Chapter 11: What About..... My Ending? (Scream 5 Finale)
"Richie.... the gun...." Sidney orders the guy with a pained voice. "Get the gun...."
"Yeah, I know!" Richie replies with a slightly irritated voice as he's already on it, though having a bit of trouble as he keeps tripping and tumbling down on himself every time his leg keeps abruptly hitting him with a syringe filled with bleeding pain. "Kinda hard since you shot me in the leg...."
Ghostface has gotten his energy back quicker than Sidney though, and is already crawling his way towards it. His robed and gloved hand hovering over it as they can feel the iron touching the fabric over his fingers....
Until Sam comes in and swipes it out of his hands. Now she's the one holding the killer at gun-point.
"Yes! YES!" Richie cheers, relieved since he's still half-way down the first steps.
"Shoot him!" Sidney encourages, not wanting to take chances. However, unlike her, Sam hasn't actually killed anyone, so seeing the Ghostface looking up at her makes her need a second before following through. Eventually, she's ready though, and points it directly between the massive eyes of the mask.
"Thank gosh, you're okay..." Richie says to Sam....
Before stabbing her in the stomach.
"Because I really, really wanted to be the one to kill you."
Sam is now frozen in place, looking up at Richie with betray as the realization slowly comes to her that he really was the killer this entire time. Her 'boyfriend' gives her some kind of 'shrugging' look as he forcefully takes the gun from her right before he sees Sidney trying to stand back up. "Sit the fuck down, Prescott!" He barks as he points it at her, making it clear that he will shoot her if he has to. He then turns back to Sam, who's practically shaking her head as if begging him not to do this, however, Richie instead twists the knife in her stomach in response, causing her to cry out in pain.
The other Ghostface finally gets his head back and stands up while ripping his mask off. Chad rubs his forehead really quick to check for bruising, before smirking at the two women when he feels nothing. Richie offers the gun to him and the jock eagerly takes it, keeping Sidney on her knees with it. "You know, I really hate this costume." He complains as he presses it against Prescott's head.
"Relax, bro, it was useful." Richie responds with a small chuckle, having a very different opinion about it. He then reaches into his flannel jacket's breast pocket and pulls out Tara's inhaler, showing it off to Sam who stares at it wide-eyed. "I can't believe this worked..." He boasts with an unhinged chuckle, having been the one who took it this entire time. He then tosses it aside since it was annoying on his chest. "Only one aspect left of our plan, where's our Requel variant for Dewey?"
"Oh, he's gone, man." Chad tells him and everyone else with a huge grin. "I saw him through the window, he took off with his pants brown before he could even get to the back door."
"Oh dear, poor guy." Richie comments before grinning at Sam as well, knowing that that'll hurt her emotionally as well as his literally stab to her trust. "You hear that babe? Every man for himself. Told you he couldn't be trusted." He tells her as he reaches into his pocket, pulling out the modern voice changer which turns on with a bright red light and loud echoing noise. "Probably because he knew this wasn't his movie." He taunts, letting out the chuckle that he's done numerous times over the phone.
Vince crawls down the concrete before he eventually bleeds out.
Richie then takes off his mask, smirking proudly.
As Wes goes still, Richie does a head tilt, before taking off his mask, breathing heavily.
The only cop left remaining at the hospital has now fallen asleep, not expecting anything until a knife is suddenly jabbed in his throat. He falls over on his chair where he eventually begins bleeding out on the floor.
Richie then quickly begins sneaking away, taking off his mask to give it to Chad.
"Relax, sweety..... we're finally going to be over with this." Richie taunts Evelyn as he pulls her out of the car, dragging her across the ground.
"Let go of me!" She cries as she struggles against him, earning her already cut legs to be kicked on curtesy of the much older male, earning a loud cry.
"Shut up!"
"This isn't a fucking movie!" Sam roars in Richie's face, the anger phase of her reaction now coming into motion. He doesn't seem to be that impressed however, after all, this part was expected. And for the record, that line isn't all that original.
"No...." Richie replies, shaking her head as if agreeing with her. "But it will be." He adds with excited eyes, looking like he had just won the lottery. "That's the plan, right Chad?"
"Damn fucking right!" Chad exclaims as he drives the gun further into Sidney's head like he's trying to dig into her skull. "Man, I really was too harsh on Mindy earlier about the Stab movie, wasn't I? This is the most fun I've had in a long time!"
Tara smiles as she texts with Y/N, amused by the quips he sends in the message app.
However, she's suddenly grabbed by Chad who pulls her into a bush...
Chad charges at Y/N, until he suddenly takes a bullet that sends him flying down on the ground..........
"Shit..." He swears, just as he thinks that everything is going to end before it begins though, Richie comes behind and knocks Y/N out with a kick to the back of the head.
