Chapter 7: Quinn, Behind you! Quinn, Turn Around! (Spicy)
*Bloody Descriptions*
*Sex Scene*
Apartment Complex: Sam, Tara and Quinn's
Tonight, is going to be one of absolute chaos. After leaving Blackmore's campus, Y/N and Quinn drove back to the latter's apartment, surprised when they find out that they're apparently the first ones to have arrived, faster than Sam even. The plan here is so chaotic, that there are only three things to keep in mind, how it'll start, who to grant plot armor to, and what will happen after.
Having seen how quickly Sam grabbed the kitchen knives, Quinn and Y/N will raid every single silverware deemed a weapon and dispose of it. Then Y/N, wearing Mickey Altieri's mask, will remain hidden inside the apartment while using Roman Briger's voice changer to lure Ethan away from the complex so they can put suspicion on him. Then, once Y/N re-appears, he'll have permission to kill everyone except Sam, since the Kirschs want to do her in themselves. After that, Y/N will bump into Ethan, and once given the go-ahead, Wayne will swap out Quinn's body with a replacement before being the 'first responder' after hearing his daughter's 'cries of anguish' while on a call with her.
Y/N hums as song as he takes each and everyone of the kitchen knifes, putting them into a little plastic bag while Quinn scoops away all of the tasers that have yet to be picked up by Samanatha. How many? She lost count after two. "So, you're, like, physically trained for this?" Quinn queries, making idle talk with her... sorta boyfriend?
"No, I basically mean that I kinda started killing at like, a really young age. The School Bully? Stabbed him twenty-eight times back in middle school." Y/N explains as he finally takes last and largest knife, wrapping up the plastic bag into a little knot.
"Wow, that's..... something you don't hear everyday." Quinn comments, making a face at the thought of a kid like that murdering someone so brutally, though it might be because she isn't experienced enough in this Ghostface stuff yet. Yeah, it'll probably get to the point where she'll witness a baby getting strangled in her sleep and she'll end up shrugging it off.... okay, maybe a less extreme example would've worked better there.
"No, no it isn't." Y/N simply replies with a shrug as he then walks over and stuffs the bag inside the trash. Someone might notice them missing, but Quinn has already told him that her roommates never actually use them specifically to cook anything, so most likely not. "My family was already kinda messed up, anyway. I'm honestly surprised that we actually had some decent folks in it."
"Yeah, I know what you mean, my family was already weird enough before..... Richie, and then everything got fucked after all of that." Quinn mentions, letting out a very big sigh. Y/N gets the feeling it has something to do with her dad, which she was gonna say before she stopped herself. "So... did you pay Gale Weathers a visit?" She then queries, something Y/N mentioned he wanted to do.
"No, I haven't really found the time yet, having to keep up with my alibies and all." Y/N complains with a small exhale. "You daddy seems more insistent that I 'stay on mission' anyway, so I doubt he'll let me make time for all that."
"Why are you so insistent on her, anyway? Dad made it clear that he has plans for her while she's still in ropes and duct tape." Quinn then brings up the big question the other two Ghostfaces were no doubt wondering. Y/N doesn't say anything at first, in fact, while going through the kitchen, he pauses and doesn't look in her direction, causing her to wonder if she accidentally pressed a button. "Okay, got it, don't bring it up."
"I just.... I don't like talking about it." Y/N tells her in a low voice, sounding like a record as he repeats what he told her earlier today at Blackmore. And like before, Quinn takes the hint and nods, glancing around to break the silence. Eventually, she finds the perfect way.
She checks her phone, she looks at Y/N with a considering expression before she lays it on him. "Hey, um, I don't know about you, but everyone else is busy fetching dinner for tonight, so I was wondering...." She wraps her arms around his waist while he's cleaning his Buck 120. "...what you were planning to do to pass the time?"
"Well, I was going to make sure I left my costume in your closet before.... doing something else." Y/N shrugs with a smirk on his face, amused at how fast she got to being horny again. This is something he's gonna have to get used to, will he?
"And, what else were you thinking of?" Quinn softly queries, planting a loving kiss on his neck (Despite you possibly being taller than her). Y/N silent chuckles through his nose as she hums against his back. "I did make you a promise, didn't I?"
"Well, I was expecting to last at least another hour before you started losing your control to yourself again." Y/N teasingly mentions, now slowly turning to where he's finally facing her. Now he finally gets why Quinn was already back in her rope. "But I guess that's my fault."
