Episode 1: The Deadfast Club 1/2
*Just wanna keep in mind, this book is not made to inspire any serial killer-like activities, The Y/N here is psychopathic, nihilistic, and somewhat creepy, and is not meant to be a role-model character.
Atlanta, Georgia: 2010
It was Halloween Night, and so, in Atlanta, that meant all kinds of things. It turned the usual not-so-welcoming streets into places you would see in a DC comic book of Gotham, but that didn't mean that it was Devil's Night round two. It simply meant that even the adults, both good or bad, were getting in costumes.
But we're not talking about the bad parts of town, on this particular night, we're in the suburbs.
With pop music playing over a small radio, a teenage girl is chopping up tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables while wearing a robe that conceals her hidden costume she's got underneath. While some teens her age might actually be still trick or treating for the sake of it. She's the type that stays home. Is she also waiting for a boyfriend? Maybe..... That's how you'd probably expect this scene to go.
What does happen, as expected, is her phone starts ringing. Not taking a moment to see the id, she distracted takes it and puts it up to her ear with her non-messy hand. Which again, makes it seem like she was waiting for a boyfriend. "Hello?"
"Hi, is this Nancy Givens?" The caller, an overly friendly sounding young man asks, to which the girl just gives a look that he can't see.
"Nope, wrong number."
"Oh, sorry." The man sheepishly apologizes, but doesn't hang up the phone just yet. "Who am I speaking to?" He then asks her, causing her to make a weird face at the fact she just told her 'wrong number.'
"Becky. Who's this?"
"Are you over eighteen, Becky?" The man then queries, to which the girl rolls her eyes.
"That's good enough for me." The caller comments with a small chuckle. Having finished with the tomatoes, Becky grabs some berries in a bowl and sets them on the kitchen island. "Hey, I'm calling from your local service provider with a seasonal survey for our customers."
"Uh, I'm really busy...." Becky mentions with a tone of voice that tries to politely shoot the caller down, not interested in hearing his pitch. After all, she wanted to use the one night she had to the house without getting involved in adult stuff. That's her parents job, isn't it?
"It's just a few questions." The caller assures her before practically insisting on talking to her, apparently not taking no with an answer just yet. "Let's start with....... WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE SCARY MOVIE?!"
With that sudden change of tone, Becky's environment freezes, until a figure runs across the there windows of the dining room right next to her, causing her to snap her head back with a gasp. She stares at it for a couple more seconds..... nothing, kind of like she got to see a ghost for two seconds of her life.
"L-Look, don't call back, okay?" Becky shakingly demands from the prankster on the other line, before hanging up the phone and setting it back down on the island. Kind of embarrassed she fell for a trick so early in the nigh-
Hearing her front doorbell ring right after causing her to jump in fright. During which though, she accidently cuts her thumb with the kitchen knife, causing her to hiss as she puts her mouth on it, hoping she won't need a band aid for it. "Damn it...." She whispers to herself in frustration, thinking she'd have taught herself knife safety better after the affair woman in Candyman showed a poor example of it.
Taking her robe off, she then walks over to the front door, opens it....
And sees a little boy in a Father Death costume. Well, she doesn't exactly know that yet. "What are you supposed to be?" The girl asks the child with an amused smirk, who just stays completely silent as he tilts his head at her. "I'm Florance Nightengale." Becky tells him, strutting her hair as she shows off her own costume that, at first glance, seems to pretty much be a simple nurse outfit.
The boy still doesn't say anything, just tilts his head back to straight. Becky, not seeing any kind of joke, squints at him expectingly. "Aren't you supposed to trick me or something?" She asks the kid, now ready for it after that dumb phone call she just had.
The boys silently nods in response.... before pulling out a hunting knife.
At the sight of this, Becky screams right before it strikes her chest..... and does no damage, just unbuttons the top of her outfit.
The girl exhales before giggling a bit as the knife reveals to be a fake, a really good fake, as it seems to have the ability to retract into itself to sell the idea of someone getting stabbed. "Careful.... I paid a lot for these bad boys." Becky remarks before grabbing the bowl she had on the console table.
The boy finally breaks his silence, laughing like the little devil he is while taking the TWINS bar in the bowl. "Trick or treat!" The boy howls at her before taking off, still laughing in accomplishment of his little prank.
"Happy Halloween, punk."
With that over with, Becky then closes her door and turns around....
Only to find another kid right behind her.
"Shit!" Becky uncontrollably swears as she jumps in fright, having not expected anyone to be in the house but her. She glances over to see that one of her dining room windows is now open, apparently, the kid took advantage of her answering the front door to sneak in.
"W-What are you doing here, uh....." She eyes the boy's costume, but has no idea who he's supposed to be. "Whatever you are?"
Once again, this child doesn't give any kind of verbal response, this one makes her unable to help but roll her eyes. "Come on, this isn't funny. I'm not falling for another trick, three times in a row." She tells him before walking over to him with the intention of kicking him out. "And get the heck of here! Didn't your parents tell you it's illegal to-"
Before she can even put a hand on him, she feels a sharp pain in her gut..... one that would belong to a blade. The boy doesn't show any kind of change in posture, only tilting her head at her in a similar way the previous boy did, only much more robotically.
Her body shaking, she then slowly glances down.... and sees her own kitchen knife implanted into her stomach. In front of her very eyes, it's then slowly pulled out by the kid. The kid, who didn't hesitate in doing this.
Grabbing her new fleshly hole that's now having a blood leaking problem, she barely sees the boy raising his knife again, and stabs her a second time. This time, in the shoulder. This prompts a scream from the teenage girl. But due to the house's walls, it's barely audible to anyone outside.
He then stabs her again.....
And again....
And again......
And again.....
To the point he loses count. By the time he's finished, the girl is literally covered in her own crimson liquid, not a single spot clean. Not even her 'bad boys'.
The boy, the little kid who committed this murder, shows no emotion, no anxiety, no regret. He just walks away.
That was his second kill that night, thinking that it was the right thing to do. Maybe that lady felt the opposite, that she wanted to live.
But really.....
That didn't matter.
For one last time, he raises his knife again, and....
Atlanta, Georgia: Eight Years Later
That was pretty much the catalyst of everything that happened forward. There's more to the story than that obviously, that girl wasn't just stabbed for now particular reason. But for now, it's somewhat clear what made Y/N L/N get use to killing people. People may say it's dark, but in a place like Atlanta Georgia, you had to have that cold side of yours to survive if you went through the wrong alley or something.
In fact, those other sides of the story are what inspired them to sow in those little seeds of discomfort, fear, and anger. That's right, he said 'them'. Who is them? You'll see.
Y/N is currently waiting in the line in front of Weaver High School, definitely one of the many cons in living in this side of town. Due to being in a rough neighborhood, schools like this decide to take a physical approach to security. We're talking almost everything in the book, cameras metal detectors. You'd think you were entering an airport instead of, well.... you know, a school with teenagers, a quarter of which are minors.
Hearing rapid footsteps scrap the concrete, he turns around to see Deion Elliot running into the front moments before the bus pulls up and enters parking mode. Dang, he engaged in a race with a moving vehicle and won? That's kind of impressive, kind of, because it's a Bus, not a sports car.
"Hey, yo." Y/N quickly taps on the guy next to him, Hawkins, who he knows is the man's practical best friend. "Look who it is!" He gets his attention as he nods over to the famous athlete who's finally arrived. "Fucking D-Day...."
"Well, shit, had me worried he was gonna be late or something." Hawkins comments in response, since the guy normally takes the bus himself as well. "Hey, yo, Deion!" The guy calls out to his buddy, nodding him over. "Man, get up here where you belong, bruh." He invites him over to cut, to which Y/N steps back to allow him the place in front of him.
