S2 Chapter 5: Nighttime Visit
*I wrote a good chunk of this on my phone, so expect a decent amount of errors, I suspect.
New York: NYPD Station
During the last few hours of his shift where he's forced to stay behind the desk and go back to the rookie task of doing paperwork. Y/N occasionally glances over at the empty desk that is supposed to be Kirby's. He should somewhat be lucky that she was feeling generous and wanted to share everything she knew to help. Only question is, where would that folder be now?
Is in that desk, or Wayne's?
"Hey, Y/N!" Someone calls him out by his first name, causing the guy to glance over at a bunch of cops that are smiling a little too much. "You gonna kill someone yet? We're running out of leads."
"Still thinking about it! The both of you have equally hot moms!" Y/N snapishly shoots back while the two guys just laugh as they walk away. "Geez...." The guy mutters, shaking his head. What a bunch of tools.
But back to the task at hand. It's still the first day of this entire investigation, so that means that Wayne might still have them. But he can't get it wrong the first time or else he would make himself obvious and give the chief a reason to get his ass fired. He taps on his foot impatiently, his brain shifting between the two desks that it could be at.....
Before he decides to just move.
He walks towards Kirby's desk as quietly as possible. During which, as he does his best to make it seem like he's just passing by, he spots one slightly opened drawer with the texture of stables on it. Bingo.
Then he-
"Officer L/N!" Right as he's about to move his hand to open it, the voice of Wayne chimes in and Y/N almost snaps his head a little too fast to see the man approaching him with that professional expression he always wears. "You're working late." He notes as he crosses his arms once he's standing in front of him.
"Just about to finish a paper, trying to get it out of the way as soon as possible." Y/N quickly says in response with a fixed smile, easily able to play it cool, though he feels like the detective's eyes hint that he's already been caught. "Have you called Quinn? How's she doing?"
"I'm about to, but.... things keep popping up and we keep getting scam calls pretending to be our new maniac serial killer." Wayne answers with a small shrug, to which Y/N nods, able to relate to that. "Now, can I have that back, please?"
Y/N blinks. "What are you talking about?"
"Officer L/N..... I know you respect me, so please don't treat me like a moron." Wayne criticizes with a look that's completely aware of what he was about to do. "You just took Agent Reed's folder, which is evidence to a case you're no longer a part of." He calls him out bluntly to his face, causing Y/N to make a face, though it still confirms his guilt. "Now, I get it, as someone who also has someone close to them involved in this, but I don't want you to lose your job because you went rouge for few a few seconds, so...."
"Alright, alright, you win..." Y/N gives up with hand raised in surrender, handing the folder back to Wayne who takes it with a polite smile.
"Thank you." Wayne says to which Y/N nods. He knows that any other member of the force would've given him over to lose his badge, so the cop knows he should be grateful for the detective's mercy, missions successes or not. Speaking of which, Detective Bailey opens up the folder upon receiving it....
Where he finds that almost everything inside is missing.
Wayne quickly turns back and finds that Officer L/N is already out of sight, likely having sped walked away. Instead of being mad though, Detective Bailey just chuckles as he casually puts it back where it was as if nothing happened. Something tells him that he just picked up a trick from anarchist-phase Sam.
"Well played...."
Apartment Complex:
The door to the apartment of Sam, Tara, and Quinn rings, and the former opens the door to find an overly-smiling Y/N on the other side of it. As mentioned earlier, everyone's trying to meet up at the same place for tonight for the sake of safety reasons, but some are taking longer than others. "I heard it was time for a case of the munchies."
"Oh, wow, hey...." Sam reacts as she blinks as if she's actually surprised to see him here and didn't text him at all. Everyone else glances to see his arrival as well. Ethan and Anika from the living room, as well as obviously Mindy and Tara. "I.... I didn't expect to see you here."
"Yeah, well, here I am. I know everything." Y/N drops as a 'crazy reveal' while stepping inside to set the bags of groceries he bought onto the table. "So you better watch out, humans, he entity's watching."
"Oh no...." Tara jokingly plays along as Y/N makes horrible ghost impressions. Everyone giggles. "Seriously though, you didn't have to go and get so much..." She says as she observes how big the bags are.
"You trying to say something about my character?" Y/N queries, squinting at her. "Are you possibly trying to say that this amount of goods I have purchased reflects on my character?" He asks as if he was born a couple hundred years ago.
