S2 Chapter 3: Is Tamra Here?
NYPD Station: Interrogation Room
The next morning, Sam and Tara Carpenter are now sitting in the interrogation room in front of a table that has more than a handful of evidence littered around, all of it based on the current murders. They look bored on the surface, and in a sense, they are, but in reality, their minds are constantly replaying what happened in the bodega store. They wonder what that's supposed to mean for them, and if the older sister's property being found at the apartment complex will mean something troublesome for them.
After what feels like forever, the door opens and Wayne Bailey steps inside, giving them a professional calm smile just so they don't start off on the wrong foot. He carries a plastic bag holding some more evidence in his hand as he then sits in front of the two. "This was found next to the body at the apartment crime scene." He tells them as he sets it down in front of them, showing the oddly clean Ghostface mask. "DNA says that it belonged to someone named Richie Kirsch." He mentions, causing Sam to look up at him with a slightly alarmed expression while Tara shows a frown. "Does that ring a bell?"
Tara slowly glance as her sister, who squeezes her hands together before answering. "We're familiar with him." Sam tells Wayne with a blank expression, hiding her true feelings about him.
"But the one that attacked us, and Y/N had a different mask on." Tara points out, noticing on this mask looks much newer than the one their pursuer wore, having it memorized when they popped behind Y/N and was marching towards them with determination in the bodega store. "It was kind of more beat up, like it was older."
Wayne squints, taking that into consideration, though that does remind him of a question he was going to ask before the attack. "Uh...." He wipes his chin, making sure he phrases his choice of words correctly. "I got to ask.... do you have alibis for earlier tonight?"
"I was at a party with my friends."
"I was at my therapist's." Sam testifies, cranking her neck up a bit as if it feels stiff from sitting in this chair for an hour. "I can give you his information. You can call to check if you want." She offers to help it, to which Wayne gratefully nods. "And then I met Tara at that party, where I tased someone." She then adds, to which Wayne gives her a look. "Unrelated."
Wayne blinks, the tasing part funnily reminding him of something. He pulls out his phone and opens up a social media post that was made around that same time. "Was that before or after this happened?" He interrogates as it plays a video of the girls splashing diet cherry coke on Sam and the confrontation that occurred after.
Sam watches the video with an incredibly embarrassed look in her eyes. "Before." She eventually answers.
"The point is, we were all with people all night." Tara reinstates as Wayne pockets the phone, hoping the detective doesn't get the wrong idea from that one moment. The detective thankfully doesn't need to ask about Y/N, since he was obviously on duty and was at the crime scene after the murder occurred. And the fact that they found him bleeding on the sidewalk clues them in on what he was doing during the bodega attack.
"So, our roommate's dad..... just happened to pull our case?" Sam then brings up with a raised brow, finding the circumstances to be very..... ironic, given how they were also attacked the second they made their walk to the police station. It's like someone knew that at least she would be there, with barely anyone around.
"That'd be a crazy coincidence, right?" Wayne comments with a tiny smirk, to which Sam nods, admittedly hinting her suspicion. "The detective who had the case, he offered it to me because it involved Quinn. Um, but I can totally give it back if you're... uncomfortable. It's up to you." He offers, sensing her pointed eyes. Sam and Tara share a look, before the former decides not to hurt her sister's relationship with Quinn any further.
"It's fine."
"So, if the man who attacked you did steal your license and plant it next to the body, it'd probably be someone close to you." Wayne then points out as he points to the bagged-up card on the table, deciding to go along with her story for now. Sam shifts in her seat, having had that hunch since the second she got in here, but didn't want to believe it. "How long have you known your friends?"
"Well, we moved here with Mindy and Y/N for summer semester like, six months ago." Tara starts with, already knowing that either of them couldn't have done it. "So, Quinn, um.... Ethan, Michael, Emily, Anika, all since then."
"I think I can vouch for Quinn, so that's one less we have to worry about." Wayne confidently states with a nod, believing that her daughter would no reason to try and kill people. However, Sam and Tara share another look, knowing that it can't be that easy. "Do either of you have anyone that might want to target you?" He then queries, to which they think on it for a few seconds.
"Not anyone who's still alive." Tara answers as a matter of fact, to which Wayne gives her a slightly surprised look.
"Where's Y/N?" Sam then asks while she can, looking strictly at the detective for some kind of reassuring answer. "You never told us what happened to him." She points out. At the mention of the officer, Wayne swallows his cheeks, which doesn't make her feel any better.
