Chapter 9: It's Got a Death Curse!
*Warning, one of my goriest kills yet. Also, small lack of Y/N in this chapter, as he will show up to the final act party around the same time Sidney and Gale does.
Woodsboro: 261 Turner Lane
There's a bit party going on! A big party filled with drinks, loud music, movies in the living room, and Cheez-It's, the most important part. Most of the teens inside likely have no idea that a murder happened just mere moments after the murder of Wes Hicks, which is what this event is supposed to be about. But likely, 8 out of 10 people arrived for a selfish sin and nothing more.
In one of these rooms, Chad has his buddy pour him a glass shot for him and he pals, really needing more than a couple beers. "Hey, to Wes!" He exclaims to everyone, raising his glass up in in the air.
"To Wes!" Everyone else repeats.
"Beautiful son of a bitch..." Chad mutters before drinking down his shot eagerly, though it's still not enough to get him drink yet. He's about to ask for more from Weeler until the host of this party comes in and snatches the glass from him.
"Shots, really?" Amber criticizes with a harsh look, putting it and the rest of them back to where they should be, which is now the sink thanks to Chad putting his mouth on it. "This is supposed to be a memorial."
"Yeah? Well, this is how I mourn." Chad states as he points at the glass. "And distract myself from the looming specter of death." He remarks in defense of how much he needs to get wasted so he doesn't keep reminding himself that someone out there is planning to add the rest of Tara's friends to the body count. "You try staying away from the drinks while you have a triplet that's missing and a killer that's coming after you."
During which, Mindy then shows up from the kitchen. "Hey, we're low on beer." She reports to Amber, the essential party favor of any, well.... party.
"Alright, there's more in the basement, I'll go get some." Amber replies with a tired voice as she heads over there right away. Clearly, she's already exhausted from the behavior of her guests, which can't be helped. Mindy watches her go with an unsarcastically emotionless expression on her face.
Amber opens the door to the basement, but when she tries turning on the lights, she finds that the switch doesn't work, even when she tries it multiple times. So, mentally groaning in frustration, she uses the flashlight on her phone.
She cautiously walks down the steps, making sure she doesn't trip and embarrass herself in front of the ghosts that haunt this place. Once she finds the fridge, she pulls on the ceiling lamp that's conveniently hovered over it, giving her some much-needed light. Pocketing her phone, she then grabs as much beer as she can carry, one by one.
She then closes the door, where she finds someone standing behind it....
"Shit!" Amber exclaims as if being able to hear the loud sound cue that just played, only to see that it's the person that directed her down here. "What the fuck, Mindy!? Geez!" She yells at her, almost needing to grab her heart that's currently pounding.
"That was a test.... and you failed." Mindy explains with a very, very disappointed look. "You never go off on your own when there's a masked killer around."
"You're the one that said we needed more beer!"
"Yeah, and you should've asked me to come down here with you." Mindy points out, acting a little too committed to being the 'Randy' of this group. It makes Amber show a bit of a smile, to which she raises a brow.
"You know what else you shouldn't do when there's a masked killer around?" Amber queries with a playful tone of voice, to which Mindy crosses her arms with a sigh.
"Follow someone into a dark, creepy basement.... alone." Amber whispers, making sure she sounds as creepy and menacing as possible. "I mean..." She steps closer to Mindy, chuckling. "How do you know I'm not the killer?"
Mindy, however, shows no reaction. Instead, she leans into Amber's ear and whispers....
"Because I am."
"I'm not actually." Mindy assures her, breaking into a smile before she claps her hands together. "But let that be a lesson, never trust anyone!" She tells her in that Randy tone once again.
"Then how can I trust you when you say you're not the killer?"
"Exactly." Mindy responds, letting out an approving hum. "You're learning. Now let's go back upstairs." She advises as she nods towards the door. Amber rolls her eyes at the killer trying to be unpredictable as she welcomes the suggestion to leave, before abruptly stopping to slowly turn back to the girl with a somewhat look of respect, considering that she almost got her that time.
"Why don't you go first?"
"Very good!" Mindy points at her with a wide smile, looking like a proud teacher. She grabs the beer can from Amber as she passes her before walking up the stairs first, glad to have finally gotten her message across.