"Well, that is true, but you being a pig wasn't the point I was getting to." Tara states as she begins pulling stuff out while Y/N blinks at her rapidly. After which, the apartment's landline rings. Everyone seems to stop what they're doing at the same time when they hear that noise, all of them seeing that it's coming from an unknown number.
"I'll.... I'll go get that." Sam assures them as she walks over to go answer it.
During which, Y/N slowly turns to the others. "Is she okay?" He asks them as he points at her, noticing that even she's more jump than usually, which is to be expected, but part of him suspects that there's something more to it.
"Well, she's Sam, so you can never really know with her." Tara answers with a small shrug, a response to her makes Y/N hum at her.
"That was..... awfully pessimistic." Y/N comments with a small eye brow raised at Tara who gives him a something weird look. "You know, you might need to get a Carl in your life."
Tara squints at him. "Carl?"
"No! Fuck no, please." Mindy begs before Y/N can answer, rapidly shaking her head. "No more Carl, alright."
"Woah, friendly fire!"
"That isn't.... Oh my gosh." Mindy groans while Y/N does his best to hold in a cheeky smile. Tara glances between the two of them, confused.
"What is going on here?"
Before anyone can answer that, they the phone being slammed back on the landline rather harshly. They all turn and see Samantha slowly turning around, her breathing sounding unsteady. "It was another death threat..." She tells them with a shrug, as if everything's fine. "You know, the usual..."
However, instead of coming back to the table, Sam walks silently down the hallway and into her room. It's pretty obvious what's going on, prompting Y/N to drop everything that he's doing. "Give me a second..." He calmly requests, to which Tara and Mindy nod as he goes over to check on her.
When he finds the only closed bedroom door beside Quinn's, he slowly opens it and sees Sam sitting on the edge of her bed, staring off into space, or likely into a society asylum from her imagination that she really wants to be in right now.
He softly knocks on the door, letting Sam know that he's here. "Hey..." He says in a small, friendly whisper as he steps over and sits down on the bed with her. "Bad week?" He humerous queries as if he needs to ask. "Sorry, bad joke..."
"Yeah, that was." Sam notes with a blank face, to which Y/N nods, guilty. "I know that I shouldn't care about it, but...." She glances down at the floor, letting a tiny sniffing break through as her eyeballs warm up. "It just sucks being hated so much."
"No kidding." Y/N agreeingly quips, before pulling Sam in for a comforting embrace. They usually do this in the private setting of his apartment, but now is a good time for an exception. Sam seems to think so too, as she wraps her arms around him tightly, burying her face into his neck. The scenario almost makes him chuckle again. "You know.... Two years ago, I wouldn't think that-"
"Shut up."
"Yes ma'am."
The door to the room then slowly opens all the way, and the two look to see Mindy and Tara slowly walk in with sympathetic feelings. They join them on the bed and join in as well.
Meanwhile, back in the living room, Ethan constantly glances over at where the four left before turning to Anika. "Why were they so quiet when the phone rang?" He asks her with a curious look, to which the girl just shakes his head at him.
"You've got to keep up, my dude." Anika remarks with a disappointed look. Ethan just blinks as she goes back to watching TV, wanting him to keep that in mind.
"Is it a Ghostface thing?"
"Yes, it's a Ghostface thing!" Anika answers, quickly breaking her silence. "Have you not watched a single Stab movie, ever?" She asks him, to which the guy just awkwardly opens his mouth.
"Oh my gosh..."
Right after that exchange, the four return. "Alright, I gotta go and drop some stuff off my apartment, but I promise that I will have more horror movie rules and 'be right back' so we can properly celebrate as the Core Four." He announces to his fellow survivors who all give him weird looks
"Core Four?"
"Yes, Core Four, the only true bond since Donald and Putin." Y/N confidently answers as he beats his chest. "And as the founder, I degree that we have one high five minimum with every dismissal." He declares before turning to Mindy. "In honor of Carl. Up top, Core Four!"
"Fuck no." Mindy blatantly refuses.
"Core Four!"
"Hey that away from me." Tara dismisses with a blank face.
"Please, before I die!"
"No." Sam shakes her hand, causing Y/N to finally drop his hand with a sigh.
"Alright, fine, no one here's invited to my birthday party." Y/N tells everyone with an 'offended' look, causing everyone to laugh at him as he leaves.
"Aw, no, wait..." Sam playfully begs as she reaches for him.
"Nope, too late!" Y/N dismisses with a before closing the door behind him, allowing them all to burst out laughing at his expense.
"We love you!"
