Give me your answer, do.......
I'm half....
All for the love, of you.....
Lakewood: Courthouse
Kieran Wilcox has just been found guilty for multiple accounts of murder, intimidation, battery, attempted murder, arson, stalking, phone intimidation, and every other crime a psycho killer who's gone through two murder sprees can have. Safe to say, he's lucky he got the life sentence and not the chair/needles/gas chamber.
"You sure this is the guy?" One of the guards, who's as bald as Lex Luther asks the other as they escort him back to his temporary holding cell. "Doesn't look like much with a Bowie knife."
"Oh, that isn't just it. I heard he used a corkscrew, pitchfork, and even a gun at one point." The other guard, also bald, but with darker skin, shares with him as they then push him behind the bars and close the door. "Until his girlfriend showed him who's boss." He then mocks Kieran who glare back at him, obviously not as amused as they are.
"No shit..."
"I shit you not, that's literally what happened. Just ask the Lakewood reports." The black guard confirms before looking back at the door they came, knowing that getting him out won't be easy. "Hey, I'll make sure the storm's cleared before we move this hunk of meat to a more uncomfortabl cell."
"You got it..." The white guard understands with a nod as he goes to handle the transfer paperwork, pulling out his pen with a tired sigh.
"Your girlfriend!" The black makes fun of Kieran one more time, laughing his ass off as he walks away, leaving the prisoner with a chuckling guard behind. Pretty sounds like the end of the story, but a few minutes later, Kieran hears a echoing creak from up above, and slowly looks up to see a black rain jacket and a mask he's worn previously.
He still remembers the call he got while he was in the Sheriff's cells.
"Hello, Kieran. Who told you, you could wear my mask?"
Guess that means it's time.
"Hey! I need to use the can." Kieran tells the guard very loudly so he can hear him, trying to distract him. The man doesn't pay any mind to even glance at him, however, too busy with finishing this paper.
"Not my problem."
"Well then what am I supposed to do?"
"Figure it out yourself."
During this exchange, the masked figure slowly opens up the hatch to the vent, the loud talking having blocked the rusty sounds it's making. The guard isn't dead, however, and eventually hears something wrong.
He turns around, right as the masked figure hops down and swift grabs the guard's head and slams it against the back of the wall, causing him to slowly slide down and fall to the floor, knocked out cold. Kieran almost jumps at the professionalism the person displays.
The seemingly assassin that even he doesn't know then reaches over and snatches the keys from his body before walking over to unlock the door. Kieran hesitate a little bit before pussyfooting out of the cell door, turning to face his mysterious savior.
"Alright, you kept your word...." Kieran notes as he stares at the figure's mask with a cautious expression on his face. "Now, are you gonna tell me who you are?" He then queries, wanting to know who he scored brownie points with that made them want to pull him out.
The masked figure tilts his head......
Before abruptly splitting his throat with the hunting knife he slides from his jacket's sleeve to his palm. Kieran now gags on his own blood that biles up to his throat before pouring out of his jugular. He falls on his knees then into the floor, fading face.
Looking forward, he sees the guard's gun on the floor, and with the last bit of strength he has left, crawls desperately towards it. The masked figure, knowing how futile it is, just watches for a few seconds before deciding that he's had enough. He pushes him down and stabs him in the back of his heart, finishing him off.
By the time the other guard comes up, smile whipped off his face, the killer's long gone.
Woodsboro: Five Years Later
(Note, like similar suburban areas, Y/N's house is built the same way as Tara's, for your imagination)
Y/N L/N, a deputy off duty who's currently at home, is lounging around in his living room, TV on in the background. He chose a random series that kept popping up on YouTube shorts and stuck with it. Though, he isn't all that memorized by it, in reality, he's still on his phone 50% of the time. His brain is also still constantly thinking about the missing case their still on, which is rare, to have something so important happen around here.
Rare, not impossible.
Y/N eventually notices a notification coming from the messenger app and gives it a look.
Tara: Just got home, you can stop worrying about me now.
Y/N chuckles to himself.
You: Task, impossible. You litterally tripped on an invisible branch that was in your living room and needed to be checked out.
Tara: Don't know what you're talking about.
You: 🤨🤨🤨
During this, the house's landline started ringing, because they still have them in this day and age for some reason. Rubbing his forehead, Y/N uses his phone to check the date and time, which reads that it's time for him to check the cabinet again.
He walks into the kitchen and unlocks the special cabinet inside it. Inputting the code in, he grabs the pill bottle and fills the water cup. He sets a few tablets into his palm before popping them in and downing them with the water. Right after, the landline rings again.
Curious, Y/N grabs his phone and shoots Tara another text.
