S2 Chapter 2: It Says You're a Dead Fuck (Spicy)
*Current Count of Titles in this book having the F-Word in them-3
New York: Blackmore Campus
So, just in case it needs to be summarized, Sam was in therapy, found out her sister went to a party to pretty much get wasted, tased a guy who may or may not have been trying to rape her while she was intoxicated. Y/N, meanwhile, learns that his ex-girlfriend is now a suspect s a crime he's all too familiar with, and when he goes to the place he'd know she'd show up eventually, gets way too aggressive with one of the guys he finds messing with Tara.
All in all?
Standard night. Nothing at all has changed.
"Tara, will you stop?" Sam calls out to her sister as she follows her across the campus, the rest of the gang, excluding Y/N, following behind her.
"I can't believe you did that!" Tara emotionally yells as she glances back at her, still trying to get away from her. "You embarrassed me!"
"That guy was a dick! He was trying to take advantage of you-"
"SO?!" Tara questions as she snaps around to face her with a look of someone who really doesn't not give a fuck about that, even if it's true. "If I want to hook up with an asshole, that's my decision! That's my decision!" She declares as she points to herself. "It's not about you! I-I mean, y-you're out of my life for five years, Y/N's for ten, and then you break up with him a second time two weeks later while not leaving me alone for ten minutes."
"Because you're not dealing with what happened to us." Sam states, reminding her of the lack of mental help she's even tried to receive, and constant drinking she displayed at the party. "Have you ever gone to see the counselor once?"
"No, I'm not going to."
"Why not?"
"Because I'm uninterested in living in the past like you are." Tara accuses, while everyone else awkwardly glances at each other behind the two of them, Ethan and Anika having switched hats.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Sam questions, squinting at Tara, the others can make a few guesses, revolving around a couple names. However, they're smart enough to not speak them out-loud.
"Hey, guys, come on...." Mindy chimes in, in hopes of breaking it up so they can go home, but it goes about as well as you expect.
"It means I'm not gonna let what happened to us for three days define the rest of my life." Tara passionately states to Sam.
"So you're just gonna pretend it never happened?" Sam questions with a digging look, her sister now starting to feel like she's missing her point.
"What are you doing here, Sam? In New York? I thought it was for Y/N at first, but then you tell me that you two don't see each other anymore and yet you're still around." Tara asks her, her expression daring for Sam to give an answer that involves only herself. "You're working two shitty jobs to help with rent, or whatever, but what's your plan? I know what I'm gonna do. Okay? Because I'm.... I'm gonna keep going to college, I'm gonna get my degree, and I'm gonna live my life, my life. Okay? I know." She tells Sam. "You just followed me here, and you won't let me out of your sight."
Samantha's shoulders seem to drop as if they were already raised for something. "I'm just trying to look out for you." She says with a shrug.
"I..." Tara lets out a massive sigh, briefly rubbing her face. "I know, I know you are. You can't do it for the rest of my life, though." She tells her. "You have to let me go."
Before anyone else can say something to finally direct the group to their apartment complex, they hear approaching footsteps. "Hey!" A girl calls out before suddenly throwing her drink all over Sam's shirt, snapping everyone's attention. "Murderer!"
"What the fuck is wrong with you, bitch!" Sam yells back with a shove, as everyone male has to hold her and Mindy back after being completely caught off guard by how quickly shit escalated. "You got a problem with me?!"
"You guys should stay away from her, she knows what she did." The girl states, pointing a accusatory finger at Sam. Her friends recording the entire reaction with amusement, just showing that they're really just grilling for her anger, which they are most definitely getting.
"I didn't fucking do anything!"
"Sure, bitch!"
"I'm so sick of this shit..." Sam mutters to herself while everyone else takes that as their cue to head back to their respective places. Ethan, though, briefly stops and turns around due to feeling a little bad for her.
"Hey, I-I-I have.... I have tissues if you want tissues." Ethan lets her know as he quickly goes into his pockets, though ends up finding less than he remembers having. "I... I have..... like, three tissues." He sheepishly tells her, extending them towards her. When Sam eventually takes them, the guy just awkwardly stands there before walking away when he sees seemingly catches someone behind her that makes him nervous.
Sam just shrugs it off, not thinking any of it at first, until she turns around to leave too and almost runs into Y/N leaning against a tree, staring directly at her. Time then almost seems to pause for the two of them as there first few minutes of seeing each other commits to nothing but silence. "Y/N......" She softly says his name, seemingly too afraid to ask what he's doing here.
