotta learn how to play QB by tomorrow and I ain't got time to be getting a contact high with you and the Migos." Deion declines with a small sarcastic joke, already paranoid enough with Ghostface on his ass every single hour. Jamal's expression drops, staring at him with mixed eyes.
"Man, let's roll, Jay." One of the other guys impatiently calls him over, as if overly anxious about something. Jamal's smirk comes back as he reaches for his jacket's pockets.
"You and the boys take the whip." Jamal orders as he tosses the keys over to the guy who manages to catch them. Then, he turns back towards Deion. "Me and lil bro got some work to do." He says before tapping his shoulder and beckoning him back to the field.
When they get there, they repeat the play Coach Griffen preaches to them with Jamal taking Hawkin's place. This time, Deion doesn't just pass the ball to him successfully the first time, but does it five times in a row effortlessly. "See? Ain't nothing wrong with your hands, I mean, the problem's all in your head." Jamal comments as he points towards his skull. "You probably just pressed about Halloween tomorrow night, rough day for the family, you know?" He guesses as he tosses the ball back to Deion.
"No, we'll get through it just like we always do." Deion responds with a quiet sigh, trying to remain tough outside of his exterior. He passes the ball back to Jamal, who takes it with a conflicted expression.
"Yeah, you including me in that we'?" Jamal queries as he tosses the ball back, a little more agressivly.
"I don't know, Jay. You tell me." Deion counters, tossing the ball back with the same amount of force, if not slightly more.
"Look, we both lost a lot that night." Jamal tells him seriously as he throws it back, increasing the strength.
"Marcus was my brother." Deion reminds Jamal with a tight glare, marching closer to him to showcase how seriously he takes this topic whenever his step-bro mentions it every chance he gets. "Even more than that, my twin."
"Man, I ain't tryna to replace nobody. I'm just trying figure out where what we are to each other." Jamal states defensively as he points between the both of them. It's the hard soul of the conflict that's always dividing them, so some much clarification would be nice from his point of view. "We got the same pops, but... it ain't like he ever around."
"Hey! Just- Lay off Earl!" Deion instantly retorts as he gives Jamal a criticizing look for disrespecting his dad once again. "He drive that truck to take care of us. Ain't his fault he's always on the road." He reminds the guy, who just scoffs in response.
"Yeah, he do a lot on that road, too..."
"Look, Jay, me and you ain't never been tight, and that's something we need to work on." Deion admits, not afraid in addressing that part of their relationship. "But now ain't the time."
"Because you got tunnel vision, right? Eyes on the prize?" Jamal sarcastically guesses, not knowing that it's really a homicidal serial killer that's currently keeping them apart. Deion opens his mouth to report, but he catches something in the corner of the eye that makes him stop. He looks over and sees Liv standing on one of the gate fences, staring at them from afar. Jamal eventually notices that he's lost his attention and follows his gaze, putting two and two together. "Not actually the prize I'm talkin' about man..."
In spite of that, Deion puts their currently conflict on hold and walks past Jamal to meet up with Liv, leaving the step-brother to watch him go with a mental sigh. Deion jogs over to Liv with a slightly concerned expression on his face. "Hey, where was you at?" He asks her.
"Don't 'hey' me." Liv responds with sass, catching Deion slightly off-guard. That definitely wasn't the reaction he was expecting from her. "You lied. You told us Marcus was dead." She brings up with a pointed look, causing him to blink at her, confused.
"I know, because he is."
"No, he isn't." Liv retorts, causing Deion to get even more bewildered. "Your brother is alive, Deion and I can prove it." She claims, much to the athlete's shock.
What the hell is she talking about?
Atlanta: Weaver High School
The only night guard that has what is possibly the easiest but boring job ever in the state, at least in his mind, is currently dead asleep in the security room, having absolutely no idea that all of this sneaking around and setting up traps and such is going on. That is, until his cup that rests on his desk in a horrible position eventually tips over and spills all over the floor and some of it goes on him, waking him up.