Woodsboro: Road
Despite the fact that he still thinks Sam's phone has been unknowingly jammed, Y/N keeps calling her cell which obviously just goes to voicemail every single time. He growls as he finally gives up and throws it onto the empty passenger seat. That son of a bitch, of course it was fucking Richie, who else would've been able to know where everyone was and when to strike every single time?
You should put it on...
Y/N shakes the thoughts out of his head as he continues driving, breaking the speed limit more and more the farther he goes. The only thing he's considerate of right now is making sure he doesn't bust his engine, if it weren't for that, he would be going faster right now.
You have to, there's no other way....
He taps impatiently on his wheel, he keeps hoping that the next car he passes ends up being the Prius. But so far, he's barely seen another vehicle on an empty road for a good while. It's likely that the cars that are nearby are all parked at the mansion up the hill, which doesn't make him feel any better.
How else can we protect Sam and Tara?
"Shut up!" Y/N snaps as he slams his fist on the wheel, causing him to accidently honk his horn. "I'm considering it, alright? Maybe it'll happen...."
When is maybe?
Ignoring the voices again, Y/N just growls as he continues driving. This is all his fault, if he was more focused on doing his actual job instead of going to the bar and all that other shit, the killer would've been captured after the first attack. He quickly calls someone he knows that can warn Sidney of the danger, knowing that she'll want a piece of the action. He doesn't care if that means they'll find him. He just wants Sam to be out of harm's way before he lives his sentence, assuming that the still won't be tried for first-degree murder.
It's time to fucking make this right.
Woodsboro: 261 Turner Lane
Meanwhile, Liv McKenzie is patrolling the house as if someone had just stolen her lucky coin, which part of she wishes she had, a lucky something. But really, she is looking for the only guy that could make this party somewhat enjoyable. However, he's suddenly disappeared on her, causing her to be in this situation where she's worried that she looks like a chicken with it's head cut off.
She does get an idea though when she spots three of Chad's fellow jocks doing some kind of drinking game. She approaches the three of them. "Hey, have you guys seen Chad anywhere?" She asks them both with a look that shows how much she needs him right now. "The guy's vanished on me."
"Really? He said he was looking for you." One of the guys, the mentioned Weeler, responds with a slightly perplexed look. "I think he went outside, said something about the shed and then bolted." He explains as he points towards the door, and Liv lets out a sigh of relief. Thank gosh her first idea ended up working.
"Thanks." Liv says with a nod as she immediately heads out to find him. Weeler and the boys take one moment to admire her from behind, giving each other a approving nod.
"Lucky son of a bitch...."
Liv steps out onto the back porch, looking around. However, she still can't find him, even though the group of people outside are extremely smaller than the ones inside. "Damn it, where the hell are you?" She mutters to herself as she goes down the steps. As soon as her feet touches the grass, she hears a ding coming from her phone.
Pulling it out of her purse, she finds it to thankfully be from Chad.
Chad: Wanna play a game? :)
Chad: Accept my Request.
The second message comes with the FindmyFam request Chad has been sending for the past week. Liv can't help but giggle as she considers it, getting the feeling that this game hints that he's.... he's ready. She taps on it without hesitation, unlike the previous times he's asked.
She's forced to download the app, then, as she opens it, she gets to see the map of the zone she's currently in. The grid is a little weird, though she quickly understands which ones are roads and which ones are the grass around her.
After accepting the request after so long, Chad's icon appears on the screen as well as hers. Liv looks around, trying to find out which way is the correct way, and after a bit of trial and error, she eventually figures out which direction she's supposed to walk to.
She then proceeds in that direction, glancing back down at the phone every two steps, wondering when she's supposed to actually look for Chad and when she should just keep walking. Eventually, her phone starts doing a rapid amount of dinging, which she takes a hint that the two are extremely close together. She looks down at the screen which confirms it.
"Chad?" She calls out, putting her phone back in her purse as she looks around. However, she still can't find the jock in his famous jersey. "Chad, where are you? Please don't make me keep searching for you..." She begs as she can practically feel her body heating up as the anticipation shakes inside of her.
She hears some rustling in the bushes, prompting her to slowly walk towards them. The beeps are now getting faster and faster, which only indicate that she's dead close. So why isn't she hearing the beeping from Chad's phone?
She looks down, and sees it.... on the ground.
"Oh shit..." She utters in realization before turning around to see the Ghostface killer standing behind her.