Then, the door opens, and an officer neither of the girls know walks in. "FBI's here, claiming jurisdiction." The officer reports to him, causing Wayne to blink. They're here already?
"Where are they?" Wayne asks as he stands up to go find them, leaving both the girls in the interrogation room alone.... again. Sam lets out a mentally frustrated sigh at not getting an answer out of the man while Tara boredly plays with her hair.
The officer guides him into one of the meeting rooms where Wayne finds a female with long, curly hair scrolling stuff in a folder. The detective nods to the officer in thanks, subtly telling him to leave as he then approaches her. "Can I help you?" He asks with a slightly bothered tone, prompting the woman to turn around, stand up and face him.
"Special Agent Kirby Reed, FBI." The woman introduces herself confidently, presenting her badge to the detective to prove who she is. "I work out at the Atlanta Office." She mentions, to which Wayne idly nods.
"Kirby Reed..." Wayne repeats the name quietly to himself with a slow nod. "Ah, now you look familiar. You're the one Officer L/N told me about, aren't you? From Woodsboro?" He correctly assumes, causing Kirby to blink for a minute.
"L/N? As in Y/N L/N? He's here."
"That's him. He's decided to try his hand at the bigger city." Wayne confirms with a nod as he takes another glance at the folder before giving her a curious pointed look. "So, Atlanta, huh? Are you lost?" He dryly remarks, to which Kirby slightly chuckles, pretending that it's funny.
"Your two vics were residents of my city before they moved here for collage." Kirby states as she takes her folder she was re-reading and hands it to him so he can see it for himself. "I have been investigating their online activity for the past few months."
"Wow..." Wayne half-handily comments as he briefly glances at it before looking back up at her. "Why?"
"As you've probably guessed by now, I take a special interest in Ghostface attacks." Kirby answers with a blank expression, yet her choice of words hint at something personal underneath. Wayne considers asking her another question, but before she can, Sam and Tara pass by and the former recognizes the woman from afar.
"Kirby?" Sam then calls out in surprise from behind the two, slightly interrupting their conversation.
"Hey, Sam." Kirby greets in a soft voice as she walks over and briefly hugs the woman who she looks to be familiar with, catching Wayne's intrigue.
"What- You're the FBI?" Sam questions with a small look of shock, apparently expecting to never see the woman ever again after what happened in 2011. Kirby conformingly hums as Wayne takes the moment to say his piece.
"You guys know each other?" Wayne queries, glancing at the both of them. Maybe it's the question everyone asks at some point, but he's starting to feel out of the loop on almost everything here.
"Yeah, we went to Woodsboro High together." Sam explains, still glancing at Kirby with some surprise in her eyes. "She was a senior when I was a freshman."
"We share a certain history, yeah...." Kirby mutters with a nod, following her lips before turning back to Wayne. "Look, I'm not trying to get into a jurisdictional pissing contest here, I just want to help." She assures the detective as she glances at her folders. "I'll show you mine, et cetera."
"Alright, we're ready to escort them out." An officer behind the two sister reports, and everyone turns to see Officer L/N approaching the two of them, back in the flesh, and surprisingly alive and already back for more.
"Y/N..." Sam silently says his name, before practically bull-rushing him with a hug he wasn't ready for. The man mentally yelps before instantly hugging back, rubbing a hand down her long hair. During which, Wayne, Kirby, and Tara all share a look, trying to hide their teasing smiles. Something tells them that the two are more than just concerned exes. "I thought, just for a second, I witnessed you dying right in front of me...."
"Hey, Sam..." Y/N quietly greets back as a way of confirming that he's alight. He gives her a loving smile before softly breaking away from her. "I've been hit with a lot worse for a stab to the back kill me, believe it or not."
"You left AMA again, didn't you?" Tara then asks with a knowing look, feeling like a horribly placed stab still shouldn't immediately have cleared him about two hours later.
"I'm fine, amateur missed both my heart and spine." Y/N assures them as he brushes off his shoulder like it's no big deal. However, he looks back at Sam who crosses her arms as she scans him, a side of her not believing it. "I'm fine." He promises her, although she's still unconvinced, even if she wants to trust his word.
