Chapter 10: Nice Twist, Huh?
NYC: Abandoned Theater
Agent Reed takes Chad, Tara, and Sam over to an alleyway behind the massive building, where they then come across the elevator. The lock accepts the card and the old elevator takes them down into what's below, something that the others only heard of this shrine still weren't expecting.
With a beep, the elevator opens, and they definitely find a bunch of Ghostface related stuff, even if they've only heard of what's happened back then, the clues are everywhere around them. Of course, the stuff that was mentioned earlier, but there's also stuff like Jill Roberts's ripped out hair, Principal Himbry's massive scissors, props from the hold Ohio collage, some of the fake knifes from the Stab 3 set, and still a lot more. "I cleared the whole place before you got here." mentions as everyone piles in, looking in awe at the place around them.
"They have everything..." Chad mentally notes in shock, noticing his Uncle Randy's old shirt from the video store, as well as the late Dewey's old badge and gun. How the heck does someone get all this stuff? Isn't it supposed to be locked away in some kind of evidence room somewhere?
"So, this is the only way in or out." Kirby brings everyone's attention back to the game plan, pointing to the elevator. "He steps in through the first door, both doors lock automatically, trapping him inside." She tells them with a small grin on her face, staring at the trap right in front of her. "We turn it into a kill box."
Sam glances down with a considering expression, crossing her arms. "Weapons?" She asks Kirby.
"One gun, and I hold onto it." Kirby plainly answers, causing Sam to roll her eyes. She opens her mouth, but the agent speaks before her. "I am the only one with a badge here and that's the way it's gonna be." She states before anyone can protest, and the others keeps silent, though shifting where they stand. "We're safe here."
Well, Sam already knows she can't suggest anything else, so she just takes off her jacket, noticing the increased heat, and reaches for her phone. "I'm gonna check in with Mindy, see if they're close." She tells the others, and everyone then silent splits up. After her and Tara lay their jackets on a random spot they'll see them from, Sam then calls Mindy's contact.
It takes a while, the phone ringing a interesting number of times, but by the time Sam is alone in the shrine room, it just goes to voicemail. "Hey, you've reached me, leave a message." The automatic Mindy says, definitely not the thing Sam wanted to hear.
She mentally swears, turning around the stage she's walked onto where she finds a bunch of mannequins wearing Ghostface costumes, just without the mask. The obvious assumption would be that these are the old killers' costumes they wore during their respective killing sprees, and the masks of course have been used as messages of the police. However, Sam the notices that there's still one mask still remaining in its place, appearing in the dead center to his old partner to his right, holding a still bloody knife.
Billy Loomis.
Elsewhere In the Theater:
It doesn't take long before Kirby gets a bad feeling as she does a swift patrol around the theater. She knows that there's another entrance for the killer to use, and she's gonna use their arrogance against them.
Then she hears a sound, briefly pausing, Kirby then takes more cautious steps towards the small thud, her hand hovering over her gun's holster. The footsteps then grow louder and louder, someone else is definitely here. Then.... right as someone appears into view, she rapidly whips it out. "Hey!" She loudly calls out, and the figure jumps, raising his hands.
"Geez, don't shoot!" Y/N quickly replies with wide eyes as he practically freezes with his hands up. It's now a slight tense situation with Y/N still standing there as Kirby keeps her gun trained on him, eyes squinting as she wonders if he came through the second entrance. "Hey, hey, we're cool, we're cool, right?" He shakenly asks, trying his best not to get shot too early.
"Door's trapped, how'd you get in here?" Kirby interrogates, pointing her weapon right between Y/N's eyes. "And where the heck is Ethan and Mindy?" She then asks the even bigger question, tightening the hold on her grip.
"I think you know." Y/N remarks, suddenly dropping his innocent expression. It's at that moment, when a similar Ghostface appears from the shadows and knocks Kirby over the head with a brick. The FBI Agent immediately falls to the ground, cold. Y/N then drops his hands, planting them on his knees as he lets out a massive sigh of relief. "That was a close one..." He comments as he stands back up straight, taking a deep breath.
The Ghostface takes off her mask again, looking at him with a crazy smile. "Are you sweating?" Quinn teasingly asks, prompting him to give her an unamused look. She laughs and just nods her head over back to the task at hand.
"You ready to finish this?"
"He was such a good boy, wasn't he?" A old females voice then rings out in her head. Sam closes her eyes, now distressed. No, they're back, why are they back? "Though, I don't really think that old mask doesn't really deserve this much attention."
"Fuck, no...." Sam silently swears, she thought she was finally done with her old family.
"Sam, look at me." The woman demands in a motherly voice. Eventually, Sam slowly opens her eyes as she looks up at the reflection in the casing that holds the old costume. Nancy Loomis, staring at her with that unearning smile on her face, matched with her crazy eyes. The bullet hole is still in her forehead. "This is our family we're talking about, now is not to time to shut us out." She then states to her.
"This is not the time..." Sam manages to mutter, turning around to get back to the others. However, her grandmother's voice pulls her back to her reflection.
"You're not safe here, sweetie, and you know it." Mrs. Loomis tells her with that bone-chilling glare in her eyes. "Someone like you should be smarter than this, grab my boy's knife, and clear this place of any vermin that dare hurt our family." She strongly, strongly advises her. Sam glances down at the blade in the mannequin's hands, the other half of her mind reminding her that the knife, though corroded, is the only other weapon in the room that isn't hidden behind strong layers of glass. Her hand reaches out, and she opens up the display. Nancy nods with a smile as she takes the last means of self-defense.
"Excellent choice."
Elsewhere In the Theater:
"Are you sure this is going to work?" Quinn Bailey queries with a raise brow as the two get to work putting on another prosthetic for Y/N on his shirt, now supposed to look like it's full of stab wounds. She loves the sadistic creativity and all, but the final preparations is getting her very anxious, and she doesn't want this last minute addition to possibly spoil anything.
"Hey, your 'body' made everyone scream like little girls, I think this will be fine." Y/N mentions with a look, mentally asking her to retain her faith in him for this couple more minutes. Quinn sighs, not wanting to start disappointing him now.
"Whatever you say..." She remarks with a shrug as she helps him with the finishing touches. Now while the shirt's blood does look still, the detail on it and the chaos that will spiral will be enough to prevent anyone from noticing just like in the apartment.
"Now, ain't that a beauty?" Y/N quips with a grin as he then zips up his jacket, the fake blood splashes no longer visible until someone rips it apart. Quinn's phone then dings, and she pulls it under her cloak to see that it's a text message, whatever it is causes her to frown. "What is it?" Y/N asks upon noticing it.
"It's my dad, for the fourth time tonight about the same thing." Quinn tells him, giving him a knowing look before she then types in a quick reply. "He wants to make sure we have everything set up, the usual." She then mentions, her eye pointed towards the projector in the room.