"Your damn right it is." Quinn nods with grin as she leans in to hungrily kiss him. Y/N's amused at the way she holds onto him, she must've really wanted more of what he gave her last time. She grabs his face with her hands as she pulls him deeper into the kiss, re-exploring each other's mouths.
Seconds in them making out, Quinn eventually slips off her robe, leaving her in her underwear so Y/N is finally able to feel her skin as well as her lips. Quinn knows he's loving it, and loves the fact that she does. She looms her fingers under her shirt and helps him take it off, letting him get the full experience.
Finally being so close to feeling their actual skin, not hiding it under a dress gets the two going as they keep their arms wrapped around each other while lustfully devour each other's faces once again. As hot as it's making her, Quinn knows they only have a limited amount of time left, so she quickly slips off her panties, and-
"Fucking shit..." Quinn angrily mutters and Y/N groans as they have once again been interrupted before they can fully take advantage of their situation. "They're already fucking here?" She angrily questions as she gets her panties an robe back on, before turning to Y/N. "Go into the closet."
"Fine..." Y/N reluctantly replies, putting his shirt back on, heading towards Quinn room with a sour expression on his face. He's tired of these fake people always trying to walk in on home all the time, he might as well just bring a gun with him, next time just shooting whoever steps in his way. Ah, that'd be stupid... and he'll have plenty of time once it's over anyway, so....
Stepping inside Quinn's bedroom, Y/N keeps a beep of the door open so he can see if it's really Sam and Tara who's come back. When Quinn gets through all of the three locks, she actually finds none other than, guess what? One of her frequent hookups. "Oh, Paul, hey...." Quinn identifies, already putting her innocent persona back on. "You.... didn't call."
"I know, sorry, but it was kind of a last-minute decision." Paul, who the rest of the group pretty much calls Paul 2.0 a reference to the Paul from the OG Halloween, quicky steps in and wastes no time in kissing her, the manner of which he does leaves a bitter aftertaste in Y/N' mouth as he slowly shuts the door completely. He quicky puts on his Ghostface costume and slides into the closet, perfect timing, as Quinn and Paul slam through the door, onto the bed and get right to action.
No more than three minutes in, and he's already doing it wrong....
Same Apartment: Hours Later
Tara, Sam, Mindy, and Chad are all now making dinner while pop music plays in the background. They just played something random and stuck with that, not really in the mood to care after the Bodega attack. While snapping dry noodles apart, Tara eventually catches Chad glancing at her, reminding her of that weird comment Mindy made back at Blackmore. "You need something?" Tara questions, to which Chad mentally jumps as he realizes he was caught.
"No, I'm fine." Chad quickly replies, once again swirling the spatula into the pot filled with hot water. They stand in a awkward silence after that, causing him to sigh as he gets the feeling he should probably address the elephant in the room. "Look, about what Mindy said.... She's...." Chad obviously has a hard time trying to find the right words, how do you say something about that? "I don't know, where she got that idea from-"
"Oh, yes you do! You and Y/N have both been circling Tara like a bunch of Hyenas and it hurts to watch." Mindy immediately chimes in from the dining table, perfectly able to hear them. She once again forgets that the girl is standing right there, within both ear and eyeshot.
"That is so inappropriate dude. What part of 'show, don't tell' did you tune out from film class?" Chad quickly shoots back, pretty much just guessing what she learns there, but still able to get his point across. The fact that Mindy doesn't know what 'awkward' means yet is astonishing to him.
"Oh, whatever, I just want us to finally point Y/N as the killer and get it over with." Mindy shrugs as she goes along with whatever the heck she was doing. "Sam, we do not have to stay here." She then tells Samantha, who kinda suggested this whole 'sleepover' plan which oddly has a few people missing from it, for now, she hopes.
"Well, too bad, I insist, safety in numbers." Sam persists, still sticking to it. She knows how Ghostface likes to operate, and she isn't giving the killer the benefit of picking them all down one by one.
"This'll be so fun. A little slumber party with the Core Four!" Chad exclaims, being the one most excited about the plan than most of them. The other three squint when they hear what the big guy had just called them.
"Core Four?"
"Did you just give us a nickname?" Tara questions, wondering where the heck it even came from.
"I sure did. We've been through a lot together, and it's a pretty cool nickname." Chad claims with a proud smile. However, the others don't rate it as high as he does.
"That's debatable." Sam mumbles.
"It's extremely debatable." Tara agreeingly adds.
"You can't just give yourself a nickname, dingus." Mindy criticizes, but she can already tell that, that just encouraged Cad even more to stick to it.
