S2 Chapter 1: Long Time No See
New York: An Hour Later
Remember Deputy L/N? Well guess what? It's Officer L/N now. He's patrolling the streets while secretly listening to that song he's got stuck in his head recently. Yes, he knows, play on words, he's so funny. Anyway, believe or not, a lot has changed in the span of two years between what happened in Woodsboro and what's happening in the Big Apple today. Crime wave difference aside, the massive population can sometimes bring the worse out on people, as well as the anonymity of the internet, though that part might not be as private as half of the estimated social media users think.
He taps impatiently on the wheel as he idly drives around, waiting for these last two hours he has to be over with because he really wants to get home tonight. His bed has been whispering dirty thoughts to him from twenty blocks away. That just makes him reach for his secret stash of jellybeans and takes a handful into his mouth. Right as he does however, his walkie talkie buzzes in.
"Bravo Ten, this is dispatch, come in?" The female on the radio checks on him, causing Y/N to groan as he forcefully swallows his anti-smoke habit candies before grabbing onto the device and pressing the button once he knows he would sound like he has his mouth full.
"Detective Bailey requests your presence on West 45th street. He wants to speak to you." The dispatcher informs him, causing Y/N to squint his eyes a bit as he can't help but wonder what a guy like him wants with a werido cop like the one and only L/N who has a rainbow caterpillar named Carol. He's gay, by the way. "Can you respond?"
"Ten-Four, dispatch, on my way." Y/N responds before setting the walkie talkie back down, turning on his lights that go wee-woo, and begin driving to that location, getting the hint that it's a serious matter. While driving, he looks up at a photo attached to his glove box, it has Tara and.... Sam, in it. He briefly caresses his fingers onto it before paying attention to the road.
Then, he bobs the head of the Lakewood Slasher figurine in his car that he made himself. "Boom.... headshot."
His car and its flashing lights pass by a building belonging mostly to a therapist that lives in this district. Inside in that building is none other than the mentioned Sam Carpenter, who glances out at the blaring police cruiser that dashes past, though she doesn't have enough time to see who's driving it. She then turns back to the doctor who is currently flipping up pages on his note pad before looking back up at her. "So, how are the new meds, treating you?" Doctor Christopher Stone asks for a start.
"Okay, I think." Sam answers with a small nod, curling her fingers together as she rests them in her lap. "Still not seeing anyone I shouldn't be." She adds as he glances around, referring to her old daddy hallucinations. It once had her thinking that she truly was haunted by the spirit of the father she never really got to know, but she's finally managed to understand that none of that was truly real. "What I'm really worried about, though, is Tara, and..... and Tara." She then says, though noticeably seems to retract something at the end there, which doesn't go unnoticed by Stone.
"What I'm worried about is you." Stone replies with a look, appreciating her love for family, but reminding her that she's not putting enough focus on herself. "You've been coming for her about a year now, and all we've really spoken about is how your sister isn't dealing with whatever happened to both of you a year before that." She brings up, to which Sam noticeably shifts in her spot on the couch. "Now, you've alluded to an abusive relationship, issues with your father, and some kind of commitment issues involving your partner, but every time I push you for specifics, you shut down." He mentions to the girl who simply shrugs it off.
"I have trust issues."
"Okay..." Stone lets out a sigh as he sets his pad down and leans forward, not really able to take this back and forth they keep getting since it's really hindering what he has to work with. "If I'm going to help you, um.... I-I need you to give me the details." He tells her straight up, hoping he's making it clear that they can't go any further without knowing the full story. Sam lets out a shaky breath, pressing her shoulders against her chest as she glances down before eventually seeing the point he's making.
"Okay." Sam replies, biting her lip anxiously before changing her seating position in a way that says that this will be somewhat of a long story. "My father was Billy Loomis, he was a famous serial killer? They made a movie about him." She reveals to Stone who glances off to the side, pressing his tongue against his jaw line before remembering.