Back in the couch, Ethan Laundry watches and the other three now begin to cook what has been made available. He knows that if Michael had caught him doing this right now, he'd pat him on the back and tell him to stop eyeing the girl a weirdo.
"Stop eyeing the girl like a weirdo." Anika tells Ethan for him as she catches the guy in the act. During which, they notice a house that's very close by to their address on the news.
"We're hearing from sources inside the homicide division that the prime suspects are none other than Samantha Carpenter, and a most likely partner, Ethan Laundry." The same male reporter from before displays to the audience on the television screen.
"What the hell?"
"Many believe this to be another two-killer partnership after the two back-to-back murders of last night, and rumors spreading online that Carpenter was actually responsible for the killings of 2021"
Ethan glances back at Tara, the three not noticing the news story yet. This, ironically, gives some motivation to the guy and he slowly stands up and walks over to her in the kitchen.
"H-Hey..." he stutters in a greeting, prompting the girl to look up at him. "You need help or.... or something?"
"Sure, if you can handle that part for me, I'll appreciate it." Tara accepts the help with grace, pointing towards the work-in-progress stew. "It won't require any boxing, I promise you that."
"Oh, okay, great." Ethan replies with a quick nod, nodding sheepishly at the boxing comment as he puts the necessary ingredients in, recognizing what kind of stew this is.
"I'm sorry about all this." Tara then says to Ethan seemingly out of the blue, prompting the guy to glance at her with a raised brow as she turns to him with a look of guilt. "You know, I wouldn't blame you if you and your friends.... you know, skipped out of the town until this all blows over.
"For what?" Ethan questions with a confused look, until Tara silently reminds him of what happened during the entire night and day. "Oh, right! That. Um.... Look, I know it's not really your fault. And, even then, I still don't want to leave."
Mindy, who's been listening the whole time, rolls her eyes at having it listen to the two beat around the bush.
"Oh my gosh.... Make out already!"
On one side of the building complex, the news van belonging to Channel 5, the biggest one, anyway, sits very close by. It currently parks at what it thinks is the perfect hiding spot.
Jim, the cameraman, is just finished with seeing the set up of the screens when he seems the camera all suddenly broadcasting from his side. "Oh, yeah..." He comments with a grin as he double checks and sees that all of the four are on. Looks like Y/N actually came through with it.
Then, the door to the back opens and Jim turns to see Trevor stepping in. "Hey, how'd the date with the Asian lady go?" He asks with a teasing grin on his face.
"Save it, Jim, it was an interview." Trevor retorts with a small glare, to which the other guy just scoffs with an unconvinced nod. "Status on our mutual friend?"
"He actually planted the cameras, look." Jim reports as he points as the screens, which Trevor observes for a few minutes as a satisfied smirk slowly creeps up his lips.
"Wow, I'm honestly impressed."
"You think anyone's going to actually sneak in without getting detected?"
"If they use the fire escape window, possibly...." Trevor notes with a hum before checking the time and realizing how late it is. "Hey, there's one more thing I got to check out. You mind watching this for me?" He requests as he slides open the doors as quickly as he closed them as Jim blinks ar him.
"What? Why me?"
"Because you're the camera guy." Trevor answers with a cheeky look as he drops some fast food he left for him before shutting the door, leaving Jim alone once again.
Jim lets out a very justified tired exhale.
"I hate this job...."
Apartment Complex:
Y/N sets the small stack of evidence down on his table the second he walks back inside his apartment. He glancing down at his police uniform, he quickly changed our of that thing while setting his new set into the iron board. Yes, he does this almost everytime, and yes, he does it knowing that Sam could be watching from the other side of the complex.
Why else would he do it in his living room?
"Sales of the Ghostface Halloween mask across the Tri-State area in the last twenty-four hours have gene through the roof!" A female news anchor states on the news as pictures of many Ghostface mask wearers appear on the screen. Y/N idly keeps himself posted as he once again does his laundry himself. "I've got my mask, what about you Jay?"
"You know it. It's sure gonna be one Spooky Halloween." The male named Jay replies as Y/N puts his shirt back on. As expected, nothing actually imported to the current situation his secret girlfriend is going through, but what can you do? "Now, let's get over to Guy for a look at our weather."
You know he's going to come back. We should bring the knife.
"I don't need the knife." Y/N dismisses Piper's suggestion with a shake of his head, acting like she isn't even there. "My gun is all I need."
Are you sure?
"You know that'll make it look only worse for me and Sam." Y/N points out with a glare towards the reflection of the television screen. "I'm not putting her life in danger because you have a murder boner."