"What's good Hawkins?" Deion greets back with the similar enthusiasm. "What's up, Y/N?"
"Sup, man." Y/N greets as the two share their bro handshake. While Hawkins and Deion are more genuine due to being on the same team, he and Y/N are arguably friends by circumstance. Though, that doesn't mean they don't show respect to each other.
"What's good?"
"Man, you are, D-Day. Like, too good. That's why I got twelve carries in the past four years." Hawkins jokingly quips causing Y/N to chuckle at how easily willing he is to compliment his friend's skills. "Being your backup is really harshing my chances with the ladies, you know what I'm saying?"
"Suck up...." Y/N comments with a smile while shaking his head. "It's not like you get any, anyway, what with how you run across the field like a clown with his shoes on fire."
"Man, fuck you." Hawkins says while playfully punching Y/N in the shoulder while the guy laughs at him like a teasing asshole. "You barely watch the games, anyway, since you're too busy smoking it up behind the bleachers."
"Come on, you guys both know it's not like that." Deion humbles the two of them and himself with a wave off. "Look, if it was, I'd have more than just San Deigo State trying to see me play next week."
"VIP treatment." Another student chimes in, and the three turn to see Beth, one of the school's goth girls with the personality to fit her appearance. She's also Y/N's number two, if you know what I'm saying. "Must be nice...." She sarcastically remarks, with the two athletes giving her a look as to asking why she's smoking at the side of the building instead of joining the line. "Takes them an hour to wand my face." She explains, gesturing towards her makeup and piercings.
"You ever think about, like, not sticking that crap in it, Beth?" Hawkins questions as he does a hand gesture to signal what he's talking about. While they're semi-distracted, Y/N takes his cue to take something out of his own pocket and slides it into Deion's, none of them being aware during the entire three seconds.
"Would you think I'm pretty then?" Beth queries while giving him a playful look, as if bitterly remarking about her old look. The woman without Repunzal's hair, that sort of thing.
"Tsk, I-I don't know. You still freaky as hell." Hawkins answers somewhat honestly as he shifts his feet a bit. "I mean, but maybe we can talk about it." He then flirts with a small smirk, only to get an eye roll from Beth in response. Yeah, probably not gonna happen.
"I say, keep it on, babe." Y/N gives his take, giving her an encouraging smirk. "Keeps the dreams, dreaming on what might happen in that spooky mansion of yours."
"Well, make sure they stay that way." Beth sarcastically replies, to which Y/N shrugs, accepting the defeat. The two aren't actually official or dating.... yet, but keeping the confident bro-like persona on helps him be the perfect contrast to Beth's more introverted nature.
"You wanna cut?" Deion then offers Beth, seemingly trying to let the girl know that he isn't always accepting the 'VIP treatment' as she pointed out earlier. "I mean, it's cool, you can take my spot."
"Telling me to cut is a bad idea." Beth declines, while giving him a kind of warning look. "Like.... really bad."
Not sure if that was supposed to be a dark joke or not, the boys just shrug as they just keep the line moving, passing the sign that strongly reminds everyone that notices it that this is a weapon-free zone. Thank you, because Y/N was wondering if he should bring a hand-held grenade for his science project or not, glad to know you care so much.
Next up, is the metal detector, the last thing needed for them to go about their day. While it's Deion's turn, his bag gets a beep from the detector, prompting the Security man to take and search through his bag. During which, the athlete realizes that there's more than just his phone in his pockets.
He pulls the lighter object out, finding a TWINS bar inside.....
"Your costume sucks, now give me your candy you loser!"
On it, is a note attached. Deion unwraps the rubber bands holding the two together and reads it.
Deion gets a very bad feeling upon seeing this, especially knowing that he did not take this candy bar with him to school.
Who the heck put it there?
Weaver High: English
That new sense of vigilance is probably why the kid isn't here for the first-class period. Cause despite having been behind him in line, Y/N makes it to English 3 way before him. It's boredom just being in the classroom due to who the teacher is, Mrs. Pell. Though, it's not like anyone else here has raised the bar here.
While everyone sits as their desks during roll call, the student behind Y/N taps him on the shoulder. His name? Eh.... honestly, he forgot. "Yo, check it out." The other guy beckons his attention to his phone, showcasing the current buzz on social media. "Mr. Fade's passing out flyers again."
"Already?" Y/N responds, raises a brow as if asking if he's being serious as he looks over and sees the post for himself. "Dude, it's a school night and two days till Halloween, why's he doing it now?"
"Beats me...."
"Y/N L/N."
"Here." Y/N responds to his name being called with an emotionless tone of voice, reaching into his phone when he gets a small ding from it.
??????: You still selling?
Y/N glances over at Mrs. Pell, who isn't paying attention, before he replies with a cool face.
You: Yeah, same spot?
??????: Yup.
You: It'll mean I have to get detention, though. You'll clean that off my record as usual, right?
??????: I will, trust me.
"Deion Elliot?" Mrs. Pell than calls for, however, she gets no response. "Deion Elliot?" She repeats, but looking over at where the guy usually sits, it's pretty clear that his seat's empty. "And that's what happens when the school makes exceptions..." She whispers to herself, but a few manage to hear her.
"I'm here, Mrs. Pell." Deion urgently announces his arrival as he runs over to the door like a hedgehog with it's fur on fire.
"You know the rules, if you're not in your seat when the bell rings...."
"I do, and I'm sorry, but Coach will murder me if I get detention." Deion pleads with her, anxiously licking his lips as he practically uses the football player card to save his hide. And thankfully for him, it works.
"Sit down, then..." The teacher reluctantly gives him a pass, and Deion takes his seat.
"That's a cool shirt!" The boy that's sitting next to Y/N from earlier loudly comments when he sees him wearing the San Deigo State words on his chest. The other guy jabs him in the side in response. "Ow...what?"
"Olivia Reynolds?" The teacher then calls for, however, despite the girl actually being there this time, she doesn't respond at first. Instead, she eyes her eyes on a different kind of ball. "Liv? Pretty sure I'm staring at you, staring at-"
"Sorry, Mrs. Pell." The girl snaps out of whatever daydream she was having. "Here, obviously." She sheepishly responds while the other students who caught her eyeing Deion smirk to each other, including the athlete.
Ah, teen attraction.....
Weaver High: Cafeteria
Now, we're at lunch time. And, well, you expect lunch time to be the only moment in school where you not only get to eat, but either be with your thoughts or just talk with your friends, nothing else disturbing the one hour and a half you have, right?
Yeah, that's not the case today.
"Now, is not the time for distraction!" A very loud girl declares through her megaphone. Yes, her megaphone. Gotta love a voice blaring into your ears while you're trying to eat, don't you think so? "My fellow students, it's time we focus. Donald Trump trying to tear us black folks down, y'all." She goes on as Deion enters the cafe and sees her standing upon the top of the staircase as if it's her stage. "Today, it's Weaver's lunch subsidy under attack. But what about tomorrow? Go see Manny and sign this petition. Make sure your voice is heard!" She exclaims. "Deion Elliot!" She calls out to the guy right as he's so close to going down the last step. "We from the same block, so don't you dare try ducking me." The girl then mentions before giving him a look.
He and the mentioned Manny who looks..... excited for this cause, share a look before the latter hands him the clipboard. "Kym's a lot to deal with sometimes, huh?" Deion quietly says to Manny, who shrugs in response.
"All the time...." Manny comments, not denying it at all. "But I still love her." He adds for clarification. The two are like peas in a pod and all that jazz. Meanwhile, the loud attraction has gotten the attention a teacher who tries to shut the whole thing down.