"Ah, right, yes.... they sure did..." Stone mumbles as he re-grabs his notepad and begins writing all of this new information down.
"Two years ago, I found out that my boyfriend was also a serial killer and only dating me because he idolized my father and his loony-toon partner in crime." Sam continues, now surprisingly unable to stop talking now that's she's already let the parts she doesn't want anyone else to know out. "Him and his psycho 'little brother' killed a bunch of people. And when it got out that I'm Billy's daughter, this crazy rumor started online that me and this guy I know orchestrated the whole thing and framed them." She tells him, pulling out her phone and opening up Reddit to show him every single post on WoodsboroTruther about how she's guilty and Richie's innocent. "Richie was my boyfriend."
"Uh-huh......" Stone hums as he scrolls down and reads the title of a few, all of which are talking about the same thing. "But you didn't?"
"Of course not, he almost killed my sister and me." Sam states confidently as she takes the phone back and puts it back in her pocket. "Before I stopped him...."
"Okay then..." Stone mumbles as he sits back up straight. "And, how exactly, did you.... stop him?" He asks her the eventual question, causing for Sam to-
"Well, I stabbed him twenty-two times in the chest and slit his throat. Then.... the 'guy' burned set his partner on fire and shot him in the head." Sam bluntly says without any filter, catching even the normally calm therapist off-guard a little bit. Though he quickly swallows and regains his calm exterior. "But that's not why I'm here."
Stone slowly nods, taking a deep breath. "Why are you here?" He asks her, tilting his head. Sam glances down at the floor, sensing that they are about to reach the core issue at hand here.
"Because..... it felt..... right."
Now comes the moment of pure silence that could make dust blowing across the hair be audible. Doctor Stone is clearly trying to process everything that Sam has just told him, and it's clearly a lot. "Okay, so....... you've been involved with a bad crowd, you feel affected by the rumors online about you, and..... you're afraid that your father has passed on violent genetic variants onto you." He summarizes finally moves his pen after two minutes and finishes listing it down. "That is.... certainly a lot to carry all at once."
"Yeah...." Sam mumbles with a slow nod as she glances down, feeling ashamed as if she was caught stealing cookies from a cookie jar. However, after a few seconds, Stone finally hums with a satisfied look on his face.
"Well, it's more than what I previously suspected, but in reality, that's actually a good thing, because now I know that we've starting on the wrong track." Stone comments with a small exhale before putting the pen to his chin. "I'm afraid I'll have to end this session early tonight as I'll need a moment to study all of this combined." He lets her know. "But, this is something that can be taught to handle better, but it's not something that can be..... cured, if that's what you were looking for."
He looks up at Sam, anticipating for her reaction to that last part. It's clear by her eyes that she's a little disappointed to hear that 'cure' is out of the therapeutic dictionary. "That's reassuring...."
"I'm sure it is." Stone remarks with a hum as he takes another glance at his notepad which reminds him of something. "One more thing, just.... for my notes." He brings up before she grabs her stuff to leave. "Who exactly is this...... guy, that you mentioned?" He asks her curiously, noticing how she's tried keeping him secretive in comparison to Tara. Sam nervously glances off to the side before shaking her head.
"A friend, someone I don't want to get killed because of me." She answers cryptically before standing up, grabbing her purse and jacket, and walking out of the room and out the door. Stone sighs, but mentally shrugs since he got more than enough of what he needed anyway.
Though he wonders if it's that other one.....
New York: 45th Street
The police cruiser pulls up to the hotel that has a clear case of yellow-tape-ides surrounding it. He takes a step outside and briefly eyes himself in the reflection of the window. For a split second, he thinks he can see the Lakewood Slasher mask staring back at him, but once he blinks, it's back to his usual face, so he just shakes it off as just him expecting it to be there and made him see it for a second there.
