Chapter 4: White Folks are Dead!
*Gory descriptions.
*Also I just..... really just risked losing my whole story here..... plz, Wattpad, it's for the character dynamic, I swear...
Hortense Tower Apartment Complex:
Exhausted, both physically and mentally, Tara takes off her pirate costume in her room, setting her purse to where it can hang. Tonight was.... eventful as always, the mood went swinging, until it turned sour, and then bitter.... Which is like, 50 percent of Blackmore University related stuff.
After taking a gulp of her inhaler, she hears her opened door knocking, seeing Quinn slowly step inside. "Hey...." She awkwardly greets, a slightly guilty expression on her face. "I'm sorry I told Sam, where you went." She apologizes, though according to Y/N, it was actually entertaining to see. I mean, a guy got tased and she wasn't invited? Oh wait, she was invited....
"It's fine, I just...." Tara waves it off before letting out another sigh of the night. "She's all the way up my ass, like usual." She remarks, tiredly setting her bottom down on her bed, to which Quinn chuckles.
"I know what it's like when they hold on too tight." Quinn mentions as she sets her phone in her hand on the small drawer, takes the chair in Tara's room and sits remotely next to where she is, preparing to use the fabricated story her father taught her to tell everyone. "After we, um..... lost my brother, my dad.... wouldn't leave me alone." She tells Tara with a chuckle, a roughly similar story, but slightly twisted around so she doesn't get connected to Richie. "He even transferred to the NYPD when I got into collage, so.... Stalker much?"
Another soft knock on the door brings the girls' attention to Y/N, who's arrived with a small bottle for that eventual hangover. He and Tara awkwardly look at each other while Quinn catches the hint fairly quickly. "I'm gonna go, let you guys.... chat." She says to them, sharing a brief glance with Y/N which Tara doesn't entirely notice as she closes the door while exiting the room.
As they hear the sound of the door closing, Y/N humorous shakes the bottle before setting it on the drawer. "Thank you..." She says to him in a interestingly shy manner. "You can, um, go back to your dorm. I'm pretty sure the fighting is done for the day."
"Yeah, I should thank your sister for that by the way, I ready to stab myself if I had to spend another second on that dumb table." Y/N exaggerates with a humorous smile, blowing out some air at bringing it back up.
"Well.... I'm sure Jason and Greg already stored that in their brains before hand." Tara then mentions, causing Y/N to jokingly groan as they both laugh while he then feels a cue to sit on the bed, right next to Tara. "Where did all these bets even come from?"
"Well, it's always the same exact joke about how no student never really studies for the test, or whatever. So, we decided, at the excuse of making each other's lives miserable, let's have an eternal competition where the loser who scores the lowest." Y/N explains, giving Tara a somewhat defeated look. "I've regretted it ever since."
Tara nods amused, and the two sit there in a weird silence, wondering who should speak next and for what reason. "Thank you." Tara eventually says, as Y/N gives her a perplexed look. "For that, uh... 'display', I needed a good laugh after being more messed up that I realized."
"No problem, but don't, like.... always expect me to go to Central Park and dance in my underwear, singing Taylor Swift, please. I only got lucky because everyone was pretty much tipsy at the time." He pleadingly requests, and the image causes Tara to giggle a little bit. "Also.... please, for your own image, know that you can do a lot better than Frankie." Y/N then mentions, giving her a knowing look. "You're.... way more special than that."
Then comes another silence, this one, not too awkward at all. In fact, Y/N has noticed that her face has gotten two inches closer to his. "I'm not messed up anymore.... Just so you know." Tara whispers to him. They then lean in, and....
"I forgot my phone..." The door abruptly opens, cutting them off before they can round home plate. Quinn quickly pauses as she realizes what she just accidentally walked back in on, making a guilty face. "Did I cock-block you?"
"What did you just say?" Tara cringes.
"I cock-blocked you."
"No." Y/N replies as he fakes an embarrassed look, hiding his face with his palm.
"I cock-blocked you, didn't I?"
"Immediate no." Tara quickly shakes her head.
"That line sounds so weird, in real-life...." Y/N awkwardly mutters as he takes his cue to leave. "Please don't have there be a dead body the second I leave this room." Y/N quips, using his hand to remind Tara of the pills before breezing past Quinn.