"So, how are you doing? Don't you have better things to do than to be a sister for a single day?" Y/N sarcastically asks her, giving her a look as he then takes a swig of his canteen that he hides back in jacket. "And it's Officer L/N to you, uniform or not."
"Well... what are you doing here, Officer L/N?" Sam finally asks him with a sassy tone when she calls him by the name he wants. Y/N softly laughs as he stands up straight, taking his sweet time in walking closer towards her.
"Saw you grabbing Tara's taser, knew exactly where you would be, because she told me in case I needed to pick her up." Y/N answers with a cheeky smile, which makes Sam glance down in realization that one was chosen over the other. "You see? It helps not to make yourself a watcher all the time, just a person who's there when you need it."
Sam glares up at him after one blink. "So, you.... what? Came here to criticize me after almost trying to beat up a collage kid that's five years younger than you?" She questions him with a raised brow to which Y/N shrugs.
"I was waiting for him to give me a reason, yes."
"Oh, okay, clearly you're the better role model." Sam 'acknowledges' with a sassy nod before shouldering past Y/N, who rolls his eyes as he reluctantly has to follow.
"Mrs. Carpenter-"
"You know, you told me how, but you didn't really answer my question." Sam then points out as she snaps her head back towards her as they find a more open spot in the grass to argue. "Why are you here?"
Y/N opens his mouth, but swallows as he finds the setting not private enough to tell her the bad news. "I'll tell you back at the hotel.... where people aren't listening!" He yells over as he leans his head over Sam's shoulder, causing her to turn around and also see Michael, Emily, and Ethan quickly jogging away, out of their horrible hiding spot. "Kids..." He mutters, giving Sam a emotionless look over before leaving the campus grounds as well.
Everyone's just so nosey....
"Hey there, Y/N!" A guy calls out to the cop as soon as he reaches his car, causing him to roll his eyes so far into the back of his head before turning around to see a familiar face leaning against that van that's parked next to his vehicle. "Still not getting lucky?" Trevor Johnson queries in a friendly manner, though Y/N can see right through it.
"Lucky is being able to stop a rapist from ruining a wasted girl." Y/N replies with a blank look on his face, not really acted bothered by that comment as he's sure Trevor wants. The reporter looks almost like Billy Loomis's cousin, with the way he has his hair styled, though he doubts that's what he was thinking of when he combed it that way. "What do you want?"
"Heard a girl just slashed and left hanging, isn't there any comment as to what's going to happen to deal with this potential crisis?" Trevor queries in a slightly pushy way, a question that makes Y/N blink at him, wondering how he figured that out so quickly. "I'm friends with the cops who love donuts."
"Somehow, that's more insulting that all of the comments your book has made." Y/N remarks with a look before tapping on his car, waiting for when they are getting to let up. Trevor takes the hint that he isn't talking and chuckles, though it's clear that he isn't going to give up any time soon.
"See you later, Y/N. Come on, Jimmy!" Trevor tells him as he gets back into the driver's seat of his van. The other guy and Trevor's cameraman, Jim, who looks thirty years older than the guy he's working fer, looks over at Y/N with an apologetic look before hopping into the passenger seat.
Y/N shakes his head before getting in his as well.
Hortense Tower Apartment Complex:
Exhausted, both physically and mentally, Tara takes off her pirate costume in her room, setting her purse to where it can hang. Tonight was.... eventful as always, the mood went swinging, until it turned sour, and then bitter.... Which is like, 50 percent of Blackmore University related stuff. They probably thought she didn't see it, but she knew that Sam and Y/N were getting into it again the second she left. It makes her both angry and sad, sometimes wondering if the reason they instantly broke up two weeks after getting back together was because of her.
After taking a gulp of her inhaler, she hears her opened door knocking, seeing Quinn slowly step inside. "Hey...." She awkwardly greets, a slightly guilty expression on her face. "I'm sorry I told Sam, where you went." She apologizes, though it sounds like she ended up having a blast at the end there.
"It's fine, I just...." Tara waves it off before letting out another sigh of the night. "She's all the way up my ass, like usual." She remarks, tiredly setting her bottom down on her bed, to which Quinn chuckles.
"I know what it's like when they hold on too tight." Quinn mentions as she sets her phone in her hand on the small drawer, takes the chair in Tara's room and sits remotely next to where she is, having a very similar story to tell. "After we, um..... lost my brother, my dad.... wouldn't leave me alone." She tells Tara with a chuckle. "He even transferred to the NYPD when I got into collage, so.... stalker much?"
