S2 Chapter 7: Hellfest
Abandoned Theater: An Hour or so Before...
Trevor Johnson drives the Channel 5 news van all the way through the theater district until they get to the infamous theater itself. They have to park it on the side of the street and walk around until they get to a door that leads all the way to a still useable door, the only way inside. As they step towards it, Y/N glances around and sees all of the Ghostface fan-art spray painted on the walls. Though, that doesn't automatically confirm that this is place the reporter says it is. Spray-art featuring Ghostface is actually quite common in modern society, especially the big cities.
As they approach the door, Y/N hears his phone ringing and sees Samantha's face and number on the contact screen. The sight of that beautiful face makes him grip the phone anxiously. "This is such a bad idea..." He comments out loud as he reluctantly pockets the device so it can go to voicemail. "We should at least have the others with us for this."
"The others would just think I'm luring you into a trap, and at best, your daddy detective and Agent Old Flame would just kick both our asses out." Trevor shoots down that plan with a look that shows how committed to get this story on his own. Y/N sighs, wanting to retort, but knowing that he won't be able to convince him otherwise.
"Wait, wait, wait. We're going in there...... alone?" Jim interjects right as Trevor's about to put his hand on the knob, causing him to turn around with a slightly annoyed groan. "Isn't this, the, uh.... murder base of operations?"
"Don't know, I haven't confirmed it, and I need my cameraman to help me prove that." Trevor answers with a slightly irked tone while Y/N just idly scratches his nose as he watches the two begin arguing once again. "Come on, we're not alone, there's three of us and still only one confirmed killer. Plus, at one of us had heat on him." He mentions as he points towards Y/N.
"Yeah, but you're gonna make us split up to search the place, aren't you?" Jim calls him out with a defiant look on his face. "Do you ever watch these movies? No matter how big our group is, or what we do, every time the characters decide to investigate a building, they know is haunted, something goes wrong."
"Really? You're gonna Randy Meeks us right now?"
"You mean given the fact that I was alive when he kicked the bucket? Yes, I think I can reference stuff like him.'
"Do you two ever stop talking?" Y/N chimes in as he tiredly rubs his face, causing the two to glance at him and then each other. He thought they were gonna investigate a creepy building, not engage in a verbal boxing match with each other outside of it.
"You know what? You guys have fun, but I'm out of here." Jim declares as he holds up his hands before turning the other direction and clicking his boots out of the alleyway. Y/N and Trevor share a look where he sees that the reporter is somewhat baffled by his sudden decision.
"Are you fucking serious?"
"Hey, being your cameraman has already been the perfect real life horror movie for me, alright?" Jim sarcastically remarks as he briefly glances back to literally flip him off. "So, call me whatever you want, but don't call me that anymore, alright?"
"Wha-" Trevor stutters before Jim eventually heads off, out of sight. "Oh, son of a b....." He grumbles to himself as Y/N watches him mentally vent like a frustrated dog with a somewhat amused smile. "At least you're having fun." He remarks with a scoff before pulling out his keycard and finally opening the door. Inside, the reporter leads him over to an old elevator looking like it belongs in every gothic piece of horror.
He steps inside, waiting for Y/N to do so as well. The cop seems a bit hesitant, knowing that Sam will fry his ass even worse than she did to Richie if this ends up going badly, but in the end he still walks into the square elevator, allowing Trevor to tap on the button that brings them down.
He can only hope that he can make it up to her later.
As the ride begins, Y/N pulls out some more jellybeans, to which Trevor glances down at them with a squint. "Where did you have those?" He asks out loud, since his pockets were very flat earlier.
"Everywhere." Y/N calmly answers as he pops and handful into his mouth, to which Trevor just shrugs and accepts it. "So, what exactly are we going to be looking for, provided that we get lucky, and our neighbor isn't in his house when we try to open up his basement?" He queries curiously, struggling and somewhat failing to be optimistic here.
"Simple, a motive." Trevor answers with a blank face. "When it comes to a murder mystery, the question is never really the 'who?' It's about the 'why?' And if we can a glimpse into where that why is, we'll be able to connect it with someone who's got something to hide." He explains his full plan to Y/N, who hums, but still is very confident about it.
He's got a really bad feeling about this.
Once the elevator finally reaches the bottom, they look around and see a lot of display casings and mannequins covered in towels and blankets to hide whatever's underneath. Looks like they possibly got here a little too early than their killer expected. Or maybe, he wants whoever arrives to discover his little trophies for himself. "This is much bigger than I thought..." Y/N comments with an impressed whistle as the two males amble around.
"No kidding..." Trevor agreeingly comments.