"Ah, right, now it's time for that." Y/N nods with a small point, turning around so they can focus on the small thing to help build their atmosphere. He then grabs a piece of film and scans the device in front of him, suddenly starting to feel a little too young as he awkwardly turns to her.
"How do you work this thing?"
"Kirby?" Sam calls out to as she turns around, however, not only is the room now even more empty of people, but she gets no response. She slowly walks back, towards the locked door, not liking this at all. "Kirby!" She calls out louder, but still doesn't get anything.
Now, as she walk down the steps, and the narrow way in the center, her bad feeling shifts to one of feeling as if she's being watched. The shadows whisper around her, as she then glances around for potential figures dashing behind display casings and mannequins. Then... her cell phone rings, the noise causing her to mentally jump with a gasp. She breathes in and out as she answers the call without looking at the contact, prepared for a Ghostface taunt or someone else. "Hello?"
"Get everyone out of there, Sam, you're not safe." Wayne Bailey quickly instructs her as the sound of door creek emits in the background, hinting that the detective on his way here now. "I heard from the Atlanta field office. They said Agent Reed's been on a downward spiral since 2019."
Sam is almost unable to keep up with the detective as he tries warning her with words coming in at rapid paces. "What are you talking about?"
"After an incident with one of the Woodsboro families related to the murders two years ago, they fired Kirby two months before now for being mentally unstable." Wayne tells her as he sounds to be getting in his car, complimented with a loud beeping noise. "She's no longer with the FBI."
Sam emits a gasp as she realizes the actual scenario she and the others are in, this whole theater's the actual kill box! She quickly runs to the door, trying to use her knife to cut away at the lock, hopefully breaking it apart so they can escape this place. However, the power goes off before she can, and she snaps around, holding up her weapon as the projector the flicks on, producing the only light in the entire room.
"Alright, sweetie, your turn! Open your present!" A Motherly voice comes in from the screen as Sam looks up and takes small steps towards the where the projector is showing off its new film. "That one, yes, right there."
"Why's this the last one?" A little girl asks as she appears on the screen as she walks over and picks up a wrapped-up box. Sam eventually notes that this isn't actually movie, but appears to be more like a home video. "I hear only showoffs request for their presents to be last."
"Wow, what a jab at your family, sweetie." A older man's voice quips with a small chuckle. The girl gives the off-screen father a look before looking at the camera, noticing both it and everyone else to be watching her. "Come on, your brother handpicked it for you." The man mentions, and the girl looks curiously at the person holding camera.
"Oh shit...."
Tara comes across what clearly was the concession stand for this theater, some of its old snacks for sale still standing around, the coke machines probably filled with no longer cold liquids that have to be at least a decade old.
When she hears a sudden tap coming from the stand, Tara freezes. A few human hands then slowly rise from the other side, seemingly not deciding to not randomly touch someone while their distracted, then emitting a loud violin que. Then, the person who own those hands slowly appear to Tara. Y/N L/N.
"You good? I was hoping I didn't jumpscare you." Y/N softly mentions as he then fully stands up, confirming his presence to the extremely surprised Tara. "I'm glad I finally caught up to you." He comments with a grin as he walks up, only to stop once she takes a shaky step back. "What?" He asks with a tilt of his head, thinking they already solved this problem back at the park.
"I-I'm sorry, it's just..." Tara breathes in and out, the fear not leaving her body. "Where did you come from?" She then semi-interrogates him, knowing that Kirby had booby-trapped the only way in, and him getting here first doesn't sound right. "And where are the others?"
"Right, that, um..." Y/N rolls up his lips, nervously glancing at other places. "I... might have purposefully neglected to mention the other way inside." He then admits, making a face as he hopes she's not mad at him. "It was, like, a weird tactic to expose the killer if they knew where it was, that kind of thing." He then explains before glancing down. "Ghostface.... attacked us, I was the only-"
"Other way inside? Kirby said that the elevator was the only way in." Tara brings up before he can finish the last sentence. Her face doesn't appear mad at all, rather, she's more confused but lightly weary.
"There is, I can literally show you if you want." Y/N persists, even offering to prove his claim as he points behind Tara. The Carpenter is now even more bewildered than before. Why did Kirby not mention this? Does she not trust them or something? "Tara? What's up with you?"
"Something's wrong..." Tara mutters, her senses have now been re-exhilarated as her previous feeling of calm before the storm have advanced to the latter, except it's a much hairier storm than she realized. "Something's-"
"Hey, hey, pause on that for a second." Y/N quickly intervenes, comfortingly holding her arms with both hands, something Tara doesn't protest to. "I hear you, let's, um.... I guess, mentally prepare ourselves, is what I'm looking for, and find the others. Knowing the killer, he probably plans to use the same pathway." He then suggests, his hands moving up to hold her face. Tara lets in another exhale before nodding to him. "Hey..." He softly lifts her chin up, the two look at each other as the former scans the expression on the girl's face.
He slowly leans in, planting his lips on hers. It's a weird feeling on both sides, for separate reasons. "I'm surprised you let me do that." Y/N comments, a scanning look on his face. "How do you know I'm not the killer?"" He teasingly asks her in a low voice, the two showing a collective smile.
"Because I just do." Tara replies with that way too innocent look on her face. The two lean in again....
Then he suddenly screams in Tara's face as a squishy noise echoes in the room. Tara eventually starts screaming in terror as well as Y/N is forced around to face the Ghostface that's appeared out of nowhere. The killer then rips apart Y/N's jacket and stabs him many more times, Tara's body jumps up upon each and every impact the stabs make.
"Tara!" Chad yells from the background as she hears Tara's every loud screaming that probably the entire theater can hear. As he comes in, slamming the door open, Ghostface stabs Y/N one last time before throwing him to the ground.
The others look down and see Y/N's toros completely cut and torn apart, his gashes too much for him to handle as he chokes and coughs on the ground, staring deep at Tara, who depressingly reaches her arm out to him. Eventually, his body goes still on the floor. The Ghostface then wipes the blood off his blade in front of them before charging at Tara.
As the killer lunches at Tara with a angry growl, Chad intercepts them and pulls them away. The Ghostface doesn't take that too lightly however, and swipes the knife at him. Chad ducks it and then catches the next one that comes his way, grabbing the killer's knife arm with the other hand and dragging them over to a wall where he smashes their body against the glass display for the Stab poster.
The killer quickly stands back up and once again swipes their knife towards him, however, Chad ducks again and socks him in the face with his right fist. Once Ghostface falls to the ground, he follows up with a kick to the ribs, causing the killer to grunt. With the villain down for the count for the few moments, Chad turns to Tara. "Tara, let's go." He encourages, leading him to the door opposite from the killer. When he opens it, he almost gets accidently tackled by a sprinting Sam.