Ghostface stabs Judy multiple times with a grunt, before putting the blade in her heart.
Seeing her dead lies looking up at him, Chad then takes off his mask, glaring down at it.
Ghostface pretends to knock out Richie, taunts Tara throughout the hospital, and then slices Dewey's throat open, spraying blood all over the door window in front of Y/N.
He calmly walks past the cop that's frozen in shock, likely not even realizing that he's even there.
Once at the bottom, and having escaped.... Chad takes off his mask, surprised he even escaped that.
After cutting Liv in half horizontally, Ghostface runs out of the shed and retreats behind a tree, knowing that his blood easily gives him away.
Once he knows that the coast is cleat, Chad rips off his bloody mask.
"You want in? Kill her." Richie demands, lifting Evelyn's head up while she's on her knees. Chad glances between her and the knife, showing some obvious hesitation. "You know that she'll just turn you in if you let her go, right?"
"Chad... please...." Evelyn begs, crying as she looks up at her brother.
However, something inside Chad finally takes over, and he cuts her open with the hunting blade, much to the happiness of Richie.
They bury her body before driving away, not knowing that her camera was still filming this entire time.
Richie laughs, glad that his accomplice is getting his kicks in. He turns back to Sam, curling his fingers through her hair. "Richie..."
"Shh...." Richie silences her, shaking his head.... before abruptly pulling the knife out of her stomach without warning, causing her to begin bleeding and shout in pain once again. "Okay, okay...." He whispers, holding her up straight as she begins leaking her liquid onto the carpet.
"Alright, let's get this monologue over with. I want this old hag dead and guts decorating the kitchen." Chad encourages impatiently, not as down with the whole movie flair his partner has insisted with this plan. He lifts Sidney up and forces her into the kitchen. "Move it, bitch, let's go!"
"Someone has to save the franchise!" Richie exclaims, already getting into the scene as Chad pushes Sidney into the same place she originally was when this moment played out. "You see? Because now, after going through sequels that were never as good, we're now stuck with the boring actionless format of television! Horrible idea!" He growls as he does the same with Sam, pushing her against the counter while also making sure she purposefully lands on her stab wound, causing her to slink down for a few seconds. "Hey, bro, you mind grabbing the..... very ex, who's still bleeding outside?"
"Always me doing the lifting, isn't it?" Chad mutters with a roll of his eyes before speed-walking away to go grab the mentioned female. He hands him the gun while passing him, allowing Richie to hold both people in please, case in point, when Sideny jumps right to running.
"Hey, hey! HEY!" Richie yells, pointing the bloody knife directly at her chest. "Whoa, Sidney Prescot..." He mummers in awe as he walks up to her, pinning her back against the kitchen counter. His gun still trained on Sam. "You know.... I'm a really big fan." He tells her with an twisted, but earnest grin on his face.
"Go fuck yourself." Sidney swears at him, though that only brightens the guy's day even more, knowing she would eventually get to the vulgar speech.
"Have you seen the recent Stab adaptation?" Richie queries her, wondering if she's been keeping up with recent events that led to this moment. "The one that somehow managed to greenlight a second season?"
"Not really a big fan of horror."
"Ha! That checks out." Richie notes with a chuckle. "Anyway, it sucked balls! Had nothing to do with the movies or even Ghostface in general! Different mask, different lore, different town. Nothing about it was Stab, therefore, it was shit! And everyone knew it." He rants at her, a passionate mannerism of speech. "What did they do next? Make an actual movie? No! They made a fucking new season, reconning everything. It took place in the hood, you know? Where all the cool kids were? The killer is a gangster and a rip off of Roman Bridger who also fucks minors apparently, real classy there."
"Is there a point to this?" Sam questions weakly, now back on her feet while holding her stomach.
"Wasn't talking to you, shut up!" Richie barks at her, jabbing the gun at Sam before turning back to Sidney. "But yeah, there is a point. The point is that those three abominations happened because nobody takes the true fans seriously anymore, not really. They just laugh at us, because WHY?! Because we love something? WE'RE A FUCKING JOKE TO THEM!" Richie snaps, not really intending to let it all out like that, yet here he is. "How.... can fandom.... be toxic? It's about love! They don't fucking understand that these movies are important to people!
"And we're going to give it to them!" Richie cuts Sam off with another jab of his gun, making it very clear not to interrupt his monologue that he practiced at least five times to himself. "Hollywood's totally fucking out of ideas, so.... we, at least I, decided to give them some new source material to follow, you know? Bring it back to basics. Because that's how you make a great Stab movie, Sam." She shows off a sanguine grin. "Based on actual events."