"Of course I can, dingus, because I just did." Chad retorts before then shooting his hand up to his sister for a high five. "Core Four, up top!"
Chad turns to Tara. "Down low!"
"Get that away from me." Tara immediately denies, not needing to be reminded how short she is compared to everyone else.
"Please, for the love of God." Chad turns to Sam with a much more desperate hand.
"Don't do it!" Mindy quickly advises her, to which Tara can't help but chuckle at.
"You know, I would like a little more respect and support from my fellow members of the Core Four, and I think I'm gonna try..." Chad states, much to Mindy's annoyance as she rolls her pains very hard.
"Guys, what the hell?" Anika exclaims towards them from the living room. Though, she's not talking about the dumbass nickname. The four of them then approach as they see what's happening on the news.
"We're hearing from sources inside the homicide division that the prime suspects are none other than Samantha Carpenter, and a most likely partner, Ethan Laundry." The same male reporter displays to the audience on the television screen. "Many believe this to be another two-killer partnership after the two back-to-back murders of last night, and rumors spreading online that Carpenter was actually responsible for the killings of 2021. And a discovery from police about a connection to the Freeman's family after-"
Sam abruptly shuts the TV off before the reporter can share anymore, no one bothering to turn it back on since the second they heard about Sam being the suspect, Tara and the twins felt like nothing that would come out of the news' mouth would be anything important. Anika just stays seated, awkwardly keeping whatever her opinions are to herself.
As Sam walks away, sitting at the dinner table, mentally defeated, Tara goes to comfort her. She knows she shouldn't care what people think, but it sucks being hated so much. Anika waits until Mindy and Chad eventually go to do the same thing, before secretly pulling up her phone to check the rest of the news.
She knows she shouldn't listen to rumors, but what does Ethan have to do with the police's suspicions?
Meanwhile, on the other side of the complex, on the same floor, Danny Bracket is home alone after Y/N left after he got some call. He tried warning the dude to stay inside, as it's a pretty dumb thing to do with a serial killer on the loose and so close to Sam, but convincing that dude to do anything is pretty much set to impossible difficulty.
"Sales of the Ghostface Halloween mask across the Tri-State area in the last twenty-four hours have gene through the roof!" A female news anchor states on the news as pictures of many Ghostface mask wearers appear on the screen. Danny idly keeps himself posted as he once again does his laundry himself. "I've got my mask, what about you Jay?"
"You know it. It's sure gonna be one Spooky Halloween." The male named Jay replies as Danny puts his shirt back on. As expected, nothing actually imported to the current situation his secret girlfriend is going through, but it was worth a shot. "Now, let's get over to Guy for a look at our weather."
Bored, Danny glances over to where Sam's apartment is, getting an easy view of her roommate's bedroom from where he's standing.... and a figure in black robe and old Ghostface mask walks into frame. Next to him, Quinn Bailey talks to her dad on the phone while she lays on the bed with her back turned to the killer. "Yeah, I know she's my roommate but you're, like... the police."
"That doesn't matter right now when she's refusing to cooperate with us." Wayne on the phone replies to her, causing her to sigh. The Ghostface in costume stands in place as he waits for the two to finish complaining to each other. In the background, the sounds of a water stream hitting concrete emit as Paul 2.0 takes a shower. "I can't gaslight anything from my position, unless we give her or her sister a reason to."
"Yo..." Danny utters in shock as he finally processes the killer looming behind Quinn. He steps over to double check if his eyes are working, and it's undeniably the Ghostface killer standing in Sam's own apartment!
"You know I wouldn't ask you to fake your death unless it was absolutely necessary." Wayne tells Quinn in a fatherly tone, to which Quinn rubs a hand along her face. Ghostface continues staring at the two of them blankly, the killer behind the mask completely in character as he refuses to talk.
"No, I know...." Quinn promises, sighing again. She understands where she's coming from, but now approaching the main plan now just feels so weird all of a sudden. "I just hope you remember that once I'm 'dead', I can't reappear after we frame Kirby and Ethan."
"Hey, hey!" Danny yells out to him, banging on the windows to get his attention. When that doesn't work, he frustratingly pulls open the window with a swear. "Hey, yeah, wassup bitch?" He calls out again, and this time Ghostface snaps his head towards him, acknowledging his presence. "Yeah, I see you, motherfucker."
"Quinn Bailey isn't even your real name, a simple name swap and a grieving father will convince everyone that the girl they see on November 1st isn't the same girl that died on October 30th." Wayne assuring tells her, sounding very confident in his plan working. "Once we leave New York, you have nothing to worry about."
