Chapter 5: Doctor Death!
*This is the Scream with the highest kill count, there's always gonna be bloody descriptions.
NYPD Station: The Next Morning
The attack that led to the Bodega store, although bloody and traumatic, finally gave both Sam and Tara Carpenter the one confirmed fact that the both of them now finally agree on. Ghostface is back, and they're after them in particular.
Now, they sit in a interrogation room, where pictures of a numerous amount of evidence lay around the entire table, safe for the signature coffee mug. Andy, Mary, and Laura's faces stare them in a way that seem like they're eyes are glued directly at them through the picture itself. Thankfully, after the painful silence, the door opens and Detective Wayne comes back inside, giving them a fixed smile.
He sits down in front of them where he shows off a Ghostface mask placed in a plastic bag. "This was found next to the Boutique crime scene." He tells them as he sets it on the table, the crime scene he's referring to is Laura Crane's. "DNA says that it belonged to someone named Richie Kirsch." The name he identifies causes Sam blink at him in slight surprise, which Tara notices as she glances at her. "Does that ring a bell?"
"We're familiar with him." Sam simply says after a brief pause, not really wanting to go into more detail than that. Wayne looks like he's about to press for more details until Tara chimes in to save her sister from the sore subject.
"But the one that attacked us had a different mask on." Tara mentions, swiftly changing the subject. It works as Wayne blinks, waiting for her to elaborate. "It was more kind of beat up, like it was older."
Wayne nods as he scratches his chin with his fist. "Uh...I got to ask....... do you have alibis for earlier tonight?" He then queries, glancing both at them with a look that makes the sisters nervous for some reason.
"I was at a party with my friends."
"I was at my therapist's. I can give you his information, you can call to check if you want." Sam tells him, to which Wayne briefly nods. A seemingly airtight alibi as it happened for a full hour around seven. "And then I met Tara at that party, where I tased someone." She then unnecessarily adds as Wayne blinks at the weird information. "Unrelated."
"Was that before or after this happened?" Wayne interrogates as he pulls out his phone, plays a social media video that he shows them. It's the moment where that bitch spilled beer on Sam and the reactions that followed. Sam looks at the video uncomfortably before hesitantly answering.
"The point is, we were with people all night." Tara states, once again bringing the conversation back to important topic so her sister can save face.
"So, our roommate's dad just happened to pull our case." Sam brings up with a secretly pointed look, causing Tara to mentally face palm at her sister getting very close to accusing the detective that's working on their murder case where everyone's a suspect, right in front of him. Though, it is worth points that she's looking for the odd parts of people's involvement in this new Ghostface spree.
"That'd be a crazy coincidence, right?" Wayne replies, having already caught on before takesie backsies are called. "The detective who had the case, he offered it to me because it involves Quinn....."
Y/N stands behind a very slightly opened door with a small camera in his hands, seemingly bored out of his mind as he turns to Wayne. "Is there a more entertaining way of doing this?" He asks him. "This blackmailing stuff is starting to feel like a slog-fest."
"Wait for it." Wayne encourages, before eventually tapping the kid on his shoulder back to their target. Y/N then turns back to the embarrassing scene where his eyes widen.
"Wait, isn't that the girl missing from the morgue that's in his bed?"
"And why's he taking his pants off-"
".....Um, but I can totally give it back if you're uncomfortable. It's up to you." Wayne casually offers. Sam does seem to consider it for a minute as she shares a glance with Tara, eventually just shrugging it off. "It's fine."
Wayne professionally smiles as he gets back on track. "So if the man who attacked you did steal your license and plant it next to the body, it'd probably be someone close to you." He informs her, confirming what they already were paranoid about. "How long have you known your friends?"
"Well, we moved here with Mindy and Chad for summer semester, like, a year ago." Tara mentions, pretty much declaring the two names to be clear of any suspicion. "So, Quinn, Y/N, um, Ethan, and Anika all since then."
"Well, I think I can vouch for Quinn, so that's one less we have to worry about." Wayne claims, however, Tara and Sam exchange a look that secretly think otherwise. "Do either of you have anyone that might wanna target you?"