"Right..." Quinn slowly nods, looking at Tara who's expression looks, none-too-pleased. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She whispers to her before embarrassingly taking her phone from the drawer before she leaves.
Tara is now alone in her room, muttering to herself as she drops onto the bed, smiling at what was close to happening.
Unaware of what she will learn next....
*Ain't nobody got time for Sam and Danny, we shall replace this scene with the romance we actually came to read!*
Y/N's about to head into the living room where literally everyone else is before accidently bumping into Chad in the tiny hallway. "Oh, sorry man..." Chad quickly apologizes, having been mentally distracted by something else.
"Your cool." Y/N quickly assures him with a nod, as the other guy notices where he just came out from, causing a mixed expression to form on his face.
"Tara.... is she okay?" Chad asks Y/N, shifting at least one of his hands in his pockets. Y/N subtly notices his horribly attempt at being hidden body language, threating an amused smirk to form on his face. Could he be..... disappointed? Jealous, even?
"Yeah, I already gave her some stuff for the inevitable, so.... all we can do now is remind her not to drink and accept every dude that hits on her, offering a bottle of fireball." Y/N answers with a shrug. Chad looks to be considering something else to say until a had taps the other dude on the shoulder.
"Y/N, hey, can I talk to you for a quick second?" Quinn oddly requests, not in the mood to wait for the two love rivals to finish their conversation. Y/N then also notices that she's already back in her sleeping robe and purple sleeping wear, apparently expecting to actually go to sleep, soon. "Just a quick second, I'm not asking something too personal."
"Yeah, sure." Y/N eventually replies with a nod, sparing one last glance at Chad before they walk over to the small kitchen. Once they're finally out of ear-shot of everyone else, Y/N notice Quinn tapping her fingers on the island.
"Okay, so.... I know I already asked this earlier, but now that we.... know about each other, I have to double-check." Quinn claims as she takes a step towards Y/N. "Tara's.... not gonna be a problem, will she?"
Y/N blinks confused for a second before wheezing in front of her. "No! No..... No, no, no, no, no, no. That bitch?" He points over to Tara's room with an expression that seems offended at thought of him being paired with the girl. "She's nothing but a non-existent animal, once we get to the final act, I'm stabbing her first."
The bluntness at how he delivered that manages to get Quinn struck in awe, but none-the-less she lets out a sigh of relief. "Right, right, obviously..." She mumbles with a small chuckle. "I'm just wondering why you have to be so close to her? I mean, you're already sharing classes with Mindy, which got you in the friend group in the first place."
"Who I barely even talk with, plus, Jason and Greg don't really talk to Sam and Tara either, my roommate who's jumping Sam's bones has kept it on the down-low, which means my 'connection' to them is a bunch of barely acknowledged characters." Y/N mentions, giving her a face as he does. "If I'm gotta be just the right amount of suspicious and trust-worthy, it's gonna be as the love interest."
"Wait, Sam and Danny are fucking?" Quinn distractedly questions, surprised, to which Y/N gives a confirming nod. "Holy shit..."
"Right, but I don't wanna talk about Gen Z Derrick, I want the spotlight to stay on us." Y/N then remarks, bringing Quinn back to the main topic excluding Tara. As he finishes this sentence, he surprisingly grips Quinn's shoulder in a way that appears to be friendly, but she finds herself quickly disappointed when his hand then pulls away.... why is she so.... starved? "Like Wayne, he texted me while I was heading home, he killed date-rape-Frankie at the party. Though, before we could send that message, Sam tased a poor guy in the back."
"So, that's why Tara didn't come back with her." Quinn notes, suspecting her of sitting alone in depressed mood on the stairs like that last time she and Tara got into a fight. "Those two make their minds way too easy to fuck with."
"Right?" Y/N agreeingly nods, the two smile at themselves, thinking that keeping up their false identities would be a lot harder than it's presented itself out to be so far. Without the current drama between everyone, it most likely would be. "I still hate it, though.... that, shy-crush shit I keep having to do." He then complains out-loud, as Quinn purposefully leans on the island, right next to him, giving a sense of deja-vu. "You know, there's these girls.... and every time I just let loose, I have to then let them go, wait a couple hours, then make them disappear. And, all because I had to play nice with Tara, it's bullshit."