They scream at the sight of her knife, mistaking her for someone else, but quickly recognize her and they keep running. "Come on, go, go, go, go, go!" Chad yells as they bolt it down the hallway, the killer slowly getting up to give chase.
He barely manages to get far however, as the survivors have a head start. Well, kind of. "It's Kirby, she's the killer." Sam tells the others as they quickly look around for a exit.
"No shit!" Chad agreeingly remarks, the way Ghostface quickly got inside kind of clued that in their brain as well. Oh, and the fact that they've been screaming for two minutes and she's fucking nowhere! He runs for the gate, but is quickly disappointed.
"That's locked." Sam tells him, quickly shooting that plan down as he raises his hands up, ready to quit. He knew this was a bad idea.... "Come on." Sam nods her head elsewhere, seemingly having something in mind.
"Are we trapped?!"
As son as the door closes, Y/N re-opens his eyes and sees a very knocked down, costumed Quinn Bailey on the floor. He winces a bit at the sight and makes his way over to her. "Hey, baby, you okay?" He asks as he lightly taps her on the black fabric. Quinn grunts a bit as she slowly nods.
"That fucking.... dick." Quinn growls, her mask slides off as she starts forcing herself up, with Y/N slightly helping her as he gets the feeling that her head still needs a second to tell her body to stand up straight. "He's the next one to die, period."
"Obviously." Y/N notes with a grin. He briefly separates from her to grab his bag behind the count and pull out his Ghostface costumed mixed with Mickey Altieri's mask. "But, honestly, what did you think was gonna happen? Chad pretty much prepared himself after getting his ass kicked by Amber Freeman from last time." He comments as he slips the robe and cloak on, giving her a amused chuckle.
"Yeah, I figured that one out." Quinn remarks with a slight frustrated voice, causing Y/N to make a face as he decides not to press her buttons anymore. Though, that definitely means she's gotten into the Ghostface mood. "You ready?" She then queries with a twist of her neck, an excited grin on her face.
"Of course." Y/N confirms as he grabs his own Buck 120 Hunting Knife. "And once we're done, and the whole frame up shit is over, we're gonna please that drive of yours and have sex for at least an hour as if this was the final chapter in a fanfiction." He then quips, as Quinn giggles, both amused and slightly cringing at that comment.
"Alright, I'm gonna circle around, you keep to your stealth and gut that Wanna-Be Alpha the second you get an opening." He advises as he goes the opposite door of where Chad, Tara, and Sam fled to. Quinn gives an odd look as she watches him leave.
"Alpha, really?"
"She made this whole theater a kill box, for us." Sam shares her guess with the others as they keep scanning for some type of exit or way to fight back against the killer, besides the obvious. After all, there's most likely more of them.
"Hey, what about that?" Tara quickly points upwards, bringing everyone's attention to a bright red sign hovering over a door bringing in some light with some satisfactory words. "There's an exit door. Maybe it leads to the roof or something?"
"Yeah, there's only one way to find out." Chad remarks as he physically encourages the others to keep moving, the more they stand and look, the more likely they become sitting ducks. "Let's go, let's go."
"Bailey's on the way, but-"
Before Sam can finish that sentence, Ghostface hops down from the stage with a grunt, having already appeared right in front of them. He swipes his blade at Tara, who falls to the floor in order to duck, then at Sam, who's reaction is slightly the same, her knife slipping out of her hands as she falls. "Oh, fuck!"
The next one is Chad, who once again ducks to avoid the hard knife that manages to decapitate the mannequin's head instead of his. "Beheadings!" Chad exclaims, turns out Mindy was right. He then dodges the next one and uses the moment to tackle him to the floor.
"Tara! Come on!" Sam pulls her sister back up as the two continue up the steps while Chad grabs a camera to once again knock a killer over the head.
"Smile for the camera, motherfucker!" Chad wrathfully quips as he uses Kenny's old camera to bash Ghostface's mask with it, sending the killer back to the floor with another grunt. Chad then joins up with Sam and Tara and they continue to flee from the slashers.
"I thought he said he wasn't gonna get me any gifts." The very young, teen girl from the video becomes audible again as the three breeze past the curtains, quickly snapping their heads around for a pathway to use.
"This way! Come on!" Tara points them over to a door where they quickly sprint to find a very narrow hallway. Ghostface pops back up the second they go through the doorway and gives chase.
"Yeah, well, once you got so interested in this house, I had to change my plans." A teenage boy, sounding slightly older then chimes in. The three survivors run with Tara's shoulder hitting the wall with a very loud grunt, Ghostface sort of does so as well as he rapidly follows them down the hallway.
Chad quickly twists his torso around as he then chucks the camera at the killer. "Get fucked!" He barks as the impact of the hard object, causing Ghostface to fall back a little. Everyone then finds themselves back at the concession stand. Chad knocks down the massive container of popcorn, briefly putting a dent in Ghostface's tracks.
However, he simply steps to the side, and then begins swiping at his chest again, threating to tear a deadly gash in his jacket. He puts him against the wall, where Chad grips the knife as Tara and Sam then grab onto his arms. Chad shoves and the girls pull him away, but Ghostface uses this to his advantage and drags them onto the concession stand. Their lower backs in the counter, causing a brief moment of pain, but before he can follow up, Chad sweeps in and punches him in the face, sending the killer to the floor once again. As he tries to get back up, Tara roars and kicks him square in the mask, causing him to stay there with a groan. "Tara, go! Go!" Chad instructs them as he lifts up the gumball machine, lifting it over the killer's head.
However, as Sam and Tara go to run away, they hear Chad screaming in agony. They turn around to see a second Ghostface, now having their knife planted in Chad's side. "NO!" Tara screams, but Sam recognizes the threat and pulls her back as the other Ghostface stands back up, the two killers surrounding Chad as he tries to stand up. "CHAD!"
The two lift Chad up to his knees and begin viciously tearing into the poor man's flesh, stabbing and stabbing collectively together until there's no more cuts and stab marks for the two Ghostface killers to plant on his torso area. "Run..." Chad lets out, despite bleeding from the mouth. "Go..." He pleadingly tells them before they join in to. The killers continue to mercilessly rip him apart with their blades, before eventually getting bored and dropping him to the floor. They then turn to Sam and Tara before simultaneously wiping the blood off their knives. The two eventually snap out of it and run towards the same door where their chase began.
"This way, up here, come on." Sam guides the now emotional Tara towards the ladder that could lead them to the alternative exit. However, a Ghostface appears on the stage once again and cuts them off. They frantically turn around, but the other one is there, waggling her knife and shaking her head at them.
"Come on, quit stalling and open it!" The boy's voice on the screen excitedly encourages the little girl, causing the Ghostface on the stage to stop his marching and slowly turns towards the film, as if reliving an old memory. Whatever drew the killer's attention, is enough to draw the others' as well. The girl rolls her eyes and opens up the present, once she sees the Blue Ray DVDs, her eyes glow and she jumps up with excitement.
