Chapter 10: Welcome to Act Three
Woodsboro: 261 Turner Lane
Where we left off....
"Tara! We're leaving!" Sam calls out to her sister as she patrols around the house, looking for her. However, they seemingly disappeared, not in the room she could've sworn she heard Amber say the inhaler was. "Tara?!"
Then, she hears her phone ringing, once again loud because of how empty the place is now. She pulls it out and sees that it's coming from Y/N. She blinks, semi-glad to see that his phone number hasn't changed but also confused as to why he's already feeling the need to call her. She puts it up to her ear. "Hello?"
"Sam, listen to me, and please don't ask me too many questions." Y/N tells her without a greeting, sounding very frantic on the other line which gets Sam's attention. "You need to grab Tara and get out of that house, now!"
"How do you know where I am?" Sam asks, blinking, now also a little creeped out.
"Sam, please, just do what I say, no questions." Y/N begs from Sam, not wanting to give away the real reason why he wants her to GTFO.
"O-Okay, sure." Sam agrees with a nod, recognizing how panicked he sounds and knows that she can trust her judgement. "I'll grab Tara and Richie-"
"No, no, no! NO! DON'T DO THAT, SAM!" Y/N yells from the other line, sounding even more scared by her mentioning his name. "Sam...." He calls her by her name again, pausing a moment as if considering something until he decides to come out and say it, even if it makes him look crazy. "The killer is in the house! Richie is the killer and he's lured you into the house, you need to grab the car and drive out of there before he kills the both of you!"
Sam freezes, processing what Y/N is yelling at her. Did he.... did he just say that it was Richie?
No.... No, that can't be true.
Meanwhile, Mindy is still in the living room while all of this is going down, even more drunk than she was earlier while she's still watching the first Stab. She's currently at the scene where the same room that she's literally in took place at. "No, Jaime.... watch out... watch out, Jamie.... you know he's around...." The drunk movie Randy warns Laurie Strodes while the Stab Ghostface creeps up behind him. "You know he's around. You know- there he is! Jamie, I told you, I told you! He's around the corner!"
Mindy is getting a big laugh out of this, always falling for the double-bladed-sword meta-joke every single time. "What? Come on, dude, turn around!" She calls out to the movie version of her uncle, making the situation even more double-bladed. "Turn around, dude!"
Behind her, however, Ghostface slowly walks in from the kitchen, creeping up behind her spot on the couch. "Jamie, Jamie, look behind you!"
"No, Randy, look behind you!" Mindy tries warning him, but due to it being a screen, the poor soul cannot hear him. "Come on, turn around! Duuude! What are you Doinnnnnnng?! You can do it! These are your rules, man, own that shit!" She yells at him, not seeing the killer behind her slowly raising his knife to bring it down ontop of her. "Look... behind.... yo-"
This makes her suddenly realize something, and she slowly turns her head around, seeing Ghostface standing behind her.
"Oh, shit!"
Sam then hears screaming coming from the living room, followed by grunts and things falling. She quickly rushes over where she sees Ghostface standing over a wounded Mindy while she struggles with him against the knife that he's trying to impale into her neck like Vince and Wes. Seeing a lamp on one of the night stands, she acts fast and grabs it, bashing it over the killer's head.
It shatters, and the killer roars in anger as he snaps his head around. Sam quickly grabs a candle stick, assuming that he's going to charge at her next. But instead, the killer breaks it into the other doorway to escape, apparently feeling out-numbered. Sam thinks about pursuing him at first, but then remembers the bleeding girl on the ground and quickly makes her way over to her.
"That's a lot of blood......" Mindy moans out, weak as she looks down at her shoulder, which Sam is currently trying to apply pressure to stop the bleeding.
"It's going to be okay..." She assures her as she finally gets a hold on the wound and then begins thinking for some kind of bandage she can put on it and where it can be. However, when she glances back at Mindy, she sees her head slowly dropping and her eyes closing. "Mindy, no, stay with me. Mindy!"