She screams as she raises up her arm in instinct, which results in the killer slashing her arm. Right as she looks back up, he then digs his knife deep into her exposed leg, causing her to get louder. Now terrified, she grabs her purse and sends it right into the Ghostface's.... face, causing his head to fall back, allowing her to make a dishonorable move by kicking him in the nuts with her non-stabbed leg.
The outcome works, and the killer falls to the ground in absolute pain, prompting her to make run for it past some other bushes where she finds a shed a few feet away from the house. She considers going to the actual safe zone, but with her leg hurting with every step she takes, she decides to make sure Ghostface loses her first.
She gimps towards it, falling down on her bleeding leg at least once. "Shit..." She swears quietly to herself before forcing her to get back up. At first, she thinks of rushing it and locking the door behind her, but that would mean the killer could just wait her out until she dies of heat. So instead, she circles around and hides behind the back of it.
She leans against the wall, wincing in pain while whispering to herself that she's going to live. However, the loud beeping from her phone that's getting faster causes her to panic and remember that she put it back in her purse. She frantically goes for it as the speed of the noise increases, however, it seems to be taken hostage by her other stuff. So, mentally freaking out, she just throws it far away from the house, hoping that at least, it means that Ghostface will go that way and give her time to escape.
She looks around, trying to calculate the distance between the house and her. It's a little too far with this leg. But then she looks down at it, still bleeding and covering her hands, making her realize that she'll eventually be unable to move entirely if she waits for too long. She then spots the car on the front porch, which is arguably a little bit closer.
Right as she's about to consider it, she hears the leaves nearby being stomped on by a boot, causing her to freeze and put a bloody hand onto her mouth, shutting herself from breathing or making a sound. She then hears the shed door opening, meaning that the killer is looking for her in there.
Taking that as her cue, she quietly steps away from it, trying to hide behind the trees so she can sneak the rest of her way out until she knows she can sprint and scream for help. Just a little bit more...
Come on....
But then the shed doors swing open with a bang, and Ghostface snaps his head towards her. Liv panics again as she forgets plan A and tries to hobble away. However, the killer easily catches up to her, stabs her in the lower torso, before deciding to lift her up onto his shoulder.
"Fuck!" She screams as she struggles against the killer who's lifting her up and carrying her back to the shed. "Let go of me you ugly son of a dick!" She demands very loudly as she tries punching him in the places she can, however, the killer doesn't seem to be breaking a sweat as he ignores her attempts to break free.
Once back inside, he slams her onto a bench with planks of wood laying on top of it.... and a circular saw connected. "No..." Liv whimpers as she tries kicking the killer off of her as she realizes what the sick fuck has planned. "No, no, please! Please! I don't want to die!" She cries while the killer ignores her feet and begging, using a hand to start the saw up and slowly cut the wood down..... also slowly getting closer to her.
"No! NO!" She continues screaming as the killer somehow is able to balance her weight with controlling he saw. He then punches her in the face, disorienting her for a few seconds before pushing the saw back towards her, now able to do it a little faster.
Right as she gets her senses back, however, she looks over and sees the saw cutting into her torso region from the side. She begins screaming in agony as blood sprays all over the place while Ghostface still holds her still while making sure he doesn't get cut up as well.
Eventually, it's over, and the lower half of her body and digestive system falls off of the bench and onto the ground, littering guts all over the floor. The upper torso stays on the bench with the dead girl while the rest of her insides dangle around. Ghostface, who's costume is now soaked in the blood, tilts his head before looking over and seeing a new car pull up.
He quickly flees the scene, closing the door of the shed, so he can hide his costume and rejoin the party.
The Prius marks in front of the house with Samantha, Tara, and Richie inside. They've arrived due to the fact that the young girl's realized that she lost her inhaler, likely having left it behind accidentally after it was time to leave the hospital. "I'll go in with her, we'll be back in five." Sam tells the driver as she steps out of the car, to which Richie immediately scoffs.
"Yeah, I don't think so." Richie instantly protests to that plan while leaning his head around to watch Sam help Tara out of the back seat. "I just watched all of the Stab movies over-night, and in seven out of the eight, people get killed in or around motor vehicles." He points out before lifting up some fingers to count. "Stab 1, the cameraman in the van. Stab 2, the FBI guy. Stab 3, dude from Seinfeld in a motorhome. Stab 4, the deputies in the police car-"
"Will you stop listing dead people if we let you come in?" Tara questions him with a look that begs him to shut up. Richie hums with delight as he does just that, stepping out of the car as well to help Sam lift Tara out of the car. The two hand her, her crutches, but while Richie goes to grab something from his glove box, the older sister takes the moment to give the younger one some advice.
