Chapter 8: Get the Fuck Out
Woodsboro: Hospital
Deputy L/N, or, I guess it's best just to call him Y/N for now, since he'll likely not be wearing his badge for a good while, is still in the lobby of the hospital that had to get cleared from the yellow tape in seconds so the people of the town can still get checked up and everyone that was going to until Ghostface almost cleaned house. He fixes himself up his fifth cup of coffee, taking a sip as he looks out windows that show the moon now shining down on them once again.
Weirdest thing is, a few deputies are still hanging around near the entrance. But he's not stupid or unaware. He knows what they are after. He's gotten rid of his jacket, letting it hand on a random chair because in his opinion, a plain Y/C shirt will be more comfortable in a cop car with its A.C. Their giving him a chance to say goodbye to his friends and woman he's still in love with, even though she's obviously found another guy, someone who's actually funnier, empathetic, and even better looking than him. That's a whole package right there.
One of them is Vinson who looks over and engages in eye contact with him. They both stare each other down, literally having a psychic conversation. He's confirming the sad news for him, to which Y/N takes another sip, fully understanding.
"Excuse me?" A woman politely says as she approaches, forcing Y/N to break the stare down as he turns to see it being someone he doesn't recognize. Not really, but he knows that face, anyone who's lived here at least once does. It's Sidney Prescott, still looking the same as she was years ago despite her age. "Y/N L/N, right?"
"Yup..." Y/N tiredly confirms, setting his mug down to fully turn to her. "Something I can help you with?"
"Oh, nothing, really..." Sidney admits with a small chuckle before seemingly observing Y/N himself. "It's just, well.... you have that face." She comments seriously, as if she's a therapist or something.
Y/N raises a brow. "What face?"
"The face of someone who just lost people he's cared about, and is criticizing himself for it." Sidney responds, giving him a knowing look that shows that she earnestly knows the feeling. "What was their name? Or... names." She asks curiously, to which Y/N blows some air as he looks back out the window.
"Wes, and.... Judy Hicks." Y/N answers, slightly humming as he rubs his face with one hand. "But I don't think I was because of the reason you're probably thinking."
"Really?" Sidney curiously raises a brow, crossing her arms as she seems genuinely interested in this stranger's life who she just met. "And what reason is that?"
"Good question." Y/N comments with a nod before clearing his throat. "Honestly, I think I tricked them without even realizing it. To quote Britney Spears, I played with the mom's heart without actually feeling what I claimed I felt about her. Then there was the son, who I never told about the whole thing in the first place, probably because I knew I wasn't ready to be a step-dad." He explains to her, chuckling a bit at the second part. "But, to make it worse, I didn't even have the curtesy to keep them from getting killed. They died to get to me, I know it." He sighs, shaking his head as he stares at the ground. "I'll never be able to forget that...."
"I think you'd be a psychopath if you didn't." Sidney comments with a shrug, causing Y/N to look over at her with a face that's wondering why she's talking to him like this. "Look, um..... I know this isn't easy to here, and kind of cliche, but..... you can't save everyone." She tells him bluntly. "You may think that a choice you made got a friend killed, and in a sense, it isn't completely wrong, but.... I eventually changed the question from, 'what I should've done' to, 'would I have really done anything different if something teleported you back without you knowing?' "
Y/N slowly nods, kind of understanding where she's coming from, and glad that she didn't feed him a 'it wasn't your fault' speech. "You know, you're being really stupid right now." He remarks with a grin, causing Sidney to give him an 'oh yeah?' kind of look. "You know, those cops outside are gonna arrest me in a few seconds, they're just being really kind about it, since I was out of them. How do you know that, that whole monologue wasn't just wasted on a killer?"
Sidney considers that for a moment, before inevitably shrugging. "What's one more psychopath I've had a heart-to-heart with?" She quips with an ironic smile, causing the two of them to share a laugh before Y/N then sees Sam and Richie wheeling Tara away along with a nurse. Sidney notices him staring and seems to read his eyes very well. "You should... talk to her before you get handcuffed." She advises him.
"That was the deal." Y/N remarks before pouring the rest of his coffee into the sink and walking away. "It was an honor, truly." He tells him with a nod full of respect before he walks away.
Meanwhile, Sam sees Y/N staring at her, which reminds her of something she was about to do. "Hey, Richie..." She quietly taps on the guy's shoulder, causing him to stop. "Can you wheel Tara and bring the car around?"