A loud scream then abruptly breaks the moment, and Sam turns her head around to see Amber and Tara standing behind her, Amber's hands around her mouth before realizing who's next to the down girl. "What did you do to her?!" She barks at Sam with a pointed look.
"N-No, no, I didn't do-"
Everyone turns to the glass breaking and sees Richie coming back from the basement. "What the fuck?!" He exclaims, now not caring much about the beer anymore. However, his sudden disappearance raises some questions.
"Richie, where the fuck were you?" Sam questions him with a slightly angry expression, having been looking for him as well.
"I-I just went into the b-basement to get some beer."
"You went into the basement alone?" Amber questions with a suspicious look towards him now.
"I-I-I asked her to come with me, she said no!"
"Guys, we need to get the-!" Chad rushes inside from the back door, only to immediately see Mindy's body. "Oh, shit!"
"Stay the fuck back!" Amber demands with a furious yell, finding the muscular jock to be an even bigger suspect. Everyone is now in an intense situation with everyone too afraid to move or do anything as the killer could be any single one of them, even the two that were together. "I was with Tara, but the rest of you were wandering around, one of you is the fucking kil-"
Before she can get the last word in, her brains are blown against the wall. Everyone then freezes in shock, before looking at the person holding the smoking gun that once belonged to Dewey Riley.
Chad Meeks then turns to the couple, pointing the gun at them with a sanguine smirk on his face.
"Say hi to Randy for me."
"RUN!" Richie yells, snapping Sam out of it as he grabs her hand and they both bolt it out of the room. Chad takes aim, but Tara uses her crutch to poke him in the eye, causing him to shoot the floor instead while he grabs his eye with a yelp.
"Holy shit!" Sam exclaims as she quickly drops behind the counter, hearing more gunshots coming from the living room. All hell has now broken loose, and it's anyone's guess as to who will survive at this point.
"Sam! Sam! Come on!" Richie pulls her towards the basement, knowing they can lock themselves in. However, Sam briefly resists him so she can grab a kitchen knife before the two of them rush inside, down the stairs while they quickly shut and lock the door behind them.
The house is now a kill zone.
261 Turner Lane: Front Lawn
After what feels like way too fucking long, Y/N finally sees the big ass house with his own eyeballs, causing his body to spike up as he has to force himself not to press further down on the petal so he doesn't end up driving through the fucking door as if he was the bus driver in the Joker's heist crew.
He wastes no time in slamming the breaks once he's close enough to the front gate. He grabs his fellow deputy's gun that he totally didn't steal and its ammo out of his glove box, jumps out of his car, and sprints towards the front door, only to stop mid-way when he sees it suddenly slam open.
"Help!" Chad comes out, staggering while he holds his stomach area. "Y/N is... is that you?" He stutters a bit, seemingly shaking while in pain. Y/N pauses, surprised that there's still people here despite how empty the front lawn was of cars. "That... ah! Maniac stabbed me! He killed Liv, and Tara, and now he's- Oh shit!"
Y/N abruptly raises his gun, causing Chad to flee back inside as the cop starts firing at him, proving that he's not a fucking moron. "Choose a red shirt if you wanna fake being stabbed, dipshit." He criticizes the teen, now having his confirmed second killer. Chad fucking Meeks. Of course, who else would be crazy enough to fly through a window or take multiple hits while still getting back up?
Right as he's considering how he's going to enter the house, he hears another car pull up behind him and cautiously turns around, staying defensive until he sees Sidney and Gale coming out of it. "I hope we didn't miss the party." The former quips as both women look like they're here for the same reason they are.
"No, you came just in time." Y/N responds with a relieved smirk, glad to being seeing a face he can trust for once tonight. "Alright, listen, Sam, Tara, and whoever's lucky to be alive that isn't Ghostface is in that house. And so you know, the killers are Chad and-"
He's interrupted when a bullet flies through the wooden door, prompting Y/N to jump sideways by instinct, which ends up with Gale catching it in her stomach. "Not cool, man!" Chad yells from the other side.