Another soft knock on the door brings the girls' attention to Ethan Laundry, who's arrived with a small bottle for that eventual hangover. He and Tara awkwardly look at each other while Quinn catches the hint fairly quickly. "I'm gonna go, let you guys.... chat." She says to them, giving Tara an encouraging eye brow before closing the door behind her.
With the two now somewhat alone in the room, Ethan now has lost the ability to talk, even more so when he glances up to see Tara looking like she's waiting for him to say something, or maybe he's just overthinking it. "Uh...." He stutters, before just shaking the bottle of pills and setting them down on the drawer. "I, um.... here, I found these in my bathroom, for headaches and stuff."
"Oh, thanks." Tara replies with a small nod, even though she's sure she, Sam, and Quinn had some in their own apartment. "You can, um, go back to your dorm. I'm pretty sure the fighting is done for the day."
"Oh, I don't... I don't mind. I've been trained to get used to it after my parents would always..... you know." Ethan explains with an awkward chuckle before he uses hand puppets to mimic how his family was back at home. Tara softly laughs, able to relate to that to an extreme level. "Though I wish I..... I didn't just stand around and I watch it happen, you know?"
"Oh yeah? You were planning to box him?" Tara playfully asks with a teasing brow, to which Ethan modestly glances down, not sure if he realistic have the courage to do so.
"I mean, it's possible, my dad showed me a few things." Ethan answers as he does a very dorky attempt at shadow boxing, making Tara to unhelpful to stop herself from laughing at him. In spite of it though, the boy smiles victoriously as he takes it that he succeeded in making her feel a little better after what happened at OKB party. "Hey, um.... can I get your honest opinion on something? Just so... you know, we talk about something that isn't date-rape Frankie?"
"Sure?" Tara answers with a curious brow as Ethan then steps over and sits right next to her on the bed, clearing his throat in a very nervous banner.
"Am I, um...." Ethan gestures towards himself, once again failing to talk in full sentences. "Like, a..... a snack to you?"
Tara blinks. "What?"
"Like a... a snack. A full meal, the entire buffet, that kind of thing." Ethan specifics as he still gestures towards himself, looking like he really wants the girl's opinion on this matter. "Like, would a girl tell me yes if I.... um, maybe, just maybe.... wanted to ask her out even though I've not done a good job at telling her that I think she's really pretty?"
Tara, still baffled by the analogy Ethan's using when he asks this, needs more than a minute as she thinks about how she responds to that. "Who.... exactly, are you asking this for?" She queries with a curious brow, starting to get a few ideas, but not wanting to jump to conclusions too quickly.
"You mean, who the girl is?" Ethan asks, and Tara nods, a small hint of a deeper smile on her face. "Well, it's....." He takes a massive swallow. "I'm asking because I think you're-"
"I forgot my phone..." The door abruptly opens, cutting them off before they can round home plate. Quinn quickly pauses as she scans Ethan and Tara, slowly realizing what she just accidentally walked back in on. "Did I cock-block you?"
"What did you just say?" Tara cringes.
"I cock-blocked you."
"No." Ethan groans as he looks extremely embarrassed, hiding his face with his palm.
"I cock-blocked you, didn't I?"
"Immediate no." Tara quickly shakes her head.
"Okay, this is really weird now..." Ethan mumbles as he stands up a little too quickly. "Your phone's um.... right there." He awkwardly points towards the bowl on the desk where she left it, causing Quinn to let out an 'oh!' before retrieving it.
"Don't ever enter a room again like that again." Tara orders with a look, causing Quinn to sheepishly chuckle.
"I won't. It was rude."
"Um, I'm gonna go. But um.... me and Michael will still be here just so everyone's hanging out and stuff." Ethan shyly informs the two of them as he walks through the door while making finger guns. "After-party thing, that kind of stuff."
While he leaves, Quinn turns back to Tara, giving her a very sorry look as she awkwardly leaves as well, knowing she just worried a big moment for geek history. She also closes the door so she can mentally curse her in private.
Tara is now alone in her room, muttering to herself as she drops onto the bed. She rubs her face with her hands before letting out a huge exhale, smiling way to wide at herself and what just happened.
She knows it wasn't just her that saw what was gonna happen, was it?
Hortense Tower Apartment Complex: Lobby
Downstairs, all the way on the first floor, Sam sits on the bottom of the staircase, head deep in thought as she re-plays everything that just happened in her head, wondering if she truly would have played it differently if he didn't know she went back in time for a second chance. Part of her wants to, so people didn't call her 'psycho girl', but..... no, she would've still tased him in the balls.