He takes a look around, and the place definitely has gone under some kind of un-planned decor. He walks up to the tape, indefinites himself to the boys holding down the parade of overly curious neighbors. "Apartment 223." One of the officers tell him, and he nods before entering the front door where he passes by two medical examiners carrying out a corpse in a stretcher. The sight of blood makes him twitch, a sign that could make him assume a multitude of things, but he keeps his cool due to being used to that feeling.
Going up a second set of stairs, he spots a man twice his age, maybe more, talking to one of the hotel's neighbors. Judging by his black jacket and inquisitive tone, he suspects this is the detective that asked for him. He eventually notices Y/N staring, and politely dismiss the witness before walking over to him. That's when he recognizes his face, Wayne Bailey.
"Officer L/N, glad you could make it." Wayne greets somewhat happily as he extends his hand towards him, since the two somewhat know each other due to being in the same department and somehow always being on the same case in some shape or form.
"Detective Bailey." Y/N greets back with a nod as he accepts the gesture and shakes his hand. "You've gotten older."
"And you still need help with your people skills." Wayne responds with a small look as he likes not to be reminded of his age, to which Y/N sheepishly chuckles. "So.... Are you still seeing Samantha?" He asks curiously, still wanting to remain on the good side of one another, though he accidentally just hit the wrong spot with him.
"That didn't exactly work out..." Y/N answers with a fixed smile, to which Wayne awkwardly nods.
"Sorry to hear that." Wayne comments with a look that really apologizes for bringing the topic up, though Y/N silently assures them at it's all water under the bridge now. He then beckons him over to the crime scene, and the officer follows him into the apartment that currently looks like the Ice Truck Killer's wet dream. "Things with my wife didn't end so well either.... women are just....."
"Difficult." Y/N finishes the sentence for him. "They just.... want to talk about stuff all the time."
"Exactly" Wayne agrees with a nod before guiding him to the spot where they found their double homicide. "Two collage kids, one named Jason Carvey and the other named Greg Buckner. Neighbor heard screaming and called it in. By the time we got here, one was mutilated by several parts, and the other was sitting on the floor with his guts in his lap and a slash mark across his face." He relays the situation to Y/N, who just scans the entire room. "Medical examiner's taking them back for the autopsy, but they suspect that it was done with a Buck 120 hunting knife."
The second that murder weapon gets mentioned, Officer L/N slowly turns to Wayne with a haunted look in his eyes. "And what does that have to do with me being here, exactly?" He queries as he points down towards the floor with two fingers. "This is New York, anyone could brand a hunting knife."
That makes Wayne give him a look before walking over and leading him towards the hallway closet. He makes sure Y/N's standing right behind him before opening it up, showing all of the posters and masks on display, though one of the mannequin heads are empty. "A Stab shrine..."
"And that's not all." Wayne mentions as he turns around to face him. "We found a professor at Blackmore University dead, left hanging from the rooftop of a building with her insides on the outside, same cause of death. We just got DNA Tests back from medical regarding a spray of blood found on one of the masks, it came back as Laura Crane's." He shares with him.
Y/N sighs before squeezing his nose with one of his hand, processing all of this information at once. He then walks back over to the blood puddle from earlier, and examines it one more time. "Got anything as a lead?"
"Just one, another mask that our little vigilante apparently left behind." Wayne answers as he stands next to him, glancing down at it along with Y/N. "Given the state of the kitchen and what we can tell about our victims, it appears that one of them managed to fight back before getting-"
"He wasn't wearing that." Y/N cuts him off as he shakes his head while pointing at the mask, causing Wayne to blink at him, perplexed. "If Jason was really slashed, then at least one spec of blood would've gotten on the mask, but it's completely clean." He says as he can practically see it showing him his own reflection.
"And if that phone means anything..." He points towards the electronic device on top of the dried pool. "... that someone called him before killing him. And there's no sign of a break in or a struggle, meaning that someone snuck in and waited for them to show up."
"So, you're saying...." Wayne starts to catch onto what he's hinting at, to which Y/N turns to him and nods.