"Damnit..." Gale curses as she hisses at the sudden pain she's now receiving while Sidney attempts to return fire, though with a lack of any sounds from the other side that hint that she hit anything.
"Gale? Gale!" Sidney exclaims once she realizes that her old friend's been hit, quickly kneeling next to her while Y/N stands up, trying to get a safe look through the window in case Chad is just in another place he can use for an ambush. "Let me see..." The woman then checks Gale's wound, seeing that the bullet is lodged deep in there, already making her bleed. "Shit..."
"I'm sorry, that was my fault." Y/N apologizes as he winces at Gale's wound, knowing that, that can't be fun. "Since you're the expert, I can take her to a hospital while you-"
"No! She said we were going to finish this!" Gale instantly refuses, knowing that the time it took them to get here from the hospital is too far for a trip back to the med center. "You two have a much better chance taking that bastard out with each other than separated."
"Gale..." Sidney shakes her head, obviously planning to protest. "I don't-"
"Please, Sidney." Gale pleads, not wanting the entire progress it spent getting here as well as everything else they and the current generation of Woodsboro survivors have gone through go to waste. "For Dewey."
Sidney looks up and shares a look with Y/N, who looks like he's now on board with Gale's method of action. "I mean, it's up to Sidney." He still says however, trusting her judgement. "I understand if you don't want me to-"
"No, I trust you, despite my better judgement." Sidney assures him, having briefly met Y/N's inner self and knowing that it can't be a killer, at least a serial one. "You go around, I'll take the front."
"I see Dewey taught you some moves." Y/N remarks with an approving smirk, nodding as he goes to do just that. Sidney chuckles as she turns back to the house, it's just something she remembers him talking about back in 2011 when they were doing a drill of a possible 'Ghostface encounter'.
While Y/N goes around, he passes by he shed, seeing an enormous bucket amount of crimson red liquid all over the tiny windows. He winces as he decides to save that later for when it's time to yellow tape this crime scene.
He then gets to the back door, moving slowly as he goes up the porch steps, expecting another bullet surprise since it's possible that the other killer is waiting on that side as well. Once he reaches the door, his hand hovers over the knob, but then the blood he saw in the head suddenly flashes in his head like being in the middle of a camera shot.
You can't risk it....
Y/N rubs his head with a groan, feeling himself lose his focus.
We have to work together if we're going to save them both... you know that neither of the killers can live, Kieran Wilcox didn't deserve it, and they didn't either....
Y/N grunts a bit, but quickly shuts himself up. He then feels his head snapping back in place. All of a sudden, he feels like taking a step back for a second, and rethinking his game plan. "You're right..." He whispers to himself. "Y/N L/N can't handle this..."
"This is a job for Y/N James."
As Sam and Richie run down until their feet touch the concrete floor of the basement, they finally stop and let themselves calm down. At least, calm down as well as they can. Their hearts feel like bursting open as if it was Grinch's size, which is realistically what would happen if it did. Or is one of them thinking about the Smosh version of it?
Before they can even think about a game plan, another gun shot and thud comes from up above. "Oh my gosh, Tara!" Sam exclaims, realizing that they left her behind. She goes to run back up, but Richie quickly holds her back.
"No, no, no, no, wait, wait, wait, Sam!" Richie frantically stops her, pulling her back to the center of the room. "He has a gun, he has a gun, he has a gun!" He reminds her, though that doesn't seem to be stopping her. "There's always two killers!" He then yells, which is surprisingly enough to make her abruptly stop as if someone turned a treadmill off.
That's because Sam has just gotten rid of her short-term memory issues (not literally a thing she has) and slowly takes a step back, away from Richie. The guy raises his brow before she swiftly raises the kitchen knife she's holding and points it at his chin, causing him to raise his hands in a reaction of fear. "Sam, please put the knife down." He shakingly requests, now wondering what is going on.