"Guess who I got?" Chad exclaims as he re-enters the room, his arms holding Gale Weathers by the hair and wounded hip while he sets her down on the ground. "Don't bother struggling Mrs. Weathers. You know it'll just make things hurt a lot more."
"Back up!" Richie shoves Sidney back when she tries running towards her, reminding her of the position she's currently in. "Back up..." He orders with a glare while handing the knife back to Chad, moving to stand in front of Sam while the jock confronts Sidney.
"Looks very familiar, doesn't it, Sid?" Chad taunts the woman, his smirking showing just how long he's waited for this. "Except this time, when the choice comes, I won't hesitate like a pussy like you did which got my uncle shot. This time, I'll shoot you both in the neck. Not the head, that would prevent me from seeing the life fade out of your eyes." He tells her with a wink, clicking his tongue.
"Despite how twisted it is, at least you got your uncle's sense of humor." Sidney quips with a shaky breath, causing Chad to bitterly laugh.
"Gosh, so original Sid, you're not the only one who's mentioned him, you know?" Chad sarcastically remarks, his head slightly twitching. "In fact, you know how it feels to constantly be remined of him? No, to live in the same town as him? It wasn't just people my school, my friends, my mom, everything had to be compared to Randy. Randy didn't play on the team, Randy doesn't like sports as much as you did, Randy never got the chance to ask the girl, Randy would've have gone for a slut like Liv McKenzie, Randy this, Randy that! FUCKING FUCK!" He bursts out in rage, almost stabbing Sidney right at that moment, which makes her jump a little. "No one in this town acts like a human fucking being. My own sister barely asks how I'm doing. It's just about how this town is one big.... giant.... movie." He seethes. "Well here it is, the movie everyone's been waiting for! Oh, what? You're crying? Why? Because you're the one being stalked and killed? Well too fucking bad! THIS IS WHAT YOU WANTED, ISN'T IT?!"
"Not bad, but wasn't as good as mine." Richie comments while briefing glancing at Chad who just rolls his eyes at him, breathing heavily after yelling so much.
"You did all of this, just to make the hero of your fucking movie?" Sam questions him, hating it since it makes her feel like an object of a script instead of a human being when she puts it like that.
"Oh, boy, yeah. The spring of an infamous villain always attracts the Wattpad users..." Richie confirms with an excited nod. "You wanna know who the villain is?" He asks her with a raised brow. Without asking for an answer, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone. He hums as if telling Sam to watch as he dials in 911.
Waiting for a few seconds, the rings eventually end with someone picking up. "911... what is your-"
"Oh my gosh!" Richie yells, causing Sam to jump since she wasn't expecting it. "That Y/N guy is here! 261 Turner Lane! He's trying to kill all of us! My girlfriend's dead! Please! PLEASE HELP!" He cries through the phone, putting on a admittedly good performance, all while sharing eye contact with Sam.
"Sir, sir, please, I need you to-" Richie then hangs up the phone before the dispatcher can ask any questions.
"Yeah, I don't think Y/N really liked it when you dumped him over a drug dealer you constantly gave head to in an alley." Richie mockingly tells Sam with a face, shrugging. "No wonder he killed everyone here, he never recovered!"
"We told the police everything that happened in the hospital, they won't believe it." Sam tells him, reminding that the deputies have their testimonies, especially Richie's himself, on what happened. However, the killer doesn't seem phased by that at all.
"Sam, Sam...... who you do you think they're gonna believe once everyone who was at that hospital is dead?" Richie queries her, looking like she just called him a moron. "The innocent guy that works at a bowling alley who just wanted to help out his girlfriend? Or the cop that's diagnosed with violent tendencies?" He then asks, before revealing some medication he took from the deputy's house. Sam scans them, realizing that they are almost exactly the same kind that she takes. "Bet he never told you that, didn't he? I'm sure the cops will understand if I got a little fuzzy with my last story."
"H-How did you know?"
"What? About the cause of your medication? You're father that wasn't around because he was literally deadbeat?" Chad understands, quickly taking the change at shooting the joke at her. "I mean, your mom was a whore and a drunk! You don't think she wouldn't question it if she was fucking a minor during the summer when she was back in Woodsboro?" He remarks, glancing between her and Sam with a suggestive face. "These muscles do a lot than play sports, I'll tell you that." He quips with a laugh. "I couldn't wait to share this new information I learned! So, I went to WoodsboroTruther, then because that wasn't enough, I had to let the people on the Stab subreddit know as well. Man, that earned me so much karma! Richie was excited to hear about it! He offered me an alibi in exchange for helping clean my slate, and get rid of everyone that had OG Stab blood in their veins." He reveals, thus the connection to the Stab movies that Amber and Mindy mentioned earlier.