"A disturbance? Hell, no, Mrs. Pell. I will not be silenced!" Kym then proceeds to get into an argument with said teacher, which, you know, is pretty much expected when you try to shut a bold activist like her up. "First Amendment. Do you hear me?" She then brings up in her defense, before repeating it loudly into her megaphone. "DO YOU HEAR ME?!"
Despite her claims to the laws of America, her actions aren't winning her any points with all of the people in Weaver High. "I swear, if she keeps going any longer, I'm gonna lob my own head off..." Y/N mutters as he and the group he's with watch her with mixed reactions.
"She's loud, I'll give her that." One of the random students with him comments.
"Yeah, no kidding...." Y/N comments, before noticing a girl she recognizes very well entering the cafeteria. "Oh! There's my cue, I'll see you guys later." He tells the others before walking away with zombie hands. "Wish me luck..." He says in a Frankenstein impression while a few of the guys in the group chuckle at him.
On the other side of the room, a boy wearing headphones is less busy eating and more with messing the new song he made using his DJ equipment and a Macbook. Seeing someone the girl approach his seat, the aspiring music man takes off his headphones and gives her his full attention. "Is this seat taken?" Beth asks him.
"Um.... no." The guy awkwardly answers as he glances at the two other chairs standing next to his small table. "None of them, are, actually...." He then tells her with a sheepish tone of voice, to which the girl shows a face that's clearly wondering why she thought otherwise.
"Shocker." She sarcastically remarks before leaving the fellow introvert to his devices. Walking somewhere else, her phone is then emitting in her jacket's pocket, prompting her to take it out and see a text message.
MF: To your left, the table right next to the popular jocks.
After giving it a quick read, she turns her eyes back upwards and sees the mentioned table with Hawkins and a few other football players, then sees a lone one with only Y/N in it. He gives her a cheeky wave, and although she would usually ignore it. She kind has to approach his table and sit down across from him.
"Hey there." Y/N greets her with a tiny smirk on his face. "Did you miss me?"
"You know I don't like that fancy voice of yours." Beth quickly shoots him down, giving him a look that reminds him to talk like he's promoting a Las Vegas Cosino. "The 'hey there' works for me."
"Fair enough..." Y/N says with a small shrug, though still smirking as he's somewhat amused by her blunt speech. That's kind of why she caught his interest in the first place, because she was one of the rare few in the hood. "I'll try to keep the talk to my other quote on quote, 'friends'..... partner."
But how exactly did a guy like him click with a girl like Beth?
It's simple.
He spoke her language....
"You wanna know a secret?" Y/N pops this question out of nowhere while Beth is still working on the tattoo she's doing on his (Your Choice, and if you don't want Tattoos, too bad, it's needed for the plot, you dig?). There was literally nobody in the shop at the time, so it seemed like the best moment to do so than ever. "I stabbed my ex-babysitter to death when I was ten."
"Hmm..." Beth simply hums at this at first, genuinely smiling a bit as if she heard a joke she actually thinks is funny. Then, the moment she realizes he said that out-loud, she's unable to help but pause mid-work. "What?"
"You heard me." Y/N bluntly says to her in response, making it very clear that he didn't stutter nor did she hear him wrong. "About fifteen times, with a kitchen knife she was using to cut fruits and vegetables. It was on Halloween Night, too, so.... it was also a little risky."
"Huh...." Beth hums again, glancing down as she takes a moment to process his word. Instead of hitting him in the face, running away to go call the cops like any normal person would, she just gets right back to work as if nothing wrong was said. "So.... how did it feel?" She then asks him, mostly out of pure curiosity.
"Oh, it was great, better than little kid me ever imagined." Y/N answers with a small hint of passion in his voice. He looks up in the ceiling as he takes a step back memory lane, almost feeling like he's there right now. "It was..... when the knife went into her, it's like she wasn't even human anymore, just an animal...... And every time it went in, bit by bit, she was less and less human. And then..... she was just meat."
There's a small moment of silence as one seems to visualize that experience while another re-lives in. The tension there isn't really bread out of pure fear, but something different, something more like...... enticement.
Eventually, it's broken when the ink finishes touching his skin.... before he feels cold steal pressed against his neck, preventing him from sitting/standing up. "And why exactly are you telling me this?" Beth questions as the two share an intense stare down, with the goth crawling up towards his lap so she can hover over him with her small pocketknife grazing his flesh. "What's stopping me from doing the same thing to you, hmm?"
"I didn't come here to hurt you, sweetheart." Y/N assures her, not all that phased with the knife pressing against his skin, so close to leaking out blood. "I just wanted to ask you a question."
"Oh, yeah?" Beth raises a brow, her face leaning closer towards his to sell that menacing stare. "And what's that?"
Y/N doesn't waste a second before telling her.
"You wanna kill somebody?"
That was all it took before Beth to pull away the knife, look deep into his eyes, and kiss him.
Happy with her answer, he kissed her back.
Now, it didn't really mean anything on a personal scale. It was probably just in a heat of the moment, excitement of what could happen next, or a way to mark their partnership in a different than the cliche, shaking hands like they were politics sealing a deal with each other. Will he get to kiss her again?
Well, guess we just wait and see....
"So, what exactly am I sitting her for?" Beth then asks, breaking him out of his little flashback. "I was really hoping to be alone so I could block out everyone's annoying voice for at least thirty minutes."
"Ouch, but.... understandable." Y/N comments with a mocking hand on his chest, before he then reaches into his pocket and slides a note towards her side of the table. Squinting, she takes it and sees that it's just a squad of numbers.
"What is this?"
"The numbers to Deion's locker. School locker." Y/N answers for her, specifying that he's not talking about the room where all of the jocks are practically half-naked with each other..... though, he's pretty sure that's just a film thing. "I need you to slide this in there." He tells her, passing her another TWINS candy bar.
"Why?" Beth asks the obvious question. She knew about the one in Deion's bag, that's why she distracted them in the first place, but she still feels out of the loop in this whole plan of his.
"Because I want him to find it." Y/N answers with the obvious, to which Beth gives him a blank look. The boy then rolls his eyes in disappointment at her not liking his joke. "I want to fuck with him. He's the one, partner, I can see it."
"Because you almost ruined his life eight years ago?" Beth correctly guesses, sort of, before shrugging. "Didn't I tell you how these movies work? We need a final girl, not a final guy."
"Ash Willaims was an amazing final guy, thank you very much." Y/N quickly retorts with an almost offended look on his face. "And Tommy Jarvis too, for that matter."
"Whatever...." Beth says with a mental eye roll before taking both things and tucking them somewhere in her pockets or bag. "This better be worth it...."
"Oh, Beth..... I'm just trying to keep things interesting." Y/N tells her, while giving her a look that's almost challenging her to claim otherwise. After a few seconds, the man stands up from his spot on the table. "Trust me, when the first...." He pauses-mid sentence, quickly remembering a small detail. "Second body drops, we'll be on the same page."
"Right...." Beth slowly nods at this, her face blank to hide if she's feeling skeptical, or faithful in him. "You should tell me about that, by the way, I want to hear the details." She then drops a request for him, to which Y/N smirks.
"For sure."
He then walks away, giving the girl her wanted space.
Meanwhile, just a few steps away, is Liv Reynolds from English class, currently getting hit on by Weaver High's quarterback, Avery Collins. "Babe, Homecoming Week is coming up, and I know you're new here and all, but you're supposed to wear my jersey to the game." He declares to her, sliding it in front of her. "It's tradition."
"Yeah, well, it's too bad I'm not traditional, then." Liv quips as she gives him a tiny smirk, clearly not that into him. Though, it's possible she might be liking the attention, that's what the other players at the table seem to think.
"Come on, we've been circling each other since the day you set foot in this school." Avery 'mention's, seemingly knowing her thing for football players. "You and me getting together, it's destiny."