"What the-" He exclaims before realizing what had happened and letting out a huge groan. "Oh come on...." He grumbles as he quickly fetches some towels in the room to clean it up. Right as he's doing so, however, his eye catches something moving in the cams. He pauses what he's doing and looks over, seeing Manny and Kym walking around in the science lab and hallway. "What the.....?"
Confused, and finding it somewhat interesting, he stands up and grabs his stuff to go investigate it, knowing that these kids are probably up to no good anyway. He opens the door, looks both ways, before stepping into the hallway. He walks a good feet before thinking that he probably needs his flashlight for this, considering how it's so dark in here.
Right as he grabs it and is about to turn it on, a shadowy figure dashes past him. He was barely able to hear the fast sprinting, causing to abruptly turn around. "Hey!" He calls out, only to see nothing down the hall. He grumbles to himself as he walks towards it, wondering if he is being messed with, and that was what the current kid infestation is about.
He looks both ways again, before.....
The music suddenly playing from nearby causes him to jump a little bit, but that also makes him easily identify where it's coming from. But.... what the heck is music doing playing in here? And of now at all hours? Is this the idea of a prank? Because right now, he's not seeing any humor from it.
He walks over to an empty class and unlocks the door, taking a step inside. The music's slightly louder, so he takes that as a hint that he's in the right one. He scans the room with his flashlight before eventually coming to the conclusion that it's coming from the class's closet.
He slowly walks over to it, getting the feeling that he's the seeing the shadows of some feet under the crack below the door. He puts a hand on his holster just in case, yes, he was given a gun, and reaches for the knob.
He turns it open....
And finds only the bluetooth speaking playing the song. Perplexed, he looks around before mentally shrugging as he then turns the damn thing off, finally getting rid of the music ruining his peace and quiet.
Sighing, he shakes his head as he turns around....
And his flashlight shines on a ghost mask.
The guard barely has time to jump or say a word before Ghostface abruptly sticks a knife in his eye socket, causing him to yelp in pain before it comes out just as fast. Now, blood is leaking from the whole in his face as he's now blind. He tries reaching around to grab the guy that just attacked him, but instead just trips and falls over a student desk, now on the floor.
He tries to stand himself up, but only manages to get on his knees before he collapses back onto the ground. A few seconds later, after some more raspy groans, he then succumbs to his wound and drops dead. Ghostface then wipes the blood clean off his knife with his glove.
You're one microscopic cog in his catastrophic plan...
Designed and directed by his Red Right Hand!
Atlanta: Diner
Despite his better judgement, Deion decides to give whatever Liv was claiming about his brother a fair shot. The idea that Liv would 'expose' him with lying about his brother's is absurd, but maybe it could still bring up some kind of suspect that will explain this entire situation he's found himself in. They barely have time to order something before Liv drops a folder-amount of papers onto the table as if she's about to crack the code of the Illuminati.
"So, what do you think?" Liv asks every Deion reads every single one of it. But that's still not enough to change his mind, and he shakes his head at her.
"I don't see it, I'm sorry."
"Oh, come on, Deion." Liv rolls her eyes as she points towards the person that was killed in a similar way as LT. Knife to the throat. Deion made it seem like Avery was the first victim, but if this report has anything to say, it may not be actually true. "You don't find it suspicious that this person was killed the same day as Avery?"
"Ain't no connection." Deion dismissively responds with a shrug. "Just another random white dude."
"His name is Tommy Jenkins." Liv points out, which finally succeeds in getting Deion's attention as the guy glances down with a thinking expression.
"Why does that name sound familiar?"
"Look, here." Liv slides one of the papers from the pile closer into view. "The account you gave the police when you were a kid. You named Tommy Jenkins as the bully who stole your brother's candy." She points out, the connection should now be made clear. He was the first target, because he was the cause of everything. "They never found a body in that salvage yard... The case went cold, and they declared Marcus a missing person. Missing, not dead."
"I saw Hookman grab ahold of Marcus that night." Deion insists as he give Liv a frustrated look. Not seeing any point as to why all of this matters, and why it needs to be double-checked. "I can still see it."