Eventually, the door opens and she glances over to see, surprise, surprise, Y/N checking himself at the desk while also glancing over and briefly sharing eye contact with her, wearing a blank face that shows no emotion. Possibly, he's already thinking about their argument. Sam eventually puts her head back down, knowing what's going to happen in a few minutes.
Once he's done, Y/N then walks over to the stairs since they're the only means he uses to get to his apartment number. Sam, understanding this, stands up and steps to the side so he can pass her. During which, she looks around to see if anyone's around..... nobody... it's just the two of them in this hallway. No one to eavesdrop or watch them.
Then, she grabs him by the collar of his jacket and pulls Y/N into the wall to kiss him.
Y/N quickly puts his hands on her hips and kisses back, eventually breaking away to give her a cocky smirk. "How are you doing? For real, this time." He asks for the sake of it, though judging by the way Sam bite her lips, she's not interested in small talk. She pulls him back in and kisses him again, and Y/N quickly responds appropriately.
Sam then wraps a leg around his waist, and the two begin lurch down the hall while making out, constantly switching who's against the wall or the staircase railing as they keep trying to get to the male's apartment. During which, they grip into various parts of each other's body. Y/N occasionally rubbing his hand against Sam's ass and her slipping her hands under his shirt, digging her nails into his skin.
Eventually, after who knows how time it took to get here, they finally get to the number. Sam jumps up and allows Y/N to hold her by her thighs as they use her as a ram to open the door after he unlocks it. Once in, and the door is then closed behind them, Sam practically rips off her sweater and shirt while the L/N's holding her right before they fall onto the bed with soft thud.
Y/N then does the same with his jacket and shirt before getting on top of Sam to resume the session. The two kiss for only another three seconds before the Carpenter girl then scrambles for the zippers of her jeans, moaning in a way that begs for help in taking them off. Y/N does, during which, Sam bites her lip as she watches him slide them off. Then, when he gets back onto her, wraps her legs around his waist so he's with her for the rest of the night.
Next, Y/N, who has the same hunger she does, takes a quick second to loosen up his own pants before Sam fully entraps him in her cage, which she thankfully allows him to do. Now that they are both in their underwear, the two treat the bed they are laying on as if it's a fighting arena. They roll around as they kiss and rub their bodies against each other, hands clinging onto the other's skin like a mosquito needing its next drop of blood.
However, even the tiny fabrics they have left are starting to become an annoyance and they quickly remove those as well. Sam makes sure to share eye contact with Y/N the entire time she lifts up her bra before slowly laying back down in a way that says he wants her to be the one that removes her panties the way she wants him to do it. Y/N knows the method she's thinking about and gives her a knowing look before slowly peeling them across the thighs before using his teeth to pull them the rest of the way down while Sam holds up her legs to help him out a tiny bit.
Then, since the two do not want to waste any fucking time, Y/N gives her sex region the first teasing licks she loves to start with. When Sam eventually starts moaning blissfully, he takes that as his cue to dive in, causing the noises to get a little louder while Sam also grips the pillows so hard that her knuckles threaten to turn white.
Here comes the part Y/N always likes, when Sam starts getting even more clingy with him, even when she has him deep in her thighs. She curls them around the top of his head, wanting him to not stop for anything, even for a drop of fresh air. Her brain is no longer thinking of her issues, just about him.
Once she then grabs onto his hair with her fingers, Y/N now knows what's coming. He dials up his flicking all the way to the max, causing Sam to cry out as her head shoots back, spasming as she unloads every drop of semen she can onto his tongue. Once she finally lets her legs and hand go, Y/N looks down at her with a victorious grin as he wipes his mouth.
As he crawls back up, he opens his mouth to make a cheeky comment, however Sam is still not in the mood for that yet and almost instantly grabs his face and pulls him down for another intense row of kisses. Now she wants to see his other 'weapon' that he keeps on his person. Y/N, gripping her thigh as he tongue-kisses back, learns the message very easily.
He quickly shifts his position more suitable for her as he gets back on top of her. His lean onto the bedframe as he slowly slides himself into her still wet pussy. Sam closes her eyes for another moan as she eventually starts feeling him inside. Y/N, this time, is now able to fully examine her facial reactions from so close, and it's kind of making him fall in love all over again, a weird spell she's casted on him that he gracefully accepts.
But he knows she's craving him badly, so Y/N eventually starts moving faster. Sam starts to get loud again as she grips onto his head and back, clinging onto it like it's a lifeline. She's now moaning out words into Y/N's ear, which is only revving his engine up further. Once her fingernails start scratching his skin, the man eventually comes undone, and so does she the second she feels his unload inside her.
