Video Game Rage/How do they handle it?
Billy Loomis- It's Billy, what do you expect? The second he died on the same thing for the fifth time, he threw the Nintendo controller across against the TV and successfully broke it. Actually, I stand corrected, he broke everything.
Stu Macher- Calm at first, but would eventually snap. Would be one of those rages you laugh at on YouTube (If you do at that kinda stuff.) He goes on one of those hilarious rants about how the game sucks that even the most sympathetic gamers would laugh at. Best course of action is to give him a hug, he rarely gets one.
Mickey Altieri- Oh boy, he's just as bad as Billy is, only except that if it's your TV that he broke, he'll have the decency to try and pay you back. And by that, I mean beg Mrs. Loomis for a couple more bucks.
Nancy Loomis- Doesn't play video games, obviously.
Roman Bridger- He's one of the wiser folks who just puts the controller down the second they feel like slaughtering a small village. Or, he would, if he didn't see how good you were at it beforehand, which convinces him that he's not gonna stop playing until he beats the final boss just like you did. You've tried suggesting that he lower the difficulty, but he would have none it if, feeling like it would make the winning, 'fake.' At some point, you might be able to see whiny child Roman if he fails hard enough.
Charlie Walker- The more he rages, the more he swears, simple as that. He's not getting off the game until he gets a win. Even if it means that by the end, he'll want to go find someone and do the same thing he did to Olivia. (This excludes you, obviously, he thinks you're cool.)
Jill Roberts- Not a pro, but will definitely lie and say she is. She might even fake putting it on hard when she actually put it on easy. Definitely the gamer with the biggest ego out of all of them. If she starts winning, she'll criticize the game for being 'too easy.' If she isn't, then she'll either blame it on lag, luck, cheating, ect. And don't you dare try correcting her, not if you want to keep living on this earth.
Piper Shaw- Not exactly someone who finds the appeal in video games, but will give it a shot if you ask her nice enough. When things start getting difficult and she starts dying, she'll at first just tell herself it's because she's not used to the newer enemies yet or something. But you'll see her gripping the controller tighter each times she dies, and eventually, she'll grab her knife and attempt to murder the TV with it. Pull her back, it's your only screen's only hope.
Jamal Elliot- Just tosses the controller down, turns the game off and walks away while muttering about how stupid the game is. Surprisingly the wisest decision out of everyone else's.
Beth- Please make sure there's not an axe or any weapon like that around, because that'll be the first thing she grabs. It'll probably be the maddest you've ever seen her, since she usually just moans or complains when something goes wrong. Video Game rage is her worst kind, so be wary.
Amber Freeman- Pretty much the female version of Billy, except if it's your room. She wouldn't bear to see the look on your face if she destroyed your PC/Gaming System out of rage.
Riche Kirsch- Would be on Stu levels of hilarious rage. Saying a lot of random stuff that doesn't make sense, and giving the screen the middle finger. If you're worried about collateral damage, just suggest to go watch Stab or something instead of this. Though it would hard not to enjoy seeing him shoot out rageful quips like bullets.
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