"Not anyone who's still alive." Tara bluntly answers, causing Wayne to make a face.
"Yikes." He comments as an officer opens the door to inform the detective of a new party getting involved in the case.
"FBI's here, claiming jurisdiction." The officer tells him, causing Wayne to squint confused. They're here already? He knew they might get interested, but he was hoping for a little bit more time to prepare.
"Where are they?" Wayne asks as he stands up to leave the room, once again leaving the Carpenter sisters in their not-at-all comfy seats in the interrogation room. Sam's sigh echoes behind the detective as he leaves them to more pain-filled boredom. Thankfully, the officer then helps them out on that predicament.
Following the officer down the hall, the detective finds a woman in a leather jacket sitting in the meeting room, feet kicked up on the table as if she's already made herself at home. "Can I help you?" He asks the stranger to get her attention, and the face that turns around is actually very familiar to him.
"Special Agent Kirby Reed, FBI." She identifies herself, standing up as she shows her badge to him. "I work out at the Atlanta office." She then mentions, to which Wayne gives her a perplexed look. Why is she here from so far away?
"Oh, you lost?" Wayne humorously questions with a secret hint of annoyance. Kirby dryly chuckles as she tucks her wallet back in her pocket.
"Two of your vics, Jason Carvey and Greg Buckner, were two out of three people that were residents in my city before they moved her for collage." She explains as she takes the folders on her table and hands them to Wayne. "I've been investigating their online activity for the past few months."
Two out of three.... Wayne almost grips the folders in a small fit of annoyed anger as he reads the file showing him who that third person happens to be. But, he still keeps his exterior in check as he looks back up at Kirby. "Wow..." He comments. "Why?"
"I take a special interest in Ghostface attacks." Kirby explains, though slightly cryptically as that specific line would catch anybody who pays notes everything a person says's attention. Now Wayne gets that bell ringing in his head, this is the woman Charlie Walker almost killed, isn't she?
"Kirby?" Sam then calls out in surprise from behind the two, slightly interrupting their conversation.
"Hey, Sam." Kirby greets in a soft voice as she walks over and briefly hugs the woman who she looks to be familiar with, catching Wayne's intrigue.
"What- You're the FBI?" Sam questions with a small look of shock, apparently expecting to never see the woman ever again after what happened in 2011. Kirby conformingly hums as Wayne takes the moment to say his piece.
"You guys know each other?" Wayne queries, glancing at the both of them. Here he was, thinking he knew everything he needed to know about his main target, when another personal string flies down and dangles right in front of him.
"Yeah, we went to Woodsboro High together." Sam explains, still glancing at Kirby with some surprise in her eyes. "She was a senior when I was a freshman."
"We share a certain history, yeah...." Kirby mutters with a nod, following her lips before turning back to Wayne. "Look, I'm not trying to get into a jurisdictional pissing contest here, I just want to help." She assures the detective as she glances at her folders. "I'll show you mine, et cetera."
Another officer then approaches Wayne, handing him the latest of the massacre that took place last night, one which he proudly caused. Go ahead and compare him to those other killers that came before him, but they couldn't pull what he did in a place like New York City. "Thank you." He briefly says before looking at the plastic bag on top of it all. "He left this mask at the Bodega. DNA traces of two individuals, Charlie Walker, Jill Roberts, all deceased."
"Ghostface killers of 2011." Kirby notes as she examines the also very old looking mask, looking like she's staring at the devil himself while armed with a crusader's blade. "Charlie Walker gave me this." She shows her stomach knife wound to them. "Like I said, I take a special interest."
"The killer called me while somehow mimicking those two's voices perfectly before he attacked us." Sam then mentions to Kirby what she told Wayne. The new fact seems to obviously bring home some bad memories. "It didn't feel like A.I however, it felt.... real, like their actual voices."