"Yeah, well, I'll think about it." Liv off-handedly says with a shrug while Hawkins mentally laughs at Avery's poetic choice of words. "And until we do, don't call me 'babe'."
Avery, a little disappointed by this kind of response, looks over and sees a familiar face crossing the cafeteria, giving him an idea. "Hey, Deion!" He calls the guy's name, waving him over. "Come here, I need you."
"What's up?"
"Liv, meet the second-best player on the team." Avery introduces him a sassy tone of voice when he says 'second'. Deion and Liv then glance at each for more than just two seconds, one second longer than necessary.
"The second best? Who we got better than D-Day?" Hawkins questions while laughing outloud, until Avery gives him a look. "Oh, you mean you..... right...."
"I was trying to get Liv to wear my Jersey to the game, and I was hoping the great Deion Elliot would do me a solid and...." Avery says with a face that helps him catch on to what's happening. "Put it in a word."
"Oh, yeah, yeah. If I was you, I would definitely take that jersey." Deion quickly nods, easily putting a little show for his 'buddy', if the guy really wants to pretend that they are that. Avery, hearing this, then turns back to Liv with a big grin on his face. "I mean, it's the cleanest one on the team, so...."
"Oh, why is that?" Liv queries him with a raised brow.
"All's Avery does is hand the rock off to me. Ain't that right, Avery?" Deion quips, to which Hawkins uncontrollably snickers and does the guy next to him. Avery, on the other hand, gives him a obviously fixed smile, not all that impressed. "Nice to officially meet you." The guy then proceeds to flirt with the girl by handing her an apple with the guy she was chatting up with right in front of them.
"Um...." Liv stutters a bit in response, not really able to form one as Deion walks away, having pretty much stole the show no matter what Avery tries to do next.
That's totally not gonna start something later.....
Weaver High: Hallway
A few hours later, Deion's now heading to his Locker to prepare for his next class. He's never got anything weird again after that candy bar he got in his bag during the beginning of the day. Nobody else's been acting weird, so.... maybe someone was just playing a prank with him. Or, so he thinks.
That is, until-
"Hey!" Deion exclaims as he's suddenly taken off-guard by the wails coming from the megaphone pointed directly at his ear. "Kym. Come on, we came to Weaver to get away from the sirens."
"Yeah, Weaver's supposed to be different. But I just got a detention from Mrs. Pell. " Kym shares with him in a bitter voice, the funny smirk she easily had on her face coming off fairly quickly. "So right now, it feels pretty much the same."
"Well, dang, I'm sorry." Deion comments, now showing a more sympathetic look after seeing how bumped out she is about it. "You good?"
"I'm curious." Kym then says as she then looks at him with a teasing smile. "Who's wearing your jersey to the game today, D-Day?" She queries, quickly redirecting the topic, causing Deion to chuckle. "Other girls are asking me, is all."
"Ah, well, tell them other girls that it's nothing personal, but only one who gets to wear my jersey is my mom." Deion answers her, deciding to play along with her excuse. It's true, though. Nobody else in the world deserve it more than the person who raised and cared for him his entire life.
"That's a mistake." Kym comments with a small hum, to which Deion raises a brow at her. "You just made them want it more." She quips with a smirk before walking away, heading off to her original destination before the bell rings.
"Oh...." Deion silently utters, letting out another chuckle as he gets back to entering the last few numbers of his locker's code. "Interesting...."
He then finally gets the darn thing open......
Finding yet, another TWINS Candy bar inside.
"No.... I got you."
Blinking to make sure his eyes aren't deceiving him, Deion slowly reaches his hand over and feels the plastic wrapper, perfectly real. Why is he being given another one? Seeing another note attached, he takes off the rubber band and unwraps it, finding a different message inside. This one.... inviting him to meet his writer.
Parking Garage. After School.
Deion looks up, left and right, nobody in sight. As much as he hates to admit it....
He'd be lying if he said he didn't want to know who's messing with him.
Weaver High: Hallway
Meanwhile, Y/N is also opening his own locker, though he can guarantee that there's not going to be any candy bars from a traumatizing point of his childhood inside. He's been really anxious in an excited way about wearing that costume again, especially after what happened yesterday. He didn't really get to show it off during that time.
Now, while it's original name is still 'Father Death', it eventually went back to being called 'Ghostface' after a secret couple went crazy and killed their own friend group as well as some cops. It was all the way back in California, though, so that kind of stuff isn't really influential over here.
Finally getting his locker open, he's very satisfied when he finds his taser inside, untouched. Y/N smirks as the phrase about people still checks out to this day, they're all one pay-to-win scheme. Most of them, anyway. Because, let's face it, you would slap a baby for ten billion dollars, wouldn't you?
Slightly interrupting him, Y/N hears his phone ringing and pulls it out to see what's up. He thinks it's his mutual friends at first, but gets to see that it's his dad instead. Sighing in frustration, the guy just declines, ignoring whatever minor thing he wanted to 'talk' with him about before grabbing the taser and sliding it in his backpack.
Closing it and continuing onward, he's slightly jump scared when Beth appears from around the corner like the void was on the other side. "Geez!" Y/N jumps as his mind was currently occupied at that moment. "And what are you, fucking Micheal Myers or something?"
"Micheal Myers is a pussy compared to me, trust me on that." Beth easily shoots back with a face that seems very confident in that statement. "I heard you got detention." She then brings up, looking him up and down as if wondering what he's got under his clothes. "What for?"
"Oh, simple misunderstanding, that's all." Y/N dismisses with a small shrug, treating it like no big deal since he knows that the people in this school won't stab him in the back. "What about you? Last I checked, smoking wasn't allowed on school grounds."
"Didn't break anything, those assholes just love putting a 'freak' like me in for the slightest inconvenience." Beth responds with a non-bothered look, probably used to it by now. Y/N would comment that maybe it would help if she played a little nicer, but he knows her, she hates being hypocritical to herself. "So.... where are you going? Didn't think you'd need a locker for anything now that class's over."
"Still doing what I said I'd be doing." Y/N answers calmly, giving her a sanguine smirk before walking down the hall.
"Cool, I'll come with you." Beth simply states as she begins following him with a simple switch in her mind telling her to do so. Y/N gives her a look in response to this.
"Uh, don't want to burst your bubble or anything, but we're not, like, going to kill anybody yet." Y/N informs the girl, knowing that she's been waiting for it all month. All that's really gonna happen is he's gonna mess with him in the school's parking garage, probably set off a few car alarms, that sort of thing.
"I don't mind." Beth easily replies while giving him a blank look, pretty much saying that she's not taking no for an answer. "You can also tell me about Tommy Jenkins on our way there." She then adds. Y/N sighs at the girl's stubbornness, but respects her putting her own foot down as she clearly doesn't just want to be an accomplice.
"Fine....... So, basically, what happened was...."
Atlanta Hood: One Day Ago
It was down on the poorest side of the poor town, which is saying something. A car drives down the street before eventually pulling up to what looks like an old motel kind of place, having never been re-painted, re-checked or anything, and has an old looking man living on a bed right by the front door.
Parking in front of it, the driver, TJ, who's car has a Mickey Mouse-looking hand on both of it's rear-view mirrors to make it look like it belongs to a wanna be uber company, looks around the place before pulling out his phone, opening up the text app.
You: Hey, it's TJ, your driver. I think I'm outside your place.
Marcus: I'm in a wheelchair. Could you please help me?
Seriously? Does that mean he needs a driver every time he needs to get out? Mentally sighing, TJ doesn't really have a reason to say no, so he steps out of the car. He slowly steps forward as he looks around, the vibes radiating off of this place doesn't really make him feel calm in the slightest. Yet again, he needs the money.
