Chapter 6: New York, New Rules (Spicy)
Q/N/N = Quinn's affectionate nickname for you
*A most likely unrealistic Sex Scene*
Blackmore University:
Welp, we're back at our good-old collage, everyone sits together across two close benches, Ethan, Chad, Tara, and Y/N on one side, Quinn, Anika, and Sam on another. The Meek-Martin twins have both called them all over to use one of their breaks to finally discuss the fact that there's definitely a New York Ghostface in town, or city, whatever.
While waiting, Tara glances over and sees Y/N staring into open space with a blank expression, standing up from the others who are either making small talk or using their phones to distract themselves. "You okay?" She asks him as she lightly taps him on the shoulder, successfully bringing him back to Earth.
"Yeah, I...." Y/N sighs, immediately taking that back. "No, not really. That bastard killed my two best friends." He mutters as he rubs his face with one of his hands with an exhale, thankfully, a new day means he doesn't have to spend the night fake crying or whatever. "Walking around campus, it felt.... weird."
Tara nods, completely understanding how that must feel for him. "I'm sorry about what happened to Jason and Greg." She offers her sympathy, comfortingly gripping his shoulder as it still rests on it.
"Thanks...." Y/N says in response as he slowly nods, giving her a grateful smile. Chad notices how the two talk with one another and just barely hides his frown, but thankfully, it ends once Mindy finally shows up, clapping her hands together to announce her arrival.
"Okay, nerds, listen up!" She calls everyone's attention as she stands directly in front of everyone. "As terrifying as this all is, I'm actually glad I get a chance to redeem myself for not calling the killers last time." She mentions as she straightens her jacket up a little.
Y/N coughs in a obviously fake way. "Sam Carpenter..." He says as he pretends to clear his throat, earning him a couple looks from everyone else. "Chad told us guys all about it." He explains, as everyone then relaxes as they thought he meant as something else, but not everyone is happy that, that embarrassing moment was spilled.
"I-I meant it as a joke." Chad quickly tries defending himself, before realizing how that sounded. Ethan holds a laugh while Mindy gives her brother a look. "As a harmless joke, not a mocking joke, I...." He sighs, and pretty much gives up trying. "I'm making it sound worse, am I?"
"Alright! I'm just gonna let that be... for now.... and move on." Mindy says with a tone that lets Chad know he will hear more about it as he just keeps his eyes down on his notepad for now. "Okay.... The way I see it, someone is out to make a sequel to the requel."
"Um, what's a requel?" Anika raises her hand to ask that question, causing everyone to realize that there's still non-horror movie watchers in their group.
"You're beautiful sweetie, but let's hold question until the end." Mindy replies as Anika gives her a sassy look. Meanwhile, Y/N rolls his eyes at the two meatbags who act so predictable, that it makes him want to tear the rainbow patch off of Mindy's jacket.
"Stab 1 took place, in Woodsboro. Stab 2 took place in college..." Sam brings up, making it very obvious at what she's hinting at, the other two glance at each other as they theorize the same thing.
"So we think that the killer is trying to copy the movies?" Tara queries what everyone's wondering, Stab's own sequel trilogy. however, despite wishing it to be so, it's not so simple as that.
"That is one possibility." Mindy agreeingly points out, though obviously building up a punch line. "Heroes now in collage, check." She gestures towards the three other survivors. "Suspicious new characters brought in to round out the suspect and/or body count." She then points at Ethan, Quinn, Anika, and Y/N. "Check, check, check, and check."
"You forgot two other 'checks'." Y/N remarks as he bitterly looks down while Ethan also seems bothered by that statement.
"I don't like this..." Ethan mumbles as he shakenly shifts in his seat. The two are promptly ignored.
"But it can't just be Stab 2." Mindy states, an interesting claim that catches everyone's attention. Y/N and Quinn share a quick look that goes noticed by everyone else, seemingly interested about their own 'rules' that they weren't aware they were following.
"Why not?" Tara questions, squinting.
"It would make sense if this were just a sequel, but we're not in a sequel, because nobody just makes sequels anymore." Mindy only cryptically explains, she then briefly stops as everyone glances at each other, before someone eventually catches on to what she's saying.
"The continuous return of Ghostface has reached the point where the original protagonist, Sidney Prescott, is no longer being targeted, thus technically putting this in a new timeline..." Y/N chimes in, putting the pieces together. "So, that pretty much means we're now technically part of a real-life franchise."
"Bingo! And there are certain rules to a continuing franchise." Mindy declares to absolutely no one's surprise what-so-ever. The people who saw this coming from day one all collectively sigh, prepared for the conversation some of them have heard before.