Y/N steps towards one of the display casings, uplifting the cover as he expects to find some sort of trophy from the previous nights. But instead, he finds something much more interesting. "Yooo...." He silently exclaims in awe, which Trevor is somehow able to hear. He walks over to see what he's found, and needless to say, he's memorized too. It's Dewey Riley's pistol, taken from the crime scene when he died in the hospital. The sight of it makes Y/N close his eyes, feeling a little sick to his stomach.
Now even more curious, Trevor walks around and pulls down another one, find even more memorials. As the two check each and every one, they find that the theater has almost everything related to past tragedies. Mickey Altieri's Camcorder, Roman Bridger's glasses, the umbrella Sidney used to stab Billy Loomis in the chest, the tiny gun Mark Kincaid carried, the Stab-a-thon letters, Stab 3's script, one of them anyway, Robbie Mercer's headset thingy, every single Ghostface book written by Gale Weathers, and a crap ton more covered in tarp that's hard to list down without taking half an hour and longer.
This isn't just a place for the masks.
Y/N then lifts his head up and notices the mannequins looming around here too, also covered up to prevent the naked eye from immediately seeing what's inside. Curiosity gets the better of him and he walks over to one and sees clothing belonging to Amber Freeman when she was shot in the face by Chad Meeks. Trevor helps him uncover the rest, and it's like a Stab fashion display. From Randy's uniform back at the time of the video store, to Jill Robert's flannel shirt she wore before being put in the hospital, Phill Steven's leather jacket, Roman Bridger's infamous Director attire, Steve Orth's messed up jersey, Billy's corn syrup and blood-stained shirt, Casey Becker's cut up sweater, Mrs. Loomis's creme colored suit she wore when she died, Cotton Weary's white suit before his death, Mickey's black shirt and pants, Neil Prescott's blue jacket and teal shirt, and lastly Stu's Yellow sweater. There are probably a few more that they've missed, but the place is so big, it's hard to tell.
"Wow.... talk about a fan collection." Y/N comments as he looks around, feeling a mix of disgust, awe, disturbed, and worried that all of this stuff is here and in one place. "How the heck did they get all this stuff? Isn't it still supposed to locked up in an evidence room?"
"Cops like money, and when you pay the right price, you get whatever you want." Trevor answers as he gestures around the place. He looks a little bit impressed and excited about this place than Y/N is, more power to him, he guesses. "Jason Carvey and Greg Buckner had a lot of money to save, I'm not surprised that they were able to buy all this out of there. More space for other crimes, right?"
"Yeah, but even this is borderline obsession on an unhealthy scale. You could dump a hundred bodies in here, and they would still be covered up by the number of 'trophies' or whatever that's in here." Y/N points out as he flicks one of the mannequins like they brought dishonor upon their family. "Can't believe that I still came in here with a potential killer."
"You still think it could be me?" Trevor questions with a small, amused chuckle. "That's good, I was worried I was making you like me." He remarks as he trails his fingers along the glass. He doesn't do this job to be loved. "There's hope for you yet, Officer."
"Is that why you made a book exposing the one secret Sam was willing to keep to her grave, and make everyone hate her and me?" Y/N asks him with a pointed look, to which Trevor sighs, knowing that, that was going to be brought up again sooner or later.
"I wanna catch this guy, Y/N. For real this time, I really do."
"That wasn't an answer." Y/N points out as he stops and turns to the reporter with his arms crossed, wondering if he has some sob story to justify his actions that he'll want to hear. Trevor turns around to face him, shrugging.
"What do you want me to say? Of course, I knew what was going to happen when I got that writing published. You don't get paychecks from writing about Samantha's unicorn identity." Trevor sarcastically remarks, not shying away from the aftermath he's created. "My parents' bills were garbage, I lived in a high-crime-rated area, so I took the easy route. And, you know what's funny? Despite all these bodies that probably dropped because of my piece of paper, I'd still do it again."
Y/N snorts in response, not in amusement, but venomously. "Yeah, that I figured out." He quips as he trails off, wanting to get back to investigating this area. He stops when he gets to the stage, seeing more mannequins lined up like a Senate Court, but wearing Ghostface robes. He curiously walks up and sees them all baring it all except one in the center, covered by a glass box.
He checks the names, Chad Meeks, Richie Kirsch, Jill Roberts, Charlie Walker, Roman Bridger, Nancy Loomis, Mickey Altieri, Stu Macher, and the one in the center..... Billy Loomis. Of course he gets the shining light rained down on him. It's always his name that gets brought up, more than even his partner's.
Are you jealous? You should be.