Making sure he's at the right place, since the building looks abandoned, he cautiously approaches the old man sitting on the bed. "Hey, there, I'm looking for a Marcus?" He asks as calmly as he can, though his breathing betrays him a little bit.
The man, who seems either too weak or something to be able to even speak, only points towards the empty doorway to the abandoned building, which has no door mind you. Apparently, this really is the place. Taking a deep breath, he slowly walks into the building....
Whatever he finds inside, is enough to make him run right back out and quickly get back into his car without a client in sight. None of that shit is worth it, not even the money. He rather keep breathing more. He shakingly pulls out his phone to give his creepster the bad news.
You: Sorry dude. Zero stars.
Now getting his hands on the wheel and shifting the gear out of park, he then turns around, ready to leave....
And sees a stranger in the backseat.
Tommy doesn't even have time to blink before Ghostface swiftly pokes a hole in his throat with his knife. As the guy's voice becomes raspy as he fails a yell, the killer grabs a bag and puts it over his head just as fast, preventing him from spraying any of it on the inside of the car, and more importantly, getting on his mask.
His victim frantically struggles, kicking his feet and flaring his arms around which hit the horn a couple times, but due to the fast blood lost, he doesn't have any use and eventually, his body goes limp. The bag is now pretty much inflated with how much blood it's holding, though, a few drips leak over and stain his neck and shirt.
It doesn't matter, though.
No one will miss this piece of shit.
Weaver High: Present Day
After getting two TWINS candy bars two times in a row, it's clear that whoever's sending these to Deion knows what it means to him the dark secret they carry in his personal life. Someone is trying to send a message to make him take it seriously, and although it sucks to feel manipulated, he's gotta admit that it's working.
Going up the stairs and opening the doors to the parking garage, Deion marches around the concrete ground, trying to find his personal stalker. "I got your stupid notes! Now what?!" He shouts out, his voice emitting a big echo. "You scared, huh?" He attempts to taunt the person into revealing themselves as he patrols the entire garage, not wanting to be a puppet in a master's game. "Look, I ain't got time for games. You got two minutes to show!"
Those words were, seemingly, enough to get his jester's ear, as within seconds of yelling, his phone suddenly starts ringing. He almost jumps at it due to the echo making it much louder than it needs to be. It's coming from an unknown number, but giving the least likely chances of a coincidence, he answers it. "Hello?"
"Hello, Deion." A male stranger's voice, deep, grunting, and menacing, greets him on the other end. "Or should I call you..... D-Day?"
"Man, where are you?" Deion questions the man in a slightly frustrated voice, getting the hint that this definitely is the person messing with him. "Too scared to show yourself?"
"Oh, Deion, haven't you seen my scary movies?" The stranger then queries him with a somewhat boasting tone of voice. "Maybe if you did, you would know that this is how I operate, gotta keep the scene exciting somehow, don't I?"
"This ain't no damn movie scene, creep." Deion retorts with a slight seethe that rolls off his tongue. "Listen, you better give me a damn good reason not to walk away, right now."
The stranger seems to chuckle at this. "You scared, D-Day? Scared that you walked into a parking garage? A dark, empty parking garage? Alone? Or just did you not like those treats I sent you, hmm? Don't have the Halloween spirit in you?" The stranger then teases, poking the bear without caring if he gets bitten. "I don't blame you, TWIN Bars.... they are just like frigile little bones. One little snap, and they break so easily....... pop, pop, pop, pop, pop......."
"Hey man, I ain't playing these games!" Deion barks at the caller, breaking him out of his horrible imagery. "What the hell do you want?!"
"What a person like me should've been doing back in December, twenty, 1996." The caller responds with a slight growl. "I'm going to take this fake town and peel off all of it's layers, one strip after another...... starting with Weaver High's famous footballer..... Deion Elliot."
"The fuck are you-"
The abrupt noise of a car horn blaring cuts Deion off, before he glances down at his phone and sees that his weirdo caller has hung up on the line. Not wanting to just stand there, he walks over to investigate it, and seeing a car that ain't his alone on the floor one ramp above his.
Then, his eye catches a boot........ and he looks upward...... seeing a man in a very recognizable costume.
Deion jumps and takes a step back at the sight of Father Death, who then dashes over and disappears behind a pillar. This prompts D-Day to run over across the railing to catch him, but by the time he's up and around, the figure's disappeared.
The car's alarm's still going off though, so Deion walks around and inspects it to see if he can find the cause or if the stranger hid in there. After a few seconds however, it stops with a small beep, usually from the car's key's. "You messing with my ride, Elliot?" Avery Collins marches up to him, looking very pissed.
"You messing with me, Collins?" Deion shoots back with the same temper.
"What are you talking about? We just got here." Avery questions him while a brow as if wondering if the guy has started losing his mind after he saw him in the cafeteria.
"Who's we?" Deion asks, just as the door to the stairs behind Avery opens, showing, to the man's surprise, Liv Reynolds walking up to them, apparently having come with the man he was rejecting hours before.
"Hey, you okay, Deion?" Liv softly asks as she joins the conversation, noticing the haunted expression on D-Day's face. "What happened?"
"Nothing I can't handle...." Deion quietly answers as a way to shrug it off, now feeling a little antsy about sharing what happened with people he don't really know.
"That's how you roll, right?" Avery sarcastically comments to this, giving Deion a very bitter look with his eyes that could potentially be becoming green. "If it was up to D-Day, he'd do everything himself. Wouldn't even need a team."
"You don't know me, Avery." Deion tells the man with a shake of his head, their true feelings of each other now making themselves known now that they're in a non-public space. "I can promise you that."
"I know we've been playing ball together for fours years, and you care about is racking up them yards and getting that golden ticket to some fancy collage." Avery remarks with venom in his voice. "The truth is, you'd really have it by now if they really wanted you."
"Avery, stop."
"Liv, please stay out of this, okay? T-This argument has been a long time coming, way before you ever stepped foot in school and Deion started making eyes at you." Avery pleads to his (date?), his voice and body practically shaking with all of the piss water he shoots out of is mouth. "You don't even care if we win or lose, do ya?" The man then accuses with a glare. "As long as you get yours, to hell with your teammates."
"Oh, but you care about them boys?" Deion shoots back with a skeptical glint in his eye, calling out Avery on his hypocrisy. This causes the white man to get in his face with a heated glare.
"What's that supposed to mean?
"It means I see you for who you really are." Deion tells Avery with a very intent look, meaning that he's sticking to that claim. He's seen the jealousy radiating off of him from day one, and it's not the first time someone hated him because of his skill. "Yeah, maybe the others don't, but I do."
"You know what I see?" Avery seethes, not taking his accusations very well. "Weaver bent the rules to let you come here and you don't fit." He almost spits in his face. "Football's all you got, and you know I got options, and it eats you up inside."
"Seriously, guys, stop." Liv finally breaks up the confrontation, splitting the two apart before someone says something that could cross the line. "Shouldn't you be saving this for the other team?"
"Yeah...." Deion slowly nods, the two still glaring at each other, but he at least knows that he shouldn't take this kind of talk from someone who has it easy, like Avery. "Yeah, I gotta go to practice." He mentions, mentally struggling not to bump shoulders with him as he passes.
"Hey, enjoy the walk!" Avery taunts as he watches Deion walk towards the stairs. "Maybe once you stop leeching off of Y/N, your broke ass will have a car one day, too."
"Leave him alone, Avery." Liv criticizes the jock, stopping him from getting his car as she gives him a judging glare. "Why are you being such a dick?"
"Why are you defending him?!" Avery eventually snaps at Liv, causing Deion to stop in his tracks and turn right back around, sensing another one of his rival's temper tantrums brewing. "You're supposed to be with me."