"Then came my part, getting close to you." Richie chimes in, leaning into Sam's face, much to her disgust instead of the usual lustful eyes he's used to seeing. "Wasn't hard for me to find you in Modesto..... it wasn't that hard for me to fuck you, either." He mocks her, pointing the gun up to her chin. "But I guess being a sexually available woman is supposed to be empowering these days."
"Fuck you." Sam spits at Richie, who just playfully rolls his eyes at her.
"Well now you're just quoting the original." He quips, causing both him and even Chad to laugh at the dirty joke. "And by the way, I really appreciate that not just Gale, but you showed up as well too, Sidney." Richie then mentions as he glances at the fighter with a look of grace. "I mean, we were just fine with Dewey alone, but then you? Oh, baby! It's a good thing we were both good at adapting."
"And if anything, it means I get to have a little fun with you before you die~" Chad purrs with a sadistic smirk, before glancing down at Sidney's torso. "Remind me again, where was it that Jill Roberts stabbed you? Right..... here?" He then suddenly jabs the blade deep into her gut, remembering the spot perfectly.
Sidney gasps as she feels her old stab wound open up, causing her to slowly falls to all fours.
"Sidney!" Gale yells, trying and failing to stand up from the chair as she instead falls down instead.
"No!" Sam does as well.
"No, No! HEY! Sit the fuck down!" Richie barks, pointing the gun at the woman who can still stand, forcing her back to her original spot. He then turns to Sidney and kneels down to her level with Chad, clicking his tongue. "Sid, Sid, Sid.... I'm sorry, but we can't let you live. I mean, after surviving this many times, it would just be ridiculous. This time, the fans are gonna be the ones who win." He states, before turning to Chad with a hum. "That about cover it?"
"Even if it didn't, I'm gonna say yes." Chad tells him honestly, way too excited to get to the killing part of this monologue. Richie chuckles again like a proud brother.
"I'll accept it, considering the fact I've had you riding my meat for this long." Richie comments with a wave, standing up so he now has all three woman perfectly at gun point. "How about you go fetch Tara out of the closet, time we start staging the bodies!"
"Fucking Finally!" Chad exclaims as he happily gets to it. Jumping up to his feet as he marches out, heading to the closet he stashed him in earlier.
"Sweetie, if I can take the time to say this, you were a little too easy to trick, if I can be so blunt." Richie tells Samantha with a mocking tone, now just getting his digs in while he still can. "You really should've listen to Dewey! He nailed it in one! Dude, look at the fucking love interest! Hell, you said it yourself, Y/N told you point-blank who it fucking was!" He points to himself, proud that he got away with it all. "Are you fucking stupid?" He asks Sam as if really wanting to know, to which the woman just drops her head, wondering the same thing.
Then, his phone begins dinging his pocket, causing him to roll his eyes. "Sorry about that, forgot to put it on silent after calling the cops." Richie tells them with a smile as he pulls it out....
Which make him immediately drop it.
It's a short-time video message, of..... him? (Imagine the one from the pilot episode) "You really should've listen to Dewey! He nailed it in one! Dude, look at the fucking love interest! Hell, you said it yourself, Y/N told you point-blank who it fucking was!"
Richie snaps his head towards where the angle came from, only to find nobody in sight. Sidney, Gale, and Sam now notices how weird out he looks, causing them to consider jumping him while he's distracted. "Hey! She isn't here!" Chad then calls out from the background, making things even more out of the place for the 'mastermind'.
Then... his phone rings, an unknown number. "No.... nuh-uh. I'm not playing that game." Richie protests, frantically shaking head. However, that just hurts him another video message.
"No.... nuh-uh. I'm not playing that game."
"Hey, Chad! Now is not the time to be fucking with me!" Richie yells while keeping the three woman at gunpoint, trying to maintain the control of the situation.
"What are you talking about, man?" Chad responds from outside the room, sounding genuinely confused. Richie's phone rings again, and this time, while glaring at Sam who looks like she's starting to smirk at his expense, he answers it.
"Hello, Richie...." A voice (Mike Vaughn) emits from the other end with a very familiar menacing presence. "Who told you, you could pretend to be me?"
Richie blinks, having expected the actual Ghostface voice instead of this rip-off he's hearing. Yet, he swears he heard this one before. "Who the fuck is this?" He questions the caller rudely. "Quick reminder that I have three hostages here in case you decide to do something stupid."
"I'm a friend, not one of yours, but a friend who slices people open for his friends." The caller tells him intimidatingly, causing Richie to begin looking around his surroundings more. "Something you should've known before you put on such a ugly mask."