"Well, then it sounds like when this whole thing's complete, you need to find a girl you can actually fuck with, without having to kill them." Quinn mentions with a shrug, making it sound like he won't be able to when Tara's dead. Y/N feels another hint of flirtation as she takes her eyes off her, which makes him theorize something.
"You didn't actually 'cock-block' us on accident, did you? You didn't forget your phone." Y/N playfully accuses Quinn, giving her a cocky smirk. The girl doesn't reply, just smiles, fully answering his question for him. "So... through-out these two years... the girl who casually picks up guys like she's in the fucking dollar store became a shy pussy around the one and only Y/N L/N?"
"Oh, shut it, you dick." Quinn mutters as that line snaps something inside her. Grabbing his shirt, the supposedly, normal chat, becomes something much different as her back is then pinned against the fridge while the two viciously eat each other's mouths. Clearly, the insufferable wait has awakened a wolf inside her as Y/N's hands threaten to rips off the robe she had just put on, in spite of everyone else one room over. The way Y/N holds her hips, the way he moves her mouth down from her lips to now nibbling her neck feels exactly the way she imagined it to be.
She wants to wrap her legs around his waist, however, before she can, they hear rapid footsteps coming their way, forcing them to quickly break their hot session.... for now. Ethan Laundry comes up and spots both of them, completely unaware of what he almost walked in on. "Guys, Chad wants us all to see what's on the news." He informs them before quickly walking back where he came.
Y/N and Quinn curiously glance at each other before heading into the living room, the former stands next to his pals, Jason and Greg while Quinn sits on the couch next to Mindy and Anika, the two who seem to be the only ones that haven't taken off their costumes yet. Lastly, Sam and Y/N's roommate, Danny, also show up through the front door, which doesn't go unnoticed by the two Ghostfaces. "Cute boy... nice." She comments with an approving grin.
"What's going on?" Sam questions Chad who called her up here, and he points to the breaking news segment, where everyone easily notices the background looking a lot familiar to the massive party they just attended.
"I'm standing on front of the sorority building where the mutilated body of one of Blackmore's students was discovered." The male news reporter on the TV screen tells the camera. "His name has just been released by the police, Frankie Warner."
"The guy that was putting moves on Tara?" Y/N utters out-loud, giving everyone a confused expression mixed with shock. Ethan, Chad, Danny, and Sam obviously aren't familiar, but the look on everyone else's faces say everything they need to know.
"As of right now, there's current speculation on whether this brutal murder could be connected to the deaths of Laura Crane, as well as Andy and Mary Kerrigan, who all share a connection to the college of Blackmore University."
"I should've known Andy not showing up to practice meant something bad..." Chad comments as he bitterly shakes his head, his fist covering part of his mouth.
"Each crime scene surrounding Blackmore have also left behind various Ghostface costumes, a character popularized by the Stab movie franchise."
As soon as that familiar name leaves the reporter's mouth, Tara nervously glances at her sister Sam, who's expression shows a very bad omen at the mention of Ghostface. "See? I told you Stab wasn't dead." Jason boasts to Y/N as he shares a fist bump with Greg, completely unaware of the uneasy reactions of everyone else.
"Dude, not the fucking time." Y/N criticizes, subtly pointing a thumb at Sam who's already been set into serious mode again. "Oh boy, she's back again..."
"Pack a bag, we leave in ten." She instantly orders, marching towards the kitchen. Y/N, Greg, and Jason all share a shocked look at how quickly that escalated. Though they, do collectively nod with each other.... smart girl.
"Sam, wait, Sam!" Tara quickly calls out to her as she follows, hoping to calm her down and change her mind. Everyone else, especially Ethan, Anika, and Quinn, can only sit and watch the two go back and forth again.
"We're getting out of the city."
"What?" Danny utters in reaction to Sam's sudden decision. He also tries following, but the non-trusting Chad blocks his way before he can do so.
"Thank you very much, suspicious new guy, but I think we got it from here." Chad tells him a very obviously fake polite way. "Have a good night, get home safe, go, go, go."