"I'm not supposed to be anything." Liv retorts with a not-so-pleased look. "You don't own me."
"It probably wouldn't take much, though, would it?" Avery then harshly remarks with an undeserved smirk, obviously the worst thing a man could say to the person he's been trying to win over.
"You know what?" Liv, understandably not happy with that kind of comment, grabs the football player's jersey and angrily throws it right back at Avery, severing the tie between them. "I'm leaving."
"The hell you are! Unh,unh." Avery barks before abruptly grabbing the girl by her wrists very roughly, preventing her from walking away. This is what prompts Deion to finally march back and without warning, grabs the man by his uniform.
"Try that on me on me, huh?!" Deion shouts as he shoves him away from Liv and slams his back against his car, pinning him down. However, the moment is then made even worse thanks to Earth's most infamous element, bad timing.
Teachers, and other students then begin entering the parking garage, one of them eventually noticing the confrontation going on. "What's going on here?" Mrs. Pell loudly questions, making her presence known as she enters the situation.
"I-I don't know, ma'am." Avery instantly answers as he gets Deion off of him and pretends to shake as he steps away. "I-I was on my way to practice when Deion assaulted me for no reason." He very blatantly lies to the teacher in front of the two's faces, except to the woman herself.
"That's a lie, Avery started it!" Liv quickly jumps to Deion's defense, a little shaken up from having been so forcefully grabbed.
"Well, I'm finishing it." Mrs. Pell declares as she turns to the student she feels on punishing. "This was your second chance, Mr. Elliot. Please report to detention."
"That's not fair, you didn't see what happened!"
"And if you're so keen on Mr. Elliot, I think it's best you accompany him." Mrs. Pell then replies to the girl, instantly shutting her down. "Detention you two, now."
With it clear that there's the outcome's not gonna change, Elliot and Reynolds reluctantly head back the way they came, into the school building where they originally left. Before doing so, though, the latter glares at Avery who does his best to avoid eye contact with him while entering his car. He pegged the quarterback for many things.
But a coward wasn't expected to join the list.
Weaver High: Library
Now, we're at the eventual part of the school day that's been constantly mentioned for what must be a reason. Yes, getting put here may mean that Y/N has a slightly harder time to fuck with Deion Elliot, but maybe, fate is just being a kind one by having the athlete join them. Guess they'll just have to see what happens.
"I told you it wasn't gonna be that bloody...." Y/N reminds Beth as they walk to detention together, the goth now out of her costume she scared Deion with, meanwhile, the male was on the phone with his intimidating words. "It would've been a miracle if we had time to even take a slice at him."
"I thought it was still fun." Beth comments with a small shrug, to which Y/N admittedly nods in agreement, he wouldn't have done it otherwise. "Besides, now I know that the costume suits me very well. All that's left is me wonder if I can kill somebody with it."
"Oh, I think you'll get your chance sooner than later." Y/N hints at with a small brow movement, almost teasing the goth when she glances at him. "Tonight's gonna be wild anyway, so...... could be wild-er, if that makes any sense."
"And you forgive me if I don't instantly take your word on that?" Beth then queries, which catches Y/N's attention as she turns back towards her.
"What do you mean by that?" Y/N questions her as he's almost offended by what he's suspecting she's playfully accusing him of. "I told you about what happened to Tommy, just like I said I would, when did you start doubting me?"
"That's just it, rich boy, I've been told about these things." Beth points out as she turns to her with a kind of spicy addition to her expression, yet demeaning. "I haven't seen them, makes me wonder when you're gonna stop messing with me and show me that Darth Vader inside you....."
She messes with his shirt a bit before then walking away to step into the library. Y/N, usually keeping a chill face, can't help but feel bothered by this as he glances down, looking at his reflection made through the ceiling's lights. She's.... questioning him? Or is she challenging him?
Nevertheless, why does he feel poked by it?
Trying his best to move those thoughts aside, he eventually joins in on the detention as well, seeing a few familiar faces. That inspiring DJ, Manny, and..... Kym. Oh dear lord, he takes it all make, this was a fucking mistake.
Okay, okay, that aside, he sets himself down in front of a random table, knowing Beth isn't going to want him to join her since that'll make them look like 'friends', oh boy, does he not want that. Friends, am I right? They're so random and..... weird. Anyway, he ends up having the one next to the kid with headphones on, seeing him as the quiet type.
But, that aside, after a few seconds that feels like forever, Y/N still decides to kill time by talking to the one person he doesn't know in this room anyway. "Hey, dude." He whispers over, getting his attention.
"What's up?"
"What are you in for?" He questions like a prisoner asking his own kind. He pretty much knows the reason for everyone else except him. "Played a rap song without the headphones connected?"'
"N-No, I just, um....." The guy stutters at first, glancing down as he tries to find a way to explain this. "Well.... it's not actually that bad, but-"
Before he can finish, the door to the library opens and out comes the teacher who's been forced to tend to the day's troublemakers. Guess embarrassing stories will have to wait. The man doesn't even glance in their direction as he holds up a clipboard with one hand only.
"Okay, welcome to detention. My name is Mr. Finch.... blah, blah, blah." The man introduces himself with the same amount of enthusiasm as someone who reacted to Tina Shepard and Nick Rogers having their first kiss. "Look, I'm not gonna stand here and read off all your names, mainly because they're so complicated." The teacher just straight up concedes trying, the comment causing Y/N to raise a brow at him as he thought Y/N wouldn't be so, given who's talking. After he's finished with his 'lecture', the kid raises his hand. "What do you want, Tattoo(s)?"
"How'd you get a job as a teacher?" Y/N asks Mr. Finch with a look that's earnestly curious how he pulled it off. His apathy rivals his own, which is saying something if you knew his beliefs.
"It's Atlanta, kid, take a few guesses." Mr. Finch responds with a knowing look and some sass, to which Y/N just shrugs in response, deciding to just accept that as an answer. Then, the kid next to Y/N raises his hand next. "Yes, Headphones?"
"It's Amir, Amir Ayoub, actually." The kid then finally says his name, only for the teacher to give him a blank look in response.
"Thanks for proving my point."
"I work at my parents' donut shop after school." Amir then explains his situation to the teacher, hopefully he can get a break due to it being a family matter. "They really need my help. I'm only here on a technicality-"
"I don't care." Mr. Finch immediately shoots him down, and his face says it all. Yup, right off the bat.
"Cool, cool...." Amir, slightly embarrassed, just accepts defeat as he slithers back down to his seat, a few of his fellow students give him a look of sympathy after which.
"Yeah, I don't care why any of you are here." Mr. Finch then lets it be known to the rest of the people in this room, talking to them as if they're in a temporary prison cell than detention, which, technically, is pretty much the same. "It's my job simply to make sure you do your time."
"And that there is the problem with this school." Kym abruptly chimes in with a strong point in his direction. "And society!"
"Oh boy, here we go...." Y/N mutters as he covers his face with his heads, mentally tired of this part, the others encouraged to do the same.
"Kym, don't start, please." Manny tries calming her down before she goes off on another rant, followed by a nod from the teacher.
"I'd listen to your gay, BFF."
"B-F-F." Kym immediately corrects him, almost as if being offended for her friend, since he clearly isn't, or is just used to being labled that by now. "The gay is always silent, unless he doesn't want it to be."
"All right, I can speak for myself-" Manny tries once again stop her, but fails for second medal too.
"But you don't. And Fitch needs to know that people are more than their sexual orientation." Kym continues on, still going off as if something's going to be accomplished. You know, Y/N wonders if there's an Attendant that allows him to put her head underwater until the bubbles stop. (I loved that joke too much, I had to bring it back.)