"Hey, this mask is iconic asshole!" Richie shouts back at the caller, very offended. "You really think I'm scared by this power play, Tara? I know what happens in this scene, and me or my partner is not going to fucking fall for the closet bit. So, unless you want your sister-"
"Do I sound like Tara to you Mr. Kirsch?" The caller interrupts him, feeling that it was a little rude that he would consider him to be hiding in the first place. "I don't watch scary movies, I don't watch the stuff that gets you hard at night, but what I do know, is how to decapitate someone with a simple bowie knife... alive, letting them feel every single scratch before they eventually bleed out. This isn't a power play, it's the start of a bloodbath."
"Shut up! I was fucking talking!" Richie snaps, griping the gun tighter at the women. "I'm about to get trigger happy, so stop fucking around and come out!" He demands as his rage encourages him to live up to the threat. "Chad! What's the hold up!?"
Chad, patrolling the house, angrily turns his head around. "I'm telling you that I can't find-!"
Suddenly, before he can even see it coming, a figure appears from behind a corner and stabs Chad in the chest, causing him to yell out at the unexpected pain. His attacker then pushes him against the wall, forcing his head up to see the mask that he's wearing....
"What the-" Chad exclaims before the Lakewood Slasher drives the knife into him further, causing him to yell louder.
Richie hears the sounds in the kitchen, causing him to get a little more than concerned. "Chad!" He calls out, turning away which gives Sam the opportunity to finally grab him by the arm holding the pistol, causing him to instantly shoot it, only for the bullet to go into the ceiling. They fall to the ground where he shoots it again, hitting the dining table, before turning the tables as he flips her around, putting him on top of her.
He struggles with her for the gun, during which, Sam is face to face with his cast from when he got himself cut, prompting her to bite into it, causing Richie to yell in pain as he's forced to let go of her. He still maintains his hold of the gun, however, and Sam books it out of the kitchen. "Sam! WHERE YOU GOING, HUH?!" Richie yells as he quickly gives chase, almost running himself into the side of the doorway. "YOUR BIG SCENE'S COMING UP!"
Back in the hallway, The Lakewood Slasher points his knife towards Chad's throat, seemingly trying to copy a move Richie was always doing. The jock struggles with him for this throat, before slowly realizing who it is. "You..." He growls, getting the idea to then punch him in the stomach, grab him by this stabbed shoulder and bull charge him into the living room where the two fall over the couch.
The two both stand up at the same time, where they find themselves in a tense showdown. "Already, buddy, you wanna play?" Chad taunts as he re-grabs his mask from underneath his cloak and putting it back on. "Let's dance.'
The Lakewood Slasher tilts his head, before the two ready their Buck 120s.
Ghostface is obviously the one that swings first, however, the Lakewood Slasher dodges and blocks every single slice that he sends his way, parrying it with a cut to his face or fabric. He then tries just going for the stomach, but the slasher steps back, doing the same thing. He then tries his own offense with his blade, but Ghostface is a quick learner and does something similar, but more in the form of dunking.
They aren't making any progress with each other though. This pisses the jock off who eventually says 'fuck it' and just charges him into him, ignoring the punishment he received as he sends him back into the kitchen the same way he did earlier, really depending on those football skills. The Lakewood Slasher slides around the kitchen island before landing on the floor with a nasty thud. He stands up in time however to play a game of 'ring around the kitchen island' with Ghostface as they try to reach over and stab but not get too close to each other.
The bout ends with Ghostface cheating, poking the Lakewood Slasher's eyes through the holes. Although he only gets one due to the design of the mask, it still hurts and works as planned as the guy grabs it in pain that even he can't ignore. Ghostface then follows with a punch, which his opponent returns with a harder one, sending the guy face first into a cabinet. Ghostface obviously plans his own retaliation, but right as he turns around, the Lakewood Slasher meets it with a big bottle of hand sanitizer, which shatters on impact and gets all over the guy's mask and costume.
He leans against the counter with a pained stance, prompting the Lakewood Slasher to raise his blade to implant in his back. However, Ghostface gets himself back to fighting just in time to hold the wrist holding it back, allowing him to instead stab him in the stomach with the blade. The Lakewood Slasher grunts behind the mask, stepping back as soon as his enemy pulls the blade out. Ghostface tilts his head as he examines the advantage he now has.
Meanwhile, Richie frantically looks around the hallway for where his now ex-girlfriend went, until he sees an obvious blood trail that's recently soaked the carpets. He follows it up to the staircase, where his original panic is now replaced with a bloodthirsty smirk. "That's the thing about slasher's, Sam." He quips as he grips his gun and knife tightly, following trail left behind by his prey. "So many blood trails.... this one yours?" He playfully questions.
"Only one way to find out!"
He does a little trick with his blade, flicking it up to where he's pointing upwards since he'll be likely going for a chest stab here. He follows the trail all the way to.... what do you know? His original hiding place. He's almost honored, his girlfriend following his lead even when they are trying to kill each other.
