Easily Offended Killers
In the world of Slasher Hell, all villains are tortured not by chained and burned for all eternity, but by having to go through their everyday lives without ever being able to be their true selves and take other people's lives ever again. They have to be..... normal people.... gosh, even I can't imagine that.
Oh, and they can't age, so..... pros and cons to that.
Thankfully, since the Scream franchise is very popular, that gives them the gift of having the biggest friend group in the entire torture porn realm. Question is, can they keep their sanity intact?
The scene begins with an establishing shot of a sandwich shop before it dissolves into a shot of Richie Kirsch, Amber Freeman, and Stu Macher as they sit on the side of a ten made table, eating the food they just order, some more excited about theirs than most.
"Man, this turkey sandwich is so good!" Riche exclaims with a little bit more excitement than one would expect at a place like this. "I'm so glad we came here..."
"I know, the food is always good here..." Stu obviously agrees with his mouth half-full, before quickly swallowing and wiping his mouth. "And it's great value too."
"Yeah, it is!"
"Wow, you guys have gotten overly positive since you two started hanging out with each other." Amber comments with an observing look. Though, that shouldn't be too much of a surprise, Richie is and probably always will act like a secret fan girl while being near the originals, his idols. "But, I guess I can't blame it. I know back then, there were and still are in this shithole people that are negative, and they can't see good in anything and people like that are just not pleasant to be around...."
Stu and Richie share a look and nod before hearing a man clearing his through in a very rough and audible way.
"You guys, I'm right here."
The three of them then turn to Billy Loomis who's glaring daggers at them while Y/N L/N, the only other second solo Ghostface beside Roman Bridger, awkwardly sits there between the two of them. A very awkward, longer than needed silence then commences between him, Billy Loomis glaring, and the other three sharing confused glances with one another.
"What?" Amber utters, clearly not getting it yet.
"I said, I'm right here." Billy repeats as he menacingly points between him and Amber. "You fuckrags are talking about me like I'm not here, but I am and I don't like what you're saying about me."
Y/N sheepishly pats Billy on the shoulder. "Billy, I-I don't think she was refering to you...."
"Well, how could she not be?!" Billy slightly snaps as he nods towards her again. "You guys know how much I hate sandwiches and love being negative....." He points out while continuing to swirl his soup with his spoon, causing Y/N to blink.
"I didn't know you hated sandwiches...."
"I hate whatever Stu likes, that's a pretty common fact about me." Billy then explains as he gestures towards the man he's referencing, to which Y/N kind of nods.
"I guess that makes sense...."
"Look, Billy, I wasn't refering to you, really." Amber then tells Billy with a desperately apologetic look, causing him to glance back at her with a slightly softer expression.
"Promise." She assuringly nods, causing him to drop his spoon with a sigh.
"Sorry guys, that just got outta hand there...." Billy sheepishly apologizes, prompting Y/N to give him another, more comforting pat on the back. "You know, I don't wanna be that guy, you know? Who so prideful, and unwilling to back down, and probably pops their collar and-"
"Guys, I'm right here!" Stu exclaims with arms open wide, a very offended look on his face. Now it's everyone's turn to awkwardly glance at him for a few seconds in painful silence.
"Stu, I wasn't talking about you." Billy corrects him with a judging look. "If I was gonna insult you, fuckrag, I would say it to your face."
Stu rolls his eyes. "Look, I can't help it that I'm better and more confident in everything than you guys...." He says until he catches Billy's glare. "E-Except Billy." He quickly corrects before getting to his point. "And sure, I'm physically built as if Michealangelo chiseled me from stone." He boasts as he flexes his biceps in front of everyone, with Y/N an Billy rolling their eyes while Richie and Amber take hungry look thanks to his choice of clothing today. "But you can't put that on me."
Richie chuckles a bit. "Okay, so you're a little cocky, there's nothing wrong with-"
"Oh! So the truth comes out!" Stu quickly interrupts him with a pointed look directed at everyone else. "You know what? Most of the time, I'm just acting confident to cover up my insecurities because I don't want to be the guy who's overly-sensitive about everything..."
"Woah, woah, woah, hey!" A waiter walking past their table abruptly stops and turns to them with a hurt expression and hand holding their wounded heart. Everyone quickly turns around to see none-other than Charlie Walker, carrying out his punishment from breaking one of Hell's rules by having to do a food-service related job. "I'm right here, guys!"
Amber blinks. "Do we know you?"
"You don't even remember me?!" Charlie loudly questions as he points to himself, almost aggressively. "I literally got here before you two...." He points towards Richie and Amber. "And I got all your birthdays memorized!" He says before swiftly pulling out a plate holding a sundae and setting it in front of Billy. "Happy birthday..."
"Oh, shit...." Billy silently exclaims, though loud enough for everyone else to hear. "I forgot about my birthday again....."
"I know!"
"I-It's not like we didn't notice you." Richie quickly tells Charlie in an attempt to ease the incell's feelings as he walks away with a new sense of betrayal in his physical language. "You're clearly not the kind of person we'd all forget!"
"I'm right here...."
"Oh, shit!" Richie exclaims, followed by everyone else who jump to see the only/second black-skinned Ghostface sitting on the opposite end of Billy. "Jay, how long have you been there?" He wonders as he holds a hand on his lunges, trying to get himself calm again.
"I gave all of you niggas a ride here." Jamal Elliot instantly explains by gesturing towards all of them with a not-so-happy look on his face. Everyone hums as they look down, trying to remember that moment, but it seems that since Charlie not referencing him is pretty clear indication of their progress on that end.
"Strange, I don't recall that at all...." Y/N mumbles, followed by a nod from Billy.
"Me too." Stu says.
"I remember being driven here by a faceless monkey....." Richie claims out-loud, looking up at thin-air, though seemingly confident when he says that.
"Yeah, yeah, I know. My story ain't all that memorable...." Jamal admits with a sarcastic tone. "My story's non-canon, and I'm the third vengeful half-sibling in the franchise, whatever, but.... at least I'm not the kind of bitch that steals food from other people's plates!" He then calls out, giving Amber a really pointed look as she takes more food from Y/N and Stu's plate than she orignally asked for.
Amber then turns to meet his stare. "Jay, Richie's right here."
"What?!" Richie clearly reacts as he gives her a look.
Before those two can get into another argument, Billy checks his watch and realizes how much time they've killed. "Guys, we've gotta finsh up, the movie starts in ten minutes." He reveals, causing to bring more attention to that while Stu checks his phone.
"Yeah, Billy's right." Stu agrees without a need for it. "Looks like we'll have to take main-street, the cops just shut down the freeway because they're looking for the guy who posted a hundred Anti-Mindy Meeks stories in a row..."
Y/N drops his sandwich with a massive scoff.
"You guys, I'm right here!"
He looks at all of them with a offended expression before stomping out with his phone in hand, doing another one of those posts as he goes through the door.
Everyone else than looks at each other with blank expressions.
"Honestly, I should've guessed that one..." Richie hums.
Everyone nods in agreement.
(A/N) Welp, here you go. I actually had a tiny bit of fun doing this bit because I wanted to do something similar to those reaction fanfics, but without the reaction stuff involved and more focused on the skin itself.
Please tell me if you want more like this mixed with the preferences, or just prefer that I stick to the original formula.
plz vote and comment, and I'll see you in the next one.
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