"This wasn't vigilantism."
Wayne slowly nods, now glad that he listened to his gut about bringing him to his crime scene. "You know, I've read about what happened in Woodsboro, how that high school kid you got involved in murder and forced you to take action to save Sam and her sister." He brings up to Y/N, who is seemingly staring off into the space of the blood puddle. "You may be a boot, but I know that we're going to need someone with your experience to figure out who's dawning the Ghostface mask and stop-"
"Stop him?" Y/N questions out-loud, interrupting Wayne with a raised brow. "Or, do you mean get the people I cared about roped into my mess?" He phrases it in a different way, causing the man to sigh.
"If this is about the two of them, I can promise you that I'll make sure that I'll use every bit of my power to keep them safe."
"You mean like the other times we've 'protected' Sidney or Sam from danger?" Y/N brings up right after Wayne finishes his sentence, causing him to sense some kind of personal string he's unknowingly plucked.
"Point taken, but I still need your help getting in contact with her and Tara." Wayne tells him with a little bit more careful way of talking, now sensing that Y/N has a deeper grudge with Ghostface than he previously thought. However, this odd request makes the cop blink at him.
"Why?" He queries, prompting Wayne to give him a look that warns him that he's not going to like this any better. He walks him over and shows him something on the floor that they've also found. He picks it up with his gloves, preventing the spread of any fingerprints, and raises it up for his eyes to examine.
Sam's driver's license.
Y/N lets out a big sigh. "Can I least see her one more time before you throw her into an interrogation room?" He requests, even though he can already see Wayne about to remind him how protocol and an investigation actually works. "Please..." He begs, causing the man to let up with a sigh.
"Just make sure you bring her to the station tonight." He states, only able to do so much for him, Y/N nods in thanks and calmly reads the room, already thinking about how he's going to break this to Sam. Well, guess that's why we brought here in the first place.
So she can hear it from him.
A few blocks away, Sam is walking home from Dr. Stone's place with her hands tucked in her jacket's pockets. On the walk through, she passes by another apartment complex which catches her interest due to all of the policemen with their cruiser's sirens wailing as they secure the place for some kind of crime scene. The sight sets her on unease, but that only encourages her to keep moving as if she's just an idle passerby.
She also decides to call Tara to distract her from the police lights, and the onlookers that she passes by. However, she ends up listening to a few rings too many, and it goes into voicemail. "Hey, it's Tara. Why aren't you texting me?"
"You know you're supposed to pick up when I call." Sam reminds the messenger the second she hears the beep that gives her the microphone, her tone accidentally revealing her discomfort at both that and the yellow tape. "I got out of therapy early, so I was thinking maybe we could cook dinner tonight. If you want, I'll see you soon."
Ten minutes or so later, and she finds herself back at the complex she's staying in. She second, she enters her apartment, she closes the door behind her and locks it.... all seven of them. Though, that could possibly be an undercount, to be honest. "Hey!" Sam announces her arrival as she removes her jacket and hangs it and her bag, getting no response back. "Tara?" She calls out again, walking over to her bedroom since she probably has earbuds in or something.
Sam freezes in place, knowing for a fact that she just heard glass breaking. She waits a for a couple seconds only to be met with dead silence. For someone else, that would be taken as a sign to ignore it. But for her.... that isn't very reassuring. She slowly walks towards the source of the noise, preparing to find a weapon.....
Until the silence is thankfully broken by the sounds of feminine moaning and male groaning. Sam drops her shoulders with a smirk, realizing that once again, the third roommate has brought a guy home. "Quinn!" She calls out to her, hearing her swear out loud as she presumably separates from the guy who lets out a noise of disappointment.
A few seconds later, Quinn Bailey opens her room's door and pokes her head out, now wearing a robe. "Were we being too loud?" She asks embarrassed as he points to herself, having not expected her to be back so soon.