"Why?" Richie asks at first, before noticing Y/N, glancing between him and his girl. "Sam, I don't think that's such a..." He tries to protest at first, but the look on Sam's face is enough to make him change his mind. "You two have ten minutes." He tells her with a hint of jealousy before putting his hands on the handles of Tara's wheelchair, and the two leave them to the type of conversation he suspects them of having.
After their gone, Sam turns back to Y/N who is now pretty much in ear shot of her. "Heading off without saying goodbye?" He teasingly asks her, holding up a hand when she opens her mouth to retort it. "Sorry, I'm just giving you a hard time."
"Glad to know you're still good at doing that." Sam responds with a snarky smirk, to which Y/N agreeingly hums. "I, um..... me, Richie, and Tara...." She points back to where the others went of to, looking very hesitant to inform the guy what she knows he might take as bad news. "We're all, um.... going to-"
"Leave town?" Y/N correctly assumes with a knowing look, to which Sam nods in confirmation.
"Well, good luck then." Y/N wishes her with all his heart. He's really sad to know this will be this last time he sees her for a long while, almost like losing her again, but this time, it wasn't on the worst of circumstances, so he's a little happier. "I don't blame you. It's what I would do, if I...." He glances at Vinson. "..... if I wasn't a deputy."
"Are you gonna be okay on your own?" Sam asks curiously, talking to him as if they are just simple old friends at a bar catching up. Y/N hums as he thinks that answer through for a brief moment.
"As okay as a man who has multiple cuts and holes in his torso can be." Y/N sarcastically answers with a shrug. "But hey, if I end up dying in this town anyway, I'll make sure to send you my 'People who I should've listened to' will."
"That's not funny." Sam comments with a shake of her head, causing Y/N to have to hold in his cackle.
"Sorry, sorry...." Y/N says while rolling up his lips to hide his stupid grin. He then takes a deep breath as he decides that he should probably stop wasting time and get to the point, since they're on a deadline by Richie. "Hey, remember back in the hospital when you showed up and I said, 'I'm glad you came back' and, 'good to see ya?' " He references, to which Sam blinks, slightly recalling that now that he mentions it. "Well, I didn't actually mean anything last time, so..." He sucks in a breath. "I'm glad you came back, it was really good to see you again."
Sam nods in response, smiling a bit as she glances down at her toes for a few seconds like she's back in high school. "I didn't mean my response either, so..... It was good to see you too." She tells him earnestly, seemingly having had a similar thought. "And, thank you very much for watching over Tara. If it wasn't for you, she'd be dead."
"Well.... I believe I was just fixing a mistake, that's all." Y/N modestly replies with a mental shrug. Keyword, believe. If it wasn't for him, he would've made sure to stay on Tara's watch, and if it wasn't for him, Dewey would still be alive, even if he didn't know him all that well, he was a hero in his book, and that makes it feel like he's lost someone he's known forever. "I like what you did with your hair." He then comments as he gestures towards his own as to not invade her space.
"Thank you."
"Yeah, it looks much better than the..... whatever it was back then."
"A mess." Sam bluntly says, encouraging him to not throw any punches about it. "It was a mess."
"Yeah, yeah, it was a mess." Y/N agreeingly says with a chuckle. He was planning to keep the banter going, but when he sees her pretty face that has gotten the care it really deserves since the last time he saw it, tainted of drug abuse, he lets his eyes do the talking instead.
"You've definitely improved on yourself as well.." Sam quietly comments as she seems to be doing the same. There's silence after, but not the awkward kind. Y/N thinks for a few seconds, before he takes another step closer, leaning in, waiting for some kind of permission from her. Sam responds by doing the work for him.
She rests a hand on his chest and presses her lips against his. It's a kiss that holds a lot of emotion inside of it, longing, regret, but still, there's genuine love behind it. The thought that comes across every ex's mind of what could happen if things were different. Only problem is, she can't stay with him, which makes it hurt even more when Y/N feels her slowly pulling away.
Right as she does, the Prius pulls up right behind the woman. While Tara sits in the back, Richie honks on the horn to get their attention, a little too eager to chime into their private moment. Good thing he didn't catch the previous three seconds. "Alright! Let's get the fuck outta town, huh?" He quips with an excited grin.
"Good guy." Y/N silently remarks to Sam, his tone indicating that he doesn't actually mean it.
"If you get on his good side, yes." Sam responds with an amused smile as she opens the passenger door and steps in.
"Well, I'd say it was fun knowing you..." Richie begins as he leans over to address Y/N directly, in spite of what his girlfriend might think of him after he says this. "But after almost getting Sam killed twice? You'll forgive me for wishing I never have to see you ever again."