"That's Officer L/N for you." Wayne comments with a small shrug, having already tried to convince him to stay in the hospital to no avail. He's pretty sure the chief hates him or something, because he had absolutely no problem inviting Y/N back into the station. "I'm sure you've met Special Agent Reeds before." He then introduces him to Kirby, causing the two to glance at each other and finally recognize the other's face.
"Long time, no see, Y/N." Kirby quips with a tiny smirk pointed at him, to which Y/N gives a mixed smile in return.
"Kirby, perfect timing, I was just thinking that all of my hatches were buried." Y/N remarks with a sarcastic nod. Sam glances between the two of them with a raised brow, already detecting a complicated history between the two of them that she somehow didn't learn about.
An officer then approaches Wayne and hands him two plastic bags that he'll apparently want to see. "Thank you." He politely nods before eyeing the two, seeing that one of them has yet another clean Ghostface attire. "He left this mask at the bodega." He reports, getting everybody's attention. "DNA traces of two individuals, Charlie Walker, Jill Roberts, both deceased."
"The Ghostface killers of 2011." Kirby identifies with a very knowing expression. This mask is a little dirtier than the one at the complex, but it's still somewhat white. "Charlie Walker gave me this." She lifts up her shirt, revealing her double-stab scars two all of them. "Like I said, I take a special interest. Is this the mask he was wearing when he attacked you?"
"No." Tara denies while Sam shakes her head. Y/N didn't see it, but he can tell that isn't the one either. The mask the killer was wearing was much more cracked up than that.
"Officer L/N already pointed it out that the masks have no traces of blood on them by the victims." Wayne mentions as he nods towards the guy, further cutting that out of the picture. "So, it must mean he's leaving them on purpose."
"Which means whoever's doing this is a student of the killers that came before." Kirby agreeingly adds as she glances at Samantha. "Maybe he believes Sam and Y/N are the latest in a long line." She theorizes, going by the online rumor that's swarmed Reddit.
"Yeah, good luck with that. We're getting out of town." Sam informs them with a sarcastic remark as she walks past all of them, glad she already prepared to do so beforehand. Tara, this time, doesn't disagree with that plan. However, Y/N winces as he knows what they have to say next.
"Uh, I'm sorry, that's not possible." Wayne states before they can leave, however, causing them both to stop and turn around. "You're both persons of interest in a double homicide, so you're not allowed to leave town, sorry."
"Are you serious?" Tara questions him with a look, wondering if he's trying to get them killed or something. The two turn to Y/N for some kind of help, however, it seems that the officer also knew of this before they did.
"I've tried talking to the chief about it. But, everyone's made it clear that, well.... you know the old, saying... 'Everyone's a suspect.' " Y/N regretfully confirms with an a tense shrug. Sam blinks rapidly at him, causing him to sigh. "Look, it's protocol, Sidney Prescott went through in the Remake Mur-"
"We're going." Sam cuts him off as she grabs Tara's hand and marches the two of them out.
"Yup, there it is....." Y/N remarks as he rubs his face, knowing that she was going to react that way. Can't say he blames her. "I should've waited before popping my head out."
"There's also one more thing." Kirby then chimes in as she steps towards the officer, causing Y/N to turn towards the both of them with a raised brow. "Given the circumstances and you're...... behavior, back at Woodsboro, I've talked with the chief, and he's agreed to let you go on the case."
"Let me go?" Y/N repeats her words, now being the one that's blinking rapidly. He glances at Wayne, who tells the same story behind his eyes. "Wait, you're pulling me out of case? But Detective Bailey said-"
"Detective Bailey wanted to do you a favor the previous detective gave him because it involved Sam and Tara, I'm doing you a much better favor because of the same thing." Kirby tells him before Y/N can start complaining, giving him a look that lets him know that she's being serious, but also empathetic to how he feels. "I'm sorry, but you're not getting involved."
She then walks away to her supposedly temporary desk, leaving Y/N to process the new situation for him. Wayne presses his lips together, looking at the guy sympathetically. "Sorry kid, I tried to convince her otherwise." He promises with a shrug, but in the end, one had more power over the other.
"This is why I shouldn't have ever fed it to blonds...." Y/N mutters with a shake of his head, his use of the Arnold Schwarzenegger being noticed by the detective who slightly chuckles. "They always assume what's best for you."
"So, you two knew each other in Woodsboro as well?" Wayne asks curiously, causing Y/N to sigh.
"Yeah, we were..... rebound pals/partners before I moved into Lakewood, after she got.... stabbed." Y/N explains as simply as possible, and Wayne doesn't thankfully ask for any more details. "She's the one who inspired me get into this job, which I'm now regretting..."