"Do me a favor, don't tell Amber we're leaving town." Sam requests with a serious face, causing Tara to blink at her until she realizes the reason as to why.
"You don't trust her, do you?"
"Sorry, I know she's your best friend, I just..." Sam lets out a huge exhale. "At this point, I don't trust anyone except the people in this car. If the killer's here, they will try to stall for time, so just quickly grab your inhaler and talk to as few people as possible." She advises with an almost begging look, just wanting her sister to be safe. Tara is slightly taken aback by her protectiveness, but nods, understanding her worries better than most.
The three then walk inside....
Once they walk through the door, the three look around to find themselves completely unable to tell what is up to bottom with the way the lighting is. Tara quickly begins crutching around, where a few guests notice her and give her excited greetings before quickly getting back to wherever they were doing, show the apathy radiating in this house.
"Tara?" One of them calls out to her, and the girl turns to see Amber walking over to her. "What are you doing out of the hospital? Should you even be up and around?" She asks her with complete worriment, noticing her still slightly messed up condition.
"I need... I need my inhaler." Tara tells her, gesturing to her neck just in case the music makes her too quiet to here.
"Why? Are you going somewhere?" Amber asks her, before looking over at the open front door and seeing Sam looking around with Richie, the two make eye contact causing the Freeman to look away with distain. "You know what? No, don't tell me. Just be safe. It's in my room." She says she directs her away from the crowd. "Thanks for coming, but the party's over! Time for everyone to go!" She then announces to everyone, prompting a lot of booing.
"Can you....?" Sam turns to Richie, who is easily able to figure out what she's trying to ask before she can find the words to describe it.
As Sam gratefully nods, walking off to go search, Richie flicks on all of the switches next to the door, turning the lights on and blinding all of the party guests to groan in frustration. "Attention teenagers! Sam and Tara have been attacked by the killer twice and now they're here, which makes this house a huge target, so if I were you, I'd-" He's rudely interrupted by a guy who throws his red solo cup at his forehead. "Okay, I'm done being nice. Get the fuck out!" He demands as he points towards the door.
The teenagers all grumble amongst themselves while getting the point that he isn't taking no for an answer. "Hey, Francies, it's time to go." Weeler walks over and tells his sister with a shake of his car keys, who is currently making out with Mindy on the couch. "Somebody's goofy ass dad is kicking us out."
"Oh, come on..." Mindy groans, though doesn't hold her hook-up hostage as Francies gives her a apologetic look before the two and most of the party guests all make their out of the building.
"Yes, yes, thank you, I know, I just saved your life." Richie sassily tells the teens as he shoos them out with his hand while they leave in a single-file line. He shares a look with Sam, tipping his invisible hat to her. The four of them now have an easier chance of finding this inhaler as well as prevented kids from getting killed in plain sight.
Mindy is alone now, lying on the couch, drunk, watching Stab, and extremely disappointed at her missed opportunity since closet cases are a sad common thing around this town. A few minutes into that train of thought, Richie stumbles into the kitchen, looking around before poking his head into the living room. "Hey, do you know if there's any beer left? There's none in the kitchen." He asks her, wanting some favors for the long road trip he's about to head off to.
"Yeah, there's some in the kitchen." Mindy off-handingly informs him, just wanting him gone he doesn't keep ruining her buzz any further than he already has.
"Great, great! You wanna come with me?" Richie offers with a somewhat hopeful expression, not wanting to go in there alone.
"No, but you were right to ask." Mindy declines, though not without pointing at Richie with a look of respect, since her previous friend failed her tests multiple times for that to happen. The boyfriend weighs his fear with his need for beer, and beer ends up coming on top.
"Okay, I'll be right back-Ah!" Richie says before instantly calling himself out. Mindy laughs, and awkwardly, so does Richie, pointing at her as if trying to be hip with the kids and that kind of thing. "Hahaha.... stupid." He mentally face-palms before heading down there anyway, closing the door behind him.