"But he's not a suspicious new guy, he lives on the same floor as us..." Y/N mentions with a confused look, but Danny just gives him a look that lets him know that he's unbothered by it, leaving the room. "Okay, sure, not my roommate or anything..."
"Has she, like, done this before?" Greg Buckner curiously asks the other survivors, referring to Sam. "The whole 'jump ship' approach?"
"Only apartment complexes after that hooker got stabbed in an alley, but not the whole state." Mindy answers, worriedly glancing over at Sam who went into the kitchen grab the stack of kitchen fucking knifes!
"Sam!" Tara calls out to her sister again, going completely wide-eyed when Sam pulls out the kitchen knife with a small shing. "Sam, wh- H-Hold on." She stammers, shocked by her sister's reaction to the news despite having attempted to predict it.
"Come on."
"No, wait, let's talk about this for a second." Tara pleads, not wanting her decision to move to New York be completely thrown out the window. " 'Cause t-this might not have anything to do with us."
Sam looks at her as if she's crazy. "Are you serious?"
"It's a big city!" Tara exclaims, gesturing towards the news broadcast. "It's Halloween. Everybody's wearing masks!"
"Okay, okay, hey! I know I didn't deal with this Ghostface shit, but we can we please not scream the whole place up?" Y/N chimes in, risking a few people's wrath as he quickly comes up with a way to keep his two targets in the city. "Quinn, you're dad's a cop, right? Can you call him and find out what's going on?"
"Please.... and thank you." Tara agreeingly adds, giving Y/N a grateful nod.
"I'm calling him now." Quinn tells them in a slightly quiet voice, feeling a little awkward at having witnessed another argument in front of everybody as well as her. She already knew her dad would be the first one to respond as part of the plan, so as expected, he picks up.
"What is it, Quinn? Something going on, on yours and Y/N's side?" Wayne asks as Quinn assumes him to be examining the 'evidence' that he deliberately placed. The girl purposefully backs away to whisper to her dad the situation.
"Yeah, small problem, Sam is trying to flee the fucking state, and we're getting the vibe that she's winning points from the Meek siblings." Quinn quietly reports. Upon hearing this, Wayne sighs, but there's an easy solution to this little problem, and they already prepared for it.
"Okay, that was faster that I thought. Good thing obtaining her driver's license wasn't difficult." Wayne mutters as he momentarily pauses, Quinn assuming he's making sure no one heard that. "Just put her on the phone, I can bring them to me. Or better yet.... I'll force them to stay."
Getting the hint, Quinn nods. Right, as she's about to walk over to Sam, the surprisingly sound of the latter's phone who's ringing audio is left extremely high causes everyone except Ethan to slightly jump. Sam takes a heavy breath as she sets the knife down on the kitchen table, checking the phone to see that it's only coming from Gale's number, the fucking bitch. "Who is it?" Tara asks, and Sam just shakes it off, hitting decline.
"Why did everyone just freak out when her phone rang?" Ethan queries, completely out of touch with everyone else as it causes the horror friends to give him offended looks.
"Haven't you even heard about Ghostface on Youtube? How he calls literally fucking everybody except for the third act and the black couple in the second one?" Jason questions as he looks like a mentor staring at a weak peasant.
"No....?" Ethan slowly replies as he just shrugs at him, causing Jason to scoff. "Wait, is that why Sam's acting like Requel Laura Strode?"
"You got to keep up, my dude." Anika comments with a sigh and eyeroll.
"You know what? All this Ghostface talk has given me the hint that we should all grab some munchies and hunker down." Jason advises as he looks at his two best friends. "My fellow film-dicks, it's time we gather our chariots and head off."
"Damn straight." Greg agreeingly says with a salute as the trio head out the door.
"Please do not humor that dumbass nickname..." Y/N mutters, though he also follows. After the boys shut the door, and Chad locks the three locks behind them, Quinn then walks up to the Carpenter sisters.
"Sam? My dad wants to talk to you." Quinn tells her as she hands her the phone, already a bad sign that Sam's theory might be correct.
"Mr. Bailey, hi."