"I had a feeling...."
"Rule one: Everything is bigger than last time. Bigger Budget, bigger cast, bigger body count. Longer chases, shoot-outs, beheadings. You got to top what came before to keep people coming back." Mindy starts with.
"Beheadings?" Chad queries as a few others make faces on that last part.
"Beheadings. Rule two: Whatever happened last time, expect the opposite. Franchises only survive by subverting expectations." Mindy continues. "If the killers last time were whiny snowflake film nerds with Letterboxed accounts instead of personalities, you can bet the opposite will be true here."
"So that means, I'm confirmed innocent, right?" Y/N queries as he uses his horror-buffness in his defense. Everyone remains silent. "Right...?"
"And rule three: No one is safe." Mindy counts down last, ignoring Y/N. "Legacy characters? Cannon fodder as this point. Usually brought back only to be killed off in some cheap bid for nostalgia. It's not looking too good for Gale and Kirby...." She states before wincing as she remembers something else. "Oh, and that's not even the worst part"
"This is the part where she tells us the worst part." Chad distractedly tells everyone as he writes everything down.
"The worst part is franchises are just continuous episodic installments designed to boost an IP. Which means, main characters are completely expendable now too." She tells them all, building up the stakes for their new situation. "Laurie Strode, Nancy Thompson, Ellen Riply, Sally Hardesty, Jigsaw, Tony Stark, James bond, I mean even Luke Skywalker all died so their franchises could live on." She brings up the biggest names, some of which are best left to not be mentioned. "That means it's not just the friend group, any of us could go at any time, especially Sam and Tara." She regrettably informs, as Sam and Tara share a look.
"Wait, wait, any of us?" Ethan questions, desperately hoping he heard that part wrong.
"T-This... am I in the friend group?"
"Am I, like, one of the targets...?"
"Am I gonna die a virgin?"
Everyone gives him a disappointed look, or just sigh and look away. That entire time, that's what was important to him? "That was a weird overshare." Mindy awkwardly comments. "But it brings us to our current suspects...." She then mentions, starting from right to left. "Ethan, the shy, dorky guy that no one suspects because he's so shy and dorky."
"Okay, w-why am I on the suspect list? Because I'm randomly Chad's roommate?" Ethan questions, showing a seemingly offended look for the first time.
"Roommate lotteries can be juked. You could have fixed it to get next to us." Mindy mentions, an honestly honorable mention. Next, is the guy next to him. "Y/N, the quirky nice guy who exists to crack jokes before exiting out of the movie."
"I'm sorry, am I getting humor-shamed here?" Y/N questions with a brow, glancing around at everyone else as if he's getting ganged on. "That a sign that I should have a button strapped to my chest for people to press so I stop talking?"
"My point exactly." Mindy quips, causing Y/N to blink as she abruptly moves on to the next suspect. "Another point against you is that love triangles in mystery-thrillers have a high chance of ending with one or the other being the killer, in this case, you and Chad for Tara."
"What?" Y/N, Chad, and Tara all collectively utter out before Mindy abruptly moves on to the next suspect.
"Quinn, the slutty roommate, a horror classic." Mindy turns to the girl and states with a bit of French kiss as well. Y/N glances at the two of them, wondering how the actual Ghostface will say to this one.
"Sex positive, but... thank you?" Quinn corrects her, clearly not liking that more nasty description of her.
"Mm-hmm. Um, how did you come to live with Sam and Tara?" Mindy interrogates, acting like the new horror movie detective as if Kirby and Wayne don't actively exist and are on their case. Honestly, it's a wonder why they're having this convo on campus when they might as well have gone to a police station or debate/court room to have this part of the conversation.
"I answered their ad online." Quinn casually answers, looking at Sam and Tara who both nod, confirming this fact. On the other hand, Y/N already knows where this now going to go.
"Okay, say no more. You've already implicated yourself enough." Mindy pretty much cuts her off, now getting to the horror movie version of encouraging the fifth amendment while Quinn blinks at the sudden increased volume.
"It was an anonymous ad, Mindy." Tara brings up in Quinn's defense, much to both the killers' surprise as she's been backstabbed (maybe literally) by a character who's been in a similar shoe. "And you know we vetted her, plus her dad is a cop."
"And that makes it more likely that she's the killer, because having a cop dead is a great cover. Do you not remember how these movies work, Tara?!" Mindy suddenly bursts out, causing a few people to share an uneasy look.
"Is she always like this?" Quinn quietly asks the other survivors, to which Sam gives a half-nod.