Mindy shakes his head at the poor fellow. "Well, he's dead-"
"Hey, Mindy." Chad suddenly plants his buttocks on the cushion next to her, causing the sister to jump as if surprised. "Have you seen my phone? I lost it while drinking shots with Weeler earlier." He asks her, as he rubs his hands on his knees, stressed. "First Liv disappears on me right as I consider finally going all the way, and now my most important device has slipped out of my pocket? What next? The host gets her brains blown out and ruins my clothes?"
"No, I haven't. I thought you still had it with you?" Mindy asks with a slightly worried face, already detecting a detail that means trouble. "I saw Liv leave, you didn't invite her out?"
"No, I was going to, but no." Chad answers with a shake of his head, sighing. "Fuck, I'm getting worried..."
"Alright, well, please don't tell me you're going out there too." Mindy pleads as she can already sense the wannabe-hero thoughts that are entering her brother's mind. "With people barely around, the last thing you need is to wander off by yourself."
"I'm literally the least expected person to die." Chad argues otherwise, flexing off his muscles. "Besides, what else am I going to do?"
"Not die, is what I'm suggesting."
"For fuck's sake, Mindy. Liv is out there." Chad reminds her as he stands up, now knowing where she's probably gone. "My girlfriend, and I love her, despite all of the jabs you keep throwing at her."
"Was your girlfriend..."
"And I'm here, trying not to call you out because I want to understand why you treat you that way while you're here watching a movie about our uncle getting stabbed and trying to get your pussy gobbled on." Chad vents to her, not finding Mindy's remarks to be as funny as she thinks they are. "You know what? Fuck you. I'm going out there, and if she does turn out to be the killer, at least it'll mean that you'll accept, for once, that you aren't always right."
"Chad-" Mindy calls out to him, but the guy has already stormed off, causing her to drop back against the couch with a big sigh. "Fuck....
That went well.
Woodsboro: Road
Y/N is now more than half-way there, at least, he thinks so, he hasn't expanded the map since he's started driving. He's been testing his limits though, making sure he is always going as fast as his car can handle so he can hopefully rescue Sam before shit eventually hits the fan. His stomach feels like it's ready to burst open from how worried he is. He's never been so committed to making sure somebody doesn't die, not even when it was Wes and Judy, which makes him feel even more guilty when he realizes that.
Checking his tracker, he then notices that something's off with it. His 'target' hasn't moved an inch since he last checked it. They stopped, but at where? A Gas station? That should've be available this far out. He risks his life by using one of his hands to quickly scroll over to where the target instead of the road.
So now, he's able to see that they're at..... 261 Turner Lane.
Oh shit.
You get it now, don't you? You can't hide from it.
"Yeah, thanks, genius." Y/N sarcastically replies to the voice in his head.
How far are we?
"Too far."
Pulling the phone out from the stand, he slows himself down a little bit as he quickly pulls up the phone app again. If the stopped, this time, he tries again, and to his praise of the lord and savior himself, there's more than one ring. The jammer is off.
"Please, pick up..."
"Tara! We're leaving!" Sam calls out to her sister as she patrols around the house, looking for her. However, they seemingly disappeared, not in the room she could've sworn she heard Amber say the inhaler was. "Tara?!"
Then, she hears her phone ringing, once again loud because of how empty the place is now. She pulls it out and sees that it's coming from Y/N. She blinks, semi-glad to see that his phone number hasn't changed but also confused as to why he's already feeling the need to call her. She puts it up to her ear. "Hello?"
"Sam, listen to me, and please don't ask me too many questions." Y/N tells her without a greeting, sounding very frantic on the other line which gets Sam's attention. "You need to grab Tara and get out of that house, now!"
"How do you know where I am?" Sam asks, blinking, now also a little creeped out.
"Sam, please, just do what I say, no questions." Y/N begs from Sam, not wanting to give away the real reason why he wants her to GTFO.
"O-Okay, sure." Sam agrees with a nod, recognizing how panicked he sounds and knows that she can trust her judgement. "I'll grab Tara and Richie-"
"No, no, no! NO! DON'T DO THAT, SAM!" Y/N yells from the other line, sounding even more scared by her mentioning his name. "Sam...." He calls her by her name again, pausing a moment as if considering something until he decides to come out and say it, even if it makes him look crazy. "The killer is in the house! Richie is the killer and he's lured you into the house, you need to grab the car and drive out of there before he kills the both of you!"