"Hey, Sam. I was actually just about to call you." Wayne tells her as patrols the crime scene that was discovered at the Omega Kappa Beta party, looking down at a very interesting piece of evidence.
"Well, my sister thinks I'm probably overreacting." Sam mentions, quickly explaining the reason Quinn called first. Wayne almost wants to laugh when he hears this, a little unrealistically optimistic, don't you think?
"No, unfortunately, you're not." Wayne reveals to her, kneeling down and picking up a driver's license that isn't Frankie's but rather belonging to none other than Sam Carpenter herself. His big trump card to assure the murderer doesn't leave New York City.
"What do you mean? What's going on?" Sam questions with a slightly bothered expression. She has no idea what's coming up next, and Wayne's going to make sure she's delt with a new world of pain, the same she brought onto his son... Richie Kirsch.
"I'm afraid I need you to come down to the station.
When Y/N had formally met Wayne and Quinn Bailey, he was very interested when he learned that those names were all completely fake. At least, that's what they loudly hinted at. All he knows is that their last names are actually Kirsch, related to that whiny killer, Richie Kirsch. (He's still fighting with Greg about that statement). Their first names? They don't seem willing to share, to the point that Quinn's obviously teasing Y/N while refusing to elaborate.
That isn't the best part, however. No, the best and most amusing part is the fact that Wayne and Quinn have kept the dead Richie's phone with them ever since he got the shit stabbed out of him. Now, while Wayne plans to cut Sam and Tara off near a Bodega store, with the idea of cutting off their escape of New York City. Now's the current topic of conversation, who's going to call Sam and Tara? Using the modern's technology's new trick of allowing three-way calls.
"I've done this like a dozen times, I know what I'm doing." Y/N assures at an arm crossed Quinn as he tilts the phone in his hand. He then quickly notices the weird smirk on her face, causing him to give her a look. "Come on, don't look at me like that..."
"I believe you, I do, but Y/N.... this is Sam. This is personal to me." Quinn reminds him, to which Y/N scoffs. He kinda gets it.... personal sells tickets, but he really wants to say that, that excuse can't work all the time.
"You know, that I know, that you're gonna say that same line every time I bring this up, right?" Y/N remarks, giving Quinn a knowing look as it's now his turn to cross his arms.
"Come on, baby, please~?" Quinn playfully pleads, using the fact that she's in her robe to her advantage as she rubs Y/N's arm. This very obvious move makes Y/N can't help but roll his eyes, now knowing one that girl in Woodsboro felt.
"You're gonna that card on me?" Y/N questions, giving her a look, though also slightly amused. "I mean, I love it, but Ghostface is also my pride as well, gonna be honest."
Quinn hums for a quick second as she then gets an idea, deciding to use a line one would find on a Wattpad fanfiction. "Alright then, how about this?" She plans to set up something very spicy as she leans in even closer. "If you let me make all of Sam's calls, not only when I help give you opportunities for Tara, but you'll get to whatever you want for our... first time." She proposes as she then teasingly opens up a bit of her robe, smiling at him in the most risqué way possible.
"Everyone else's still in the apartment, Quinn." Y/N mentions as he points outside, but the both of them share a look that wonders why he sound like he actually cares about that. "You know what? For the sake of not wasting time.... I'll find it in me to share it." He throws his hand up and quits, wincing at the mention of 'sharing'. Quinn takes it and grabs Richie's phone with a suggestively grateful smile.
"Thank you~"
After re-changing out of her stained shirt and back into the same jacket, Sam reluctantly walks outside of the apartment complex. She already didn't like it when Ghostface's name appeared on the news, so having Wayne pull Sam over to the NYPD only pumps up her worriment to a whole new level.
The doors open and close, then open and close again as someone follows Sam out. "Sam, slow down." Tara calls out to her, causing the sister to snap her head around and see her in her own jacket and everything.
"Tara, no. Get back inside, lock the door." Sam quickly denies the plan of action her sister is taking, trying to move her back inside, much to Tara's frustration.
"Are you serious? Now you don't want to stick together?" Tara questions, giving her a look that makes it very clear that she's once again standing her ground. Sam may be a lot of things, but alone is where she's the weakest, even if she tries hiding it.