Ouch, where was this fire before?
"Fuck you."
Wanting to ignore her, Y/N glances over to where Sam's apartment is, getting an easy view of her roommate's bedroom from where he's standing.... and a figure in black robe and old Ghostface mask walks into frame. Next to him, Quinn Bailey talks to her dad on the phone while she lays on the bed with her back turned to the killer. "Yeah, I know she's my roommate but you're, like... the police."
"Balls...." Y/N utters in shock as he walks over to make sure he's not hallucinating. Yup, he's definitely there, standing over the currently unsuspecting girl.
"No, I know...."
"Hey!" Y/N yells as he bangs his fists on the window in an effort to get their attention. None of them react though, meaning that his voice is likely tuned out behind the glass. He frustratedly opens it up and leans over the ledge. "Hey! Grim Reaper!" He calls out again, and this time, Ghostface snaps his head right at him. "Yeah, wassup bitch!? Yeah, I see you motherfucker!"
He sees Ghostface quietly tilt his head at him, not that bothered by his attempts to get their attention. "She's getting really freaked out and paranoid..."
Seeing that Quinn isn't going to notice him anytime soon, he then looks over at the window he and Sam usually stare at each other through where he sees Tara, Mindy, and his girl talking like happy friends at the table. Normally, he would be happy that they are cheering Sam up, but now is kind of a bad time for that.
"Sam! SAMANTHA!" He calls out to them as loudly as possible, flailing his hands around towards them.
However, they still don't notice him.
While Tara and Mindy are talking, Sam briefly goes silent as the Y/N's name is mentioned. She considers that she might need to give the two some much needed assurance relating to something she knows they were disappointed to hear when she told them.
"Guys, um..." She starts with an anxious bite of her lip, causing both girls to turn to her with raised brows. "I've been sleeping with Y/N in the last two years."
"Thank fucking gosh!" Mindy eventually exclaims with a happy grin while Tara grabs her face, letting out multiple huge sighs for relief.
"Yeah, you scared the shit out of us." Tara replies with an excited smirk as she rubs Sam's back.
"Sam! SAMANTHA!" Y/N keeps screaming as he frantically waves his arms around, still not getting any notice from either of them. That's when he quickly rememberes that he had their numbers. He quickly pulls out his phone and calls Sam. "Come on, babe, pick up your phone...."
He watches with glee as Sam picks it up.... before Tara abruptly grabs it as she and Mindy seemingly begin teasing her about the number, at least from what Y/N sees. This just makes him grip his mobile device tightly because they have time for this shit.
Then, he sees Sam put the phone back in her pocket.
Y/N stares at her and then his phone with the most offended look a human can have.
Back in the other apartment, everyone's back to having a good time while Ethan and Anika sit alone. During which, they hear thuds and moaning coming from Quinn's room. "And there it is..." Mindy comments with an amused shake of her head.
"Isn't sex stuff against the rules of surviving?" Ethan questions out loud as the turns to the others, a tiny bit uncomfortable with having to possibly hear that all night.
"He's learning quicl..." Anika teasingly quips as she pats in Ethan's shoulder.
That's when everyone suddenly gets a text tormt their phones, at least the ones that have Y/N's number on it.
It's a photo of Quinn, with someone in a similar old-looking Ghostface mask wrapping their arm roped tightly around a panicked red-head girl. Everyone finally gets the correct reaction as the moans turn into groans, grunts and thuds. "Help! Stop!" Quinn screams from the bedroom. Everyone frantically jumps up from their seat, including Anika, after one final scream emits followed by a very loud thud, the room then goes dead silent.
"Tara, wait, wait!" Ethan quickly stops her before she runs in, not liking the silence that comes after. Everyone then stands still, the panicked voices from Quinn's bedroom have suddenly become non-existent....
The door swings open, and Quinn's dead body flies through, landing on Anika who screams in terror as she gets covered in the girl's blood. Sam and Mindy pull the body off of her while Ghostface menacingly steps out of the room. "Guys, come on!" Tara yells as Ethan grabs her hand and they bolt it out of there.
However, escaping proves to be a little difficult as Mindy looks up to see Ghostface tilting his head at her. "Oh, fuck!" She swears as the killer runs up and slashes her arm with a growl, causing her to mentally curse as she falls on the floor, holding it.
"Mindy!" Anika exclaims as the killer stomps towards her. "Stay the fuck back!" She yells as she tries grabbing onto him, earning herself the killer's wrath as she pins her to the floor with his hand wrapped around her throat.