"I still think it's too risky of a move." Quinn sighs, closing her eyes as Ghostface tilts his head at Danny in response to his constant swears he sends his way.
"Sam! Samantha!" Danny then turns and yells out to the Carpenter sisters and twins who are currently bantering and laughing at the dining table, completely unaware of the danger inside their apartment. "Sam! Samantha!" He waves his hands around frantically.
"I feel like we should high five or something." Tara nervously chimes in, something which Chad eager jumps abord on just like with the 'slumber party' plan.
"The Core Four high five, yes!" Chad exclaims, being the first to excitedly raise up his hand. Everyone completely rolls her eyes at that nickname, but they slowly put their palms up as well.
"Don't call it that, but we'll do the high five." Tara once again shoots down the nickname before being the second to hand her hand to group, soon followed by Mindy and Sam, who are starting to grow attached to the nickname.
"Have you-" Wayne tries speaking to his daughter, but a muffled cry from the other end causes him to groan in frustration has Quinn hears him cocking his gun. "I told you to shut up, woman!"
"Sam, what the fuck?" Danny whispers with a little bit of panic in his voice, starting to become afraid at what might happen next. He looks back at Ghostface, who still hasn't done anything to Quinn yet, unable to tell what he's considering.
"How's, Sam? Has she gotten any worse since she left the station?" Wayne queries as a small screech comes from the other end of the line, indicating that he's finally arrived at the apartment building.
"She might try acting fine, but something in me tells that things are definitely going out way." Quinn replies with a unhinged smirk, Ghostface continues staring Danny down, letting him mentally panic while he prepares to attack Paul and Quinn. "She's really freaked out and paranoid."
"Babe, are you gonna join me?" Paul 2.0 calls out from the shower, causing Ghostface to turn to him as he feels like it's time to finally start shit up.
"Hang on." Quinn quickly puts down the phone while Ghostface side-steps into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. "No, and don't use my good face wash, it's pH-balanced for women."
As Ghostface marches towards the shower, the unaware Paul 2.0 chuckles. "That's hella sexist babe-" He replies until the killer's hand abruptly comes around the shower curtains and grabs him by the face, slamming the back of his head against the wall. With his mouth muffled, his screams for help are inaudible while the Ghostface continues bashing his back in before pulling out his knife and stabbing him right above the exposed genitals, before carving right up to the gut.
He twists it around, pulls it out, and then removes his hand from his mouth before putting his blade right inside it. Ghostface tilts his head as he watches him choke, before now impaling him in the chest. The showers are now bloody red, and so is Paul 2.0, his killer sadistically watches the eyes go out from his eyes before finally letting him drop dead.
Quinn, then sits up, letting her body language show fear while she's in view from Danny's window. Then, as she 'investigates' the noise, she sees Ghostface done with his new work. "Wow.... that was extensive...." Quinn notes as she sees how messed her ex-hookup is. The guy behind the mask slowly turns towards her as he then takes a bag from the bathroom's medicine cabinet. Inside, is some prosthetic makeup, and a bag full of real blood from the hospital. "Okay, and all I gotta do is play dead, right? Don't need to stop my breathing or anything?" She anxiously questions, and Ghostface slowly nods at her. He then points outside, before playing with his knife. Quinn gets what he's saying. "Then just quickly put it on, and we'll jump out of the door with your knife around my throat, it'll be decent enough for a throat slit effect."
Ghostface accepts that idea.
Running out of options to warn the four, Danny quickly grabs his phone and calls Sam's number. "Pick up your phone, baby." He pleadingly mumbles, hoping there's still time before one of them dies.
On the other side, Sam immediately hears her cellphone ringing, checking to see that it's coming from Cute Boy's number. Tara gasp as she sees Danny's name on the contact and rapidly takes the phone, holding it up for everyone to see. "Is that him?" Chad teasingly questions.
"No, Tara, not right now." Sam blushingly pleads while laughing as Tara pretends to answer the phone herself.
"Hey, so what are your intentions?" Tara jokingly acts like the protective sister while everyone laughs along with her, the guys still not knowing that there's chaos going on in the room next to them, and Danny who's understandably freaking out.
"No, it's fine, I'll call him back." Sam says with a smirk as she makes the mistake of declining his call. A few seconds after, they hear shelves clattering and Quinn moaning from her bedroom, now take big guess on what they think is happening?