Sam gives Tara a reluctant look before finally rolling her eyes. "Fine..." She sighs, and the two begin the long walk at the police station together. With Sam's license gone, she's not exactly able to get there by car. Thankfully, the station isn't that far away, and should only be about an hour's walk.
Then, of course, Sam's cell phone rings, and when she pulls it out of her pocket, she sees none other than..... Richie Kirsch's number calling her? "What the fuck?" Tara utters, extremely confused when she sees the bastard's face on the screen.
"I never deleted his contact..." Sam recalls, glancing at her sister with a very understandably haunted expression. Obviously, Richie's dead, they're not being hunted by literal Ghost-faces. No, the fact that someone has his phone is what makes them worried, because it's a subtle clue from the new killer that this fucker means business, concluding the debate of whether the Ghostface is connected to the siblings. "This is coming from his number."
"Don't pick that up. Just let it ring." Tara strongly advises her sister, knowing what happened last time when her brain insisted on picking up every Ghostface call she got. Sam wants to agree, but as she tries using the whole 'horror movie' logic to use, they're at the point where Ghostface attacks the protagonist to signal his return.... she answers it. "Sam!"
"Who is this?"
"Hey there, Sammy, how long has it been?" A male voice greets, not the expected Ghostface tone. However, it still makes Sam freeze as she still recognizes that voice from anywhere.... more specifically, from her rare time at Woodsboro High. "That's... what your friends called you in Highschool, right?"
It's.... It's Charlie Walker.
"That's.... not-"
"Possible? Yeah, I know. Being in a coffin for a decade where you're constantly spat and pissed on should be a really good indication of death." The stranger who has Charlie's voice speaks in a creepily good impression. "But let's not talk about me, we should be talking about the legend, Sam Carpenter, younger and pretty enough to be the new Ghostface protagonist."
Shaking the shock out of her bones, Sam gets back into serious mode. "I want you to think long and hard about whether you really want to do this. Because the last two people that fucked with us ended up dead." She strongly reminds the killer, ready to answer yes if that was a threat.
Then, there's a click.
"Oh, I'm so fucking scared, listening to the threats of a girl who actually thought she could escape notice after getting a debut in Gale's newest book." The voice now abruptly changes from man to female... Jill Roberts, in all her glory begins degrading Sam from the other line. "Bitch, do you remember what happens when they try snapping back at our asses? We're the ones get the final laugh."
"So what? You think the voices of dead people are gonna scare us now?" Sam questions as she starts putting two and two together. The guy isn't just using a voice changer, their using Roman Bridger's voice changer.
"Ha, no need, I can tell it alright did by how you froze when you heard my partner's voice." Jill mocks her with a giggle. "Maybe you don't realize the situation yet, but this isn't just some normal killing spree, we speak for the dead."
"Don't feed me that, every one of you is the same, you want to kill the girl and fail every time." Sam quickly shoots the killer down, scoffing at whatever holy moral motivation this Ghostface probably thinks they have.
Another click.
"I'm not just here to kill you, Sam, I'm going to show the world who you really are." Now, Ghostface's voice finally emits through from the other line, allowing Sam to hear something she's more familiar with. "A liar, a demon, and a killer, I'm going to punish you, Sam."
"You shouldn't believe everything you read on the Internet, asshole."
"Don't be cute, you're going to pay for what you did, and I'm not going to stop until I've butchered you! You and anyone who gets between us!" Ghostface growls in Sam's ear from across the phone, making sure that sounds like a promise. "You and Tara better watch your backs."
"You better watch yours." Sam shoots back, however, she fails to see the cute pun Ghostface sent their way.
Before either party can hang up, a Ghostface runs up and grabs Tara from behind, emitting a gasp from Tara. "No!" Sam exclaims as the killer raises their knife to stab her sister in the chest. However, having a protective sister came in handy as Tara elbows Ghostface and they both shove him against some parked bikes as they then book it to safety. Thankfully, they're not in a quiet town anymore.
"Shit!" Ghostface curses loud enough for the girls to hear, clearly hoping he got a stab in. However, his voice is still disguised, so even if they were not running, they couldn't place it anywhere. He quickly gives chase after the girls.