Once they're able to breathe again, Y/N pulls out and tiredly moves over to lay on the other side of the bed next to her, the two of them sweaty and breathing heavily as they now pull the sheets back up and get comfortable. "Much better now, thank you for asking." Sam then finally responds to his question from earlier, causing him to let out a chuckle. "Being famous isn't all it's cracked up to be."
"No kidding." Y/N agreeingly comments. She gets diet cherry coke splashed onto her by collage kids, and he gets constantly judged and eye-fucked at the station, the hate kind of eye-fuck. He then opens up his bed stand and pulls up the pack of cigs, which she gratefully takes. "At least it was diet coke, I hate that stuff. Pepsi's where's it at."
"Glad to know you have your favorites in order." Sam quips with a small giggle as she appreciates that Y/N still hasn't lost his strange yet attractive self. Y/N smirks in response as he takes a cigarette as well lights both of theirs up for her. "Tara's pissed at me..... again. She wants me to 'let her go'."
"Well, when you live with a mom who's always gone for business trips, you kind of teach yourself that you're independent." Y/N notes with a small shrug, knowing how it is since he was practically living alone back in Woodsboro. "She did bring up one good point, what are you gonna do with your life?" He brings up as they both blow out smoke, seemingly at the same time. "Well, besides me?" He adds the second he catches his unemotional joke with a grin, making Sam cackle since he beat her by one second.
"I don't know.... I.... I really can't see myself as any other person other than a family woman." Sam tells Y/N honestly as she takes another drag. She knows she's made herself overprotective, but in her mind, how else should she act, when Tara's quite literally all she has left? One father's dead, the other wants nothing to do with her, the only grandma she knows is also dead in the same way, and her mother has practically disowned her now that she's told Tara the truth.
"That's nothing to be ashamed about. I just was saying, you know? I, and I'm sure she, just want you to go after what you want. Being too selfless can be selfish, that kind of thing." Y/N suggests with a small shrug. "Kind of like how you were the one that said we should pretend to hate each other and 'break up' just so the other doesn't get killed. When in reality, I think you just love sneaking around~" He playfully comments while ticking a giggling Sam before kissing her softly.
After which though, he lets out a small grunt, which Sam obviously notices. "You okay?" She says before sitting up and noticing a small cut scar on the side of his torso, one that wasn't from old Ghostface times.
"Yeah, it's just a gift from last night's call." Y/N answers as he quickly puts on a, 'I'm fine' kind of face. "Some bikers at that pub on thirty-first whose initiations include winning a bar fight. Sometimes, stereotypes can be correct." He explains before shrugging, acting like it's no big deal that he got himself hurt.... again.
"And let me guess, you started it?" Sam then guesses with a raised brow, getting it right on the nose according to the face Y/N makes after. "Y/N, this isn't just some phase, isn't it? Are you.... trying to punish yourself or something?" She asks him with extreme worriment for him, though that only reminds the cop of something as he rolls over to lay on his side, facing her.
"Look, there's um....." Y/N quickly changes the topic as he swallows nervously, causing Sam to squint curiously at him.
"There's something I need to tell you."
Hortense Tower Apartment Complex: Tara, Sam, and Quinn's apartment
A few minutes later, the door to the apartment that the rest of the gang, Anika, Mindy, Ethan, Michael, Emily, Tara, and Quinn are all hanging around in, suddenly bursts open without warning in spite of its seven locks, and Sam marches in like she just heard the zombie apocalypse has started with Y/N right behind him. The two of them have their clothes back on, though it was clearly very rushed by how messy they look.
"What the...." Emily reacts appropriately as she jumps, taken aback along with everyone else.
"Hey, Cute Cop!" Quinn notices as he points to him, giving Sam an approving grin as she also knows what the horrible way they wear those clothes mean. "Nice..." She comments. However, the woman is currently not in the mood to talk about boys.
"Pack a bag, we leave in ten." Sam orders Tara in a serious tone as she marches towards the kitchen, catching everyone else even more off guard.
"Sam, old on..." Y/N pleads as he follows her, much to no avail.
"Wait, why?" Tara questions in bewilderment. "Sam, wait! Sam?" She follows her too as they both watch Sam straight up pull out a kitchen knife from the knife rack, much to the little sister's shock. "Sam, what are you doing?! What's going on?!"
"We're getting out of the city."
"What?!" Ethan utters as he stands up, glancing between both her and Tara.