"The only way someone could do that is with a different kind of voice changer, similar to the one all Ghostface killers used." Kirby points out as she glances down, making a conflicted face as she brainstorms a theory. "Now that I think about it, all evidence Ghostface related, including Roman Bridger's voice changer, was reported lost in 2020."
"Was the person who attacked you wearing that mask?" Wayne queries the girls, who shake their head no. "So that means the evidence thief and our current killer is connected. He's leaving these masks on purpose."
"Which means whoever's doing this is a student of the killers that came before." Kirby agreeingly adds as she glances at Samantha. "Maybe he believes Sam's the latest in a long line."
"Yeah, good luck with that. We're getting out of town." Sam informs them with a sarcastic remark, glad she already prepared before hand. This time, Tara doesn't decide to argue about the idea. However, what Wayne says next quickly shoots down that plan really quickly.
"I'm sorry, that's not possible." Wayne asserts, verbally stopping them in their tracks when they try to leave. "You're both persons of interest in a double homicide and the single one that came after it, so you're not allowed to leave town. Sorry."
"Are you serious?" Tara utters, giving him a look.
"He's right." Kirby informs them, giving them a look that clearly states she wish it were otherwise, considering that they were literally intended target back in the Bodega. "But if we work together-"
"We're going." Sam and Tara clearly don't want to waste anymore words with them as they both angrily walk away. Wayne hears Kirby sigh while his mind is currently elsewhere at the moment. This new FBI agent has brought up some new playing cards he has to consider.
And he also needs to have a chat with his two other killers....
Walking outside of the station proves to also be a bothersome, as outside has a current weather storm of reporters on this particular day. As predicted, they spew out random questions as the officers try to keep order on their building. Some are feel a little accusatory towards Sam, but the two manage to push through and ignore them until another kind of weather comes their way.
"Gale Weathers, Channel 4." Once that name and titles comes out her mouth, Sam and Tara snap their heads towards the non-confirmed Ghostface killer that's on the very top of their shit list. "Do you ladies think you're the reason the Ghostface killer has come to the big Apple?"
Sam scoffs, of course this bitch actually came to New York. She originally plans to ignore her again, but instead swiftly turns around to deliver a punch which Gale actually dodges this time as everyone else gasps. "Nice try, sweetie, but I've done this dance before-" Tara socks her in the face while she's distracted, causing her to once again fall against a camera man's chest.
"Stay away from us." Tara demands with a seething expression as her and Sam turn back around where a taxi waits for them. Reporters clamor behind them, but the only one who's not scared to keep following is the one who just got punched herself.
"Are you really still mad at me?" Gale questions, causing Sam to once snap her head towards her, this time trying to see if the woman is actually being serious with that question.
"You said you wouldn't write a book about what happened. And then you wrote a book about what happened." Sam brings up with a very heated glare. She should know good and well that no one's forgiving and forgetting for something like that.
"Oh, come on. Somebody was gonna write about it! It's what I do." Gale says in her defense, which morally, is about as durable as a house made out of hay that threatens to be blown down by the big bad wolf.
"I heard you couldn't sell the movie rights." Tara mentions as a small poke, to which Gale frustratingly sighs.
"It's all about true-crime unlimited these days." Gale replies with a shrug, since this will be a phase that most likely won't pass for another couple years.
"After everything we went through together." Sam mutters as the events of Amber Freeman's 'memorial' party comes back for reference. "What would Dewey think?" She asks, purposefully striking a negative cord with her as Gale gives her a blank expression.
"That's a low blow."
"So was your book." Sam retorts, really close to just getting in her face and making another scene in front of all these people. "You called me 'unstable' and a 'born killer.; " She mentions with a hurt voice, to which Gale scoffs.
"That's taken out of context." Gale claims as she hoists her shoulders up, both Sam and Tara aren't stupid however.
"That's literally a quote."
"You don't think what you wrote has something to do with what's happening to us?" Tara brings in a accusatory voice that clearly doesn't bother in trying to hide itself. It's something that's happened almost every time. Mickey and Loomis were inspired/motivated by Stab, Roman Bridger used Stab 3, Jill and Charlie were envied by the fame the books gave Sidney, and lastly present day, where Gale Weather did the exact thing Amber and Richie were hoping she would do.... write a book about their killing spree.