"Help please!" Tara screams as they turn the corner, where Sam pushes her towards a Bodega store right on the sidewalk they're running on.
"In there!" Sam directs Tara as they practically slam open the doors, emitting the bell connected to it. Everyone inside are taken aback by these sudden girls who run over to the cashier, accidently bumping the guy into the guy in the front of the line.
"Please, help us, we were just attacked!" Tara wastes no time in screaming loud enough for everyone to hear, as well as her sister.
"Tara?" A familiar voice calls out as Jason and Greg peak their heads out from behind a isle "What is-?"
"He's here, Ghostface is after us!" Sam quickly tells them, causing them both to glance at each other wide-eyed.
"There's a fucking line here, girls." An unaware man mentions to the girls in slight frustration. All noise is then shut silent when Ghostface boldly walks into the store, in costume and all. The four notice then finally notice how aged this mask looks, greyer with ugly spots of dark green alongside the tiny cracks. Sam and Tara all shift back, mostly next to Greg and Jason as the other stranger then menacingly walks up to the killer. "You got a problem here, guy?" He questions. Ghostface tilts his head before responding by three rapid stabs to the gut which causes everyone to gaps in terror as titled floor gets stained with a new fresh color, one last stab to the heart finishes him off.
The four college students take rapid steps back as the guy's friend runs up to help, only to be met with steel as Ghostface's knife impales his neck, his blood spraying all over the store's items as soon as the knife's pulled out. The killer then slowly marches over to his real targets as every other patron escapes the store, purposefully installing fear in all four of them. "Hey, hey, hey, look man...." Jason panickily raises his hands up pleadingly. "Look, just-"
The cocking of a shotgun silences him as Ghostface quickly turns to see the cashier aimed straight at him. However, the killer dodges with surprisingly sharp reflexes and instead the blast only destroys an isle with chips on display while the other four duck to avoid the shells. The cashier pumps it up again as he walks up to see that the attacker as disappeared. "Go out the back!" He shouts towards the college kids.
"Thank you!" Tara expresses as Jason agreeingly nods.
"Yeah, you're a real lifesaver!" Jason says as they all run towards the door that's actually right next to them. However, as Jason tries twisting the knob, he begins sweating as it doesn't open all the way. "Shit, it's locked!"
"Keys, we need your keys!" Tara yells as the cashier turns to them before frantically going through his pockets, giving the killer the perfect window to pop back out from his hiding spot and attack him.
The cashier tries raising his gun, but Ghostface stops it with one hand and stabs his shoulder with the other. As he's then punched to the floor, Tara, Sam, Greg, and Jason all take cover in the isle as a small hiding spot while Ghostface takes the cashier's shotgun and points it straight at his head. "W-w-Wait.... Wait! Wait! No, no! No!"
His brains are then splattered against the fridge behind him as Ghostface coldly pulls the trigger, needing only one hand. "Oh my..." Greg whispers a swear as the four then crawl deeper into cover while Ghostface pumps the shotgun again with a loud click, the fired shell flying out to make way for a new one.
Everyone then freezes, the only sound in the store being the radio which plays old decade music. Ghostface then begins patrolling the tiny isles for his main victims. On one side, Sam looks at Tara and nods over to the door, which now leads to their only way out. On another, Jason and Greg frantically try to find a way to catch the killer where he's not looking.
As Ghostface's boots trample on some chip bags, Sam and Tara try to use it as a window to move, only for a shotgun to shoot directly above them, hitting a fridge which causes the glass to shatter. Ghostface grunts at his failed intuition, quickly cocking and shooting another round when Sam and Tara move again, this time, much closer as small debris showers Sam.
Ghostface then marches over to the isle, spiraling a surprise attack from Greg from his side, using a broken piece of the basket holding the chips. However, the killer's reflexes pull through again as he's instead shot square in the chest, sending his corpse flying to the floor with a squishy thud. "Greg!" Jason subconscious screams out his name in despair, causing him to be met with the killer's gun at point blank range. The loud blast leaves a major chunk out of Jason's face as his upper body is sent crashing to the ground.