Fitch opens his mouth, probably to just say 'you finished?' before being stopped by the door opening once again, and seeing Deion Elliot and Liv Reynolds walk in, joining the party. "Ah! Great, the jock and the cheerleader. Now it's a real Breakfast Club."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Kym questions with a pointed look, instantly jumping the gun on suspecting something.
"It means, 'shut the fuck up' Kym!" Y/N instantly and somewhat rudely quips with a voice that is just done with listening to her 'speech' at this point. "How does she do it, Amir?" He then whispers to Headphones, who does want to be involved in this.
"Oh, now you gone done it-!"
"Okay, okay!" Manny quickly stops Kym from throwing the book she quickly grabs, reminding her where they are currently right now. "Let's just chill out for like, ten seconds...."
"But hey, if you wanna earn yourselves some more time....." Mr. Finch adds, mostly looking towards Y/N and Kym. "I'm sure the family table would greatly appreciate it."
"Mr. Fitch...." Deion Elliot then gets the teacher's attention before they can go on any further. "I-I can't be here right now. Okay? I got-" He tries pleading his case, only for the man to snap his fingers and glance at Amir and Y/N.
"He doesn't care." The two technical adults simultaneously relay the information to the player, who gets the message and mentally sighs.
"And now that that's settled, I have papers to grade. I'll be back at four...." Mr. Finch boredly does the dismissive protocol he's probably repeated a dozen times over, handing Deion and Liv the clipboard so they can sign it and put it somewhere else. "And if anyone needs anything, talk to Gene Simmons over there. She's done this more than I have." He points over to Beth, who take her eye away from her book to give him a fixed smile of innocence. Though, personally to Y/N, he felt like Mudvayne, Slipknot, or Static X would've made more sense as a reference.
While Amir goes to fetch a laptop so he can actually google what the Breakfast Club reference was for, and everyone else does their own thing, Deion and Liv walk off towards a couple shelfs, wanting to speak privately for some reason. This doesn't go unnoticed by Y/N, who glances around before subtly pulling out his phone....
"Hey.... who are these kids?" Liv asks Deion as she scans all of them and their mannerisms. The goth girl void of any possible emotion, the timid kid who seems anxious about any kind of human contact, the two best friends who seem the most casual, and the kid with Y/H hair, now appearing more calm in a slightly uncomfortable way, especially with how snappish he was two minutes ago. "I've never seen them before."
"Well, they all been here." Deion tells Liv with a small shrug. As mentioned earlier, he lives around the same block as Kym, which by default, has resulted in him talking with Manny a couple times. He's occasionally seen Beth and Amir during a moment or whatever, and Y/N.... well, Y/N shares Deion's popularity, though in a slightly different way. Still, he doesn't exactly know them that well as he does Hawkins or Avery. "You just ain't noticed 'cause you've been the 'It Girl' around these hallways since you moved to A this year."
"Well, last I checked, you and I never really had a conversation, so I don't think the 'It Girl' label really applies." Liv responds to Deion's teasing remark with one of her own.
"Oh, well, last time I checked, you were definitely taking Avery's jersey and getting into his car." Deion points out with a slightly snarky face, wondering what the blonde eventually did to win over aside from being the quarterback and having a vehicle. "And that's a deal breaker."
"Well, you judgement is clearly better than mine." Liv sarcastically replies, though with a sheepish tone that says 'touché'. "But that doesn't make him my boyfriend." She then claims to which Deion gives her a skeptical brow. "I might have grabbed your number from one of the other cheerleaders. So I'll just send you my info, just in case..."
"Oh, oh! Okay, yeah...." Deion nods with an amused look on his face, trying not to chuckle at how obvious she's being yet trying to hide it. At that specific moment, he gets a ding from his phone and pulls it out, assuming it to be Liv's text.... he was wrong.
No Caller ID: Got interrupted earlier. Come to the locker room. Now.
His stalker.....
"Hey, are you..... are you okay?" Liv nervously asks him, noticing the way his expression drops the second he puts his eyes on his phone. Deion doesn't respond, still mentally pondering whether or not he wants to accept this person's shaky demand. Maybe he thought he could handle it, or wanted to prove to himself that he wasn't scared by anything, but he types out a response in a way that almost challenges the stalker.
You: OMW. Be there this time.
"I'm sorry. I-I-I didn't mean to creep you out."
"No, no, no, it-it-it-it's not....." Deion quickly shakes his head, snapping back to the girl that's right in front of him. "It's cool. I just gotta take care of something." He tells her, walking away before Liv can even say anything to that.
Seeing him scurry off, Y/N then glances back down at his phone and switches to a different contact.
You: Hey, mind getting me out of Detention? We got another buyer.
S: Already coming, don't fret, man.
You: Catching on fairly easily, huh?
S: Would've made it this long if I didn't.
"Okay, so the Breakfast Club is a comedy from a hundred years ago about a group of white kids from different cliques who get thrown in detention together." Amir, having now found the movie, is now sharing it with everybody else, getting Y/N's attention off of his phone. "Eighty-nine percent on Rotten Tomatoes."
"It's better than it sounds." Beth comments, now sitting on a bookshelf near the always open window of the library, smoking yet another cig. Guess the idea is that most of the smoke will fly out the window so none of the teachers catch he scent the next day. "Maybe my favorite film."
"Okay, unless there's a slasher plotline I failed to notice, that was probably your most obvious lie today." Y/N quickly calls her out after having a laugh. Beth just gives him a look, thinking it was a little funny. "Besides, you can't trust Rotten Tomatoes, half of the critics there are just grumpy old men wearing their pants the wrong way, calling out every 'non-creative' thing they find. Only thing that would impressed them now is a were-cow or something...."
"True...." Amir slightly nods.
"Finch is right, though, the seven of us pretty much cover the nauseating range of high school stereotypes." Beth does mention, showcasing her knowledge of pretty much everyone else given her sit and see approach to everybody..... most people, anyway.
"It says there's only five characters in the movie." Amir points out though, to which Y/N elbows him in the shoulder with a face that asks 'who gives a crap'? "S-Six works, t-though. It's better actually...."
"Let me guess, no gays?" Manny correctly guesses as he gets the small bit of hair out of his face, showing a disappointed look.
"Oh, most definitely not." Y/N confirms with a shake of his head. "But, if you want an accurate representation of yourself, I'd check out that movie about the teenager who's brain gets put in a robotic dinosaur." He suggests though with a small grin, licking his teeth. Manny gives him a pointed look that suspects he meant that as a snide comment. "Sorry...."
"The jock, princess, the geek,....." Beth lists down, her eyes point to Amir, who looks somewhat offended at being declared that. "The rebel...." She smirks at Kym, who instantly gives her a look.
"Unh-unh, don't you dare try stuffing me in one of your boxes..." Kym shoots her down with a point in her direction.
"So what does that make me? The criminal?" Y/N questions her with a raised brow, as if not exactly sure if he fits in that category. "Come on, I'm not that big of an asshole, am I?"
"You've literally been looking at my exposed leg this entire time." Beth calmly points out while giving Y/N a dead glare, to which the guy shrugs as if being proudly guilty. "And let's not forget that time with the ex-cheerleading captain.'
"Oh yeah, she gave really good head."
"Yup...." Manny comments out-loud, whistling while nodding his head. "That's him alright..."
"What about you?" Amir asks Beth.
"That's easy, she the basket case." Kym easily answers with a sassy tone, to which Beth sarcastically exhales her smoke in her direction with a look. "And, can you put that thing out? Manny has asthma!"
"Whatever...." Beth sighs, though complies as she taps the cig out and throws it through the window. After which, Manny takes a hit from his inhaler after smelling the smoke go into his lungs. She did have half a mind to throw it at Y/N for petty revenge, but she doesn't want to ignite the carpets.