Smirking, he reaches his hand towards the bloody knob, going slowly so he can catch her by surprise....
Until Sam suddenly appears from the door next to him and charges him into the stair's railing with a roar. Like he said, mimicking his moves, or as one might say, using his own spells against him. Richie grunts as he hits it chest first, dropping his knife in the process. Angry, he stands up, to which Sam holds on, maintain it as if she was his backpack so he can't land a shot on her.
This makes him even more furious though, as he runs backwards and slams her against the wall behind them, knowing that she's taking all of the damage. "Stop...." He does it again, hearing her gaps. "Fucking up...." He does it again, feeling her getting lose. "My ending!"
He does it a final time, however, Sam clings onto her neck, causing him to accidentally make her choke him. He lets go and the two fall to the floor, out of air. The final girl, remembering that the knife fell down the steps, quickly stands up to go get it for the next round of cat and mouse. "SAM!" Richie yells at her, reaching for the gun tucked in his pants as he chases her. "SAAAAM!"
He tackles her without thinking, sending them both tumbling down the stairs which references Billy Loomis in more ways than one.
Back in the kitchen, The Lakewood Slasher is now slowly getting up. Ghostface grips his knife tightly and goes for his chest, an eye for an eye. However, his opponent grabs him by his wrists and engages in yet another tug of war with it. The two glaring deeply into each other's eyes as they fight for control of the battle.
At this point, the Lakewood Slasher decides that he's going to cheat as well, and after lowering the knife down to stomach level, headbutts Ghostface as hard as he can. His mask that is much harder than the material the Halloween costume is made out of provides an outcome where Ghostface falls back. He tries to follow up, but is instead kicked in the stomach up and sent back as well. Ghostface then punches and forcefully takes off the Lakewood Slasher's mask, who responds with a straight punch between his eyes in vengeance.
Ghostface's back hits the oven, his gloved hand accidently turning a burner in the process. Peeved, Chad rips off his mask in a frustrated manner, glaring deeply at the person he knew was in that black rain jacket..... Y/N L/N. "Fucking knew it..." He growls, but then smugly holds up both knives, showing that he now has the upper hand. "Lose something?" He asks in a cocky manner.
However, Y/N just stares at him with a black stare. "Found something."
He pulls out Dewey's gun that Chad dropped earlier when he first caught him by surprise, causing the killer's eyes to go wide before he takes two slugs from the revolver into the chest. The impact sends him backwards, where his fabric mixed with hand sanitizer gets caught by the flame, setting him on fire.
Chad screams in agony as he flails his arms and himself around, having nothing else to do but become a new light bulb for the kitchen while he runs into numerous things and seems to be trying to get Y/N to go down with him. However, he's absolutely nowhere near him, and he eventually collapsing to the ground due to the burns.
Y/N now walks over, looking down at the burning Chad with a tilt of his head.
The flames almost reflecting in his eyes.
In the hallway, the situation isn't as great. The two are once again on the floor, a very similar situation in-between one of them. However, this time, Richie needs only 0.5 seconds before he has the gun in his palm. "Ah! That was fun!" He exclaims as he stands up with a smirk, looking down at Sam who's crawling away on the floor.
That's because she looks up at the mirror over the consol table, where she sees Billy Loomis through the reflection. He nods his head down as a signal to her, making her look and see where the knife fell into. "Alright, I'll admit it, you put up a good fight. But you earned yourself these few seconds left because of that damn interruption I just had! You know what? Maybe I'll have it to where you're the villain too! And in the Stab movies, there's no mid-credit hint of the villain preparing to come back. They always die!" He passionately yells at her, getting into yet another monologue. He's really committed to his personal role in life. "Those are the rules!"
"I'm introducing a new rule..." Sam tells Richie as she keeps crawling, her bloody hands reaching for the knife that is under the curtains of the front window.
"Oh really? What would that be, huh?" Richie queries with a raised brow, interested that she's still committed to being defiant when she's inches away from a brutal death scene. Sam reaches for the knife, her fingers touching the steel, however, the killer forces her on her back and gets on top of her. "Well?!" He yells in her face with a unhinged grin, waiting for it. He laughs at he looks into her eyes, seeing the end of the movie inside them.
"Never fuck with the child of a serial killer."
Richie blinks. "Huh?"
Before he's suddenly stabbed through the cheek and out the other by the knife that Sam succeeded in grabbing. He falls off of her, his gun sliding out of his hands and falling further away while she takes the moment to turn the tables, now on top of him. She then stabs him in the chest multiple times.
Three times...
Five times....
Eight times....
Twelve times....
Eighteen times.....