"And finally.... Anika." Mindy names with a not-surprisingly less accusatory tone, the two blue kisses to one another, causing Y/N to mentally groan again. "Never trust the love interest." Mindy then adds, abruptly changing her expression followed by Anika who drops hers.
"Okay! So, we have our rules and we have our suspects." Sam then chimes in, however, a couple others quickly step in before they move on.
"Hold on a second, what about you guys?" Y/N quickly brings up, followed by Ethan, Quinn, and Anika who nods in agreement. "Why does it have to solely be us who met you a year ago?"
"I mean, I think it's pretty safe to rule out the four of us who went through this a couple years ago in Woodsboro." Mindy states as she crosses her arms, as Y/N notices getting a look from Samantha.
"Agreed." Chad says as he points at her. Y/N gives them both a pointed look, however, as the others aren't entirely convinced by this still.
"Um, not agreed. What if the trauma you all went through cause one or more of you to snap?" Quinn quickly voices her objection, followed by a few others.
"Also, If you want some examples, I got the perfect one, 'cause, what's that?" Y/N quips, making phone ringing noises with his mouth as he picks up an imaginary old house phone. "Jill Roberts is calling, she says that protagonists are still viable suspects."
"Yeah, I-I'm also not a big fan of signaling 'heroes' out when there's so many of them this time around." Ethan also protests, quickly gesturing towards the survivors. "What if all that infamy Sam earned was so much, she couldn't-"
"Don't you fucking dare." Tara shuts down, giving him a glare to which Ethan quickly shuts up.
"Okay, but they're right, though." Anika also agrees with the 'new characters' who give Mindy a cheeky look. "I mean, face facts, if we're all suspects, you're all suspects." She states, as everyone then glances at the one person that's the top on their suspect list, tension rising in the group, to not mince words. Not Quinn and Y/N though, as they glance at each other, they're thinking one thing, something Wayne hasn't mentioned yet....
Who's their frame-up?
NYPD Station:
As Kirby's going through stuff on her computer while also having her lunch, Wayne comes up holding a file and another plastic bag holding a mask in his hand. "Remember Samantha Carpenter's alibi, the therapist?" He queries, Kirby hums yes as he then drops the file on the desk. "He was stabbed to death. Through the nose and chest." He informs her, they both wince at the aftermath displayed in the pictures. "Through the nose. How messed up is that?"
"It's pretty messed up." Kirby comments as she scans each photo, one of which shows a very similar item which Wayne now has in his hand.
"He turned her in for possible psychopath varieties, ended up dead. And guess which patient's notes were stolen?" Wayne brings up, obviously hinting at who one of his suspects are. Kirby gives him an unconvinced look.
"So Sam kills her own alibi and steals her own session notes?" Kirby questions his logic, obviously having some other people on her own personal list, one of which has their family history displayed on her computer.
"Maybe." Wayne shrugs, keeping all possibilities open for now. "Another mask was found at the scene. It's a DNA match for Roman Bridger." He then mentions as he also sets the bag onto the desk, the name being much more infamous than the last two.
"The Ghostface who was directing Stab 3." Kirby notes as she examines the old looking mask. "It's like he's leaving us real-life franchise Easter eggs. Like, dropping the killers' masks in reverse." She theorizes, trying figure out what this game-plan is being operated here. "Almost like he's counting down to something."
"What happens when he gets to one?" Wayne queries and Kirby gives him a knowing look.
It's time to finally explore this iceberg.
Everyone has their secrets, especially Y/N. After doing that whole, 'go through the rules' scene with everyone, Y/N needed to take some time alone, scrolling through family pictures on his phone in a tiny little hallway that nobody seems to pass through. He's fairly convinced that this was deemed useless after some other stuff was built on campus.
Eventually bored, he then clears out to instead open up Spotify, closing his eyes after playing a random daily mix. His mind goes through thoughts of Tara Carpenter, Sidney Prescott, and Gale Weathers, now those three are the people he's excited to kill the most. Feeling the blade cut deep inside them, turning them less and less human.... until they're simply meat, or better, a nice crisp piece of meat.
After quite a while, a tap on his shoulder brings him back to the real world. Y/N takes the earpods out and sees Quinn looking down at him with that smile of hers "Watcha doing?" She queries, seemingly waiting for permission to sit as his butt is currently cushioned in the center of the tiny couch.
"Nothing..." Y/N shrugs, scooting to the right, allowing Quinn to take the spot right next to him, purposefully putting one leg on the other. "You ready to die soon?" He jokingly asks her with a smirk.
"Oh, you have no idea, everyone's gonna be, like, so gel when I drop dead them come back from the grave." Quinn replies in a mock impression of the classic teenage highschool girl. "Anyway, can I ask you something?"