"Wow, way to add more salt to the wound..." Michael comments as he and Emily share a look, knowing that Ethan was just about to get lucky with his crush if it wasn't for Quinn.
"Sam, you're not listening to me...." Y/N states as he holds up a hand, trying to prevent her from accidentally getting herself arrested by trying to leave New York.
"Sam w-w-w-wait! Hold on!" Tara pleads as she's understandably baffled by the actions her sister's making. "What the fuck is going on?" She questions as she turns to Y/N, practically begging for an explanation.
"Laura Crane, Greg Buckner, and Jason Carvey were all found within an hour of each other." Y/N finally tells her with a sigh, causing everyone else to go wide-eyed as they process what just came out of his mouth.
"Holy shit, Jason! That's the chode from our Film Studies class! The one obsessed with Argento." Mindy points out, surprised to hear that he's now dead, to which Ethan and Emily glance interested at her. "And the professor's dead too?"
"Yes, we got that established? Good?" Y/N sarcastically confirms before turning back to Sam. "Sam, you cannot leave the city-"
"We have to, Y/N. I'm not changing my mind." Sam responds with a stern tone, causing Y/N to throw his hands up as he wonders if she's actually listening to the words that are coming out of his mouth.
"No, wait, let's talk about this for a second." Tara pleads, not wanting her decision to move to New York be completely thrown out the window. " 'Cause t-this might not have anything to do with us."
Sam looks at her as if she's crazy. "Are you serious?"
"It's a big city!" Tara exclaims, gesturing towards the entire world. "It's Halloween. Everybody's wearing masks!"
"Sadly, the people at the station have reason to believe that it does have something to do with you." Y/N regretfully informs her, trying to use facts every time he talks as to not add fuel to the fire between them. However, when he quickly walks in front of Sam when she tries marching towards their rooms. "But you're physically unable to leave the city."
"Why not?!" Sam frantically asks, the response that Y/N was waiting for the entire time. He swallows since he almost every suspect he meets doesn't react well when he explains why they are a said suspect.
"They found your driver's license in the apartment complex Jason and Greg died in." He informs them, causing Sam to almost freeze as he processes what that means. No wonder she couldn't find it earlier. "And.... they want you at the station, like, ten minutes ago." Y/N tells her, causing the woman to drop her head with a mental groan.
Son of a bitch....
New York: 45th Street
Sam and Y/N, both wearing their collective jackets, now walk out of the complex to greet the chilly air once again. The former sadly doesn't have much choice but to allow the cop who currently doesn't want to be a cop tonight guide her through the sidewalks so they can get to the station. "My car's somewhere over there." Y/N tells her as he points down the street. "We can take that so we can this over w-"
"Sam! Y/N! Slow down!" They hear Tara's voice calling out to them, and turn around to see her also in her jacket, walking out of the front door. Apparently, she finds it suitable that she goes with her for her interrogation.
"Tara, no." Sam is quick to rebuke that plan however, pushing her sister back to the direction she just came from. "Get back inside, lock the door."
"Are you serious?" Tara questions peeved as she shoves Sam's hands off of her shoulders with a look. "Now you don't want to stick together?" She asks her with a raised brow, wondering when she's going to be able to win with her. Sam, still reluctant, glances at Y/N who just shrugs, silent stating that there's nothing wrong with it, assuming he can get her to join her in the room like a lawyer or something.
"Fine..." Sam eventually lays off with a sigh, letting go of her as she allows Tara to walk with her, though makes perfectly sure that she's side-by-side with her and Y/N. Him and Tara share a look, with a cop giving remarking with her eyes that at least she's allowing her to go out. Tara holds in a smirk, agreeing with him on that.
No more than two minutes on the way however, Sam's phone begins to ring. Thinking that it's Quinn's dad about to tell her the same thing Y/N has, she pulls it out to see who the contact is, only to pause mid-walk, the other two easily notice this and turn back. "Sam?" Y/N says her name with a raised brow. When she gives no response, the two of them walk back over to her and look at who's calling...
And they see Richie Kirsch's number and face.
"What the fuck?" Tara understandably curses out loud while Y/N squints so hard his eyeballs could pop out of their sockets.
"I never deleted his contact." Sam remembers with a blank expression, though that explanation makes Y/N blink as he squints at her. He feels like he's supposed to be jealous or something upon hearing that, but that's a really stupid reason, so he just sticks to being creeped out. Though he mentally notes that he may feel iffy because he can't help but think that Sam didn't get rid of it for a specific reason. Again, silly, but it's how he feels.