Hoping down off the shelf, she walks back to her seat and everything is quiet again for a few moments.....
Until the already open window is abruptly opened up much wider. "What's up misfits?" A man confidently greets everyone inside as he hops on through, landing his feet on the floor with a bit of stride.
"Shane? What are you doing here?" Kym asks the guy, apparently recognizing him. "Last time I checked, not dope-dealing dropouts."
"Relax, Kym, I sent him." Y/N then casually explains with a smirk as he stands up from his seat. "I do it every time I land detention, better than reading a bunch of books we won't remember in a year or so."
"Exactly, Kym, I got a big sale going too." Shane also shares with the rest of them, an inviting grin that attempts to pull them all forward. "I got reds, I got blues...." He then pulls out a tiny plastic bag out of his jacket's pocket, showcasing some pills in case they strike their fancy. "I got all the colors of the rainbow."
"Nice...." Y/N comments with a grin as he and Shane do a quick trade, handing him a small wad of cash. "Get that means you got lucky today?" He says as he observes the small bag, giving him a friendly look.
"You know it man, last weekend, I got myself an entire ATM bank of cash." Shane boasts as he happily tucks in the money while replying. "Turns out that tourists also get drawn to the king's scent, know what I'm saying?"
"Yup...." Y/N nods in response, sitting back down in his previous seat. While opening the bag, he glances back at his chair neighbor and extends it towards him. "You want one?"
"Uh.... no thank you...." Amir quickly declines as politely as possible, clearly finding the drugs uncomfortable to him. Y/N shrugs in response, searching through his backpack for his water bottle. Guess that some parents know how to drill the anti-drug movement into their heads.
(A/N) But, like, seriously, don't do drugs guys. The risk of addiction just isn't worth it.
"Hey, speaking off, y'all wanna party tonight?" Shane then brings up, getting everyone's undivided attention. "Check it...." He then reaches for under his shirt where he pulls out a punch of orange-colored flyers. "Yeah!"
He hands them all one each, allowing them to see the details for themselves. It's pretty much a black triangle, with headphones and 'A Mr. Fade production' in the middle. It states that it'll go on from eleven to however long, and that the fee is only twenty bucks at the door. Amir is more interested by the name left on it, though.
"Does 'Mr. Fade' have a DJ yet?"
"I'll tell you what. Why don't you bring you ass out and ask him yourself?" Shane tells him with an enticing look, which seems to work given the kid's considering smile.
"I've heard of this guy before." Kym points out as she reads the flyer as well, along with Manny. "Throws pop-up parties all around town. Supposed to be legit."
"Twenty bucks?" Manny asks out-loud, wondering if it really is that cheep.
"That's usually what it is...." Y/N answers with a small nod, having some experience with the mysterious man's events. "That, or thirty if it's after a bad day."
"Yeah, and worth every penny." Shane adds on, giving everyone a confident smirk that they'd be fools not to go on over, school night or not. "Satisfaction guaranteed..." He promises, before turning over to Beth and leaning very closely on her table. "Especially yours~"
"I hate parties." Beth states before grabbing the flyer and just folding it back up, not bothering to even open it since she doesn't see any point. "Always full of people..."
"Yeah, well, I got a good feeling you're gonna like this one." Shane quips with a suggestive tone, not wanting to take no as an answer from her. "How about I convince you in private?" He proposes with a hinting brow. Whatever Beth's earlier doubts were, he must've caught her at the perfect time with the she anxiously taps her fingers on the table, as if having a certain inch now corrupting her skin.
"Fine, you're all free to go!" Beth gives in, before loudly dismissing everyone so they can have their privacy, much to Shane's delight. "Just be back by four so we don't have to do this again tomorrow, okay?"
"And they say romance is dead...." Manny humorously remarks, sharing a smirk with Kym.
"If it ain't, these two weirdos about to kill it." Kym adds before she and Manny stand up to go do anything else, maybe write some more political speeches or something. Amir, seeing as an excuse to practice more of his music, shrugs and leaves. And lastly, Y/N takes his backpack, happy that he got the cue to leave he requested.
"Hey, Shane!" Y/N calls out to the guy, pointing at him as he walks backwards to the door. "I call you later for party themes?"
"You got it!" Shane waves at him in acknowledgement, and Y/N smirks before walking out, having a really good idea in mind. He does give Beth and Shane one look with a very different expression that friendly though before he leaves.... something that might be close to jealousy.
After finally leaving the library, he finds Kym and Manny seemingly waiting for him in the hallway. "What?"
"So, you a friend of his, now?" Kym asks him with what feels like a pointed look, to which Y/N unapologetically shrugs.
"Hey, friends don't just have to be in school, you know?" Y/N mentions with a casual tone of voice, not seeing the exact problem with having a few connections here and there. "It's not like I have to shout through the entire cafeteria to get them."
"Ah, but eyeing down girls skirts help you win with the ladies?" Kym shoots back with a small head tilt. Y/N just gives him a look though before heading off, wanting to make sure he catches up with Deion before he misses him.
As he leaves, Kym and Manner share a look before walking away as well.
"And he wonders why he's the criminal...."
Weaver High: Locker Room
Well, here he is, the locker room. Deion still doesn't really know why he answers these notes and texts in the first place, but maybe there's just something in his soul that doesn't allow anyone to make a puppet out of him. He needs to show this stranger that he's not.
"All right, I'm here!" Deion loudly calls out, his voice once again echoing across the empty room. Inside, he hears the showers running, but no one in the shower stalls. The steam they create floods the entire locker room, which means the lowered visibility they provide was likely done on purpose. "Where you at?!"
He looks around, but can't find him. Part of him wonders if he's looking for a Halloween costume with the ghost mask, or someone else entirely. His thoughts are interrupted when he hears a cell phone ringing from inside one of the lockers, grabbing his attention.
Wondering who the heck would leave their phone in here after school in the first place, he walks over and investigates it, before realizing that it's his locker..... once again, someone knows his code. He opens it up to see nothing but a cell phone inside, a few notifications left over.
Curious, he reaches for it and pulls it out of the locker, looking at the recent text message it just recieved.
No Caller ID: BANG!
Suddenly, Deion feels something latch onto his back, and produce a powerful shock that sends him falling to the ground with a slippery thud. Whimpering in pain, Deion is barely able to move as his eyes look up and see a figure in the same exact costume he saw in the parking garage.
Before his very eyes, the stranger pulls out a knife, slowly raising it up and grips it tightly. Deion's skin now starts becoming rapidly corrupted with fear as he knows what's about to happen next.
When he finally brings it down, Deion screams......
Only for him to feel no pain upon impact. He slowly re-opens his eyes and sees the stranger retracting the knife, revealing it to be a fake. Deion, breathing heavily and too quickly than he should, frantically feels his chest to check for any wounds only to feel nothing.
The stranger, now undoubtably amused by his reaction, tilts his head as he looks down at him.... before shooting him again with the taser, Deion screams again at the sense of real pain, the psycho watching while his mask drips from either sweat or water from the showers.
Eventually, Deion's vision goes black.....
(A/N) Alright, here it is, the first official chapter. I know I've kind of slept a few times when it comes to this book. I'm not exactly happy when I do. But it was mostly because I had troubles with form an actual plan with this. That mostly meant stuff like the cop plotline, which was very non-personal, but now I plan to make it more so for the killers and main cast. The whole Ghostface partnership Beth and Y/N had, which I just thought I could do better.
This time however, I got it all figured out. I really want to finish this book, because, I don't care what anyone says about this Season, Beth was a straight up goddess and is underrated.
Also, one last thing, plan is one update every Saturday. (Supposedly)
Plz vote and comment, any counts as feedback, and I'll see you in the next one.
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