Twenty-five times....
No, Twenty-eight times....
"WAIT! Wait, wait, wait....." Richie pleads, holding up his hands in surrender, and thankfully, Sam pauses, now covered in his blood. The guy's spitting out blood, multiple holes inside of him, the fact that he's still able to speak is a miracle. "What about...... my ending?" He asks out-loud in a pathetic manner, likely knowing that he's not gonnna live through all of his wounds.
Sam puts her blade that is completely stained in crimson liquid to Richie's throat, grabbing him by his hair and forcing him to look into the blackest eyes.... the devil's eyes. "Here it comes..."
She then slices his throat open wide, causing blood to go everywhere while Richie uncontrollably shakes and spasms. Sam then wipes the blood off the knife with her hands, standing up from the corpse that eventually stops moving.
Then, she hears footsteps coming from behind her, she thinks they are Sidney's or Gale's at, but instead, they belonged to a man covered in a black and slightly bloody raincoat. "Y/N..." Sam whispers out-loud, having thought he really did leave.
"Sammy." Y/N greets back, and two quickly embraces each other as if it was on instinct, never thinking that they would be more glad to see each other alive after the fuckfest that just took place. The two eventually separate, now actually seeing how messed up they both look. "I.... I like what you did with your hair." He comments, moving the tainted stuff aside to fully see her face, not really caring that it's covered in blood. In fact, he might oddly be turned on by it.
"Thanks... it was a mess earlier." Sam replies as she allows him to touch her face. By the look in her eyes, Y/N suspects that she's thinking same thing.
The quickly close the gap and-
A zombie Chad shoots up from the kitchen, charging at the two of them until Y/N swiftly snaps back into action and shoots him straight in the center of the forehead with the last bullet left in Dewey's pistol. The last killer falls on top of the dining room table, breaking everything he lands on. The two then take the moment to see just how messed up he looks. His costume seemed to have burned into his skin and his face is scared so much that it made him look like a mutant. It looks like they just did the bastard a favor.
"Say hi to Randy for me." Y/N growls as he tosses the now empty gun aside, not needing it anymore.
"Wow...." A third-party voice comments, and everyone looks to see Sidney, Gale, and Tara in the hallway, leaning on respective sides of the wall, having caught the last bit of that. "That was more horrific than the original, that's for sure." Gale quips before wincing at his stomach wound. It could be considered selfish that they seemingly hid throughout all of that, but considering how they are clearly in bad shape, Sam and Y/N will give them a pass.
"Gore doesn't always mean more." Sam remarks with a head shrug, to which Y/N agrees with a nod.
"For sure."
Woodsboro: Outside The Mansion
The news, thankfully, gets better as the sirens pull up, bring both police, ambulance, and a fire department just in case of Chad catching anything else while he was reenacting Mikey Madison's favorite stunt. With more than enough testimonies identify the true killers, half of them being Sidney Prescott and Gale Weathers, Y/N's name was cleared from the suspect list, to which he waits in anticipation for that public apology he'll soon receive. Also, secondly, Mindy is still alive, currently being wheeled into an ambulance on a stretcher. However, she'll eventually be learning some bad news about her brother later once she's put in a hospital bed for some serious care.
Y/N, back the casual clothes he was wearing early, having hid his raincoat and mask in a safe place, was staring into the darkness, thinking about the resemblance of this series of events and the ones in his best, not noticing someone trying to get his attention at first. "Hey." Sidney repeats, to which he finally snaps out of his flashback and turns around to face her. "What are you thinking about?"
"Uh, nothing really.... just wondering how I got myself in this situation." He tells her somewhat honestly, though purposefully stopping himself before he could say, 'again'. That aside, it's still true, he thought that serial killings were gonna be a thing of the past for him until now, but he guesses that the black cat had other ideas.
"You weren't the only one who used to think that." Gale quips next to her, the both of them the signature blue blanket after taking those bullets and stabs. "Actually, now that I think about it, are you okay? That doesn't look comfortable." She then asks, causing Y/N to glance down at the bandages that are over where Chad stabbed him..... again.
"Ah, yeah, well..... trying to keep focusing on the battle I did win." Y/N says with a slight groan as he puts a hand over it, still feeling some pain everything he thinks about it. Then, he looks over at the other ambulance that has Tara being carried inside it, though the guy can selfishly admit that he's currently focusing more on Sam Carpenter right now. "Like getting the girl." He blinks, briefly glancing sideways. "...back."
"Seriously? That's what you're thinking of?" Sidney questions with a raised brow, to which the deputy shrugs.
"Man's gotta have priorities."
"Yeah, clearly."
Y/N chuckles shamelessly, before turning back towards the two veterans. "But what about you? How are you feeling?" He asks the two of them, leaning against the back door of their ambulance.