"Maybe Kirby was right, pulling you out." Wayne remarks with a look, wondering if the two of them will keep whatever it is they had to themselves while all of this plays out. Y/N rolls his eyes, signaling that he's not helping. "Sorry, sorry, look, you're gonna lose them if you don't move." He then reminds him as he points towards the door.
"Oh, right, shit..." Y/N mutters as he quickly jogs over to where Sam and Tara marched away to, Wayne smiling and chuckling to himself as he watches him leave.
Just what they needed..... cliche drama.
NYPD Station: Outside
Sam and Tara open the doors to find an army of the press standing on the other side. Y/N follows them, him and a few other officers guarding them so they don't get overwhelmed by the bombardment of questions, accusations, and microphones coming their way. It's like every reporter from here to the eastern seaboard came for a taste.
"Samantha, do you have an alibi for last night's murders?"
"Tara, do you feel safe around your sister?"
"Tara! Tara!"
"Excuse me, Trevor Johnson, Channel 5." One then introduces himself. Once that name and titles comes out her mouth, Sam and Tara snap their heads towards the reporter and writer that's on the very top of their shit list. Even all of the other reporters stop to stand behind him and Jim, who has his camera raised. "Do you ladies think you're the reason the Ghostface killer has come to the big Apple?"
Sam scoffs in response, he knows who this guy is, but this is the first time she and Tara are actually seeing his smug face, asking questions like he's not the reason for their constant backlash and suffering. She pretends to turn around before throwing a punch directed at his face....
Which he expertly dodges. "Really?" Trevor raises a brow at her, wondering if he looked that stupid. "You really think I didn't watch the movies my book is based on-"
Tara socks him in the eye, causing Jim and a cop to have to catch his body before he almost falls on his ass. Everyone gasps while Y/N snorts. He grabs Jim's camera and does a selfie with it. "Please, remix that, everyone, we insist." He humorously requests before handing it back to the cameraman, who takes it while giving him a strange look.
"Saw that one coming...." Jim comments, muttering, though everyone can hear it.
"Stay away from us." Tara demands before she and Sam storm away, while Y/N and the cops maintain their role as bodyguards.
"Oh, you're lucky I can't sue the two of you!" Trevor remarks loudly as he angrily rubs the cheek around his eye, obviously embarrassed at being decked by a collage kid. He assumes that they would've even have ten dollars to pay for the damages he'd win over.
"I got a taxi for you guys over there." Y/N lets them know as he points to them a few feet away, since they currently are unable to drive with the older sister's license as evidence. "I'm sure there's more of them at Blackmore, so practice your marching skills."
"I'm really sorry about this." Y/N then profusely apologizes as he sheepishly puts his hands on his hips, to which the two sisters turn to him. "If it was up to me, you'd be out of here before the sun ever came out."
"Not your fault, it's just...." Sam assures him before letting out a mentally exhausted sigh. "I thought it would be easier once we made it obvious that neither one of us could've done it." She vents to Y/N, who empathetically nods.
"Yeah, well.... everyone's a suspect." Y/N quips with a sarcastic look, embracing Sam again and stealing Tara's nose before nodding them towards the taxi. The two give him a lovingly grateful look before thankfully retreating into the taxi. As soon as the cop then turns around, he sees Trevor approaching with Jim a few inches behind him.
"Well, those two know how to make a good first impression." Trevor sarcastically remarks as he gives Y/N a glare, to which the cop just shrugs, unable to hide his amusement. "And they wonder why everyone hates them..."
"Yeah, it's because after Gale Weathers wrote a book about a fallen cop that also made it clear why you shouldn't write about murders that happened, you swooped in and wrote a book about what happened." Y/N corrects Trevor's remark with the actual fact, staring daggers at him for trying to play innocent.
"Hey, not my fault her lawyers couldn't win the copyrights for it. Sidney Prescott wasn't involved enough, so the Requel murders were fair game." Trevor points out in his defense, once again not taking any blame. Y/N rolls his eyes as he tries to walk away, only to get roped back into the conversation. "Hey, you know as well as I do that Ghostface is back for them."
"At least I don't phrase it like they're the angels of death!"
"Why? Because that honor falls only to you?" Trevor queries sassily, causing Y/N to snap his head around and march back towards him. "Yeah, that's right. I'm a lot more emotionally intelligent that you likely think I am. I can read the subtext from a quotes you made.'"