Y/N closes his eyes as he takes a deep breath, before opening them to find Piper Shaw standing behind him with a playful smile on his face.
It's always Ghostface stuff in here, none of my work gets mentioned. I killed for our family, while bubble-butt Billy killed because of his mommy issues. And yet, we get the short end of the stick.
"And why the heck should I care?" Y/N questions as he shakes his head, knowing that these games she's playing aren't going to work.
Why wouldn't you? Isn't this part of your life story?
"Stop..." Y/N quietly demands as he clenches fist, just as Seth appears through the reflection as well.
About how you lost your family?
How you became what you are?
Sam gets all the special treatment.
But you? You're just a little sad boy with no parents and no siblings.
Sam still has all that.
Face it, you're nothing in comparison to her.
You didn't bring her because you know she would just take the spotlight.
Sidney's old news, and you're nothing news.
Nothing cares about us.
Would Sam and Tara even remember you after year passes?
We doubt it.
"I said stop.... now..."
Why should we? They depended on you.
"No...." Y/N shakes his head pleadingly as he looks up and sees them all, Wes, Judy, Anika, Liv, and Dewey, all dead, standing behind his siblings.
And you failed them.
You put yourself in danger because you want to make up for what you did.
You're a murderer, like us.
One of us, anyway.
So how about instead of using Ghostface's blade, we put that gun to better use?
Put it up to your little chin, making sure it's aiming at your brain, and-
"SHUT UP!" Y/N snaps, swinging his fist with enough force that it makes the entire glass box shatter into pieces, exposing Billy's old costume. He takes a shaky breath, looking down at his hand which now has a few cuts to it. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...."
Then, a soft thud emits behind, prompting Y/N to turn around and see that a hat as fallen onto the floor below the stairs from above. The cop walks over, looks up, though it's too dark to see above the balcony. He kneels down in front of the item and holds it up, then he finally recognizes that it's the cap that Jim's always been wearing.
And it has blood stains on it.
"Oh..." Y/N mumbles as he then begins to hear what he thinks is footsteps coming from the shadows, prompting him to quickly get out of the open and find some cover behind one of the display casings. After which, he presses his back against the hard furniture and pulls out his gun from its holster, since there is a possible danger nearby. The ex-cameraman has just been stabbed, and he could be next.
He slowly peeks his head out in various sides of the casing, trying to spot for Trevor or the killer, but so far, he can't really see due to how dark this place is. He decides to try and crawl around to the exit while he still can, planning to at least safe himself from this situation. He looks up again, still nobody, so he continues forward....
Right as he's about to cross to another spot, he sees the spec of a black robe dashing past a couple mannequins, prompting him to instantly slide back under cover and go still. He can hear his breathing, he's panicking, even when he's trying to keep a cool head in this scenario, but part of him suspects that Ghostface knows where he is, and is now toying with him.
Now the game's cat and mouse, once again.
He needs to cross over at one point, but the distance between his casing and the one nearby, closer to the entry point of the elevator, is too far. He re-traces his steps and takes an alternate route, next to best displays and mannequins. During which, a loud crash and thud echos across the place, to which Y/N pauses as they get louder and louder like they are coming towards him.
Then, footsteps emit. Y/N cautiously peeks his head through, and sees Ghostface sneaking around the theater, likely searching for him. He quickly hides his head the second he sees the killer turning towards his specific direction. He hears the killer move again, his knife scraping against the glass.
And closer....
Until it stops.
Y/N grips his gun tight, very slowly taking a look to see if here's there....
And Ghostface is nowhere to be found.
Mentally letting out a huge sigh of relief, Y/N continues tiptoeing past cover all the way closer to the elevator. He expects to be hearing more footsteps, but Ghostface doesn't emit anymore noises half-way through. It's perplexing.
He keeps moving, until he comes across a mannequin covered by a tarp that has blood on it. He looks it up and down, confused, eventually noticing that the blood is warm too, it's very recent. He flips it over...
And finds Trevor Johnson's body instead of a lifeless figure. His throat has been slit, and multiple holes in his torso have his insides dangling out of them. The pole that should have the mannequin connected to it is being used to keep him impaled from his butthole to the top of his head.
"Oh, shit...." Y/N can't help but swear quietly to himself. Then, another mannequin falls over, he thinks he got careless and accidentally tipped one over, but finds that his hands aren't anywhere near them.
He looks up and sees Ghostface staring directly at him.
Y/N yelps as he quickly steps back the second the killer takes a swing at him, knocking over the mannequin behind him. He and it fall to the floor, where the cop quickly rolls over before Ghostface can try and keep him pinned. He stands up just in time to pull out his gun, but fails to shoot the killer with it when he knocks it out of his hands.