Sam freezes, processing what Y/N is yelling at her. Did he.... did he just say that it was Richie?
No.... No, that can't be true.
Meanwhile, Mindy is still in the living room while all of this is going down, even more drunk than she was earlier while she's still watching the first Stab. She's currently at the scene where the same room that she's literally in took place at. "No, Jaime.... watch out... watch out, Jamie.... you know he's around...." The drunk movie Randy warns Laurie Strodes while the Stab Ghostface creeps up behind him. "You know he's around. You know- there he is! Jamie, I told you, I told you! He's around the corner!"
Mindy is getting a big laugh out of this, always falling for the double-bladed-sword meta-joke every single time. "What? Come on, dude, turn around!" She calls out to the movie version of her uncle, making the situation even more double-bladed. "Turn around, dude!"
Behind her, however, Ghostface slowly walks in from the kitchen, creeping up behind her spot on the couch. "Jamie, Jamie, look behind you!"
"No, Randy, look behind you!" Mindy tries warning him, but due to it being a screen, the poor soul cannot hear him. "Come on, turn around! Duuude! What are you Doinnnnnnng?! You can do it! These are your rules, man, own that shit!" She yells at him, not seeing the killer behind her slowly raising his knife to bring it down ontop of her. "Look... behind.... yo-"
This makes her suddenly realize something, and she slowly turns her head around, seeing Ghostface standing behind her.
"Oh, shit!"
Sam then hears screaming coming from the living room, followed by grunts and things falling. She quickly rushes over where she sees Ghostface standing over a wounded Mindy while she struggles with him against the knife that he's trying to impale into her neck like Vince and Wes. Seeing a lamp on one of the night stands, she acts fast and grabs it, bashing it over the killer's head.
It shatters, and the killer roars in anger as he snaps his head around. Sam quickly grabs a candle stick, assuming that he's going to charge at her next. But instead, the killer breaks it into the other doorway to escape, apparently feeling out-numbered. Sam thinks about pursuing him at first, but then remembers the bleeding girl on the ground and quickly makes her way over to her.
"That's a lot of blood......" Mindy moans out, weak as she looks down at her shoulder, which Sam is currently trying to apply pressure to stop the bleeding.
"It's going to be okay..." She assures her as she finally gets a hold on the wound and then begins thinking for some kind of bandage she can put on it and where it can be. However, when she glances back at Mindy, she sees her head slowly dropping and her eyes closing. "Mindy, no, stay with me. Mindy!"
A loud scream then abruptly breaks the moment, and Sam turns her head around to see Amber and Tara standing behind her, Amber's hands around her mouth before realizing who's next to the down girl. "What did you do to her?!" She barks at Sam with a pointed look.
"N-No, no, I didn't do-"
Everyone turns to the glass breaking and sees Richie coming back from the basement. "What the fuck?!" He exclaims, now not caring much about the beer anymore. However, his sudden disappearance raises some questions.
"Richie, where the fuck were you?" Sam questions him with a slightly angry expression, having been looking for him as well.
"I-I just went into the b-basement to get some beer."
"You went into the basement alone?" Amber questions with a suspicious look towards him now.
"I-I-I asked her to come with me, she said no!"
"Guys, we need to get the-!" Chad rushes inside from the back door, only to immediately see Mindy's body. "Oh, shit!"
"Stay the fuck back!" Amber demands with a furious yell, finding the muscular jock to be an even bigger suspect. Everyone is now in an intense situation with everyone too afraid to move or do anything as the killer could be any single one of them, even the two that were together. "I was with Tara, but the rest of you were wandering around, one of you is the fucking kil-"
Before she can get the last word in, her brains are blown against the wall. Everyone then freezes in shock, before looking at the person holding the smoking gun that once belonged to Dewey Riley.
Chad Meeks.
"Say hi to Randy for me."
(A/N) And there's the chapter! I bet the changes I made concerning Chad's dialogue now make a little bit more sense? lol.
You have just read the first out of the three chapters that hold our final act, so that means two chapters are left, one that will consist of the standard chasing before the second reveal, and then the one that will include the big monologue from both killings and the climatic fight between everyone.
Plz vote and comment, any counts as feedback, and I'll see you in the next one!
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