"Oh my gosh, Quinn and her gentlemen caller are back at it again." Tara comments with a small roll of her eyes. The other two chuckle and joke about is as well until not just Sam's, but all four of their phones start dinging, Danny's last attempt at a warning.
It's a photo of Quinn, with someone in a similar but slightly different old Ghostface mask wrapping their arm roped tightly around a panicked red-head girl. Everyone finally gets the correct reaction as the moans turn into groans, grunts and thuds. "Help! Stop!" Quinn screams from the bedroom. Everyone frantically jumps up from their seat, including Anika, after one final scream emits followed by a very loud thud, the room then goes dead silent.
"Tara, wait, wait!" Chad quickly stops her before she runs in, not liking the silence that comes after. Everyone then stands still, the panicked voices from Quinn's bedroom have suddenly become non-existent.... then, they hear it.
"Well, well, well, all that slasher knowledge and you've mistook Quinn's screams of anguish. Just like all the dumbass slasher victims before you...." The one and only, Mickey Altieri, mocks them all from behind the door. "You need living proof? HERE'S SOME LIVING PROOF!"
The door slams open, and Quinn's dead body flies through, landing on Anika who screams in terror as she gets covered in the girl's blood. Sam and Mindy pull the body off of her while Ghostface menacingly steps out of the room. "Guys, come on!" Tara yells as Chad grabs her hand and they bold it out of there.
However, escaping proves to be a little difficult as Mindy looks up to see Ghostface tilting his head at her. "Oh, fuck!" She swears as the killer runs up and slashes her arm with a growl, causing her to mentally curse as she falls on the floor, holding it.
"Mindy!" Anika exclaims as the killer stomps towards her. "Stay the fuck back!" She yells as she tries grabbing onto him, earning herself the killer's wrath as she pins her to the floor with his hand wrapped around her throat.
As Anika gasps and chokes, Sam runs into the kitchen and looks for the knife rack, only to find all the kitchen knives missing from it. Fuck, of course he took all of them beforehand! Meanwhile, Ghostface lifts the girl in her hand up and turns, slamming her against the furnace where he stabs her in the gut, deeply. Anika screams as the killer twists the knife around in her digestive system, even pretending to pull it out only to shove it in harder. "No!" Mindy screams through pained wincing as Sam resorts to just taking the rack itself and running up to Ghostface with it.
"Hey!" She yells out to the killer who just created a bigger hole in Anika's stomach, turning around to meet the knife rack that gets bashed across his head by Samantha. He falls to the ground, and the others run away from him.
Meanwhile, Tara stops when she realizes that nobody else besides Chad is following her down the stairs. "Wait, wait, Chad!" She exclaims as she hears Anika's screams. "They're still up there!"
"Shit!" Chad curses as on the other side, Ghostface stands up and kicks the door shut. Sam and Mindy take a very injured Anika into Quinn's bedroom where the former quickly pulls the door closed behind her, barely missing a knife swipe.
"Fuck...." Mindy groans as she and Anika bleed on Quinn's old bed, unable to sit still from all the pain they're experiencing. Sam is forced to hold on the bloody knob for dear life as Ghostface slams his body against the door, trying to break himself inside.
"Sam!" Tara yells again as the two run back to the apartment door. To their horror, the knob refuses to turn on their side of the door.
"Do you have the keys?!" Chad frantically asks her as she frantically slams on the door with her fists.
"Fuck, no! I left them inside!" Tara tearfully realizes as they're now forced outside of where they're respective siblings and friend are locked in a room with a bloodthirsty serial killer!
Back with Sam, she continues struggling with the killer for her lives, until there's suddenly no door bashing. She's confused at the silence until she turns around and sees the doors behind her still open. "Mindy, bathroom door. Hurry!" She quickly instructs while keeping her hand on the other doorknob in case it's a ruse.
Mindy groans as she forces herself up, passing the bathroom where she finds Quinn's hookup brutally murdered in the shower, his body and the shower covered in crimson red liquid. "Oh, fuck! That guy's dead." Mindy exclaims, easily distracted as Ghostface pops up from the bathroom door and easily stops her measly attempts to close it. He slams it back open in her face as Sam runs up and pulls her away. They both then manage to close the other bathroom door as Ghostface angrily begins kicking at it with his feet, once again trying to break his way inside where they're at.
As Mindy barely manages to lock it, the stronger Sam grabs a dresser and pushes it towards he door where they both pin it against the door, just in time as the lock already brakes off due to how much Ghostface is kicking against it. Sam then finally hears some muffled yelling come from the window, and she looks to see Danny waving her hands at her. "Hey!" He calls out to her as Sam opens the window, and makes the mistake of looking down.