"Not at all." Sam responds with an amused smirk, though that may be because she's way too used it that she'd prefer to by now. "Have you seen Tara?" She then asks her, which makes Quinn open and close her mouth, as if feeling strong need to be cautious about what she says next.
"Don't be mad...."
"Why would I be mad?"
"Because you get mad." Quinn replies with a look that knows it all and have seen it before. Sam still gives her a raised brow, before curiously glancing at the guy in her room, noticing how different he is from the one yesterday.
"Is that Paul?"
Quinn's eyes widen.
"Who the fuck is Paul-?!"
Quinn quickly shuts the door as she steps out, though not before giving Sam a look that hints to her that she was trying to keep that on the down-low. Well, her bad, she guesses. "Life, I have found, is about.... variety." She tells Sam in a suggestive tone before gliding past her, causing the other woman to quietly giggle to herself before following her into the kitchen.
"Uh, this one's yours." Sam lets her know as she tosses a letter down onto the kitchen island, which Quinn briefly thanks her for. "Where's Tara?" She then asks her again while the red-head is looking for a wine bottle to corkscrew, to which she once again prepares for the next things she says next, knowing that she'll not like hearing them, no matter how she phrases it.
"She went to the Omega Kappa Beta party." Quinn informs her, causing Sam to blink and give her a look that asks if she's being serious.
"I begged her not to go to that!"
"And we've now arrived at mad." Quinn sarcastically remarks with a tense posture again as she decides to stick to opening this tempting wine. Sam sighs as she admits that her volume was a little too high there, but she can't help but feel disrespected after hearing Tara promise her she wouldn't ditch her for frats.
"Do you know if she at least took her taser?" Sam queries in a hopefully calmer tone, taking herself down a notch for what disappointing answer she hears next.
"I cannot speak to how heavily armed Tara is at this.... fraternity party." Quinn hesitantly reports, which is pretty much her way of saying that she blatantly ignored the self-weapon just to spite her. Sam angrily sighs and stomps out of the room, causing the woman to make a face that knows she won't be hearing the end of this.
"Babe, are you coming back?" Quinn's lover asks from inside the bedroom, causing Sam to glance back at her.
"I don't know..." Quinn shrugs as she follows her, not really knowing what men use those affectionate nicknames within the first night almost every time. Sam steps towards the consol table and finds the taser Tara's supposed to have hiding in a tiny bowl. She mentally rolls her eyes, but as she opens them, facing the window, she spots a certain someone ironing his shirt and such from across the apartment complex.
"Ooooh, is Cute Cop shirtless again?" Quinn playfully asks as she looks over Sam's shoulder and joins her in watching Y/N L/N with his abs clearly showing laying his shirt down on the ironing board before noticing that his window's open and walks over to close it, making his skin even more visible to the girls.
"Who's Cute Cop babe?!"
"Always you.... sweetie!" Quinn quickly answers her hookup dismissively before turning back to Sam. "How long did it last, again? Six Months? Come on, why did you break up with such a hot piece of hunk like that..... again?" She questions her with a raised brow, still wondering how the heck it happened in the first place since from what she heard from Tara, they were more than happy on their second rodeo together.
"You ever heard of a fling or a rebound? Because those are the only romantic interactions that I'm ready for." Sam responds with a sarcastic look, reminding her that whatever happened was just a product of her previous relationship, and not because they actually fell back in love, at least from her point of view. "I'm going to go find Tara." She then says to quickly ignore the topic, walking back towards the door she just entered from. "Be right back?"
"Okay... bye..." Quinn distractedly replies, giving her a glance at best before providing his full attention over to Y/N, who still has his toned stomach and chest facing her while idly on his phone.
OKB Party:
Welcome to the party, and it's not just a normal sorority party this time. It's Halloween, meaning crappy-looking costumes, which means it's also a costumed sorority party. Here, we formally meet the rest of our beloved characters/meatbags. Some slutty, some are scary, some are funny, and some are really, really bad. Why? Go ask your dad. But hey, that's the aesthetic of Halloween.