You: Hey, is your mom home?
Tara: No, why?
You: Landline keeps ringing and only a few know the number to it.
Tara: It's a landline, you mean who doesn't know the number?
You: Fair point.
Hearing it begin ringing a third time, Y/N mentally sighs before walking over to go answer it, setting his actual phone down on the counter. "This is L/N...."
"Hello...." A Male, deep voice that he doesn't recognize greets with a very potential tone. "Is this the residence under the name, Y/N L/N?" They then ask, causing Y/N to raise his brow. Why does the get the feeling that this is some kind of scam?
"That's what I just said, yes."
"Great, this is Ben from Care Tech, your security just went off and we want to make sure you're okay." The caller informs Y/N while he pours himself another cup of water, much to his skepticism.
"I don't have the security system."
"Are you certain? We just got a silent alarm that your rain door was opened from the outside, forced entry." The caller queries him, to which Y/N does his brow in curiosity.
"Yes sir."
"You sure it's not one of my neighbors?" Y/N asks as he drinks down the second cup, trying to find a better explanation while still feeling like he's just being messed with.
"The addresses says 1996 Elm Street."
"You have my address saved into your maps or whatever it is?"
"Sir, are you sure that nothing's wrong in your house?" Ben queries him, challenging his dismissive response towards him. Y/N squints, deciding that it wouldn't hurt to check the back door anyway. "I can inform the cops if it's a false alarm."
Y/N sarcastically hums in response, quietly so the caller doesn't hear him, as he checks the back rain room. Inside, the lights are off, but he does notice that the door does happen to be open a crack. He touches and feels it, swinging it from side to side, and mentally confirms that it's not fully closed. He checks outside, but the place doesn't come with any fences, meaning that he can't find any kind of hit of a break in or someone hopping one.
"Okay..... It is open..."
"So, does that mean you want to wait for the cops, sir?"
"Sure...." Y/N replies though with a bit of a mumble as he's also trying to close and remember where he goes next at the same time, but he assumes the guy still heard him. "But, uh.... I still don't have the security system installed into my house."
"We might have a sensor or two still left behind after the previous owner sold his." Ben assumes in a shrugging kind of way while Y/N marches around his home and towards his bedroom, in the case where he stashes his gun. "Is there anything else in your house that you feel is wrong?"
"Uh... not yet." Y/N answers as he then begins patrolling the entire area, deciding to lock the windows that need to be locked to be fully closed just in case. He also obviously locks all the doors. He's mixed about the situation, the only clue that something's wrong being the rain door, but better to be safe than sorry,
"Heh.... you know, this kind of feels different than my previous calls." Ben comments casually, causing Y/N to almost squint his eyes at him through the phone while he keeps doing what he's doing. "The question of whether or not something's wrong, the bad feelings it gives, it reminds of a.... a scary movie or something."
"Well, ain't that swell...." Y/N sarcastically remarks, causing Ben to chuckle.
"Sorry, I know, bad thing to reference during a break-in."
"You think?"
"But, tell me something..... What's your favorite scary movie?" Ben then asks him with a very, very interested tone of voice, causing Y/N to question the guy's mindset. Is he really trying to ask him about movies right now? This guy might actually be his new best friend.
"Why? You expect me to answer with Don't Breathe or something?"
"Just trying to break the ice." Ben answers while making it sound innocent. "The cops are currently on their way, and most people like to have their Care Tech dispatch talk to them until they arrive."
"Well, sometimes, I'm like most people...." Y/N replies, before trailing off his sentence when in the corner of his eye, he thinks he sees a ghost or something fly by a viewpoint of his window. "But today, I'm not feeling like it."
"Come on, you have to have seen at least one horror movie, let me hear it. I promise I won't judge. I'll leave that to my co-workers." Ben encourages, apparently still thinking that Y/N wants to talk. Before he could even open his mouth though, he instantly pauses when he finds his fridge door half-open.
"Uh.... I'm good." Y/N responds as he's now considering hanging up the phone. "Do I even look like a horror fan?"
"I think the real question is....." Ben replies, before his voice suddenly gets deeper and darker. "Are you really going to fall for the trick of closing that fridge?"
Oh, shit. Y/N quickly hangs up the phone and tucks it back in his pocket, Y/N closes the fridge door before quickly going into major guard mode, patrolling the area much more carefully than he did before. It definitely was a scam, just not the one he had in mind. The cops weren't called, he was being tricked into thinking so.
He's about to call in for help himself, but before he does, he catches the small hint of a shadow inside the dining room, prompting him to clutch his gun tighter, ready, as he leans his head over the corner. However, it turns to just be the curtains conventionally creating the shape of a human.