The killer then continues over to the other side of isle, but still sees no one as he mutters under his breath. Sam and Tara hide behind the slightly thin side of the short isle keeping them in cover, the latter unable to help but whimper as she gets the feeling of fear, much stronger that at the hands of Amber Freeman. This killer is much deadlier than a psychopathic teenager. The fear stabs deeper in her insides as Ghostface slowly steps down the isle, threatening to find them at their current position.
Fortunately, a dented can lays at their feet, and Sam very slowly reaches down and picks it up, trying her best not to let the thin steel to give her away. Luck favors her and she weakly chucks it down a couple inches, prompting her pursuer to change sides and investigate the other side instead, towards where the noise came from. Sam then nods at her sister and then once again crawl towards the direction of the front door, back at the starting line.
Glass shatters under Tara's knee....... The girls once again freeze as Sam subtly points a finger upward, signally that the killer is directly across from them. She looks through a tiny opening in between the two aisles and shakenly stares at Ghostface as he inhales in a way that emits a raspy, ghostly noise coming from his mouth. What makes them even more terrified is the fact that the killer looks like he stopped moving all together........
Then he snaps right and points the shotgun over, down at both of them! Sam and Tara quickly react by shoving against one of the aisle next to them, their combined strength succeeding in sending it on top of the Ghostface, just in time as he fires a shot that goes into the ceiling while he falls under its weight. "Run! Go! Run!" Tara yells as police sirens wail outside while the Carpenter sisters take their last chance to book it out of the store.
"Let's go." One officer says as he splits out of his car.
"Going around back." A second officer informs as he flanks around the store. Sam and Tara turn around, expecting to finally be the one's who witness a Ghostface killer to be spotted early. However, they're not so lucky, seeing the back door close with a loud creek where the suspect had fled the scene....
...Leaving behind a mask.
Meanwhile: Hortense Tower Apartment Complex
"Oh, there we go...." Y/N moans as he fully lays his back on Quinn's bed, his pants unzipped and right below his knees/thighs. He grips Quinn's hair hard as she hums in response, feeling the twitch in his body as she allows him to shove her head all the way down.
Once finished, Quinn swallows everything, wiping her mouth with a chuckle. "See? I told you there was a reason they kept coming back..." She pridefully remarks, re-fixing her sleeping robe as she lays next to him on the bed. "Now, can we finally get the good par-"
Quinn's actual phone starts ringing, causing her to mentally groan as she sees it coming from her father. "It's my dad." She informs Y/N, hinting that this means his big chase scene is over. With that potentially breaking news eventually, Y/N pulls up his pants and re-zips them, listening to what his hook-up says while on the phone. "Yeah, dad?"
"It's done, and I was actually close to blowing their brains out myself as well." Wayne reports to his kid, grumbling at the missed opportunity to finish the job right then and there. "But that also means we're still going as planned, wait for my call in the morning."
"Mmm-Hmm, got it dad."
"And Quinn?" Wayne says before she potentially hangs up. "Be careful around L/N, love you." He warns in a fatherly voice. Quinn glances at Y/N, glad she didn't have to find a way to lie about that. Judging by his suspicion, she probably expects for her dad to do a background check on Y/N, just for the sake of making sure they aren't betrayed. Thankfully, Quin has the feeling she's.... convinced Y/N not to do that.
"Love you, too." Quinn replies before eventually tapping the red button. She then turns to face Y/N, sharing the status with her new Ghostface partner. "Dad's manage to put them on the witness list, no way are they getting out of New York City."
Y/N creeps a very early smirk at the news, very pleased. "Great.... I was worried I'd miss out on all the fun." He quips as he goes to sneak out of the room while giving Quinn a satisfied smile, having lied about heading to the bathroom this whole time.
"I'll see you in the morning then....."
(A/N) And there we go..... man, that was long. Anyway, now that Wayne's had his fun, it's Y/N's turn to dawn the Ghostface mask for the next day.
Oh yeah, I decided to go with Zack Cherry's three-day theory for the sake of making sure each member of the killing trio got their fair share of Ghostface screen-time. In spite of that, however, the plan will operate a little different that how it did in the movie.
Anyway, plz vote and comment, and I'll see you in the next one.
Plz, Wattpad, don't take down my story :(
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