"Come on." Sam touches her sister's shoulder, and the two finally turn back so they can head home, since they're now gonna have to be stuck there for quite a while. But, the conversation isn't done yet.
"Hey, I talked to Sidney." Gale then tells them, which manages to grab their attention fully as they're now afraid as to what that means.
"She's not coming here, is she?" Tara asks in worriment, not wanting to once again put a stake in Sidney Prescott's life.
"No. She sends her love, but she's taking Mark and the kids someplace safe." She informs them, marking this as the first Ghostface massacre that doesn't star the one who inspired it all. "She deserves to have her happy ending."
"On that much, we agree." Sam bitterly notes before getting in the taxi, ready to finally be done with her as she's soon followed by Tara.
"Hey, I want to catch this new duo of fuckers as much as you do!" Gale proclaims to them, clearing hinting that she's going to be near their area until the new Ghostface team is off the map.
"Maybe." Tara briefly stops to her one last piece of verbal criticism. "Or maybe you're just afraid that without Ghostface in your life, you're gonna fade away." She points out before stepping in and shutting the door, the taxi finally taking them away from this place.
It's time for them to hunker down.
Dr Stone's Office:
"You fools, you're in danger!" The man on the screen playing Invasion of the Body Snatchers, colored black and white, yells out in that dramatic way that old movies used to have actors deliver their lines. "Can't you see? They're after you! Our wives, our children, everyone!"
A loud knock on the door brings Dr. Stone out of his movie while he was eating his morning cereal, still in his robe as well. "They're here already! You're next!" He stands up and slowly walks to the front door, where his ears are confirmed to be correct as a silhouette, who's bodily features are blurry thanks to the glass the door holds in the center. "You're next! You're next! You're next! You're next!"
The stranger knocks again, much louder for whoever's on the other side to hear. They also do it in a specific pattern, as Dr. Stone notices. "Who is it?" He questions before he's momentarily distracted by a sound behind him, though he quickly recognizes it as his washing machine.
"It's Sam." The woman's voice replies from the other side of the door. "Do you have time for an extra session?" She then asks as Dr. Stone is slightly confused as it's way off the normal time, though she did seem a lot more bothered by bringing up that Richie Kirsch fellow again.
"Did tonight go that bad?" Dr. Stone queries as he's now face-close to the door. The figure then raises their head up.... and they're wearing a Ghostface mask!
With an surpassingly strong punch that breaks through the glass, Ghostface grabs onto Dr. Stone's robe, pulling him against the metal parts, bashing his head against it multiple times. Then he pulls out his knife and stabs him in the cheek with it, letting it stay there for a couple seconds before exerting in, allowing the doctor to shakenly fall to the floor.
The Ghostface reaches his hand through and unlocks the door, letting himself in before walking over and kneeling down to the bleeding Dr. Stone who's still twitching all over, still slightly alive. He then brings up a very are device up to his mouth. "I'm very sorry, Doctor Stone." The Ghostface says, Sam's voice still emitting from it before pressing a new button. "But you're the best choice for the beginning of the second act." Roman Bridger's voice says to him before the Ghostface brings his knife up and impales it into his chest, the gushy sound echoes across the room as he twists it around before pulling it out, adding a new blood sprinkler to Stone's body.
He then stands up, taking a few adrenaline-inspired breathes, before then moving into his literal office where he immediately begins searching the cabinets, scanning each and every file for a specific name. Once he finds Samantha Carpenter, he takes the file and for the next few minutes, takes off his mask.
Y/N L/N reaches into his cloak and pulls out his phone where he then dials 911, it doesn't take too long before someone picks up the line. "Nine-one-one, what is your emergency?" The operator asks as Y/N brings the voice changer up to his mouth to keep him unrecognizable.