He then hears his phone buzz again, and he quickly checks it to see a text message from Tara.
Tara: OMG! I just saw the police cars racing by, you ok?
Thinking it was him, huh? Y/N's honored.
Y/N: Yeah, don't worry about me.
Tara: Task, impossible.
Touché, Tara, touché.
Y/N: Seriously though, just stay inside, I know what I'm doing.
Then, right at that moment, the landline rings again. However, give the situation that Y/N's currently in, he decides to ignore it and continue doing his patrol. That is, until his phone buzzes again.
Tara: You should go answer it.
What the fuck?
Y/N: What are you talking about?
Five seconds later, no text back, Y/N glances back up at the landline and around his house, then back at his phone.
Y/N: Tara?
Tara: .......
Tara: This isn't Tara.
Y/N, despite being trained to feel overwhelmed, is feeling some goosebumps as he now loses focus at his personal surroundings and is now mostly on his phone. He really hopes he just read that text wrong, however, as the landline keeps ringing.....
Eyes widened as he looks back at the phone for the sixth time. He quickly pussy foots around until he quickly sends a text, not call, for some help from the emergency services. Don't know if his superior's sleeping, but at least someone has to respond to it.
Then, reluctantly, he stomps over and practically grabs the landline phone from where he put it, with his other hand being on his firearm. "What the fuck did you do?"
"Does that mean I have your attention now, Y/N?" 'Ben' mockingly questions once he answers, a name that was also an extremely likely bluff.
"I asked you a question!"
"And I don't recall giving a fuck about your questions!" The caller barks at him in a harsh tone, a voice which would shut him up if this wasn't Y/N that the person was currently stalking. "This is between you and me now..... so don't worry about Tara, she's going to be alright.... depending on what you do next."
"Fuck you."
"Very vulgar, copper, but it's not just your life on the line here." The caller remarks in a darkly suggestive manner, which is something that Y/N doesn't really like hearing.
"What are you talking about?"
"You know the door that leads to outside? The one with the glass sliding doors?" The caller then brings up, talking as if he's about to teach a nine-year-old how to set up his Lego set. "Turn the outside lights on, then we will begin."
Y/N's mind then starts coming up with fifteen different possibilities of what that means. "What did you do....?"
"Turn the porch light on and you'll see." The stranger temps him, clearly trying to make a game out of his expense. "Come on.... do it. This time, I'm not trying to bluff you." He then adds, as if thinking that Y/N knows what he's hinting that he did.
Against his better judgement, and knowing that he actually called for real help already, Y/N decides to play along for now, if only to stall for time. He walks over and flicks on the switch close to the glass doors.
Then.... he sees Tara on the other side, on a chair, tied up and gagged in front of the whole grass.
"Oh... shit." Is all that Y/N can really say in fear, his heart doing most of the reaction for him. The second the lights turns on and the girl knows he can see her, Tara begins yelling something at him, struggling with her binds while pleadingly looking at him for help. However, the kidnappers did a much better job than Billy and Stu, because Y/N can understand a word she's trying to say.
"I'd choose my next words and actions carefully now, if I were you..." The stranger tells Y/N with a deep growl. "Holster your gun, now." He then orders in a tone that indicates that if he doesn't obey in the next five seconds, something bad will happen to Tara. Reluctantly, Y/N does as he's told. "Good, now listen. You're only hope of protecting your wanna-be sister is to play an old Stab-trivia game. You try to take a step outside, she dies. You put a hand on your gun, she dies. You hang up, try to call the cops, or even make a fucking move away from those doors, she dies. Do you think you need a warm-up question?"
"You son of a bitch...."
"Name the first official monster horror movie."
Y/N sighs, realizing that he's not in the game, whether he plans of backing out or not. "It honestly still depends, I think. But..... Frankenstein, 1910."
"I'll accept it, it's a good answer." The stranger tells him as he's a little girl trying to figure out a math test, which proves to piss Y/N off a little bit. "Looks like you'll be a worthy contestant for this little game. Alright.... first question..."
"You just gave me the first question!"
"I wasn't going to care if you got it wrong, regardless, wise guy." The stranger tells him dismissively. "Though you should still be proud, it means that you saved Tara from getting one of her legs sliced open."
Y/N closes his eyes angrily. This freaking guy....
"Now, you better be more careful, one wrong answer means that Tara will be staring up at the grass..... and her insides." The stranger warns him in a menacing tone. "Name the killer in Blood Rage."
Oh for fuck's sake... this is the movie he has? This psychopath must've been watching Dead Meat or something to have these as his questions. "Uh.... Uh..... Crap, t-t-the evil twin! The Bad one!"