The question makes Y/N look at her with a curious brow. "Sure." He replies with a shrug, noticing that look on her face that wonders something that's been on her mind lately.
"You already know me and my dad's motive, I just realized today that I never learned about yours." Quinn then finally asks him, Y/N glances down for a brief moment knowing the question was gonna come up eventually.
"Maybe I don't believe in motives." Y/N cryptically a answers, giving her a shrug that's clearly trying to block outside mental invasion. "I think things are scarier when there's no motive, adds the.... fear factor."
"Well, this is not a movie, so I find that hard to believe." Quinn comments, but takes the hint and doesn't press him. "But, I get it, it's not just Richie's.... Richie's death that fuels my fire." She then mentions as she slightly shifts in her seat.
"Really?" Y/N comments, letting out a hum. "Interesting, you kinda seemed like you were just as determined for revenge as your father was." He notes, though coming from him, guess he should've suspected such.
"I mean, he is, but it's also about my family in general." Quinn admits, seemingly confessing her life story to Y/N without thinking. "When he died, my mom and dad, they...." There, is when she passes, swallowing before she says any more. "Nevermind."
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Y/N assures her as they realize how the small privacy as temporary affected them. "Like you said, I get it. I don't really like personally connecting to my feelings."
"Yeah..." Quinn exhales, blowing out some air before slowly turning to Y/N, leering him up and down as she then remembers something. "You know... there was actually another reason I looked for you." She then mentions, peeking Y/N's interest.
"Oh yeah? What's that?" He asks as he turns to her, getting a good feeling all of a sudden. A suggestive smirk creeps up her face as she leans in to whisper something in his heart.
"I'm not wearing any panties under this dress~" Quinn purrs in his ear, before slowing creeping her hand up to his chest, rubbing her fingers alongside it. She then slowly leans in, starting with a slow kiss. Once she notices Y/N getting into the mood as well, she kisses him deeper as she pulls herself closer to him.
As the two taste each other's lips, quickening the pace, Y/N leans back so Quinn can then start crawling on top of him. Now on his back, Y/N starts roaming his finger along Quinn's hair as she rubs her body against his while they continue to make out. The head she gave him was just a teaser of what she really wants from him, and now she's prepared to give him the second one.
She then eventually slips her tongue in as well, having missed the chance to do this when they kept getting interrupted by her dad and Ethan. She uses her body to help Y/N feel what she's feeling right now, not caring about timing anymore.
Minutes in, Quinn then takes his other hand and guides it lower to her special area, now ready to give him access. "Come on, don't be shy~" She whispers with a giggle, Y/N seems offended that she assumed he was and shows otherwise by sticking two of his fingers inside. "Oh, there we go..." Quinn breathlessly says with a nod, letting out soft moans as she then continues devouring his face.
The two then continue as usual, only this time, Y/N can feel that Quinn is getting more and more wet down there. She starts gripping his skin while kissing him and her mouth is unable to prevent itself from making a noise for more than 2 seconds. "Oh my, you really... really.... know how to use those..." She tries complimenting, though a moan interrupts her mid-sentence. Y/N just silently watches her make those sounds, feeling like a owner satisfying his pet. Quinn hums, encouraging him to keep going as she puts her mouth back on his.
As he keeps working his magic, Quinn kisses him even better, as if rewarding him for his hard work. Eventually, she reaches a point where her breathing starts getting heavier. After such a long time, a man is starting to make her lose the ability to speak during sex. "Babe, I...." She tries warning him, but instead, she lets out a voice filled with pleasure, and Y/N can understand it perfectly.
"Come here, now." Y/N quickly instructs as she pulls her close, forcing their mouths together as he goes faster. Quinn now emits noises that are out of control as she grips him tighter with her hands before finally allowing her to reach her climax. Quinn cries out in a way she didn't think was possible yet, though their mouths together helped muffle the sound. After a few seconds, Y/N then pulls his fingers out, seemingly having prepared for this as he reaches and pulls a set of tissues out of his bag, cleaning his hand while giving Quinn a smirk. "So?"
"Holy shit, I didn't think any man could make me...." She fails to speak while she takes many deep breaths. "So much... with only his hand. " She finally finishes, complimenting him as she gives him a couple grateful kisses. However, her drive isn't over just yet. "Can you please let me... unzip your pants?"
Y/N raises his brows, glancing around the excluded, though still public hallway. "We're still in a public building, Quinn." He mentions, emphasizing it as illegal kinds of risky. He wants to, but he usually only does one position while messing around in public.