"Y/N called me earlier...." Sam tells Richie, a dark expression on her face as she keeps him at knife-point. "He told me.... he told me that you were the killer. He sounded very confident about it, too." She reveals to him, causing the boyfriend to blink as if she's lost her mind.
"I-I'm sorry?" Richie stutters, taken aback by what she's suggesting. "And you believed him? Just like that?" He questions her logic, looking almost offended that she would consider such a thing. "Sam, you can't trust that guy. He's a half-alcoholic police man who couldn't even protect himse-"
"Yeah, thanks for reminding me!" Sam sarcastically hisses as she still has her arm tight and ready for something bad to happen. "But I haven't heard a reason why that makes you innocent."
"Sam, come on, you know me." Richie tells her, pleading to the moments they shared together. "Remember how we got together? How I was the only one who considered your birthday while everyone else at Lanes thought you were too 'weird'? The only one who threw a fucking party with you, but it was really just me trying to ask you on a date that wasn't really a date?" He reminds her, glancing nervously between her and the knife. "Please, just think..."
"If it's not you..." Sam says with a small pause, now just conflicted on everything, but still not convinced enough that she should lower the knife. "Who else would it be? The girl in fucking clutches?" She asks him as if daring him to accuse Tara. But instead, Richie swallows as he shares his actual main suspect.
"I think.... I think Y/N is the second killer."
"He's the one that brought us all here, Woodsboro. He knows how Tara means to you, he has access to everything the department has, and the two of you have been strained for years." Richie brings up, trying to quickly explain his reasoning so he doesn't get sliced by his own girlfriend. "And the killer has a bulletproof vest, right? Who else could've given Chad that? I mean... how well do you really know him?"
Sam looks down, considering what he's saying. But in the end, she looks back up at him with a furious expression. "Better than I know you." She tells him with a pointed look. However, she can't bring herself to do what she should do if he's the killer, keyword if, so she just circles around him with the knife still raised.
"Sam, wait..." Richie pleads, not wanting her to do what he knows she's going to do. The woman still runs up the steps anyway. "Sam! Whoa! Wait! SAM!"
But then she's gone, leaving the door open behind her.
Sidney slowly steps inside, making sure her back isn't turned as she closes the door behind her. She grips her gun tightly, seeing how empty the house is. It's just like how it was those many years ago, only this time, it's much quieter, which sounds worse when she thinks it in her mind.
She then starts a very cautious patrol around the house. Starting with the living room, nothing, then the kitchen, lights on, but nobody inside, then she slowly walks down the hallway, expecting a nasty surprise from this specific area.
"Anyone hiding, killer or not, you have five seconds to show yourself!" Sidney loudly warns to the entire house, not caring if it announces her presence since it is obviously known now by at least one Ghostface. She then finds herself at the hall's closet, which gives her a memory.
She sneaks towards it, putting her back against the wall opposite of it, and then pulls the trigger once. The bullet goes in, and she then kicks the door open. However, there's nobody inside. A much better approach than simply opening it though.
She then goes down the rest of the hallway, checking both ways before finding the living room with the TV and other room empty.
Then, right as she's about to go upstairs, her phone begins ringing. She pulls it out and, up, unknown number. Well, honestly, she's glad that she at least knows who it's going to be this time. She answers it. "Hello, Sidney~" Ghostface greets with a purr, not needing to wait for a 'hello?' this time.
"Hello there." Sidney greets, much more casual than how she usually responds to these calls, not even her remake version was this prepared for it. "Where'd you go?"
"Oh, this isn't Chad. I'm the other one." Ghostface tells her with a growl, like a host who's way too excited to show his audience what his next act is going to be.
"Ah, so there's two of you? You know, Y/N was just about to tell me who you were before getting interrupted, you got lucky." Sidney remarks as she keeps going up the stairs, now more confidant that he's hiding in one of these closets. "I've seen this movie before."
"Not this movie, Sidney."
"You really need some new material." Sidney comments as way of taunting her own stalker, as she checks the closet between the two flights of steps the same way she did earlier. Still nobody, but that probably would've been too easy. She hopes that Mark will help her pay for each door she damages if the Woodsboro mayor sees this as a cash opportunity.