"Leave them, alone, Johnson." Y/N demands with a serious look as he almost gets into Trevor's face. The other reporters stand back, the punch from Tara scaring them away. "I mean it."
"Hey..." Trevor raises his hands up, tapping them against his chest. "I'm just trying to help."
"I think you've done enough for a year, huh?"
"Oh, come on...." Trevor rolls his eyes at Y/N's seriousness. "The book wasn't that bad."
"You called Sam 'Unstable' and a 'Born Killer'." Y/N mentions to the reporter with a look that challenges him to say that again. In response, Trevor just snorts at him.
"That's taken out of context."
"That's literally a quote. Page twenty-seven." Y/N points out with a sassy head tilt, causing Trevor to blink before admitting defeat. Okay, he wasn't actually expecting them to have read it. "Leaking it out that Sam was Billy's daughter wasn't bad enough? Let me make it more clearer for you... stay away from them, unless you wanna try and get through me." He orders Trevor in a way that could be considered a threat.
The reporter, however, isn't all that intimidated by the command and takes a step closer towards him. "They considered you too close to the case, didn't they?" Trevor correctly guesses, the fact Y/N makes answering that question for him. "Come on... admit it... you need my help to catch this fucker." He tempts Y/N with a finger on his chest.
However... Y/N swipes it away. "Says who?" He questions before walking back towards the station, leaving Trevor to chuckle as he watches him go before turning back to his cameraman.
"Probably wasn't the best question to start with..." Jim comments with a sigh as he double-checks to camera to see if it was broken after Trevor's shoulder fell onto it.
"Hey, I didn't come here to be loved. I came here to pay my rent." Trevor reminds him with a look that encourages him to leave his morals back at the front door. "And if that means increasing my book sales by solving a murder, so be it." He adds with a smirk before walking towards the van, to which Jim sighs as he follows.
"And a murder mystery, you'll get...."
Dr Stone's Office:
Doctor Christopher Stone is currently going through his morning routine, currently at the breakfast segment while an old movie plays on his television. "You fools, you're in danger!" The man on the screen playing Invasion of the Body Snatchers, colored black and white, yells out in that dramatic way that old movies used to have actors deliver their lines. "Can't you see? They're after you! Our wives, our children, everyone!"
A loud knock on the door brings Dr. Stone out of his movie as he turns his head around, wondering who it could be at this hour. "They're here already! You're next!" He stands up and slowly steps into the hall to the door. His ears turned out to be correct as he sees a figure, who's features are too blurry behind the glass to fully see, is standing behind it. "You're next! You're next! You're next! You're next!"
The figure knocks on the door thematically, apparently knowing the code to get inside. "Who is it?" He asks out loud towards the person, who doesn't verbally respond back to him, just keeps standing there. A noise briefly causes him to look back, only to recognize it as his washing machine going off.
He walks closer towards the door, eventually noticing how the figure seems to be wearing some kind of robe and hood, kind of like some old Halloween costume. "You're a day early for trick-or-treating you know." Stone remarks as he steps in front of the door, leaning further to see the face of the person behind it. However, it seems that the stranger has their head down, their hood blocking their face....
Until they look up, revealing a Ghostface mask.
Before Stone can react, Ghostface abruptly punches a whole through the glass and grabs Dr. Stone by his robe, slamming his entire front onto the door. The killer then bashes his head multiple time against it before raising his blade and sending it through the bars and into the therapist's nose, going as deep as he possibly can.
The second he pulls the knife out, Doctor Stone's body spasm before he falls back onto the floor, now bleeding heavily from the new hole in his face. With the glass now shattered, Ghostface casually reaches through the barred window and unlocks the door for himself and calmly steps inside.
Once in, he steps past the old man's body before making himself at home, aka, searching through everything in his office that might pique his interest. He opens up every drawer, dragging his finger across every folder until he finds three names that pique his interest.
Samantha Carpenter.....
Y/N L/N.....
And his own.....
(A/N) New chapter up!
Last chapter was somewhat long, but I'm still trying to make each chapter small and sweet, focusing on one specific part of the story before moving on to the next one. It makes the updates easier, at least in terms of this book.
I'm really excited to keep doing this, so thank you for everyone who's still reading.
plz vote and comment, any counts as feedback, and I'll see you in the next one!
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