Two girls, one of them being Mindy Meeks-Martin, survivor of the Woodsboro massacre of 2021, is currently eyeing at one of the partygoers wearing a Ghostface costume with a pride mask with a slightly distasteful leer. "It doesn't bother you?" Anika, Mindy's girlfriend, asks her, which snaps the girl out of her small daze. "Being at a house party after you were almost brutally murdered at a house party?"
"No, I think of it as being struck by lighting. The odds of it happening twice to the same person are extremely low." Mindy responds with a carefree smirk. The moment of her being brutally stabbed by Richie Kirsch and bleeding out did traumatize her a little bit, but she knows that compared to Sam and Tara, she got the easy way out of that fight.
"Ah. Guess I should stay close to you then." Anika playfully remarks as she scoots closer to Mindy, allowing her to put her legs onto the chuckling girl's lap. However, a few feet away, a guy wearing a scary vampire for a costume looks over at his friends who are also wearing mostly old school costume ideas with a shake of his head.
"That girl is trying way too hard to 'not care'." He comments to them with a shake of his head as he takes a drink from his bottle. Michael Flanders may not know all of what Mindy Meeks has gone through, but he knows that having the cops tell you that your twin brother tried to kill you and your friends and also killed your twin sister can't be a healthy discovery.
"Well, see it this way, at least she's actually talking to people." Emily Brandon, one of the med students at this humble collage, replies with a small smirk and a shrug, finding it somewhat interesting the watch. It's like a TV show wherever you go. "Same can't be said for somebody..."
"Very funny guys." Ethan Laundry sarcastically remarks as he turns out to be behind Emily the whole time, causing the poor girl to jump.
"Oh my gosh, Ethan, how the fuck do you keep doing that?"
"It's a skill I have." The unofficial 'geek' of the group answers with a somewhat sassy tone of voice, before eventually toning down to his originally insecure self. "Which is rare to find in these parts..."
"Okay, that's it, come here...." Michael rolls his eyes as he grabs his friend by the arm, kindly excusing the two of them from the circle, much to Ethan's confusion. "Look, I get it, the issues you're having and all, but you are literally your worst enemy right now."
"My what?"
"Enemy, dude!" Michael repeats while the other guy just keeps blinking at him as if he's that lost as to how human interactions work. "Look, take a look around this entire school of fish and tell me which one you want to show your hook line to..." He suggests as he turns him around towards the many people dancing around. "Like, um..... her! What about her?" He then points out a girl dressed up as a Gryffindor Witch. Ethan watches the way she moves to the beat and is instantly attracted.
"She's gorgeous..."
"Great, ask her out." Michael instantly encourages, causing Ethan tense up as he gives him a nervous look.
"What? N-No, I can't..."
"Ask her out, ask her out."
"Dude, shut up!" Ethan pleads while nervously laughing.
"See? There's your problem, your confidence is on the level of the Cowardly Dog man." Michael states with a somewhat mentorship like tone as he pats the poor anxious Ethan on the chest. "You gotta have confidence, think of yourself as a.... a snack!"
Ethan blinks. "Huh?!"
"Like a.... a.... a hundred dollar kind of meal. A buffet that people really want to get their money's worth. Someone that everyone wants to return to after they've head their first dish." Michael adds, still sticking to the restaurant lingo. He puts a hand on his chin as he seems to be scanning Ethan who looks down at himself, wondering if something's wrong with his outfit. "In fact, if there's a girl your crushing on right now, I think you should ask her how she feels about you tonight, 'cause that might actually get you lucky." He adds for some encouragement, which actually seems to work this time as Ethan creeps up a bit of a smile.
"Wait, really?"