"Don't answer it, it'll just distract us..." Y/N advises while putting his hand on his holster he secretly has under his jacket, now on watch mode. However, in spite of this, Sam answers the phone anyway, causing him to give her an offended look as if she just took his bowl of cereal. "Seriously?"
"Who is this?"
"Hello.... Samantha...." The undeniable voice of Ghostface is there to greet him the second he hears her talk, causing Sam to once again abruptly stop walking. "Did you miss me? My sweet little girl?"
"I want you to think long and hard about whether you really want to do this." Sam strongly advices to the bastard calling her, letting Y/N and Tara know that this is truly who they were suspecting. The cop slowly lifts up his jacket and puts his hand tightly on his gun, remaining vigilant. "Because the last two people that decided to fuck with us, ended up dead."
"You should be thanking me, Sam." Ghostface remarks with a seemingly amused tone at her attempt at threats. During which, a hooded man turns the corner, also having a phone up to his ear. "Jason and Greg were gonna kill you, your sister, and your sick little boyfriend. I gutted them before they had the chance."
Sam puts a hand on Tara's shoulder, and Y/N also starts to get a little tense as the man with the phone starts walking closer. However, as he then lifts his head up, showing his face to them, he glances down and sees the male's gun, which he reacts by holding up a hand. "Wow, relax man, black hoods don't mean I plan to rob nobody." The stranger tells him in a gesture that says 'don't shoot' before scoffing with a shake of his head as he passes them. The three then let out a sigh, knowing that it wouldn't be that easy.
"So what? You're protecting us now?" Sam then continues speaking to the caller, while Y/N and Tara get back to trying to find some kind of hint at where the caller is, though so far, the dice is not rolling in their favor.
"Not quite. I'm going to show the world who you really are." Ghostface declares, not wanting her to get the wrong idea that he is some vigilante killing for her. "A liar, and a killer. I'm going to punish you, Sam."
"You shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet, asshole."
"Don't be cute. You're gonna pay for what you did." The Ghostface growls in response, a small hint of fury stemming from personal grudges in his tone. "And I'm not gonna stop until I see your eyeballs rolling across the ground!" He promises her passionately. "You should tell your boyfriend that he'd better watch his back."
"You better watch yours-"
Suddenly, Y/N lets out a sharp yelp out of pain, and the two girls snap their heads and see him with his body tensed up and his eyes roughly closed. He goes terrifyingly still before eventually collapsing onto the floor, revealing Ghostface behind him with a now bloody knife that he wipes the blood off of.
"NO!" Sam yells in response to seeing her boyfriend being stabbed. The killer charges at them next, grabbing Tara, but the two of them collectively shove him away hard enough that he slips and falls onto a pair of parked bikes.
"Shit!" Ghostface curses loud enough for the girls to hear, his voice modulated so they're unable to understand who it is. Sam tries to pull Y/N up, but the shock the knife gave him has rendered him out cold. Tara pulls onto her arm, reminding her that they are also under attack. As the killer slowly stands up, the two reluctantly flee, leaving him behind.
"Help please!" Tara yells out as they continue running, while Sam spots the windows of a bodega store that they frequently pass.
"In there!" Sam directs Tara as they turn the corner and practically slam open the doors, emitting the bell connected to it. Everyone inside is taken aback by these sudden girls who run over to the cashier, accidently bumping the guy into the guy in the front of the line.
"Please, help us, we were just attacked!" Tara wastes no time in screaming loud enough for everyone to hear, as well as her sister. The man operating the cash register slowly turns to them with a raised brow.
"Call 911!"
"There's a fucking line here, girls." An unaware man mentions to the girls in slight frustration while they're busy clamoring about how they were just almost killed outside. All noise is then shut silent when Ghostface boldly walks into the store, in costume and all. The four notice then finally notice how aged this mask looks, greyer with ugly spots of dark green alongside the tiny cracks. Sam and Tara all shift back, wanting to be as far away from him as possible. Seeing him with his weird mask and robe, the stranger then protectively walks up to the killer. "We got a problem here, guy?" He questions.
Ghostface tilts his head.....
Before responding by three rapid stabs to the gut which causes everyone to gaps in terror as titled floor gets stained with a new fresh color, one last stab to the heart finishes him off.
The four college students take rapid steps back as the guy's friend runs up to help, only to be met with steel as Ghostface's knife impales his neck, his blood spraying all over the store's items as soon as the knife's pulled out. The killer then slowly marches over to his real targets as every other patron escapes the store, purposefully installing fear in the two of them as he grips his knife, ready to slice.