As Anika gasps and chokes, Sam runs into the kitchen and looks for the knife rack, only to find all the kitchen knives missing from it. Fuck, of course he took all of them beforehand! Meanwhile, Ghostface lifts the girl in her hand up and turns, slamming her against the furnace where he stabs her in the gut, deeply. Anika screams as the killer twists the knife around in her digestive system, even pretending to pull it out only to shove it in harder. "No!" Mindy screams through pained wincing as Sam resorts to just taking the rack itself and running up to Ghostface with it.
"Hey!" She yells out to the killer who just created a bigger hole in Anika's stomach, turning around to meet the knife rack that gets bashed across his head by Samantha. He falls to the ground, and the others run away from him.
Meanwhile, Tara stops when she realizes that nobody else besides Ethan is following her down the stairs. "Wait, wait, Ethan!" She exclaims as she hears Anika's screams. "They're still up there!"
"Oh, s-shit!" Ethan stutters out a swear as on the other side, Ghostface stands up and kicks the door shut. Sam and Mindy take a very injured Anika into Quinn's bedroom where the former quickly pulls the door closed behind her, barely missing a knife swipe.
"Fuck...." Mindy groans as she and Anika bleed on Quinn's old bed, unable to sit still from all the pain they're experiencing. Sam is forced to hold on the bloody knob for dear life as Ghostface slams his body against the door, trying to break himself inside.
"Sam!" Tara yells again as the two run back to the apartment door. To their horror, the knob refuses to turn on their side of the door.
"Do you have the keys?!" Ethan shakingly asks her as she frantically slams on the door with her fists.
"Fuck, no! I left them inside!" Tara tearfully realizes as they're now forced outside of where they're respective siblings and friend are locked in a room with a bloodthirsty serial killer!
Back with Sam, she continues struggling with the killer for her lives, until there's suddenly no door bashing. She's confused at the silence until she turns around and sees the doors behind her still open. "Mindy, bathroom door. Hurry!" She quickly instructs while keeping her hand on the other doorknob in case it's a ruse.
Mindy groans as she forces herself up, passing the bathroom where she finds Quinn's hookup brutally murdered in the shower, his body and the shower covered in crimson red liquid. "Oh, fuck! That guy's dead." Mindy exclaims, easily distracted as Ghostface pops up from the bathroom door and easily stops her measly attempts to close it. He slams it back open in her face as Sam runs up and pulls her away. They both then manage to close the other bathroom door as Ghostface angrily begins kicking at it with his feet, once again trying to break his way inside where they're at.
As Mindy barely manages to lock it, the stronger Sam grabs a dresser and pushes it towards he door where they both pin it against the door, just in time as the lock already brakes off due to how much Ghostface is kicking against it. Sam then finally hears some muffled yelling come from the window, and she looks to see Y/N waving her hands at her. "Hey!" He calls out to her as Sam opens the window and makes the mistake of looking down. "Play time's over kids!"
"Shit." Sam swears as she sees that there's nothing between her and Y/N apartment except for a very bad drop into the alleyway below.
"Uh, don't worry, I got you." Y/N assures her as he quickly runs back somewhere inside his apartment, eventually coming back with a ladder in his hands before he quickly extends it as Sam realizes what his plan is.
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
"You have a better idea?" Y/N questions as he tries holding the ladder towards Sam's window seal, making a very good point given that there's a very vengeful killer raging behind that door.
"Fuck... no." Sam quickly admits as she reaches for the ladder, setting it onto her window seal while Y/N sets the other side on his.
"You have to come one at a time." Y/N tells her as it's weight alone appears to struggle at the middle with nothing but air to lay itself on.
"Okay, you two go first." Sam orders as she turns to them, struggling against Ghostface's foot which is still trying to force them and door out of his way.
"What? No!"
"Someone needs to hold the door." Mindy insists as Ghostface keeps kicking. "I'll send Anika next, just go!" She yells louder as the killer begins growling louder and louder against her weekend weight.
Sam, not wanting to argue about who goes were, crawls on top of the ladder as Y/N watches her. "Sam, eyes on me, baby. Keep your eyes on me." He strongly advises as he holds the ladder for her.
"Oh shit..." Sam swears again she her eyes instead land on the alleyway and hard concrete right below her. She then slowly takes a step, or more accurately a knee, forward which causes that side of the ladder to slightly tilt, making her freeze. "Oh my gosh..."