"Oh my gosh, ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!" The little girl exclaims with so much glee that it could end up cracking the camera's screen. She then runs up to the camera holder and gives him a big old hug.
"Come on, Amber, what do you tell your big brother?" The Ghostface glances down, before looking back at the sisters with dark eyes. He lifts down his hood, before putting his free hand on his mask, and slowly removing it. Sam and Tara watch in shock as the first killer is revealed to be Y/N L/N.
"Thank you, Y/N!"
With that, Y/N then pulls out a remote and presses a button, shutting the projector off. Now there's silence, as Y/N takes slow steps down the tiny stairs, his partner simple keeping the girls trapped, any reaction not visible thanks to her mask. "It was... you?" Tara finally utters out as Y/N chuckles amused, her face displaying all of the betrayal he wants to see.
"Aw, why the long face, tiger? Don't you know history repeats itself?" Y/N quips with a mocking grin. He then rips off the straps of his robe and begins taking this sweaty outfit off. "And now, thanks to Kirby setting this little kill box just for us, we're gonna finish the job." He states as he tosses the Ghostface costume to the side. "In one good finale, it's called, 'How will Sam and Tara die?!' " He aggressively yells with the voice changer in his mouth.
"No, no, no, no, babe, that's the game she plays with me." Y/N casually replies to Tara's outburst, pointing at the other Ghostface killer, who just nods. "This one's for you, and you already lost." He growls, stepping closer to Tara as he puts the tip of his blade on Tara's chin, the other killer keeping Sam put with their knife on her back.
"You're not gonna get away with this." Sam claims in a low, angry voice, causing Y/N to slightly turn to her with his knife still on Tara. "Whoever you're planning to frame, the police are gonna find a slip up in your plan."
"That's why we have law enforcement among our team." Y/N retorts with a sinister smirk, caressing the blade across Tara's chin, up to her cheek. "But I don't want to talk about all that shit, lets talk about you!" He advises as he leaves a small graze on Tara's cheek, causing her to whimper. "About how some of you actually thought you were safe, how none of you actually bothered to check the news, how you, and this is the worst one, actually had Anika go last on the ladder." He mentions, letting out a long whistle. "Now that was low, even for me."
"Fact's the same, You're gonna burn for this, eventually." Sam growls, as Ghostface holds her back from trying to get in his face, causing Y/N to roll his eyes. "You and I both know that." She promises, Y/N doesn't seem to be bothered by that, and instead just lets out a fake gasp.
"Is this your attempt at foreshadowing?" Y/N playfully questions with a smirk, before his expression swiftly changes as he turns back to Tara, his knife pointed at her eye. "You know, out of everyone that was responsible, you weren't too bad." He admittedly comments. "I mean, shooting little sis in the head, it makes sense. But, before that, fucking Gale, the bitch, Weathers actually had the nerve to lie in that book of hers." He seethes through gritted teeth. "I saw her body in the morgue, she wrote it as a simple gunshot, when I saw with my own two eyes that she was FUCKING BURNED ALIVE!" He suddenly roars out, causing the sisters to actually flinch. "That reminds me..."
He briefly steps away from the group, marching over to a slightly open chest where he finally pulls out the character that's been missing for the entire second and third act, Gale Weathers, tied up with gaffe tape and all. "Gale!" Sam calls out as Gale tries speaking only for it to be muffled thanks to the tape, but the Ghostface stops both of them by pointing her knife threatenly before they can run to her.
"It was insisted that she was kept alive so we can draw you two into our cat and mouse games." Y/N mentions with slight bitterness, not explaining on who that was. "However, I think now we can finally agree that her use, is up." He notes with a sanguine expression, tossing her to the floor before once again marching elsewhere. The Carpenters sisters watch him pull out an entire gallon of gasoline and open its cap. "Sprinkle, sprinkle, sprinkle~" He hums as he pours gasoline across the entire place. He's been waiting for permission to do this all week. Lastly, once he's feels like he's at the end of his jar, he looms over Gale and pours the rest on top of her as she's unable to move thanks to how restrained she is, an eye for a fucking eye! A couple seconds later, Y/N then abruptly kicks her across the head, the impact of the back of it hitting the floor as well is enough to put her back to sleep. "Bitch...."
"I can definitely see the resemblance," Tara angrily remarks, managing to form some kind of glare despite her face stained with so many tears. "You're a monster.... just like she was." She growls, the line causes to Y/N to sigh.
"Incorrect." Y/N says as he tosses the can aside. "No, Amber was a sick fuck, who did it because of Ghostface. Y/N is a sick fuck who wants to get rid of Ghostface, yeah!" He retorts, holding his knife a rockstar would hold a microphone for a couple seconds. "Besides, you're the one who kissed a monster, but..." He holds his blade up to his mouth, pretending to shush her. "That'll be our little secret." He mockingly whispers.
"So that's it? Your entire spree is justified now?" Tara bitterly questions, her black expression showing at she really feels at finally seeing the real Y/N. "Amber Freeman was the one who invaded my home, stabbed me through the hand, torso, and broke my fucking leg!"
"Yeah, well back then, SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE THAT WAS REAL!" Y/N yells back, quickly shutting Tara up, much to his satisfaction. He reaches into his pocked and presses on the remote again, and the family video continues. "The only one who ever picked a fight with me in high school was the school bully." He maunders, briefly closing his eyes. "Oh, when she found out, I will never forget the look on her face when I came back with a black eye, punished by the teachers while he got scott free. One day later, she dragged me to her room, gave a knife that... fucking costume. We were in the woods, where the school 'menace' was tied up to a tree, pissing his pants at the sight of us." He laughs crazily at the memory. "That's when I had my first kill, twenty-eight stab wounds. Every time the blade went into him, it was like, he wasn't even human, he was an animal, and the more I did it, he then become less. He was simply.... meat." He finishes with a cherry on top. "Once New York is long behind us, we're gonna find Sidney Prescott, start skinning her kids alive right in front of her, then her dipshit Mark, and then... she'll finally be willing to die. Then, I'll go fetch a vacation."
Suddenly, gunshots go off in the room, causing everyone to duck for a second before Y/N ends up laughing. "You hear that? Our partner is here." He playfully announces, jokingly shushing the two as the killers all flee into separate hiding places.
"It's okay!" Kirby Reed, finally back and little more worse for wear, shouts as she finally returns after at least five minutes of Ghostface action that she somehow missed. The timing however, still isn't proving to be in her favor.
"Stay the fuck back!" Sam barks as Kirby starts marching down the stairs, there's to many reveals coming in, that it makes her brain incapable of trusting anyone at this moment. Despite Y/N's reveal, there's still the two others and she and Tara can't help but falling into this game that the trio is obviously playing with them. "Just, j-just stay back for a five minutes."