The cocking of a shotgun silences him as Ghostface quickly turns to see the cashier aimed straight at him. However, the killer dodges with surprisingly sharp reflexes and instead the blast only destroys an isle with chips on display while the other two duck to avoid the shells. The cashier pumps it up again as he walks up to see that the attacker as disappeared. "Go out the back!" He shouts towards the sisters.
"Thank you!" Tara gratefully replies as the two of them do not hesitate in running over to the back door while the cashier shakingly looks around for where the killer went, however, the thing doesn't budge when they twist and pull on the handle.
"Fuck, it's locked!" Sam curses in frustration.
"The keys! We need your keys!" Tara tells the cashier, who then quickly begins going through his pockets. However, when he looks back up, he sees Ghostface coming out from behind an aisle through the dome mirror. "LOOK OUT!"
The cashier swiftly turns around, however, Ghostface grabs his shotgun with one hand before he can point it at him and stabs him in the shoulder with the other. He then back-hands him into a vending machine where he slides to the ground. Sam and Tara gasp before quickly running behind a shelf to hide. Meanwhile, the man looks up to see the killer now holding the shotgun. "Wait, wait...." He pleading holds up a hand as the weapon is then pointed down at his face. "No! No! No! No! NO!"
His pleads fall on deaf years as his brains are now blown against the glass of the vending machine. The girls faces turn white as they crawl further behind the farthest shelf while Ghostface slowly turns around, cocking up another shell into the gun.
When Sam and Tara hear the shell fall to the floor, they quickly freeze, the place now being painfully a quite that even a small cough could give away their position. Ghostface slowly patrols the area, his foot landing on a chip bag that sadly became a casualty of the cashier's earlier misfire.
Knowing that they can't stay there forever, Sam silently taps on Tara's shoulder, telling her to try and move across the shelf as quietly as possible. The younger sister nod, and-
The cold shelves behind them are suddenly shot, shattering glass all over the are in front of them. Sam and Tara duck their hands to avoid the debris that falls as well, now panicking as they crawl a little faster, which only prompts Ghostface to then shoot the area above them, causing them to freeze again.
The killer then marches over, choosing which side he's going to flank.
He goes with left and swerves around, shotgun at the ready..... However, they're nowhere in sight. He seemingly mutters under his breath, wondering where they vanished off to.
Sam and Tara hide behind the slightly thin side of the short shelf, keeping them in cover, the latter unable to help but whimper as she gets the feeling of fear, much stronger than at the hands of Chad Meeks. This killer is much deadlier than a psychopathic teenager. The fear stabs deeper in her insides as Ghostface slowly steps down the aisle, threatening to find them at their current position.
Fortunately, a dented can lays at their feet, and Sam very slowly reaches down and picks it up, trying her best not to let the thin steel to give her away. Luck favors her and she weakly chucks it down a couple inches, prompting her pursuer to change sides and investigate the other side instead, towards where the noise came from. Sam then nods at her sister and then once again crawl towards the direction of the front door, back at the starting line.
Glass shatters under Tara's knee....... The girls once again freeze as Sam subtly points a finger upward, signally that the killer is directly across from them. She looks through a tiny opening in between the two aisles and shakenly stares at Ghostface as he inhales in a way that emits a raspy, ghostly noise coming from his mouth. What makes them even more terrified is the fact that the killer looks like he stopped moving all together........
Then he snaps right and points the shotgun over, down at both of them! Sam and Tara quickly react by shoving against one of the aisles next to them, their combined strength succeeding in sending it on top of the Ghostface, just in time as he fires a shot that goes into the ceiling while he falls under its weight. "Run! Go! Run!" Tara yells as police sirens wail outside while the Carpenter sisters take their last chance to book it out of the store.
"Let's go!" One officer says as he splits out of his car.
"Going around back!" A second officer informs as he flanks around the store. Sam and Tara turn around, expecting to finally be the ones who witness a Ghostface killer to be spotted early. However, they're not so lucky, seeing the back door close with a loud creek where the suspect had fled the scene....
...Leaving behind a mask.
(A/N) New chapter already!
So yeah.... Y/N and Sam are happily together, just in secret. I don't really like it when couples in Movies/TV Shows get back together and constantly break up in-between every installment. I just wanted to mess with you guys.
This chapter took a little bit longer than expected, but was still fun to write. Make sure to let me know what you think of each chapter in the comments, as they do a lot to help me going with each project, even if I sometimes fail to deliver.
Plz vote and comment, any counts as feedback, and I'll see you in the next one!
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