"Shit." Sam swears as she sees that there's nothing between her and Danny's apartment except for a very bad drop into the alleyway below.
"Uh, don't worry, I got you." Danny assures her as he quickly runs back somewhere inside his apartment, eventually coming back with a ladder in his hands before he quickly extends it as Sam realizes what his plan is.
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
"You have a better idea?" Danny questions as he tries holding the ladder towards Sam's window seal, making a very good point given that there's a very vengeful killer raging behind that door.
"Fuck... no." Sam quickly admits as she reaches for the ladder, setting it onto her window seal while Danny sets the other side on his.
"You have to come one at a time." Danny tells her as it's weight alone appears to struggle at the middle with nothing but air to lay itself on.
"Okay, you two go first." Sam orders as she turns to them, strugglign against Ghostface's foot which is still trying to force them and door out of his way.
"What? No!"
"Someone needs to hold the door." Mindy insists as Ghostface keeps kicking. "I'll send Anika next, just go!" She yells louder as the killer begins growling louder and louder against her weekend weight.
Sam, not wanting to argue about who goes were, crawls on top of the ladder as Danny watches he. "Sam, eyes on me, baby. Keep your eyes on me." He strongly advises as he holds the ladder for her.
"Oh shit..." Sam swears again she her eyes instead land on the alleyway and hard concrete right below her. She then slowly takes a step, or more accurately a knee, forward which causes that side of the ladder to slightly tilt, making her freeze. "Oh my gosh..."
"I got you, baby." Danny insists to help keep her nerves as calm as they can be while Mindy is groaning behind her during the skirmish of the door with Ghostface. "Baby, come on! It ain't going anywhere, it's gonna hold you, I promise." He tells her as he sees the small fear on her face. Fighting it, she puts one knee in front of the other, making sure she's dead center of the ladder.
Meanwhile, the situation in Quinn's room gets slowly worst, as the fatally stab girl isn't doing so good compared to the grazed one. "She's losing a lot of blood!" Mindy notes in horror as it pours onto Quinn's bed.
"Say something more positive!" Anika shouts back with a pained voice, to which Ghostface briefly stops as hold up the voice changer again.
"You'll die a lot quickly when I get my hands on you, Anika!" Mickey Altieri's voice tells her with an incredible load of dark humor, before getting back to kicking against the door and dresser.
"Eyes on me, Sam. Come on!" Danny encourages as she's halfway through, the ladder shakes a bit under her weight, causing her to almost slip and fall. "Come on, I got you." He keeps trying to verbally help her out. Eventually, she makes it across and he helps pull her inside.
"Come on!" Sam calls out to them as she and Danny start holding the ladder together. "Come on, Mindy!" She shouts out towards them again. Mindy hears them clearly and pushes the dresser to where it's weight is mostly against the door knob.
"Okay, you have to go first." Mindy tells Anika as she tries lifting her up on her feet and helping her towards the window. However, the loss of blood gives Anika the lack of energy to even stand. "Look at me, you have to go!"
"No, Mindy, no! I'll be right behind you, I promise." Anika pleads for her to go first as Ghostface starts to finally get some ground against this door and dresser. Mindy sees him starting to break through and quickly kisses Anika on the lips before turning and crawling onto the ladder.
"We've got you." Danny gives the same mental encouragement as Mindy had a slightly harder time on the ladder, her wounded arm shooting up in pain as she puts weight on it by gripping the ladder. Despite this, she continues climbing while Sam and Danny encourage her forward. Eventually, she makes it across as well.
"Anika, come on!" Mindy yells as she's being pulled inside. The last person begins sobbing as Ghostface makes more and more progress bashing against the door, his mask now becoming visible to the poor girl who uses it as fear-inspirement to force herself onto the ladder.
"You can do it!"
"Come on, Anika!"
"Oh gosh, oh gosh, I can't do it..." Anika cries as Ghostface starts tilting the dresser over with his muscle strength, getting closer and closer to the room she's in. She finally begins crawling on top of his as everyone else encourages her along.
"You can do it!"
"Come on, we got you!"
"You're doing good!"
The dresser then falls over and the door then eventually slams open, as the group then sees Ghostface coming inside and teasingly walking over to the window, loving the way the group goes wide-eyed upon seeing him. "What?" Anika silently asks them, not noticing him on the other side yet.
"Anika, you have to move right now!" Mindy frantically yells as Anika turns to see Ghostface right behind her, clearly glancing the ladder as he gets a very scary idea.