"But you didn't see what happened after that, did you?" Liv interrogates with a serious look, causing Deion to mentally sigh as he stares back. "Because you left your brother behind-"
"I don't need to be reminded of what I did." Deion scorns Liv with a glare, the pain it left behind already being enough. "I live with that choice every day of my life."
"I'm not trying to hurt you, I'm just asking that you keep an open mind." Liv tells him as she slightly leans back as if backing off, but still keeps going anyway, despite the obvious fact that she's got Deion riled up. "What if Marcus didn't die that night? What if he survived? Was angry that you abandoned him and has come back now for revenge? What if Marcus is Ghostface?"
"Look, I don't-!" Deion finally snaps, slamming his fist on the table which causes Liv and a few other people sitting nearby to jump. The guy glances around and quickly backs off, but still maintains his glare on her. "I don't care what evidence you think you have. Marcus was my brother, my twin. We had the same face, the same laugh, the... same heartbeat. Look, you wouldn't get it. You would not understand, but..... when he Marcus died, I felt his heart stop. I felt him go. That's all the proof I need." He states as he glances down with a sorrowful expression. "My brother is not a killer, Liv. He's dead. So is a part of me."
With that, he then gets himself up and marches out of the diner, leaving Liv behind.
What a waste of time.
Atlanta: PD Station
Detective Harvey and Officer Reynolds stand in front of the board showcasing all of the evidence they have against their drug mule friends. As for now, they are still convinced that it's some kind of territory grab that is going on, with one driver, one user, and one dealer dropping dead in a manner of days. Something's about to happen and they need to catch at least one killer in the act to know for sure what it is.
"Alright, now that I got all the press stuff out of the way...." Harvey mutters with a tired sigh as he puts his hands on his hips. "We got one dealer dead in Collage Park, but if I know the gang, they'll be expecting us to put more cops in that area."
"So, what's the alternative?" Reynolds queries with a raised brow. "Wouldn't paying less attention just make them go further in?"
"Trust me, they aren't at clever as they think they are. They'll go for a kill in a different neighborhood nevertheless." Harvey promises him with a knowing smirk, which makes Reynolds hum, though that just inspires another question.
"What about-"
A loud buzz coming from his pocket cuts him off, and Harvey squints as he watches Reynolds pulls out what looks a tracking device from his person. "Of course..." Reynolds mumbles with a disappointed shake of his head, like he was expecting something but didn't want it.
"What is it?"
"Kids.... They can be really stubborn about something but never tell you a damn thing as to why." Reynolds tells him with a tone that knows that the detective understands what he means. "Mind giving me a few minutes?"
"Go right ahead." Harvey gives permission with a gesture, and Reynolds nods in gratitude before he matches out of the room and assumingly the building. Right after that, another Officer walks past the other and into the room.
"Sir, someone from the Atlanta field office is here." The officer tells Harvey, causing him to turn around and face him with surprise. "Says they're here declaring jurisdiction on the 'murders'?"
"You're shitting me." Harvey remarks with a face that wants the cop to be joking, but the officer shakes his head, confirming it not to be so. "Where are they?"
The officer leads him to the empty meeting room that still has it's lights turned off. He then walks away, leaving Harvey to handle it alone. The detective blinks before walking inside, where he immediately notices someone sitting on a chair with their back turned to him. "Can I help you?"
The person, among hearing him, swiftly rolls around and shows off their badge with a professional smile.
"Agent Kirby Reed, FBI."
(A/N) New chapter, finally!
I know I've constantly been getting dormant with this. But starting now, I really want to get past at least Episode 4 before I end up doing it again (Hopefully, for the last time) I know it may be cliche or something, but I really wanted to do a Red Right Hand bit, since I don't think MTV Season 3 never had one, I guess to it being the TV series or whatever.
Got a fresh new kill to our name! And also, I managed to get this out while tired af...... again. Having Beth and Y/N not immediately be getting down to business is likely frustrating for you, which I relate, even I'm annoyed at myself at it. But I promise by the end of this episode, no more walls between them. Some back and fourth between them, but the twisted love will be there.
Anyway, plz vote and comment, and I'll see you in the next one!
Current Kill Count:
Y/N: 3
Beth: 0
Unknown: 1
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