"Yeah, here's let ask." Michael proposes as he suddenly latches his arm onto Ethan's shoulder without warning. "Hey, excuse me!" He then calls out to the girl, causing Ethan to drop his face in embarrassment. "Howdy, how you doing? My friend here, he's a snack, right?" He queries, to which the girl gives Ethan a quick look over and shrugs before getting back to her own friends.
Ethan looks his 'mentor' with a slightly worried expression. "Wait, what did that mean?" He asks, not liking how quickly she responded and looked away. Michael opens his mouth, but ends up shrugging as he blows out air.
"Honestly? I have no idea. Being polite is so fucking unreadable."
Back to the rest of the group. While idly chatting Mindy notices Tara Carpenter faltering around the party in the background, bumping into a couple people as she presumably seems to spend her rare chance of sneaking away to a party with drinking to excess. "How you doing T?" Mindy loudly questions her from across the room, and Tara drunkenly waves a hi in response.
She takes her and her cup over to one of the last remaining kegs until a man comes up and sets an empty solo cup onto the tap, signaling it to be empty. "You're lying." Tara says, disappointed.
"No, last one's kicked." The guy tells her with a shrug. He looks Tara up and down before pointing out behind him. "We got some hard stuff in the kitchen, though." He then informs her, subtly offering to make sure she doesn't fail her goal of being completely wasted. "Frankie."
"Tara." She also introduces herself in turn, unsteadily shaking the dude's hand. "Lead the way." She requests and Frankie smirks before taking her hand and leading her into the kitchen.
The kitchen island also seems to have taken heavily casualties though, as most of the vodka and other types of alcoholic bottles seem close to empty. "You Omega Beta Zeta?" Frankie queries as small talk while they search.
"No, not yet. But I might rush it."
"Oh, freshman, right on!" Frank comments with a nod of his head. The illusion of liquid in these bottles keeps fooling them into searching some more, but each one clearly isn't enough to fill at least one cup, if not two. "Where from?"
Tara briefly pauses, hesitating a bit before answering that question. "Michigan." She lies, not very forthcoming about the past that she's trying to escape. Frankie idly replies with a nod, not really interested enough to see if she's bluffing.
"You know what? I got a bottle of fireball up in my room." Frankie then mentions, pointing upward as an invitation. Tara stares at him, knowing full well what he's really suggesting, and so does he. He probably does have one, but both of them know that's just an excuse. So, what does she do?
Tara scoffs it off. "Fuck it. Yeah, go." She gives in, letting Frankie take her hand again and lead her to a much more private area of the sorority house. This doesn't go un-noticed however, as the four who are still chilling on the couch spots the two of them walking past them.
"Uh.... Oh, I don't love that. Mm-mmm." Anika comments with a shake of her hand, standing up to intervene. However, mid-walk, Michael stops her with a kind elbow and points over.
"How bad is it when your dangerous best friend shows up out of uniform?" He asks her out loud, prompting her and everyone else to look over and see that Y/N L/N himself has entered the building, wearing an almost similar outfit to the one he used to have as casuals back in Woodsboro.
"Either Tara's in trouble, or one of us is..." Emily helps answer as she and Ethan join, to which the nervous guy shudders.
"Not helping at all, Em."
Y/N looks over before seeing Frankie, who he currently just sees as another frat-bro, guiding Tara upstairs with the intentions being so obvious that he was able to tell just four seconds from seeing them. Shaking his head, he walks over and taps the dude's arm. "Hey, buddy, I think Tara's ready to go home." He says with a fake smile as he leans his arm against the railing of the staircase.
"I'm sorry?" Frankie asks with a raised brow, looking drastically unimpressed at the interruption. "Do I know you?"
"I'm the guy telling you to let go of her." Y/N cryptically answers, not giving him the satisfaction of a name, since he's not bothering to learn about his. "Now, for the last time, let go of her." He repeats himself, making it sound simple, yet there's some obvious malice in his tone.
Frankie chuckles, clearly not taking him seriously. However, it's surprisingly Tara who says something back. "Y/N, don't... don't worry about it....it's fine." She assures him, though while still clearly very wasted.