"Oh, gosh! Please, no!" Anika exclaims in terror as she tries to keep moving despite the blood on her palms threatening to make her slip. Ghostface then menacingly plants the knife into a drawer, not needing it for what he's about to do next.
While they scream and Anika moves, he grips the other side of the ladder with both of his hands and begins shaking it around, causing Anika to lose balance while on the middle of it as she screams and cries. "You have to make it!" Mindy desperately yells out as Ghostface flops the ladder up and down, almost making Anika lose her grip.
"Baby, I don't wanna die!" Anika cries out, but unfortunately, she can only last so long as her hands slip, causing her to fall onto the ladder itself. Ghostface then keeps the pressure on by shaking it even harder.
"Anika, give me you hand, I got you!" Sam instructs, and the two reach for each other's palms. The two begin pulling her towards the rest, however, this just encourages Ghostface to shake even harder. A light bulb pops on in his head, and the killer takes the opportunity to tilt it sideways. Anika then runs outta time as she falls towards the direction Ghostface has tilted it, slipping out of Sam's grasp as she takes the very hard fall, her face splatters against a dumpster before hitting the ground with a nasty thud.
Anika's now very fleshy imitation of Two-Face indicates that she's now very much dead. Danny stands behind the two of them in shock, Mindy sobs, and Sam looks up to see Ghostface taking his knife before walking away, very satisfied with his work.
Nowhere is safe....
Walking back into the living room, the Ghostface takes his mask off, and sees Quinn standing up, her sleep attire completely drenched in blood. "Well, done.... that was pretty good, even if it was just you laying on the floor." Y/N comments with a smirk, to which Quinn turns to him and smiles back. He also noticed her sneaking a couple peaks as he was torturing Anika in the living room, he hopes she likes what she saw.
"Honestly, seeing everyone's reactions kinda makes me glad that dad pressured me into doing it." Quinn remarks as she looks down at her current self with a small laugh. They check the door to see that Tara and Chad seem to have run off somewhere else, probably looking for where Sam and Mindy ran off to. "I guess should probably call my dad before we-"
"Hold that thought." Y/N quickly interjects, swiftly stopping her from walking towards any phone. Before Quinn can react, he puts his free hand on his shoulder. "Get back down, on the floor..."
"Just fucking do it." Y/N growls, though not in a menacing way, she notices that his grip is light enough for her to easily pull back. So, a little in awe of this sudden behavior, she obeys, and he guides her back on her back, where she was originally playing dead. "Do you really think you can just go fuck that fake nobody, force me to watch all of it, and then just go on like nothing happened?"
Quinn blinks as she realizes she must've accidently sparked a very jealous fuse inside Y/N, the look he makes now looks a little scary as well as hot. "Q/N/N, listen... I-"
"Don't 'Q/N/N' me...." Y/N quickly cuts her off, slowly hover the tip of his blood-stained blade, and slowly caressing Quinn's skin with it, causing her to shiver a bit. "You clearly need to be reminded of who you decided to fuck with..." He hungrily growls as he leans down and begins kissing the bare parts of her skin, not caring about the actual blood coated on them.
Quinn's mouth is agape as she breathlessly shudders under his touch, the knife now lays on the floor, a small reminder of what they did tonight. Quinn does feel like he deserves a reward for such a bold scene, so she doesn't resist, letting him do whatever he pleases.
Y/N then moves his mouth upwards where he then starts plants a soft kiss on her neck, before nibbling on it like a tasty snack. Quinn lets out a soft moan as Y/N begins feasting on every part of her neck, seemingly finding the sweet spot. When he finds it, Quinn moans. "Oh, babe, I..."
"Shh.... don't speak." Y/N quickly shushes her, putting the blade up to her lip. "It's Q/N/N's day, so he's taking control tonight, you got that?" He then queries, and Quinn silently nods. "Good~" Y/N smirks and continues nibbling on her sweet spot. Quinn softly begins caressing his hair with one of her hands as she continues to only make the sounds that she knows Y/N wants to hear.
With Quinn now fulling in his control, Y/N briefly pauses to wipe the blood off his knife with his hands, softly setting it down so he can use that hand to reach under a small hole in his robe. A few seconds later, her eyes closed and her mouth moaning, Quinn hears the sound of something unzipping.
"Are you wearing anything under here?" Y/N asks, whispering into her ear as he puts a hand in between her knees. Quinn silently nods her head, to which Y/N pulls back to deal with that small problem. "Let me deal with that really quickly~" Y/N purrs as he takes both hands and slowly slides her panties off, Quinn straightens her legs together so he can pull them down all the way off her feet where he then sets them to the side for now.