Kirby, semi-out of breath, stammers as she tries giving a response, clearly more confused than they are right now. "One of them... knocked me out." She manages to tell them, the blood on her face does support it, but after seeing all the shit killers go through to fake their innocence, Sam still needs a moment to process what's happening.
"Kirby, stop!" Wayne Bailey shouts as he jogs inside, now also having made it to the theater. "Get away from the girls!" He orders as he marches over and points his gun at Kirby, apparently still thinking she's the killer.
"What are you doing?" Kirby shakenly questions as she raises her weapon at him in response. The two now stay at a standoff with Sam and Tara potentially caught in the crossfire, oh, and the killers still lurking the shadows, probably having this moment with a side of fifty-year- old popcorn.
"Did you kill Quinn?" Wayne questions back, looking at Kirby with red in his eyes. "Did you kill my daughter?!"
"Jesus Christ!" Kirby exclaims, finding the entire accusation as crazy as Ghostface himself. She then looks at the sisters. "Whatever he's been saying to you, don't listen to him." She tells them, now looking at Wayne with her own glare. "He's probably the killer."
Then... one of the Ghostface pops out and charges towards the detective. "BEHIND YOU!" Kirby shouts as a warning, but instead, Wayne just centers his aim and shoots her, putting three bullets in her chest. Kirby falls and the sisters gasp while the Ghostface then stops, lowering their knife and casually standing by Wayne.
As Sam and Tara turn to Wayne with wide eyes, the detective smirks as the other Ghostface playfully slides her knife back up to their palm. "Great job." Wayne compliments with a nod, as Y/N then also comes out of his hiding place with a very amused grin on his face, standing next to the other side of Wayne. "Both of you."
"You?" Tara utters surprised, her confusion is in complete physiological circles, and the killers are loving it. They clearly didn't expect the father of one of the victims to be one of the murderers.
"Yeah, of course me." Wayne casually replies, giving them a look that criticizes them for not guessing it sooner. I mean, who else could've pulled that entire stunt in the bodega store? A college student? Fat chance. "Frankly, I expected more of the two of you after what you did to us."
"What do you mean, 'us'?" Tara questions with raised brows as Wayne and Y/N share a look.
"It's a sequel to Amber and Richie, Tara, keep up!" Y/N playfully criticizes, shooting himself in the head with a finger gun as Wayne brakes into laughter.
"I set up all of this, the murders, the chaos, the distrust, all to finally kill you, Sam." Wayne tells her with a hint of passion, clearly not regretting a single bit of it. "In return, I let Y/N have you for last. Because if it was up to me, would've been the first to go." He mentions, giving the younger sister a menacingly glare. Then reaches into his jacket, pulling out a familiar item. "This was your grandmother's mask, Nancy Loomis." He tells them as he throws the item to the ground in disgust. "Quite the legacy she left behind."
"Wait, If it's you two, that just leaves..." Sam utters as the final and third Ghostface, who tilts their head at the two. "Ethan?" She manages to let out a guess, the other two killers smile as their partner finally takes off their mask, and a row of bright red hair flies out after finally getting some open space.
"Hey, roomies." Quinn Bailey, breathing and walking, looks at them with unhinged smile. Once again, they've blown the Carpenter sisters' minds out of proportion, and the trio is eating up their shocked reactions. "You didn't see that one coming, did you?"
"Yeah, because you died!" Tara remarks after finding her voice back, trying to get herself back together.
"Kind of didn't." Quinn points out, idly playing with her knife as Wayne glances at her with a proud smile. "Though.... It was a good way to get off the suspect list." She mentions. "Slice open Danny Bracket, cut Ethan Laundry's throat, stab Mindy on the train, that kind of thing." She admits, giving the two a playful smirk.
"Yep, and I just made sure I was first on the scene so I could switch her body out with a fresh one." Wayne proudly explains to the others, it definitely wasn't an easy thing to do, he can tell you that. Quinn and Y/N also share a secret glance at each other, there was a lot more than that after. "Little fake blood, a prosthetic...." Wayne gives the two a look, and Y/N and Quinn both circle split to begin circling around Sam and Tara. "You'd be amazed at what a grieving father can get away with."
"I got Stu Macher's mask." Quinn then practically shows it off to the two in her other hand, smiling at the thing while keeping her eye on the two. "He was my favorite." She mentions as she places it on a mannequin rocking his infamous red robe.
"This is Mickey Altieri's mask." Y/N chimes in as he shakes in his free hand, grinning just like the devil he references. "I always feel like he and I shared the same mind, you know?" He comments as he sets it on the mannequin wearing his black shirt, still filled with bullet holes. "Nice...."
"That's number three..." Wayne points at the Mickey mask. "That's two..." Then at Stu Macher's. "Which just leaves..." He then reaches into his jacket again and pulls out another one. "Your father's." The one and only is now facing both Sam and Tara, who look at it with slightly mixed faces. "This is what we've been counting down to, Sam." He tells her with an evil smirk. "I'm gonna need you to put it on."
He extends it over to Sam, needing her to have it on before they finally get rid of her for everything that's happened. However, she just smacks it away instead. "Fuck you!" She curses in his face, almost gritting her teeth. Her reaction earns her a slice on the arm, curtesy of Y/N's blade as punishment as Wayne laughs.
"You stay the fuck away from her!" Tara barks at Y/N, who just teasingly continues walking around, even making ghost impressions to sadistically mock them.
"What? What is this?" Sam turns to the detective, asking him in a whisper while holding the cut on her arm. "You did this as families to the people of Woodsboro?"
"Hell yeah, bitch! You should know better than anyone!" Quinn growls as she marches towards them with such anger, it makes Y/N have to wrap a arm around her to pull her back before she tears them apart too early. Sam acts calm, but they can see her and Tara taking a step back in fear.
"Not yet, baby... They still need to know who killed Mindy and Chad." Y/N whispers in Quinn's ear, though loud enough for the others to hear. The way he softly kisses her hair is enough to calm her down, though it makes Tara glare at him in even more betrayed anger. A Freeman falling for a Kirsch, history really does repeat itself. "They need to listen to a father's motive, since neither of them have one."
"You..." Tara growls, but Y/N quickly snaps the tip of his blade at her, threatening to leave a matching graze on her other cheek.
"Look, I don't know what you believe, but I didn't commit those murders in Woodsboro. It wasn't me!" Sam testifies to them, mostly turning to Wayne as she says that, seemingly being the mastermind of this whole operation.
"Oh, we know that, of course you didn't." Wayne confirms, waving it off. "What, you think is based on some bullshit conspiracy theory?" He questions her, really wondering if she actually believed that guess from Kirby. She should know, they have a little more sense than that. "Come on, who do you think started the rumors about you in the first place?" He brings up, and Quinn then raises her knife-hand, the two looking at her as she gives them a sinister smirk.