"I got you, Sammy." Y/N insists to help keep her nerves as calm as they can be while Mindy is groaning behind her during the skirmish of the door with Ghostface. "Baby, come on! It ain't going anywhere, it's gonna hold you, I promise." He tells her as he sees the small fear on her face. Fighting it, she puts one knee in front of the other, making sure she's dead center of the ladder.
Meanwhile, the situation in Quinn's room gets slowly worst, as the fatally stab girl isn't doing so good compared to the grazed one. "She's losing a lot of blood!" Mindy notes in horror as it pours onto Quinn's bed.
"Say something more positive!" Anika shouts back with a pained voice.
"Eyes on me, Sam. Come on!" Y/N encourages as she's halfway through, the ladder shakes a bit under her weight, causing her to almost slip and fall. "Come on, I got you." He keeps trying to verbally help her out. Eventually, she makes it across and he helps pull her inside.
"Come on!" Sam calls out to them as she and Y/N start holding the ladder together. "Come on, Mindy!" She shouts out towards them again. Mindy hears them clearly and pushes the dresser to where it's weight is mostly against the door knob.
"Okay, you have to go first." Mindy tells Anika as she tries lifting her up on her feet and helping her towards the window. However, the loss of blood gives Anika the lack of energy to even stand. "Look at me, you have to go!"
"No, Mindy, no! I'll be right behind you, I promise." Anika pleads for her to go first as Ghostface starts to finally get some ground against this door and dresser. Mindy sees him starting to break through and quickly kisses Anika on the lips before turning and crawling onto the ladder.
"We've got you." Y/N gives the same mental encouragement as Mindy had a slightly harder time on the ladder, her wounded arm shooting up in pain as she puts weight on it by gripping the ladder. Despite this, she continues climbing while Sam and Y/N encourage her forward. Eventually, she makes it across as well.
"Anika, come on!" Mindy yells as she's being pulled inside. The last person begins sobbing as Ghostface makes more and more progress bashing against the door, his mask now becoming visible to the poor girl who uses it as fear-based-inspiration to force herself onto the ladder.
"You can do it!"
"Come on, Anika!"
"Oh gosh, oh gosh, I can't do it..." Anika cries as Ghostface starts tilting the dresser over with his muscle strength, getting closer and closer to the room she's in. She finally begins crawling on top of his as everyone else encourages her along.
"You can do it!"
"Come on, we got you!"
"You're doing good!"
The dresser then falls over and the door then eventually slams open, as the group then sees Ghostface coming inside and teasingly walking over to the window, loving the way the group goes wide-eyed upon seeing him. "What?" Anika silently asks them, not noticing him on the other side yet.
"Anika, you have to move right now!" Mindy frantically yells as Anika turns to see Ghostface right behind her, clearly glancing the ladder as he gets a very scary idea.
"Oh, gosh! Please, no!" Anika exclaims in terror as she tries to keep moving despite the blood on her palms threatening to make her slip. Ghostface then menacingly plants the knife into a drawer, not needing it for what he's about to do next.
While they scream and Anika moves, he grips the other side of the ladder with both of his hands and begins shaking it around, causing Anika to lose balance while on the middle of it as she screams and cries. "You have to make it!" Mindy desperately yells out as Ghostface flops the ladder up and down, almost making Anika lose her grip.
"Baby, I don't wanna die!" Anika cries out, but unfortunately, she can only last so long as her hands slip, causing her to fall onto the ladder itself. Ghostface then keeps the pressure on by shaking it even harder.
"Anika, give me you hand, I got you!" Sam instructs, and the two reach for each other's palms. The two begin pulling her towards the rest, however, this just encourages Ghostface to shake even harder. A light bulb pops on in his head, and the killer takes the opportunity to tilt it sideways. Anika then runs outta time as she falls towards the direction Ghostface has tilted it, slipping out of Sam's grasp as she takes the very hard fall, her face splatters against a dumpster before hitting the ground with a nasty thud.
Anika's now very fleshy imitation of Two-Face indicates that she's now very much dead. Y/N stands behind the two of them, staring blankly down at her to hide his emotions, Mindy sobs, and Sam looks up to see Ghostface taking his knife before walking away, very satisfied with his work.
Nowhere is safe....
(A/N) New chapter y'all!
As mentioned, most of this was on my phone, so sorry for the first thirty people that were reading this and saw a crap ton of typos and grammar errors.
We're almost through the rest of the chapter, so get ready for the park and Theater section, which will actually be happening back to back with each other in comparison to the original.
Plz vote and comment, any counts as feedback, and I'll see you all in the next one!
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