"Please, baby, I'll let you have me for the entire night that we're Ghostface free." She desperately offers, impatiently caressing her hands on his pants. Y/N is surprised at how much he's affected her behavior around him now. "Please, Q/N/N... just one more time.... I need you..."
The new nickname Quinn has just given him is more than enough to make him mentally say 'screw it' and give her permission. He helps her loosen up his pants and slide them down enough so she can also slide down his underwear. Seeing the size of what's inside again causes her to giggle. "Look at that thing..." She giggles before lifting herself up, as well as her dress a little bit, before finally letting Y/N's dart hit her center target. "Oh, yes....." She moans out, moving up and down so she can feel everything. "Oh, yes, baby, that's the spot~"
The two then start going faster till they find the right the pace with one another. For this one, Quinn has to activity try stopping the sounds she's making with how good this feeling feels. Now, she's finally found the appeal in quality over quantity. Ted, Trevor, and Paul all now feel like pussies when compared to how Y/N rocks her world. She had to use her hands to hold on tight to her hair or dress, sometimes lifting it up so Y/N can see some other stuff that's underneath. "Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!"
Then, she feels it coming back. "Y/N, I'm already gonna-" She warns before moaning louder than before, to the point that she has to hold both hands against her mouth in an effort to keep quiet. Y/N grins at effortlessly he no doubt beat her high score, the ultimate noise she makes causes him to hoists his hips up as he reaches his breaking point as well.
The two then separate after they finally let out every last drop, remembering where they are offers no time for pillow talk. "Phew, that was something...." Y/N comments as he quicky puts his underwear and pants back on, giving Quinn an impressed look. "You actually made us both let it out at the same time, that's never happened to me before."
"Ditto." Quinn replies with a nod and giggle. "By the way, I'm pretty much always on the pill, so don't worry about wanting to put it inside me." She then assures him, in case it crossed his mind. The two then both get a text from their phones, it's Sam, who's encouraging everyone to head back to the apartment complex so they can all stick together. "Guess we should get going." Quinn says with an exhale.
"Yeah..." Y/N mumbles, nodding as he makes sure his attire doesn't scream post-sex before the two look at each other with a complimenting smile. "See you at the apartment." He says as two quickly exchange a quick peck on the lips before going in opposite directions.
Tonight, begins a new murder scene.
Back at the station, Kirby has taken Wayne to the murder board where they finally attempt at deciphering the New York Ghostface's code. Since they seem to be half-way done with their plan, it's safe to say that they should now go through what they have so far. "So, we've had nine Ghostface killers so far."
"Nine? I thought in the movies-"
"Forget about the movies, the movies don't matter." Kirby quickly interjects Wayne's question, focusing on the real life killers. "Look, two years ago was Amber Freeman and Richie Kirsch, whose masks we found at both Andy and Laura's crime scenes." She begins with, Wayne's still surprised he manage to sneak in that Amber mask in Andy's room when he had the chance. "Then, it was Jill Roberts and Charlie Walker, theirs at the bodega." She mentions the two names with a hint of bitterness. "Roman Bridger was the only single Ghostface, kudos to him for ambition. His mask was found at the shrink's."
"Which just leaves Mickey Altieri, Nancy Loomis, Stu Macher...."
"And Billy Loomis, number one, and the father of our chief suspect." Kirby and Wayne finishes, the two stare down the murder board, now knowing that they at least have a deadline to work with. Now, they just need the true motive and they're good to go, a possible hatred towards Sam for 2021 isn't enough. "Well, whoever's doing this is leading us back to Sam."
Kirby's phone then rings, and she checks to see it's coming from a valuable informant of hers. "I will check in later. And tell your daughter to stay sharp, proximity to the Carpenters is proximity to Ghostface." She advises Wayne as she heads elsewhere, before stopping as her brain reminds her of something. "Oh, and I had done a background check of the sisters' entire friend group, there's some evidence there you should check out."
With that, she then exits the room, leaving Wayne Bailey to wonder if his daughter's cover has potentially been blown. Thankfully, he already has the station chasing one tail while he's secretly leading them to another. Watching Kirby leave, he turns to one of his officers. "Hey Jack? Would you call the Atlanta Field Office? Dig up what you can on Agent Reed." He requests, and the officer nods. They may think Sam's being framed, but in actuality, Kirby's the main target.
"And do a background check on Y/N L/N as well."
(A/N) Alright, another chapter done. Soon, I'll update some other stuff so look out for that. All this free time has really gotten me in the mood for writing. Also, we're now slowing going down the rabbit hole that is Y/N L/N's personal life.
Plz vote and comment, and I'll see you in the next one.
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