"Do you know how easy it was to turn Sam from the hero of Woodsboro into the villain?" Quinn monologues, the stuff she said on her first post had only one piece of evidence, and it was still enough for them to buy it. "How easy it is to convince the world to believe in the worst of people rather than the best?"
"Because it's not enough to just frame someone, you gotta give the world the perfect motive for them to believe in." Y/N adds, pulling out his voice changer and tossing it onto Kirby's body. "So when Mr. Bailey, who arrived to scene a little too late, finds your horribly mutilated bodies..." He lays it all out, during which, Quinn lunges at Tara, with her knife, causing her to jump while he purposefully misses. "...He'll then spot Kirby Reed standing in front them, and long-story short, he had to gun her down. She attacked him first, and there's a lot of 'weird' stuff in that van of hers." He adds with a wink.
"Exactly! That's why it's the perfect alibi!" Wayne proudly notes, clearly very confident in this plan of this. "And all the best lies are based on the truth." He then remarks as the sisters turn to him. "And you're a killer." He points at Samantha. "Just like your father."
"No, I'm not!"
"Yes, you are, YOU MOTHERFUCKER! YOU KILLED MY BROTHER!" Quinn yells into Sam's face, denying her insistent innocence until she dies, buried underground. The reveal causes the sisters to pause.
"What are you talking about?" Sam asks in a low voice, still clearly confused.
"You said your brother died in a car accident." Tara brings up, causing Quinn to give her a look and for Y/N to once again roll his eyes.
"No, no, no, you innocently, dumb thing. What part of 'keep up' don't you understand?" Y/N playfully criticizes as he taps the side of his forehead with his knife. "How do I put this...?" He then puts the tip up to his chin, teasing them with the build up. "Ah, I know. They are... Richie's Family!" He screams into the air, laughing manically. Sam and Tara look at Wayne and Quinn with even more shocking looks their faces. "Nice twist, huh? This is why I say you need to..." He then suddenly stabs Sam in the chest. "Keep up!"
The sisters try to flee, knocking down Mickey's mannequin but Y/N and Quinn successfully surround them again before they can even get anywhere. "Now! Just like Y/N, It wasn't until I saw that photograph of what you'd actually done to him that I knew." Wayne angrily cries out while Y/N plays with Tara as she tries running and fighting. "That I knew you had to fucking die! You had to be punished! Along with anyone else that stands in our way."
Anyone... Sam glances down at both the cut and stab wound on her arm and chest, before looking up at the first Ghostface she sees, Quinn with a very black expression in her eyes. "There she is...." Quinn notes as she keeps her blade against Sam's throat, recognizing that look very well. Takes one to know one. "There's the fucking killer."
"I never did find out why Amber actually wanted to fall with that bastard's requel, now I finally know. It was only because she lived with a solipsistic brother." Tara seethes, glaring at Y/N who just shrugs with a smirk. "And you..." She looks at Wayne. "Real great parenting job, by the way."
"Shut your whore FUCKING MOUTH!" Quinn screams, shoving the two back to the center a little too much as they end up falling on each other. Circling around again, Y/N keeps his arm and blade wrapped around Tara while Quinn makes sure Sam stays where she is at knifepoint.
"Have I been a perfect Dad? No." Wayne admits with a shake of his head. "Have I maybe overindulged in Richie's love of these little movies? Yeah, maybe." He also confesses as his rolls his lips. "For me, they're just a little dark. Plus, they don't make sense, right? I mean, they're a murder mystery, but the 'hero' never solves the mystery. And then the killer just announces himself at the end of the movie, that's no way to end a movie!"
"That's what I was saying." Y/N chimes in, blowing out some air. "Jason called me 'weird' for it."
"But.... Richie really loved them." Wayne maunders, starting to tear up a little as a hint of emotion creeps up in his voice. "He loved them! He even made a few of his own." He mentions, Y/N then tosses him the remote, and with press, the screen now shows a very poor man's version of the first Stab. "Did you know that? Did you know?"
"Forget about the glare." A very young Richie Kirsch then cuts into the video. "So, you guys think I didn't post a holiday special. Well, I tried to, okay? I really did try." He then says to whatever viewers he's referring to. Everyone watches, even Y/N, as Wayne starts crawling up the stairs, memorized by the screen.
"There's a very special bond between a father and his first son." Wayne tearfully states, as Quinn whips her hair, trying to hide whatever feelings she has. "Which is why I helped him build this collection." He reveals, gesturing around towards the various objects.
"This was... all his?" Sam utters as he glances around, she should've suspected as much, but her mind was too busy in other places to put two and two together.
"Yes, he's a very passionate collector." Wayne nods, extending his arms as if they cover the entire shrine before them. "I built a tribute to my son, which is why this is where you have to die, Sam."
"Haha, yes!" Y/N excitedly chuckles, finally ready to get done with the monologuing and fucking kill these two. "And once you're dead, you can burn just like way Gale and Sidney made my sister burn." He concludes with a grin. "It is gonna kill!"
"...And Y/N."
Y/N's expression drops.
Sam and Tara duck to avoid the crossfire as he quickly grabs Kirby's gun, but it's too late as Wayne immediately shoots him in the chest. Even Quinn gasps as Y/N's back falls onto a display casing as Wayne shoots him again, causing some blood to squirt out of one of the holes. "After all... Kirby still needed a partner." Wayne finishes his monologue with a sinister smirk.
After which, Y/N's finger, still on the trigger, accidently shoots the puddle of gasoline, causing it to ignite. "Q/N/N!" Quinn exclaims in shock as Y/N barely manages to turn his eyes towards her, before sliding to the ground, eyes shut.
"Dammit!" Wayne swears, as the flames immediately erupt. They begin spreading amongst the gasoline, and also start catching some of the mannequins as well. In other words, it's going to hell, fast. His vest then takes a hit, causing him to fall back as Kirby is back on her feet, having worn a bulletproof vest of her own, and now has her gun back as she marches towards Wayne with her gun trained on him.
During the chaos, Sam grabs Tara's hand, leading her to the ladder that leads to their only safety. "Come on!" Sam grabs her sister's attention and the two take off. Wayne sees them and tries to move in, but Kirby is suppression his position, forcing him to take cover.
During which, Quinn has snapped out of her daze and finds herself rushing to check on Y/N, though part of her doesn't know why. She shakes him a good bit, but the guy's body refuses to move, his eyes remain shut, and all he lets out is a small groan. "Quinn!" She hears her father loudly calling her name. "Get them!" He nods his head over to Sam and Tara, while dodging another bullet by Kirby before eventually returning fire.