"Heard you're looking for me.... come to Dr. Stone's office on E 45th Street, and you'll find my latest meat bag." Y/N informs through Ghostface's original voice, abruptly hanging up before the operator can respond as he then removes his costume, folds it up in his arm, and unlocks a window he can fit through.
He leaves a new Ghostface mask on the scene before hopping outside.
Abandoned Theatre: Minutes Later
After dealing with another isolation kill, Y/N now waits in an alleyway where a building was supposedly built on another building, with one of the doors leading to the only way inside. For someone like him, waiting is definitely boring as fuck, but what can you do?
Thankfully, someone more entertaining appears to keep him company as Quinn Bailey pops up behind him while on his phone. Despite her height she manages to lean up and cover his eyes with his hands. "Don't you know that it's a bad idea to be in an alleyway all alone?" She playfully reminds him.
"All too well..." Y/N cockily replies, recalling his murder of Laura Crane. Quinn then slowly rubs her hands down to then caresses his shoulders, gripping this softly as if touching the best feeling pillow. "But it's not night yet, so I still have a fifty-fifty survival odds chance." He then mentions as he slowly turns around, wrapping his arms around her hips as the two share a playful kiss. His hands then move a little lower, and Quinn catches the hint, jumping up so Y/N can lift her with his hands as the two then continue making out against the brick wall. At one point, Quinn feels his hands slowly moving on her pelvis, caressing it. Now getting aroused and hot by his touch, she helps him lift up her dress so he slide them under her underwear....
"Am I too early?" Wayne's voice chimes in, bringing them back into the actual reason they came here. Separating by a couple inches, they turn to see him giving Y/N a not-so-pleased look, clearly having hoped that he wouldn't have to see a guy touching his daughter while they're on Ghostface business.
"It's fine, dad." Quinn replies for the both of them, she doesn't have to deal with Wayne getting in protective dad mode again. "We were just messing around...."
"So I see." Wayne comments as he keeps his eye glued on both of them as he then pulls his out mask and costume. "Put them on." He orders, as Y/N glances down at his own Ghostface attire in small confusion.
"Just do it." Wayne persists, and the two just mentally shrug and do as told, not bothering to waste questioning. After, he gives Quinn a look before nodding his head, gesturing for them to follow while he walks towards the last door in the alleyway, opening it to reveal a very old looking means of transport that definitely looks like it was in the 19 century. "So he's dead?" Wayne queries as they enter the elevator, tapping the button to bring them down to what's technically their little meeting place. It's something the guy was able to afford, thanks to his more... bold business he does on the side.
"Actually, I sent him a Valentine box with a heart inside. It felt like the better thing to do." Y/N sarcastically replies to which Wayne gives him a serious look. "Yes, he's dead, and I already tipped off the cops."
"Good." Wayne says as the elevator stops, it's doors open as they walk inside the humongous theatre, which is not just a convenient abandoned building for them to use, but a whole dang collection of Ghostface related stuff. Mickey Altieri's Camcorder, Roman Bridger's glasses, the umbrella Sidney used to stab Billy Loomis in the chest, the tiny gun Mark Kincaid carried, the Stab-a-thon letters, Stab 3's script, one of them anyway, Robbie Mercer's headset thingy, every single Ghostface book written by Gale Weathers, and a crap ton more covered in tarp that's hard to list down without taking half an hour and longer.
"So, why'd you asked us here?" Quinn asks her dad as they breeze past the mannequins. Speaking of, they all have clothing of past survivors and killers, from Randy's uniform back at the time of the video store, to Jill Roberts like flannel shirt she wore before being put in the hospital, Phill Steven's leather jacket, Roman Bridger's infamous Director attire, Steve Orth's messed up jersey, Billy's corn syrup and blood stained shirt, Casey Becker's cut up sweater, Mrs. Loomis's creme colored suit she wore when she died, Cotton Weary's white suit before his death, Mickey's black shirt and pants, Neil Prescott's blue jacket and teal shirt, and lastly Stu's Yellow sweater. There are probably a few more that he missed, but the place is so big, it's hard to tell.