"Now, on your stomach." Y/N orders, and Quinn immediately obeys, rolling around to where her back is now facing him. Next, Y/N unstraps his robe, but keeps it on for now as it's still his day to dawn the mask. Only for this small moment, he'll make the exception of just his robe for now. Laying himself on top of Quinn's body, Y/N leans into her ear. "Are you ready, my little red head?" He whispers, to which Quinn hums with a nod.
Then, she feels it inside her. Quinn gasps in pleasure, as Y/N connects his hips with hers. The feeling of his famous weapon inside her ass feels as amazing as it was in her pussy. Y/N then slowly gets it going to the right pace as they start having sex in the middle of a freshly made crime scene. "You still on the pill?" He queries with his voice a little heavier, and Quinn hums yes in response. "Good, cause we're gonna need to make sure we don't leave any traces of our DNA behind."
He then keeps going, his body now completely stuck to her back. Quinn wishes she was fully nude under this night dress for him, so she can comepletely feel him on her back as he absolutely wrecks her, but it's too late for that now, and she gets the feeling they'll have plenty of private time later down the line. The way Y/N pumps his weapon inside of her makes her completely sucked into his dominance over her. "Oh, fuck..." She moans out.
"Did that guy, Paul make you feel this way, huh?!" Y/N questions as he keeps going, still able to talk like someone in charge in spite of how much effort he's putting to Quinn's beehive. "Was he able to fuck you like I have?"
"No, no, no, he didn't baby." Quinn quickly lets out as the moans she makes threaten to ruin her sentence. "Oh, he couldn't..." She lets out as she makes a very loud sound, feeling Y/N going faster on her. Now, she's unable to say anything without her words quavering from her voice box.
Then it gets rapidly fast, indicating to Quinn that he's getting close. Her noises help encourage him as he grabs onto her hips hard and makes an erupt stop, shooting everything inside of her. Y/N then begins letting out very deep breaths as the two lay there for a minute, both needing to catch their breath. After that, he then finally pulls out.
"Alright... one last thing I want from you." Y/N says after finally getting air back into his lungs. "It's time for your reward, roll over again." He orders, and Quinn does as told, though still in the process of breathing through her mouth. Y/N notices this, and decides to mercifully be patient with her.
He leaves some soft kisses on her face, both cheek and neck. Once he feels her ready for what's going to happen next, He then scoots back a little bit and then starts leaving a trail of kisses on her inner thighs. Quinn shudders a bit again as she realizes abouts about to happen next.
Eventually, his tongue's inside her. Quinn lets out a noise as the way he does it feels like she's entered the perfect funhouse of all time, and only at the entrance. Y/N holds her things with his gloved arms as she moans under the feeling of his mouth on her. "Oh, yes, Q/N/N, just like that~" She manages to let out, her voice once again quavering as it's unable to focus with how he's handling her.
Quinn begins gripping her night dress, really unable to lay still as she begins shaking and rubbing her inner sanctum against Y/N's tongue. Surprisingly, he seems okay with it and she doesn't stop helping him pleasure her. "Don't stop, Q/N/N.... I beg you..." She pleads to him, and Y/N loves it.
"You can wrap your legs around me once you get close, okay?" Y/N says to her for a brief moment before continuing. Quinn gratefully nods as she keeps rubbing her body alongside his face. She can't believe that she never suggested for anyone to do this to her before, glad for the guy on her to be the one to show her how it feels.
Eventually, she gets there, and Quinn lets out a loud moan as a semi-warning before wrapping her thighs around Y/N's head, her fingers curling his hair tightly. She also pulls his head in deeper as she lets out a cry of ultimate pleasure, it goes on for about five seconds, to where the two are then stuck in this position for a quarter of a minute before Quinn lets go, letting him drink the rest on his own.
Sitting back up, Y/N wipes his mouth with a chuckle as he looks down at the girl who's now become a hot mess thanks to him. She's once again trying to find her breath as she lays there with her eyes closed.
"Okay, now we can call your dad..."
A/N You see? Back-to-back updates! If this is not a good example of why Thanksgiving shouldn't be ignored by stores after Halloween ends, then it's probably because fanfics are understandbly hidden in the background as we all fantasize about things that won't actually happen.... sorry, I got a little deep there, didn't I?
Anyway, please vote and comment, and I'll see you all in the next one.
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