"I'll survive." Sidney calmly answers, shrugging her re-opened stab wound off. "I always do." She proudly reminds Y/N, who nods, definitely believing that. He then turns to Gale.
"Ask me in a few days." Gale answers, a bittersweet expression on her face. They've survived, but unlike Y/N, her subplot didn't end with the best of outcomes. The deputy looks at her empathetically, knowing what it's like to lose family, even if you've hit rough patches with them. "But, at least I know what I'm gonna write about." She then adds, to which Y/N raises a brow.
"What's that?"
"Not this." Gale states with a smirk. "Those fuckers can rot in anonymity." She quips, her perfect vengeance against the two Ghostface killers. Y/N chuckles, approving whole heartedly. "Maybe something about a good man who used to be the Sheriff once."
"Would like to hear that story." Sidney comments, and Y/N nods, considering it as well.
(Don't worry guys, this time, she genuinely won't. You'll see in Scream 6)
"Hey, Y/N!" Sam's voice calls out, causing Y/N to turn around to acknowledge her. "They're gonna move Tara to the hospital now!"
"Coming!" Y/N replies, before giving glancing back at Sidney and Gale one last time. "Thanks for the talk back at the hospital, I think I now know what you meant earlier." He tells Prescott with a grateful look.
"My pleasure." Sidney replies with a genuine smile.
Y/N then walks over to Sam who is just standing there with her arms crossed, waiting for him. However, she notices a very weird smile his face the second he gets close enough to her. "What?" Sam asks her with a raised brow.
"You were gonna kiss me." Y/N points out with a slightly cocky tone, to which Sam blinks before quickly remembering what he's talking about.
"No, I wasn't."
"Yes, you were.'"
"Nope, don't know what you're talking about." Sam keeps denying, probably a little embarrassed that they tried locking lips during a time like that as if they were in a James Bond movie or something. Y/N gives her a look, which makes her eventually sigh in defeat. "Okay, maybe, but so were you."
"Well, obviously." Y/N easily responds, not as sheepish about it as she is.
"Okay, well, we're not gonna make out in front of the entire sheriff's department." Sam remarks with a roll of her eyes, causing Y/N to snort. He knows, he just loves pressing her buttons. Glancing off to the side, she bites her lip before deciding to give him one deep kiss, just to catch him off-guard for a few seconds. "You're such an ass...." She mutters as she pulls away, now walking towards Tara's ambulance.
Y/N laughs some more. "As you keep reminding me..." He cracks with a happy face, following behind her.
"I'm starting to regret being the cause that brought you two together..." Tara grumbles with a face filled with cringe as they step inside the vehicle, having regretfully caught that entire exchange.
"Uh, excuse me, I was the reason. Don't try taking the credit here." Y/N corrects with the impression of a sassy teen girl, Tara groans with a shake of her head, and Sam laughs at the two of them.
"I see the reason in not sharing." Sam chimes in with a playful expression on her face. "I think I shall reward both of thee by holding thy hands the entire way back." She humorously suggests, holding out both of them for both the girl and boy.
"I'll take it." Y/N responds as he eagerly accepts, a more embarrassed Tara taking it after a few seconds, wondering why she got herself put in a vehicle with these two.
They drive off, leaving the house, and some pieces of the past behind.
(A/N) Okay, did not mean to actually write the final chapter in one night, was trying to take it slow. But, what the heck, right? I was never going to stop typing the second we got to the final chapter.
To everyone reading this author's note, thank you for making it this long. I'm not marking this as complete though. As you may of noticed, the title of this book changed from Scream 5: My Daisy, to Scream: My Daisy. And that's because I'm thinking of just including sequel here instead of creating a new book for it, just because..... I don't know, see what happens? In any case, that's why this book won't be marked as 'Completed'. Because there's obviously some more story to explore.
So, yeah, I also finally managed to introduce the Lakewood Slasher back into action. Now you can see why I meant how this was only 'kind-of' a crossover. However, I think the mask and stuff will play a much bigger role in Scream 6, but we'll see what happens, plans can change after all.
Some might be wondering why I changed the killer reveal from Amber to Chad, and that's simple. One, it would be unexpected, and two, having the same killers feels boring to me when writing a Male OC/Reader book from the survivor's perspective, unless you're shipping them with a killer. Originally, it was going to change entirely with the killer duo being Tara and Wes instead, but I would've risked making the fact that someone else was behind the mask too obvious, so I went with just one.
Let me know if you want the sequel, just kidding, obviously, I'm gonna include the sequel. But in the mean time, I'll be working on other projects or coming up with a new one.
Plz vote and comment, any counts as feedback, and I'll see you in the next one!
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