The two then get into a bit of a wrestling match, trying to shove the other to the ground while keeping their balance. The match eventually ends with Y/N grabbing his opponent by the wrists and throwing him down to the floor similar to how Dewey did it, but the killer ends up taking him with them.
Not wanting to have a knife swinged down at him, Y/N kicks the killer in the face before crawling away and forcing himself back up to his feet. He tries running away, but feels the wound in his back start opening up and slowing him down. He groans as he starts to suspect that the bastard may actually have hit his spine a little bit back at the bodega store.
He really news to take Medical Advice more seriously.
He tries to keep himself moving anyway, but during that brief moment of pause, Ghostface catches up and grabs him by his jacket, swinging him around and throwing him into a pillar with a rough thud. Y/N lets out a rough cough as he tries to get up, but the killer swoops in and brings his knife down on him.
Thankfully, Y/N catches it in mid-air, but is now still in a very dire situation as Ghostface presses his hands down on it in an attempt to get his jugular, while he desperately pushes it away before he can. Now he knows how Wes must've felt, as even his strength is nothing to the perfect position Ghostface has to shove his blade further towards his throat.
"Not.... today..."
He tries a new tactic and brings a hand onto the dull edge of the blade. There, he then swiftly directs it downward. The moment gives Ghostface the perfect push to stab him, but instead of his neck, it hits his chest instead. Y/N lets out a muffled scream as he feels that the killer has gotten one of his lungs.
Ghostface grabs Y/N by the shoulder where he presses the blade in further, making sure he really did impale that organ. He is earned with another scream from the cop, who spits his saliva and possibly blood, since it's a little red, into his mask. "Fuck.... you..." He swears in his face, not afraid to die.
The killer tilts his head, seemingly not impressed with his antics. With Y/N now no longer in a fighting spirit, he decides to play with him before he kills him. He reaches under his robe and takes out his phone, Richie's phone. There, he calls Samantha, knowing about the plan she and that FBI agent are cooking up.
With Y/N unable to do anything but watch, the two wait until Samantha eventually and predictably answers the phone. "You're gonna die, you know." the two hear her undeniable voice through the device, and Ghostface watches the male's eyes widen.
"No, you're gonna die, Samantha! Choking on your own blood while I hack up your sister and pathetic excuse for a boyfriend." Ghostface barks back into the phone, hurting Y/N's ears while the killer also trails his knife down his chest, ready to fulfil that promise.
"Unless we find you first." Samantha promises with a venomous tone. However, Ghostface, who knows they have the upper hand, just chuckles through the phone in response, staring into Y/N's dying eyes as he readies to finish the job.
"Why are you so obsessed with me, Samantha? Shouldn't you be wondering where that piece of meat you call a lover is?" Ghostface taunts her as he taps his gloved hand onto Y/N's hair, clearly having some fun with his weak form while he still can. "Or maybe you don't actually care about him? Maybe you're too busy thinking about how you're going to kill me like you've killed everyone who's ever met you."
"Don't try that bit, we both know you're here for me, not him."
Ghostface slowly moves his head down at Y/N, almost wanting to twist the blade in his organ and/or pull out and stab him again already, but he chooses to keep playing with his food for now. "Heh... you know, for a mastermind, you're not really bright. Waiting for me to call, desperately hoping I'm nearby so the police can grab me?" He calls Sam out on her plan, looking into his victim's eyes as he says his next sentence. "But I'm not nearby.... I'm a step ahead."
"S-Sam-" Y/N tries to speak, but Ghostface puts his hand on his mouth to keep him silent.
"What did you do?"
Ghostface chuckles, noticing the fear in Sam's tone. "You mean with Y/N? Nothing.... not yet. He went on a little pitstop with the reporter that's made your life a living hell." He lets him know, taping his finger on Y/N's nose. "And me? I wanted to come along for the ride."
"Where's Y/N? Where are you?" Sam interrogates with a desperate voice that begs him to tell her. Ghostface looks down at Y/N, deciding to ignore that question for now.
"Be seeing you, Samantha."
He then hangs up the phone, and grabs Y/N by the neck.
Now he's set his trap, and the cop knows he's going to be used as bait.
(A/N) New Chapter!
Like I said, this was basically it's own version of the theater segment of the OG film, though with a little less 'characters at rest' moments. The pacing is now really heightened at the moment, as everyone will now be racing to get to the theater in time for Y/N's sake, meaning no sweet and soft conversations anymore.
Plz vote and comment, any counts as feedback, and I'll see you in the next one!
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