"Well, something unexpected as come up in the investigation which requires us to re-work our plan." Wayne informs them. As they meet the stage where a another of mannequins lie, the source of their old Ghostface masks and costumes, the detectives then turns to Y/N with a very obviously angry look. "Now, mind telling us when you were gonna mention that you had an FBI agent on your tail?" Wayne asks him with a glare, taking menacing step towards him.
"Wait, what?" Quinn utters in confusion and shock as he looks at Y/N who stares at Wayne with a blank expression, which indicates that he knew about this as well. "Y/N did you know about this?"
"I'll admit, I did notice the odd white van back in G.A once and a while..." Y/N eventually confesses with a shrug, prompting Wayne to aggressively grab his cloak and pull him towards him.
"Anything else I should know? Or would you rather I just kill you so your other secrets don't become a liability to us?" Wayne growls as he grips the knife now in his palm. Despite this, Y/N keeps a relatively calm posture.
"You can't kill me." Y/N boldly claims as he slightly raises his hands.
"Why not?" Wayne questions, tightening his grip on his costume. His nerves are clearly very pricked right now, so Quinn hopes that the cute boy in front of her chooses his next words very carefully.
"Because I'm one of multiple people that can make one half of the Carpenter sister into going wherever I want them to, and if I'm gone, you'll lose that once Quinn fakes her death." Y/N reminds him. It's October 30th now, so that moment will happen tonight. Wayne still seems content to stab the collage kid to death, but before he potentially can, they hear a loud ding coming from a phone.... And it's not from theirs.
Wayne glances back at Y/N before roughly letting him go. "Your masks, now." He orders, and the trio out in their respective masks. Wayne wears Mrs. Loomis's, Quinn swiftly slides down Stu Macher's with a smirk, followed by Y/N putting on Mickey Altieri's with an unhinged look.
The three then briefly split up, going down separate sections of the theater to cut off their guest's chances of escape. They circle around the area like predators hunting prey.
Quinn thinks she hears heavy breathing and anticipatingly walks over to investigate it. One of the bigger, rectangle sized display casings. She pops around, but is disappointed to find nobody, though she swears she can feel someone nearby, if that makes sense.
Wayne slowly creeps around the numerous items around, cranking his knife against the glass as he steps past them. He doesn't get anything on his side, however.
Quinn then hears a small thud, and click sound that would belong to a show, snapping her head towards that direction. She prowls around to a little pillar connected to the floor above them. She takes some more quieter steps as to not give the notion that she knows the person's there. She circles around, and around, but no one. The person has already slipped behind a tall tarped casing next to her.
However, Y/N happens to be in the other side, and like the classic shot of a classic jumpscare he pops up and grabs the woman by the mouth, before delivering a stab to the gut, right in center, causing the woman to let out a pained, muffled growl if pain as he twists the knife deeper in, making it feel personal. Quinn catches up and watches this knife style, mentally taking notes.
"Wait!" Wayne butts In as he also comes up, having geared the commotion from the other side of the room. The voice changer emits from his mouth. "Don't kill her yet.." He orders as three all collectively recognize the woman, Gale freaking Weathers.
Y/N stares back into Gale's face, seeming reluctant, before swiftly taking the knife out and delivering a nasty punch to the face before the woman can say a word, knocking her out cold.
Quinn and Y/N silently stare inquisitively at Wayne behind the thin eyeholes of their masks while he kneels down and tilts her head at the unfortunate reporter. "Poor, poor Gale Weathers, still needing us to complete her." Ghostface taunts as he takes all of her items from her person, not like she'll be needing them anymore.
"We'll crank some use out of you, before you die~"
(A/N) Another chapter done! We've now introduced a new pee to pod and some more tinier stuff I hope to make this fanfic interesting.
Thanksgiving break is now upon us, so I have a crap ton of free time on my hands. Which I may or may not use for fanfic writing. We'll see.
Oh, and FYI, the next chapter might contain some more, uh...... risqué sessions....
But anyway, plz vote and comment, and I'll see you in the next one.
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