"I got you here, didn't I?" Ghostface points out with a hum. Although he tries to talk as if they are old friends who are meeting after another decade of not seeing each other, Sidney can tell how much of an act the killer's tone is. This is definitely someone she hasn't seen before.
"You might actually be the most derivative one of all." Sidney mentions anyway, saying that her point still stands. "I mean, shit, the same house?" She points out, not really having the same nostalgia of it the bastard probably does. At least Jill and Charlie had the dignity to have her finale take place somewhere else, even if it was also the 'rich friend's house'. She checks another closet, still not getting a reaction from anyone inside.
"Maybe so, but you forgot the first rule of surviving a Stab movie." Ghostface brings up, still sounding like the poll is in his favor, which is technically correct since his expertise is this 'cat and mouse' situation. "Never, ever, answer the ph-"
"I'm bored."
She then shoots the upstairs final closet, which she finally gets a pained scream coming from the other side. She immediately marches over and opens the closet door, finding Richie inside with a hole grazed in his leg. "Hands up! Show me your hands!" Sidney orders as she points her gun at him, to which the man instantly does, shaking.
"Don't shoot! don't shoot!"
"What are you doing in there?" Sidney interrogates, making sure she stays a safe distance away from the man that's hiding behind boxes.
"Uh, h-h-hiding from murderers...." Richie stutters, having a hard time keeping his hands up for this long as they feel like they are already about to tire out and drop.
"I told you to come out!"
"I'm not gonna come out! You're shooting everything-!"
Suddenly, the door right next to Sidney bursts open, and someone in a Father Death costume comes out and charges at her. The woman acts fast though, and quickly grabs the killer by the knife-hand and pushes them against the open door, initiating a struggle between the two. "HOLY SHIT! IT'S GHOSTFACE!" Richie yells in fear.
Ghostface shoves Sidney back, pushing her back against the railings of the staircase. Despite her efforts to cancel his obvious attack, the killer is stronger and is able to lift her by both hands. However, Sidney holds onto his cloak and sends them falling down with her as they both land on the first floor with a nasty thud.
She tries to get back up, but much like the killer, Sidney's internal organs have taken a big hint from the impact. Richie looks down from the railings, still able to move his feet despite the bullet he just took. In-between the two injured people, on the carpet where the stand that held the vase usually was, is the pistol.
"Richie.... the gun...." Sidney orders the guy with a pained voice. "Get the gun...."
"Yeah, I know!" Richie replies with a slightly irritated voice as he's already on it, though having a bit of trouble as he keeps tripping and tumbling down on himself every time his leg keeps abruptly hitting him with a syringe filled with bleeding pain. "Kinda hard since you shot me in the leg...."
Ghostface has gotten his energy back quicker than Sidney though, and is already crawling his way towards it. His robed and gloved hand hovering over it as they can feel the iron touching the fabric over his fingers....
Until Sam comes in and swipes it out of his hands. Now she's the one holding the killer at gun-point.
"Yes! YES!" Richie cheers, relieved since he's still half-way down the first steps.
"Shoot him!" Sidney encourages, not wanting to take chances. However, unlike her, Sam hasn't actually killed anyone, so seeing the Ghostface looking up at her makes her need a second before following through. Eventually, she's ready though, and points it directly between the massive eyes of the mask.
"Thank gosh, you're okay..." Richie says to Sam....
Before stabbing her in the stomach.
"Because I really, really wanted to be the one to kill you."
(A/N) Okay, there's the second to last chapter!
A little shorter than I remember this part being, but that may be because I cut out the part where Sam finds Tara, because she doesn't have a reason to suspect her, and thus made that scene predictable and pointless. Next chapter will definitely be a hell of a lot longer, including the monologue, the brawl, and everything else after.
Plz vote and comment, any counts as feedback. Make sure to add his to your library so you know when the finale is coming, and I'll see you all in the next one!
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