Remembering Richie and the reason she's here, Quinn glances at Y/N one last time before quickly standing up and moving past the displays and fire, charging towards Sam and Tara. As they're about to climb the ladder, Tara pauses. "Wait, Gale! We can't leave Gale!" She quickly recalls and turns around, going to where she remembered Y/N threw her. However, her slightly un-even running causes her to bump into a mannequin which then falls over eventually catching fire as well.
"Tara!" Sam calls out, but before she can run towards her, the flames rise up, creating a wall that now separates the two from the obvious path. Tara gets back up, also seeing it for herself. "Shit... hold on, I'll find another-" She informing her sister until she hears a screech as sees Quinn coming towards her with knife and bloodthirsty look. She dodges the knife attack, as well as the swipe that follows, before finding a vase from the Stu Macher house and smashing it on Quinn's head. As he's temporarily down, she takes the moment to climb up the ladder.
Eventually getting up, Quinn obviously follows, climbing up the ladder to chase her down. "Get over here, you bitch!" She loudly gnaws as she grabs the bars with one hand, and someone's swinging her knife up at her with the other. Sam responds to these by occasionally putting her foot down, to kick her in the face, both don't manage to land so far.
Meanwhile, Tara manages to spot Gale Weathers on the floor from where she's standing. She runs over and slightly knees down, ripping all of the tape off before grabbing her arms and pulling her towards an area that still has a little less fire to it. However, she gets about 3 feet before someone suddenly comes in and tackles Tara to the ground with an animalistic roar. Now on the ground, back first, Tara looks up to see Y/N, teeth crimson red as his mouth carries blood in it while it sometimes drips out. Tara tries her best to break free, but Y/N's hold on her is too strong as he growls at her like a zombie.
On the other side, Wayne and Kirby still engage in their little firefight. The detective drops back to cover, having to reload as the glass above him shatters. Then, he hears silence, giving him the hint that Kirby might be temporarily empty now too. He peeks up, only to get shoot in the torso again by Kirby, having miscalculated. "Shit...." Wayne mutters as he hits the ground, gripping his shoulder where the bullet landed.
Hearing his yelp of pain, Kirby then stands up and begins marching over to his spot with her gun still aimed towards it, ready to blow his head off the second he gets back up. She circles around towards the left, flanking his position. Closer, and closer, she then has the other side of the casing in her sights.... except that there's no longer anyone there, only Wayne's gun. "What-"
Kirby is sent sideways as a blast goes off, her back hits the stage very roughly with a thud and crack. Wayne, now having a bit of fresh blood on his face, re-appears and looks down at Kirby with a smirk. "Remember this?" He quips as he cocks up the shotgun again and shoots her twice for good measure. The, he simply throws it on top of her corpse, leaving it behind with one half of her face completely blasted off.
He then looks around, trying to find a way to get to his daughter, breezing past Y/N and Tara.
Tara grips Y/N's wrists, feeling herself fading fast as her neck closes deeper and deeper the more he strangles it. Glancing side-ways, mentally pleading for something, she's rewarded when Y/N's knife slides out from his hip. She then starts trying to desperately reach for it while her lungs begin to get incapable of breathing. Eventually, her fingers touch the grip, and she manages to pull it towards her. Right as Y/N's about to twist her neck, Tara manages to then slice him in the eye with the hunting knife.
The killer screams in pain as he lets go of Tara while falling to the floor. "Argh, you BITCH!" Y/N swears with venom as he grips his now very ruined eye with one hand. Tara gets herself up, raising the knife up to finish the job. However, Y/N snaps in her direction, and his elbow smacks it aside while he punches her in the face. He stands up and with her on the ground now, he begins kicking her many times, growling like a zombie with each foot he rams into her torso, one of which knocks her into a now open casing which sends some items onto the floor.
Y/N then grabs the knife, twirling downwards the same way Amber used to do it. "You know what?!" He utters, now deciding to put it away as he instead grabs Tara and brings her on her knees, dragging her towards the fire. "I change my mind! You can join her too!" He angrily yells with petty vengeance as he leans her face towards the open fire.
"Fuck you!" Tara cures at him as she struggles against his hold once again, trying to use whatever method to keep her body away from it. Barely anything seems to work however as she feels the heat rising more and more on her skin.
"Fuck you!" Y/N replies, though a little louder. He then grips her hair and head even more, driving her closer to the flames, to the point that Tara actually starts screaming in pain. Suddenly, he lets go however, yelping as well as he falls to the side. Tara throws herself away from the fire as she looks around to see an umbrella, the same Sidney used on Billy Loomis, being carried by Gale Weathers, now having some fresher blood on the tip. She looks down at Amber's brother.
"No, fuck you."
Up above, Quinn pursuit of Sam has taken them to the bleachers above. Quinn slashes at Sam, red in her eyes, and murder on her mind. Sam dodges the two the same way she did earlier, before using a window she opens to swiftly pull out her own knife and swing at Quinn with it. She only manages to tear a narrow hole in her cloak, to which Quinn responds in turn by lunging at her with her blade.
The two go back and fourth with this, hunting knife-to-hunting knife. Quinn's strike gets blocked by Sam as the two knives meet each other with a clank, then when Sam tries to parry, Quinn dashes to the side to dodge it. Sam follows up with another one, missing again as Quinn ducks, instead only hitting air. She must've accidently put a foot too far forward, because she ends up leaning herself for the perfect shot which Quinn uses to leave a cut on her cheek.
She then lunges at her again, but Sam gets posture back together as she grabs her knife-hand before she can put it on her neck or face. As the two then engage in a small clash-lock, The old bloody knife ends up slipping out of Sam's hand and fingers, causing her to mentally swear as she now has to keep Quinn's knife away from her vitals while finding a way to get her off of her. "I've been waiting a long time for this, bitch." Quinn mentions, looking at Sam with sanguine eyes, the tip of her Buck 120 is two inches away from Samantha's jugular.
Meanwhile, Tara and Gale are now looking for a way out of the circle of fire the two have seem to be surrounded by. "And here I was, thinking I've been through everything..." Gale mutters as the two women look around for some type of failsafe or solution to their new problem. While snapping their head around, Tara's back bumps into something, she winces as she worries that she once again have accidently made their fire situation worse, however, all that falls is some kind of take. Gale recognizes it as the same gas tank Roman Bridger used to consume the frat party house in a blast of flames. It still has a little more in it, but the attention it draws causes them to see that there's no elemental wall around it that's blocking their path. Finally, a good part of the whole thing.
However, as it rolls over with a rough sound, the girls hear the bone-chilling sound of some heavy breathing. They glance at each other to see that it isn't coming from any of them, and they turn around to see a one-eyed Y/N with his most unhinged smile. Standing up as if he's just easily rising up from the dead. He then raises his hand and shows off something with vicious intent..... Tom Prinze's lighter.
"I made a promise...." Y/N growls, his voice now heavier. "An eye.... for a fucking eye..." He says as he then ignites the object and tosses it towards the gas tank.