"The 'evil twin' is not gonna cut it, copper." The stranger tells him like a disappointed teacher, wanting a specific name. Y/N mentally swears as he pulls out is other phone, and quickly begins looking it up on the movie's IMDb page, frantically scrolling down. "Come on, time is ticking..... tick, tock, tick, tick, tick tock, tick tock, ticktok, ticktok, ticktokticktok-"
"TERRY!" Y/N abruptly exclaims, stopping the stranger's mocking sounds. "Terry Simmons, his name is Terry Simmons."
"Correct, Tara here may live to see the sunrise." The stranger jokingly congratulations him, as Y/N looks over to see Tara frantically looking around while still pulling and begging him to free her. "Okay, next question.... how did the first victim in Ice Scream Man die?"
Getting specific, guess Y/N's caller likely knows that he's using the phone to get his answer. He wants to still use it, but part of him also feels like he should know this one on the top of his head.
Crap, what was it? What was it....?
"Oh! Drive-by!" Y/N suddenly remembers the answer like pulling the rabbit out of a hat. "It was death by drive-by, a little weird! But that's how it happened."
"Very good, very good...." The stranger confirms with a seemingly impressed tone of voice, or maybe they're just purposefully trying to get Y/N's hopes up for later. "A shame. I was hoping to take one of Tara's ears as a trophy, but we're down at the final question.... Which song is Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds known for?"
Oh no, a Hitchcock movie, this guy must've known that he doesn't watch any of him. Okay, okay, The Birds. Music, music, uh, it was an old movie, 60s, he thinks. Um..... crap, he doesn't know.
He glances up at Tara who's still begging for mercy underneath her tape, his mind as it scavenges for an answer..... the tick tock noises coming back from the psychopathic stalker....
Then it hits him.
"There's none...." Y/N realizes in a slight mumble.
"What was that? You gotta speak up."
"There was no music! The movie didn't have a score!" Y/N answers the stranger's question, practically yelling into the phone. "Boom! Is that clear! You got it wanna-be Billy blue-balls?! Now get Tara out of that chair!"
The stranger is silent for a few seconds, as if thinking about his demand..... before he begins chuckling in a very odd way.
"If you insist."
Suddenly, the lights turn off on their own, taking Y/N a-back, and by the time he realizes what's happening, the lights are back on, and Tara.... now has slice marks and stab wounds all over her body, she's covered in blood. She looks at Y/N's face one last time before her eyes roll back and she falls onto the grass, thanks to her bonds being removed.... non-moving.
At that moment, Y/N's vision starts turning red.
Right as he puts his hand on the door's handle, a brick suddenly pops out from the shadows and smashes the door, getting glass cuts all over Y/N who swears out-loud. He steps back and slides on his ass because of it, before looking up and see a pair of boots step onto the glass..... a mysterious figure in a ghost-styled mask, wielding a hunting knife.
Y/N reaches for his gun, but then realizes that it's now on the floor, a few inches away from him. He crawls over to grab it, but the house intruder kicks it away before kicking him in the face. He then gets on top and stabs him in the shoulder, causing the cop to scream in pain. However, they are very close to the kitchen island, so he grabs his attacker by the hooded head and slams it against it.
This gets him free, as he then kicks the bastard off of him. Y/N quickly gets up and grabs a random kitchen tool just as the intruder also gets on their own two feet. He tries to take a swing at him with their knife, but his target dodges it, causing them to hit a cabinet instead. Y/N takes a few steps back, though the intruder still manages to get a slash on his arm. When they charge at him, he side-steps away again, causing the clumsy attacker to hit his face on the doorway leading to a hall.
Y/N then tries to re-grab for the gun, but due to him slipping on melted ice that leaked from the open fridge, he falls on one knee, slowing him down for a few seconds that allows the intruder to stab him in the lower back area. Another scream comes out, but the man still finds in it him to elbow the maniac behind him, causing them to step back and accidentally pull the knife out.
Y/N groans as the flesh abruptly leaves his body, feeling himself getting weaker as he falls once again on both knees. Despite this, he keeps reaching for the gun, the only thing that's keeping him alive, not the police sirens that are now blaring in the distance, not the glass that has a 1% percent chance of having a shard that can stab the psycho with, just his revolver.
Thankfully, he gets close, but behind him, the intruder stands up menacingly as they look down at Y/N with a head tilt, knowing that they have their second victim precisely where they want him. They grip their knife....
Y/N, after a few seconds, has the gun in his hands.
The intruder runs at them with the knife.
Y/N quickly turns around with the gun.
The intruder's knife is flying towards him.
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