"See? She said she's fine." Frankie points out as he gestures towards her, seeing that as obvious consent. However, a girl that's clearly drinking her thoughts away isn't exactly the most reliable of testimonies, as Y/N's experience has taught him.
"I said..... let her go."
Silence now takes over, even making the music deaf to their ears as there's now an obvious tension in this second of the building. Frankie chuckles, clearly not taking him seriously. "Or what, tough guy? You gonna beat me up in front of everyone?" He taunts, clearly trying to goat him into trying.
"I'm thinking about it." Y/N responds quietly, though it's somehow clear enough that everyone heard it, causing Ethan, Mindy, Anika, Michael, and Emily to all share a worried look. Frankie's face drops, and he takes one step closer just so he can get in his face.
"Repeat that for me.... please?"
"Y/N, please.... don't...." Tara whispers as she touches Y/N's arm, now starting to get a little concerned herself to the point she's sobering up. The off-duty cop ignores her however, as the two men stare each other down.
"Come on..... aren't you tough, mister Omega-Kapa-Beta?" Y/N tauntingly queries, clearly waiting for something 'exciting' to happen. This weird act of 'bravado' feels completely out of character of him, which makes the situation even more uneasy for the people that know him who are watching. "Or are you just that much of a pussy?"
Frankie's vein pops. "All right then, ass-!"
Right as he's about to throw a punch though, Y/N grabs by the hand and twists it in a similar way that gives him deja-vu with a switchblade. However, this time, when Frankie angrily tries to his other fist, he grabs then two before slamming him against the wall which emits a loud thud. "All the same... all the time..." Y/N comments with dark eyes.
"Hey man, what the hell your problem?" Frankie questions annoyed as he shoves him off.
"My problem is that you won't throw a decent punch."
"Oh you really want to go?!"
"Hey, guys! Guys!" A third-party voice calls out as the two go back and forth despite everyone else, though it isn't Tara. Instead, everyone looks over to see Sam shouldering past the crowd to get in-between the two of them. "Yeah, hey, sorry to interrupt. I'm just gonna tase you in the balls real quick."
"Wha-?" Frankie utters before suddenly getting delivered with just that, causing him to let out a high-pitched squeal before falling to the ground in agony. "Argh..... you fucking bitch!" The frat boy swears as he clings onto his balls in pain, something that shows a clear hint that he will definitely understand the message now. However, the methods of how this was done didn't get unnoticed by everyone.
"Don't ever lay hands on my friends or sister!"
"Sam..." Tara's voice returns to the situation, and everyone turns to see her now entirely less drunk than she was two minutes ago, glancing between both her and Y/N with a seemingly offended expression. "Are you guys fucking serious? You're stalking me now?"
She leaves before either one of them can explain, to which Y/N closes his eyes with a sigh through his nose and Sam to glance down sheepishly. "Holy shit, it's that psycho girl!" One of the partygoers suddenly points out, causing even more eyes to fall onto them, mostly Sam.
"Let's go, now...." Y/N whispers to her as almost all of the collage kids start pulling their phones to record or shoot a picture. They speed-walk past everyone, trying their best to ignore their voices of gossip and such.
Needless to say, they fucked up.
(A/N) New chapter up!
I hope you guys enjoyed this and the prologue. For anyone wondering why I pulled a Dewey and Gale and had Sam and Y/N be separated once again, all will easily be explained in the next chapter, promise.
Also, for the two new characters, their purpose serves to fill in the void of Chad no longer being alive in this timeline, and also to add some suspects to your list, because my main goal here is to bring back the mystery element this addition to the franchise seemed to be lacking. There will also be two more eventually, though you won't see them until you-know-when.
And for anyone asking about Ghostface and what was the substitute for Gale's Stab book that kicked the canon movie off, that will also be explained later.
Plz vote and comment, any counts as feedback, and I'll see you in the next one!
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