The sudden but tiny explosion that follows causes Quinn to lose her balance thanks to the shockwave. She then slightly tilts over, and Sam uses the moment to force her away with a small kick, as uneven as it is.
Quinn grunts as she slides onto the floor, mentally pissed off at her missed opportunity. Where the heck did that even come from?! She quickly starts to get herself up, but is met with pain as Sam proves faster, having grabbed her knife and stuck into Quinn's side. She screams as Sam twists it around, letting the redhead feel the anguish while her expression having turned back to one of the killer. She eventually pulls it out and shove Quinn back onto her back, kneeling down to loom over her. "Looks like you're down another lover." Sam quips with a black look on her face, smirking as she's able to tell that Y/N had to be caught in that blast.
Quinn grits her teeth as she glares up at her, somehow unable to move in her spot. Does Sam not realize that someone else might've been in the area too, or is she fully back to her dark self? Never-the-less, Sam brings the knife up and impales it into her chest, causing Quinn to gaps as she feels the cutting in her ribcage.
A gunshot then goes off, and Sam looks up to see Wayne jogging up to the situation, pointing her gun at Sam with a father's protectiveness in his expression. "Get away from my daughter!" The detective barks as he prepares to finally put a bullet in her forehead and end this thing.
However, a random thud sound nearby draws their attention away and they see someone having come up from the ladder. It's Y/N L/N, who is still alive! "What the..." Wayne mutters, extremely confused as to how that's possible with 50% now covered in fire. Before he can raise his gun to shoot either one of them, Y/N charges at Sam with a battle cry, who does the same as she picks up her knife in hand.
In the end, both end up stabbing each other in random places before ending up tipping over the railing and their struggle causing them to fall to the floor below.
Coughing up a bit, Y/N finally gets his consciousness back once again. Despite everything, he isn't dying until he knows that the job is finished. Vison a little blurry, his eyes blink a bit until he's able to come back to his current situation. Then the heat returns, and the hissing, and the crispy sounds.
He spots Sam, also on the ground, beginning to wake up with a moan. The two still lay on the ground, seemingly still lacking the endurance to stand themselves up despite the fact that the entire theater is now covered in flames, with barely any areas left that remain untouched. They both look even worse than before. You know, when Y/N intended to burn all of Ghostface's greatest moments, he planned for it to happen at the very end, not the beginning of turds hitting the fan.
Eventually, he notices something in the center of the ring, A Buck 120 hunting knife. Which one? Who cares, he could really use it right about now. As Sam gets on her stomach, she notices it too, then her and Y/N share a look, a very menacing look.
The two then begin crawling towards the blade laying between both of them. The wounds on their legs, hips, chest, everywhere, gives them pain when they try standing up, so all they can do is crawl. They grunt and groan with each limb they force forward, the reminder of what lines were crossed for this moment to happen. It's one, or the other.
Y/N winces, now practically accepting the agony in order to beat Sam to the punch. He's so close, he can feel it, he really wants to live, only he can succeed in his dream. He reaches forward, feeling his fingers get closer and closer to the blade. Sam does so as well, pretty much just as within range as he is.
Y/N's face is suddenly squirted with blood, and it's not his. However, he didn't do it either. Sam shoots back to the floor, making choking noises as she twitches while on the floor, now laying on her back. He watches in confusion as she now seems close to bleeding out right in front of him.
Then he hears footsteps, looking up towards the stage, Y/N sees none other than Detective Wayne Bailey, or whatever the heck his name is, walking down the steps with a smoking gun still in his hands. "Nobody kills Sam, except me..." He growls, looking down at Sam with a grieving father's eyes. Now, he's staring at the wounded Y/N, who despite lasting through everything his body just took, is now pretty much helpless to the guy's judgement, and he already knows what's gonna happen since there's still two bullets in his chest. "And you, thank you very much for ruining my timeline." He angrily remarks as he aims as his forehead. "You burned the last of what I had of my son...... So now, I'm really gonna make sure you die."
"Well.... shit, I was so close." Y/N utters with a laugh interrupted with coughing, simply laying on his arms and legs, accepting his fate. "I guess despite a franchise's rules, Sidney Prescott still gets to have her happy ending." He mutters in slight disappointment, the last thing that was left on his list.
"Oh, don't worry, I'll handle that soon enough." Wayne lets him now with a sinister smirk, ejecting his clips before inserting a new one. Oddly, Y/N doesn't really find that comforting, since, you know, he wanted to do that himself. The detective then aims his gun at Y/N's skull. "Now, go and meet Amb-"
A knife impaling his neck prevents him from finishing, as the smirking Wayne is now gagging on his old blood while holding his neck is desperation of keeping it inside. However, his jugular has been punctured and there's nothing he can do. Well, except managing to turn around while on his knees to see the person in the Ghostface costume that's guilty of this. Taking it off one last time, Wayne is shocked to find his daughter, Quinn, holding the knife and looking down at him with no remorse. Y/N looks at the two in honest surprise. "W-W-Why...?" The old man manages to let out, having expected anyone else.
"You should know why, you asshole. I always planned to do this." Quinn reveals, looking at Wayne with that same kind of family-related vengeance. "You forced me to kill mom... You're the one who ruined our family!" She yells with fury before grabbing his head and stabbing him in the eyelid with it, manage to get his brain. Wayne lets out one less scream before falling to ground, now twitching as well.
With that done, Quinn now takes a couple breaths before turning to Y/N, looking down at him with a blank expression, as if not knowing what to feel. The guy on the other hand, just blinks at what he just saw. "Now, that's..." He lets out an abrupt cough. ".... a plot twist."
In spite of everything, Quinn manages to let out a half-hearted chuckle as she joins Y/N, sitting herself down on the floor, having surprisingly found herself too tired to potentially kill anyone else. Besides, the fire has pretty much now cut off all of their escape routes, so now all they can do it sit and stay low to avoid smoke that's now probably waffling the air right about now.
"So.... what now?" Quinn asks Y/N, seemingly just curious on what he's thinking more than hoping that they're actually gonna keep their freedom after how much this original plan turned into a screw-up. Y/N does recognize this scenario from one of his favorite older movies, so he decides to just use a famous ending line as his answer.
"Why don't we just.... wait here for a little while, see what happens?" Y/N simply replies, wiping his mouth from all the blood it dripped out through all tussling. Quinn just nods, not having any better ideas. As the flames grow and grow, they hear something in the distance, despite where they are, sirens.
But it's possible that they're already too late.....
(A/N) And there we go, the (maybe) Final Chapter to this book. Thank you to everyone who managed to stick with me during this small journey, despite some of you possibly feeling like you were waiting too long for more.
If ya'll want a little Epilogue, I might add a little something just to discuss certain things. A little send off with another spicy moment, depends on what you want.
Plz vote and especially comment on what you thought of the story, and I'll see you when I see you.
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