"Yeah, you're welcome, glad I was there to save you and Tara's life!" Y/N sarcastically responds as Richie re-starts the car while Sam gives him a look that apologizes for his choice of words. The three of them are now driving away, leaving him to scoff at the driver without him knowing. His last girlfriend must've gotten ran into and splashed across the road with that attitude... "Be safe out there, Sam." He whispers to himself, meaning that from the depths of his heart.
He clears his throat as he straightens up his clothes, preparing for the inevitable as he turns to the deputies who have been watching him the entire time. But suddenly, he gets a ring coming from his cell phone, prompting him to give Vinson a sign to wait before answering it. "This is L/N..."
"Hey, Y/N, it's me." Jed Farney tells Y/N, who blinks a bit in surprise. Does he not know that he's the number one Woodsboro suspect? "So, remember the card from that camera you showed me? I finally got everything downloaded, but you are not going to like what I have to say next."
"Oh yeah?" Y/N raises a brow. "Well, trust me, I already know that my day will get a lot worse either way."
"Alright, well, um.... the final video was eight hours fucking long cuz it was set on record the whole time since the triplet obviously didn't have to turn it off, and I assume the killer thought it was smashed the second it hit the ground." Jed begins as he sounds like he's typing something from the other end. "Sounds like a lucky score, right? Well, here's the bad news, I wasn't able to catch much, not even the killer's costume if he had one, too much grass." He reports, causing Y/N to let out a big sigh.
"Nope, just the killer's car, but you'd have to find a magnifying glass that works on electronic screens in order to read it." Jed responds with a regretful tone of voice, as if maybe actually knowing that he's going to get arrested, but wanted to give him some closure before he was put in orange. "All I can really is, uh.... is that it's some kind of Prius."
Y/N blinks, the world suddenly zooms out, putting him on the front of the screen. "Repeat that last part please?"
"The last part? That the car was a-"
"Hey, Y/N!" Vinson calls out to him, grabbing Y/N's shoulder after presumably calling his name several times. "It's time to go, man, the temp-Sheriff is getting impatient." He informs him, only for Y/N to not even turn back to him, he just keeps staring at the rode. "Y/N! Hey! Are you okay?"
Y/N eventually snaps out of it. "Yeah, yeah...." He finally responds turning to Vinson with a fake smile. "I'm ready now."
"Okay..." Vinson says with a somewhat skeptic brow before he and the other deputy begin escorting him to the vehicle made for 'dangerous criminals' like him. "I'm sorry it has to happen this way, Y/N. I'm sure once we get our sheriff back, the protocol will un-fuck itself." He comments as if actually feeling sympathy for him, which is kind of hard to tell if Y/N can be a tiny bit pessimistic about his friend.
"Yeah, I'm sorry too."
He then abruptly grabs his gun before whacking the no-named deputy in the neck with it, causing him to fall to the ground like a sack of potatoes while grabbing at it. "What the-" Vinson exclaims before being taken down by his own taser, causing him to spasm a bit while joining his pal on the concrete.
Y/N quickly takes his keys and hops into the driver's seat of the car that was supposed to take him back to the station before the other cops can realize what just happened. "Hey! stop! " One of them orders with a yell, pulling out his gun. But the ex-cop drives off anyway, his temporary car only getting a scratch as it gets shot at in response to his escape.
He speeds down the road, showing even more careless driving than when he was behind the wheel to get to Tara at the hospital. Because this time, he's the one on his phone, trying to call and drive at the same time. An obvious risky and dangerous move to make. "Come on, Come on, Sammy, pick up your phone!" He mutters frantically as he calls her new number several times, only for it to go to voicemail by the first ring, every single time. "Damn it!"
A jammer! Richie's driving her into a trap!
At first, he thought it was stalkerish, but thank gosh he was paranoid of Richie and worried for Sam earlier, because he put a tracker on their car while they were still sitting around at the hospital.
He quickly goes to his maps and follow it as if it was a GPS.
"Hold on, Sammy, I'm coming..."
(A/N) Short chapter, but I think this included a lot of previous plotlines that I hope it works for y'all.
Next chapter would've been way too long if I included this part anyway, at least, if my word calculations are correct. Speaking of next chapter, we're now heading into the infamous 261 Turner Lane, so get ready for a lot of chaos in the next and last few chapters left.
Plz vote and comment, any counts as feedback, and I'll see you in the next one!
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